

To say you were close with the Exo members wouldn't be a lie; but it wouldn't be the complete truth either. Yes, you hung out with them pretty much daily. Yes, you were probably the only girl who got to hang out with them. And yes, you were probably the only one outside of their gang that they allowed in their hide out.

But you didn't know them personally. You didn't know anything about them, other than their personality's. It made you sad at the fact that you weren't as close as you thought. Even some members, like Lay, Kris, Suho and Baekhyun to name a few, you barely even spoke to!

It had come to your attention that you needed to get closer to them. Whether they wanted to or not. You've never had close friends before so you didn't quite know how to approach this. But you had to do it. Some might say its selfish; it probably is. Not that it would stop you.

Your first goal was to be able to sit down with them at lunch time. After their creepy attitudes the first time you sat there, you had requested that they leave you eat wherever you wanted. In return, you had to buy them chicken every now and then but it was worth it.

You clutched your lunch to your chest as you let out a small breath of air. *Relax. You can do this. It's not so hard! You're not confessing so it's nothing to worry about. Just walk up and sit with them. Nothing wrong can happen, right?*

You started to question if this was a good idea or not but pushed the thought aside. With semi-confidence, you marched into the cafeteria with a smile. Only once you entered, your smile dissapeared. The table they usually sat at was empty. It wasn't wierd to not see them sitting there, as they usually take their time getting to the cafeteria. But lunch had started 20 minutes ago, where could they be?

With a sad sigh, you turn back and head to your usual eating place; outside. *Guess my plan was ruined today.*

You sat down on the bench and started unpacking your lunch slowly. You ate your lunch in silence. *Maybe I should stop by the candy store  later and indulge my feelings with sweets.*

Your thoughts were cut short when you heard noises from behind you. The noises sounded like people grunting or struggling. Your mind twisted at the thought that there could be people doing it right behind you. *Please let there be no one having behind me. Please. I do not need to have my eyes burned out.*

With curiosity, you peeked past the tall bush that hide the bench from visable eyes. To your luck, it was not a couple going at it right behind you. But what you saw was not any better.

A large group of boys were fighting each other right on the baseball field. The fight looked agressive and painful as boys swung at each other with full force; even tackling others on the ground to get a better lock on their target. You were sure they would have open cuts and bruises by the end of it.

*Are they mad?! And the school isn't doing anything?!* You contemplate if you should go and report it to the school. You wanted the fight to stop but you didn't want to get involved either. As you tried to make a quick decision, your gaze looked onto one of the boys closer to you. 

He seemed familiar but you couldn't pinpoint who. *Maybe it's someone from my class?* You question.

Just then, another boy threw a punch at his face, making him snap his head in your direction getting a clear view of his face. You gasped. It was the other known giant of exo, Kris.

It soon dawned on you that half of the boys fighting were Exo! *No wonder they weren't in the cafeteria!*

Before you knew it, whistles blew as teachers ran onto the field to break the boys apart. It was becoming clearer that the boys fighting Exo was another gang within your school but you had no idea who they were. The fight was split and the other group left the field in a hurry.

You watched as they helped each other and swipped some of the dirt off their uniform before acting like nothing had happened. Even from where you watched, you saw cuts along their faces and bruises starting to form. With worry, you quickly left your spot and ran in their direction, leaving your unfinished lunch behind.

It didn't take long before one of them noticed you coming in their direction. "Minyoung?" Chanyeol voiced making the others look your way. You walked up to them and looked them with an angry expression. "Are you all insane!?"

Some seemed taken back by you while others seemed unfazed. "You saw our fight?" asked Sehun who was wiping away come blood from a cut on his lips.

"Of course I did you idiots! Why the heck would you fight? And during school?!" You ranted.

Sehun shrugged. "They wanted to pick a fight. We weren't going to back down."

"Was it worth it?" You question gazing at their faces. You grew worried as most had cuts along their faces; more than you noticed. "I mean, look at your faces."

None of them answered. With a sigh, you motionned for them to follow you. "Come on, follow me."

"Where?" asked Chanyeol with confused puppy eyes which made you chuckle.

"To the infirmary, of course." You answer.

"It's okay, really. We don't need to go get treated. We'll be fine." reassured Tao but it didn't reassure you at all.

"If you think I'm going to let you walk away with those cuts and bruises then maybe you've been hit in the head too many times." Without another word, you turn around and walk inside the school. You heard footsteps behind you and you knew they had followed you. At the thought, you smiled.


The twelves boys took up all the space in the medium sized infirmary. Some of them helped each other to place oitement on their cuts or just did it themselves. With the few exceptions, Tao, Sehun and Chanyeol, who only wanted you to help them.

You finished up bandaging Tao's bloody knuckle when you turned to Sehun to put ointement on his cut lip. He cringed when you applied it. His lip was burning because of the cut and the cold of the ointement made him uncomfortable. He felt even more uncomfortable with you being so close to him.

He still felt a little awkward around you, especially after getting recurring dreams of you. He still hadn't told anyone about them and he had no plan on doing so. Whatever they were, they would go away and he would be happy. At least, he thinks he would be.

"All done." You say, straightening your back. You look around the room and make sure all of them have been patched up. At one of the windows, sat Chen. He looked out the window with a blank expression. His cuts were taken care of but his hand, which was bloody and cut aswell, was not. With a frown, you walk over to him.

"Hey." You say making him turn your way. Even though its been a few days since the incident, you and Chen still felt awkward around each other. Something you wanted to change.

"Hey." he replied still looking at you.

"How are you feeling?" you ask.

"Just fine. This wasn't really necessary." He says glancing down at his pants and brushing off some dirt.

You frown and pick up a few bandages and ointement. "Give me your hand."

He looks back up. "What?"

"Your hand." You reach for his hand but he quickly retreats it. You look at him with a raised eyebrow. You both stay quiet. You reach for his hand again but this time, he doesn't retract it. You carefully put ointement on the cuts and clean the blood off. Then you bandage his hand up securely. "There you go."

He slowly removes his hand from your grasp. "Thanks."

You put away the bandages and ointements on the table next to you and look up to Chen. "Can I be honest?"

He nods with confusion. "Sure?"

"It's been wierd between us." You bluntly say which makes you flush at your forewardness. "W-what I mean is-"

He cuts you off. "No, you're right."

"Um..." You hesitate. "I've been thinking about it for a while now but.... I don't want us to be awkward."

He looks at you in surprise but it quickly goes away. "You do?"

"Ya. I mean, I don't know about you but," You start getting nervous. You've never really told anyone how you felt before. You always wrote things down so this was harder for you then you thought. "I consider you guys my friends. Even though I'm not close with everyone, I want to be." 

Chen doesn't say anything and lets you talk. "So, I don't want us to be awkward anymore. I want to be close. At least, if you want to." You look at him with hopeful eyes.

He still doesn't say anything else. He looks around the room at the rest of the gang and observes s. *I'd be lieing if I said she hasn't brought a bit more brightness into our lifes...* He thought to himself.

He coughs awkwardly and looks back at you. "Ya, I think we'd like that." He says truthfully.

Your eyes widen. You thought Chen would push you away. You thought you'd be left alone, again. "R-really?" You ask in disbelief.

"Ya, I guess." He says cooly not wanting to sound cheesy and desperate even though he felt the same.

You grin. "Ok then it's a deal."

He smiles back at you, something he doesn't often do but how could he not when you looked so happy about wanting to be friends. Though, one thing about this made him a little sad. *Why does the sound of being just friends sound bad?*


Yay another update!

Hope you liked this one! ^^


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki