Chapter 3: New School

The Girl with the mark Vampire Knight Tattoo


When I arrived at Cross Academy, I found that the academy was quite bigger than my precious academy. I didn’t realize that Donghae had stopped the car. “C’mon. Joong Ki’s waiting at the chairman’s room.” He said as I looked around the academy. As I looked around, I saw some of the students were looking at me. I heard some of them whispering but I ignored it. As soon as we arrived, the chairman welcomed me happily. I bowed and introduced myself. “Nice to meet you too, Princess Mirae. I’m K.Will, the chairman of this academy and also a principal. My oh my, Joong Ki-ah. You had a wonderful sister here and she’s pretty too.” He said as he praised me. I blushed at his statement. Then, a knock interrupted us and I saw a cute guy with sharp jaw line with a girl with cute puppy eyes that reminded me of an actress. “Yes, sir. How can we help you?” I heard him asked the chairman. “You guys knew that there will be a new student, right?” He asked and they immediately nodded. Then, he introduced me to them. I bowed to them and introduced myself. His eyes widened as soon as he saw me.


As soon as I saw the transferred student, my eyes widened. “Princess Mirae. Hello, I’m Oh Sehun and this is my friend Kim You Jung.” I said as I introduced myself and my friend to her. She smiled at us brightly. “You guys know each other? I didn’t notice that.” The chairman said. We shook our heads and I explained to them how I knew her. They nodded in agreement.  Then, the chairman asked us to bring her to the dorm and showed her around. We nodded and walked away but were stopped by His Majesty. “Make sure you guys helped her whenever she’s in trouble, alright?” He said and I nodded.

As soon as the three of us were out of the room, I immediately brought her to the dorm. While on our way there, she was busy looking around the academy. “So, where do you come from before you were transferred here?” I asked. She told us that she came from Vampire Knight House of Night. You Jung and I nodded. Then, You Jung asked her about her school and I found out that she was quite bubbly and beautiful.


As we arrived at the dorm, I was astonished by the way they build it. It was no dorm but it looked like a castle. “Your Highness, welcome to the Vampire Crystal House of Night. Do you like it?” Sehun asked. I told him to drop the formalities and call me by my name. “I liked it but it didn’t look like a dorm. It was more like a castle. It’s beautiful and quite big though.” I praised. They nodded in agreement. “Before we go in there, I would like to ask you guys’ one question. Are you guys dating?” I asked them. They looked at each other and shook their heads. I just laughed at them and saw You Jung blushed red as a tomato. I just smiled at them and went in.

When we went into the dorm, I expected their friends to greet me but I was wrong. “Maybe they didn’t know about you coming. I’ll call them while You Jung, you showed her to her room.” He instructed her and she nodded. While he went to the basement, she showed me to my room and opened the door of my room. “WOW, I didn’t expect the room to be this beautiful. I wondered who decorated this room this beautifully.” I said as I looked around the room. “If you need anything, I’ll be across your room.” She said. I nodded and thanked her as she closed the door. I smiled at myself and started unpacking my things.

After I finished packing, a knock interrupted me. I wondered who was it and went towards the door. I turned the knob and saw You Jung as she handed me the school uniform. I examined through the clothes and found out that the uniform was incredible. “I know you have tattoos all over your body and you didn’t like to show it off. So, I decided to design this one for you. I don’t know whether you like it or not but I would like you to try it.” You Jung said while looking at the ground.

I invited her inside and locked the door. I immediately lifted my shirt up and she shut her eyes tightly. “No need to be shy there. We’re girls and we shouldn’t be ashamed of our body unless, it’s the boys. We should be ashamed of ourselves.” I said. So, I lifted my shirt up and showed her the tattoos. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw that. I tried the uniform that she gave me and it fitted perfectly. “It’s look great on you. I’m glad that it fits perfectly on you.” She said.

I thanked her and a knock immediately interrupted us. I opened the door and saw Sehun was standing there stunned. “WOW! You look elegant.” He praised me and I just scoffed. “You Jung designed this outfit. It’s perfect.” I said and looked at her. He nodded and saw You Jung who was smiling at him but at the same time she was blushing madly inside. I could sense it in her. Without hesitation, I stood up and brought along my sling bag with me. I looked at You Jung who was day-dreaming and smacked her head. She snapped back into reality and rubbed her head that was in pain. “Stop day-dreaming and get ready for class.” I said as she stood up and walked back to her room while looking at the ground. Sehun looked at her confused. “What’s wrong with her? She looked blushed.” He said and I just shrugged. I dragged him with me and we waited her at the living room downstairs.

When she arrived, I could sense that she was still blushing.  I put my arm on her shoulder and smiled at her.  She looked at me confused but I kept smiling at her. Then, we went to class together but before that, we went to the teachers’ staffroom. When we arrived, Sehun went towards the female teacher with red hair to inform her about me. I heard her told him to wait for her in class. After everything was settled, we went back to class but Sehun told me to wait beside the class. I just nodded and waited until the teacher arrived.

I just hope that this new school was protected very well.

This is the dorm:

This is the academy:


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08/01/2014: Finally, I've updated with six chapters. So enjoy reading it.


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Sorry I haven't updated for a while because I don't have any idea right now. I already have the plot but I didn't manage to finish it because I had a lot of imagination in my mind right now. Sorry to dissappoint you guys.
Chapter 7: interesting story :) waiting patiently for your update:)
5 chapters already updated. So I hope i could update this more often. I don't expect someone would subscribe this story though.