Chapter 1: Murdered

The Girl with the mark Vampire Knight Tattoo
~ two years ago ~
Mirae’s pov:
     “Father, I’m home!” I call out, frowning slightly when I don't hear a reply. He was always welcoming me home, pulling me in for a tight hug, asking me how my day went, even if he was ill. “Father? Father, where are you?” I repeatedly call out for him, my voice becoming more frantic when I couldn’t find him anywhere on the first floor, still no response. Something must be terribly wrong for him not to even bother answering, leaving me alone with the silence of the house.There was no sound, nothing but the loud thudding of my footsteps as I run upstairs, my agitated heart beating at a hundred miles an hour, my ribs aching with pain. Sprinting to his bedroom, I try to open the door, but to my dismay, it was locked tight. No matter how much I turn the doorknob, pushing all of my weight against the heavy wood, it just wouldn’t budge.
"Father!" I can't help the desperate plea that escapes my lips as I continued to struggle with the obstacle in my way.
Then out of nowhere, I sense my first brother, Joong Ki, approaching. Still in shock, I barely register the fact that he was telling me that my - no, our father was murdered. His voice was so calm, I just could not believe what he had said to me. Fear turning my blood cold, I beg Joong Ki to open the door. But he wasn't listening to me, refusing to follow my wishes. 
"Mirae, I don't think-"
"Let me see him!" I shout, stopping Joong Ki from talking further. I'm being treated like a little child, and I don't appreciate it at all. "Let me see him now!" With a sigh, he unlocks the door for me, following my lead as I enter the room.
It was like a scene from a horror movie. The first thing I notice is Father lying down on the floor, his blood pooling all around him. I kept trying to call him but he was already gone. Forever. I didn't even get to hear him say goodbye... I let out all of the sadness that had welled up in my heart, harsh sobs wracking through my entire body. But I couldn't stop. Who would kill my father in such a harsh manner? As far as I knew, he had no enemies, always treating others with the utmost respect. And why was Joongki so calm? He was just standing at the back of the room, looking at me with pity in his eyes.
As I continued to think and contemplate the situation, I could hear my second brother, Donghae coming closer, asking me if I was okay. 
"Do I look okay to you?" I snapped. At my words, he stayed silent and it just frustrated me more. Even Donghae was being so apathetic, it made no sense. Did they not love our father? "Why would anyone want to kill father? What was their motive?" My questions remained unanswered; instead they continue to look at me with pity in their eyes. I turn to Joong Ki, but he just looks away, nodding at Donghae-oppa with guilty eyes.
Out of nowhere, there was a low growl. I turned my head to the source of the sound; I met face-to-face with Donghae, who was shivering as he gripped his arms.
 “Mirae, I... have... to.... drink y-your BLOOD!” Donghae said anxiously, his eyes growing red by the end of his sentence. At first, I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Why does he look so... scary? And why weren't the others doing anything? They were all looking away in another direction, avoiding eye-contact and holding their breaths. Why are they holding their breaths?
"Oppa? What's going on?" I tried again, my blood freezing as I processed the fangs that were appearing in Donghae's mouth.
Suddenly, everything clicked. The answer is so simple. I don't know how I didn't figure it our earlier.
"You're all vampires aren't you?" I asked, pointing my finger at them accusingly. No-one replied, but merely sighed as I lifted my arms up to defend myself. With lightning speed, Donghae was suddenly in front of me, his hot breath down my neck.
The last thing I heard before I out was Joongki whispering an apology, saying that he had to protect the family, as two cold fangs pierced the skin of my neck, a sharp sting sending paralyzing tingles coursing through my body.
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08/01/2014: Finally, I've updated with six chapters. So enjoy reading it.


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Sorry I haven't updated for a while because I don't have any idea right now. I already have the plot but I didn't manage to finish it because I had a lot of imagination in my mind right now. Sorry to dissappoint you guys.
Chapter 7: interesting story :) waiting patiently for your update:)
5 chapters already updated. So I hope i could update this more often. I don't expect someone would subscribe this story though.