Actual Kidnapping?


After arriving home, you bid Chanyeol and Tao goodbye and passed out on your bed. You were exhausted.

The next morning was a Saturday so you didn't have to walk up early for school. You promised yourself you would use the weekend to relax and recuporate from the hectic two days you had thanks to Exo. Or should you say Chen.

But for some reason, you woke up at 8 in the morning. On a Saturday.

"Aishh! Why can't I sleep?!" you exclaim hitting the bed with your hands in frustration. Laying down for a couple more minutes trying to fall back asleep, you give up and decide to get up. You make your way into your kitchen. You take out some rice and leftover kimchi soup and sit at your kitchen table. You eat your food slowly, still wanting to relax and rest for the next two days.

As you take a bite of your rice, you hear a knock on your door. Frustrated, you get up and walk over to your front door. "Who is it?" you ask opening your front door a little to see who it is. To your surprised, it's not Chen. Or Gongchan. It was a a guy you never seen before. He wore a black hoodie, hiding most of his face. Fear kicked in as you stared at this guy.

The both of you say nothing for a while until he lifts his head. In an instant, your door is roughly pushed back, sending you flying onto the floor. You land on your back and wince in pain. Before you can even register what happened and where you were, a strong hand gripped onto your arm pulling you upwards. You whimper at the sudden pain shooting through your arm.

Your arm gets twisted behind your back and you feel someone's breath near your ear. "Scream or speak and you're dead. Clear?"

Your voice dissapeared and you just nodded, fearing for your life. The guy pushes you foreward and starts walking making you follow him. He drags you out of your apartement and walks towards an old, rusty car. In the car there were about 2 other guys; one in the front, one in the back. They were also wearing black hoodies.

The man who's hand gripped your arm opened the car door and pushed you into the backseat. You stumble across the seat and as you sit up, a knife appears infront of your face. You squeal at the sight of the knife.

"Don't even try to escape." the man with the knife says pointing it to your neck. You gulp and nod as the other man gets in. The driver starts the car and drives off. Before you can even look around to see where you'd be heading, your vision gets cut off as the man beside you wraps a cloth around your eyes. "Wouldn't want you to see where we bring you." he said with a teasing voice. You cringed. You silently hope someone would see you in this car and help you.

But that would require someone to have luck. Which you didn't have any.


After what seemed like forever of being driven around, you felt the car stop. Fear kicked in again when you felt a hand grip your arm and drag you out of the car. Once out, you were pushed foreward into what you think is a building or someone's house as you heard a door close behind you. You can hear multiple voices around you but couldn't see anything as the cloth was still around your eyes.

Suddenly, you were pushed onto the floor. You landed on your knees. You knew you cut and bruised them. From behind, you hear a door close. Thinking you were alone, you remove the cloth from your eyes. Once it was off, you look where you are. You were in an empty room. It literally had nothing in it. You hear movement from behind you and you quickly turn around.

It was another guy wearing a black hoodie, hiding his face. Except, you were able to see his lips. He had a smirk. "Don't even think of trying to leave," he said taking out a knife,"Or you will pay for it."

You instantly back away from him until you hit the wall. You move your knees close to you and wrap your arms around them. You feel tears in your eyes but you stopped yourself from letting them fall. Crying wouldn't help you now.


Exo was walking around town, doing their usual thing. They didn't really have anywhere to go in particular; just as long as they found something to do. They walked by a fews stores and talked between each other on which to go in. 

Then, Tao spoke up. "Hyungs! Mei-mei's house is nearby! Why don't we go visit her?"

"Smart, Tao! Maybe after last night, she'll be nicer to us." Chen said with a smirk.

"I don't get it hyung," said Sehun with a pout, "all this just to get in her pants? Isn't that kind of ridiculous?"

"Well if she wasn't so hard to get I wouldn't have to go through all this!" Chen said walking towards your house. "Tao, come with me!"

"Yeh!" Tao said catching up to Chen.

They both walked in silent until Tao spoke up. "Is it true hyung? You only want to get into her "pants"?" he asks using his hands to make the quotation motion.

Chen stayed silent as he kept walking. To be honest, that was his real intention. Every girl that's interested him easily gave themselves up. He used them for what he wanted then didn't bother with them unless he needed something from them. But with you, you were the first girl to reject him. You actually seemed uninterested by him.

He didn't know why he was putting so much effort for you to notice him or to fawn over him like the other girls did. Chen didn't answer Tao and kept walking. Tao frowned at Chen's behaviour but let it go.

Tao really liked you. Even if you were angry at him most of the time, he didn't blame you for being like that. You didn't meet in a good way. He hoped that with Chen's determination to get you to admire him, Tao hoped you would see them in a better light.

After all, you weren't like the other girls who literally threw themselves at them. 

Tao wasn't paying attention to his surroundings as he walked right into Chen. "Sorry hyung, I wasn't pa-" he said before stopping. Chen's gaze was locked onto something else. Confused, Tao looked towards what Chen was looking at.

It was your apartment building. But your door was wide open. As Tao looked at the door, Chen ran foreward until he reached your door. He walked in, looking into every room. "Minyoung! Yo, where are you? Why would you leave your door open?"

No response. Chen went into your room as Tao walked in. Chen unmade your bed but didn't find you. He left and ran to the bathroom, hoping you were there. Tao had walked into the kitchen. He noticed the food you left on the kitchen table. The soup was now cold as well as your rice. 

"Hyung! I think something happened." Tao yelled. Chen emerged from the bathroom. "You think?!" Chen answered with sarcasm. "She's not here."

Chen left your place and looked around outside to see if he noticed something, anything to give him a clue. But there was nothing. Frustrated, Chen punched the wall. Tao emerged from your apartement after hearing a noise from outside. "Hyung..." he said watching Chen who was breathing roughly.

"We have to warn the others." Chen said more calmly then before. Tao nodded and closed your door. They both ran off to find the rest of Exo. They found them outside an arcade. Chanyeol was the first to notice them. "Yo guys! Where's Princess?"

"She's gone. Something happened." Chen said briefly. The rest of Exo turned to him. "What?" said Sehun with wide eyes.

"We went but she wasn't there!" Chen yelled with frustration. "How do you know? What if she just went out?" asked Sehun.

"When we got there, her door was wide open and food was left untouched on the kitchen table." Tao said softly, trying to think of where you could be.

Chen looked around, trying to calm himself and think of a plan. He gazed at his surroundings when his eyes locked onto a figure. It was a boy wearing a black hoodie. Their eyes met and a smirk appeared on the boys face. The boy started walking towards Chen as Chen stood his ground. What did this punk want?

The boy stood infront of Chen, which caught the attention of the other members. "Looking for someone?" the boy uttered.

Chen launched himself onto the boy, grasping his collar and bringing his face closer to his. "You better have not hurt her. Where did you take her?"

The boy snickered in Chen's face. Just as Chen was about to punch him, the boy spoke up. "Don't try anything or she will get hurt."

Chen put his fist down and let go of the boy's collar. "What do you want?"

The boy's smirk grew. "You know exactly what we want."


I'm ending it here!

Hope you like this cliffhanger :P

I thought it would be a nice change~

Hope you like it!


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki