(Sulay) The Cafe

A Series of Short Stories

Lay would go down to the popular 'Angel's Cafe' for their delicious desserts, but he does admit that there is one more thing that gets him to go to the cafe everyday. That thing was one of the workers. One thing to know about the 'Angel's Cafe' was that it was known for it's delicious treats and that it was runned by six acttractive guys. The three who make everthing, dark skinned Barista, Jongin, the cute pastry chef, Minseok, and the handsome decorater, Kris. Then there are the three servers, the tall and always happy, Chanyeol, the charisma filled yet youngest, Sehun, who works at the registar, and last, but not least is his crush, the other waiter, Suho. Unlike Chanyeol, Suho is calm and is all kinds of lovely.

The first time Lay came to the cafe was when he was served by Suho. He was already handsome and cute, but his voice made him fall for him. His soft and gentle voice made Lay's heart flutter. It's stupid that he doesn't even know Suho that well, but what can he do. It's not like he can go up to him and say, "So yeah, the only reason I've been coming here is because I find your voice acttractive."

That would make him sound like a freak and since Suho doesn't know him that well either, he surely doesn't want that to be his first impression to Suho.  It may sound easy, "Just go to him and ask him to become friends." But he had thought of doing it and everytime he did, he would back out immediatly.

So instead of making afool of himself he just watches from afar, ordering his regular. A cappuccino with a cute drawing and a delicious cake. Yet, even though he comes here everyday, served by Suho, he can't help but blush or stutter when he orders. Suho just gives him butterflies whenever he smiles or just talks. He makes Lay not able to function right.

Today Lay wanted to confess, or at least try and talk to him. He went to the cafe normally, but didn't order his regular. He instead sat down and waited foor Suho's lunch break. Yes he knows when Suho comes in, when his shift ends, when he has the night shifts or morning shifts, and his lunch break. No he isn't a stalker or anything, Lay likes to call it... research.

He waited until he saw Suho putting his pen and paper down signalling that he was finished and sat at the booth and started reading like he always did. Lay got up and walked his way there, but a certain tall giant wasn't looking where he was going and bumped, more like crashed, into Lay. And since that certain tall giant was bigger than him, the giant was also sturdier than him. This caused Lay to fall on the floor and if falling on the floor wasn't bad enough then the four cups of ice coffee did it. 

He was soaked with the coffee and he could here the laugher around him. He could hear Chanyeol repeadly say sorry, but his eyes were fixed on the floor trying not to cry. Great, I made a fool infrontof everyone, especially Suho, he thought. He wiped his eyes before any tears fell and put on a fake smile.

"No it's fine. Accidents happen." He gave him a soft smile and was about to get up when a towel wrapped aroud him.

"Your wet and probably cold. Come with me the locker room." (a/n they have one at cafe's where workers dress out, Idk if it's a locker room :P)

He followed and obeyed the voice, reconising it in a matter of seconds. He was lead into a room and when he finally looked up at Suho, he saw him giving him the smile that he fell for. Suho handed him some clothes and told him that he'd be right back.

Lay tried to change quickly before Suho or anybody else catches hims . After Lay was done changing he waited, he waited for what seemed like five minutes and had a sudden thought. What if he left me, maybe he forgot me, what if he's laughing with his co-workers about me right now? Lay was about to go crazy intil there was a soft knock on the door. He whispered a come in hopefully loud enough to hear. In came Suho holding a tray of, what it looks like, his regular order.

"I'm sorry if that took to long, I was trying to get you your regular." 

Lay nodded in understandment and gave a quiet 'it's okay'. Suho sat infront of him and urged him to eat, Lay grabbed the fork nd took small bites of the cake, When he put down the fork to pick up the cup of cappuccino, he didn't see a cute foam art. Instead of that, he saw writing that said 'I like you -Suho'. Lay was off gaurd and looked at Suho suprised. Suho only had a big goofy grin on which only made Lay want to die.

"So do you accept my confession.." There was a small tint of blush that spreaded across Suho's cheeks and he was sure that he was a darker shade.

"Y-yes, I do and... I like you too."


Hello fellow readers and subscribers~ 

I've finished the first storie to this seris of story. 

This is indead a Sulay, but again not all will be. Right now I've tagged couple, those couple are going to be the ones that I will have.

If your favorite pairing is not in the tagged, don't worry there will be more. 

I wanted to update this yesterday, but school burried me. I wanted to atleast finish what I had yesterday, today, so I finished it before going to school. Hopefully I don't miss the bus. 

Hope you liked it and please comment and subscribe for more. Bye~

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 4: Cuteness overloaddd
I'm here for myungyeol!
meluvsungyeol #3
Chapter 4: sequel for myungyeol!
Chapter 5: Baekyeol made my heart soften! <3
I was so DGHFDSFDZXFDRSTE and so happy! <3
Update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #5
Chapter 2: OMG DaeJae so sweet and cute :')
I was confused who was dae and whose jae
But somehow i figured out that mr.populae is jae
Anyway its too cute continue :)
wonwoojpeg #6
Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute!
Chapter 2: I thought the sulay was cute but this was waay~~ cuter! !^.^
Chapter 1: Sulay <3 so cute!!
Chapter 1: Aweeeee, that's so cuteeee *.*
Thanks for writing this fluffy Sulay. Can't wait for more~ and take your time. ^^
Shinee_fangirl #10
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^