Music Store


After a rather weird lunch time with Exo, you left for class once again. The whole time you walked to class, Tao kept asking you questions about you while using the nickname Mei-Mei. At first it was annoying since you weren't used to it but after a while, you kind of liked it. No one had ever given you a nickname before.

Tao left for his class and you went into class with the few Exo members who shared a class with you. The students who were already in class stared at you like you had two heads. No one had ever walked into class with Exo. Most of them thought they were bullying you, since Chen was poking you and laughing at you as you walked to your seat. But some glared. Of course these were girls. Jealousy was burning in their eyes as they stared. You avoided their gaze. Not like you asked for this.

You settle in your seat. Chen took his seat infront of you, a boy who's name you don't know sat to the right of you, and Sehun sat to your left. Sehun kept quiet, staring at the ceiling. You thought he would be talkative since your encounter at your locker but he was oddly quiet. His eyes showed no emotion and he was frowning. 'Maybe that's just his normal personality'

The other boy next to you had a smirk on his face and he was flirting with some girl. From the corner of her eye, she was looking at you and smirking. To her, she felt like she was getting you back. For you, well, you felt nothing. You didn't even know his name, why would you care?

Chen was, once again, playing with your pencil. He wasn't talking to you just throwing it around, occasionally observing it before throwing it in the air again. Though, as soon as the teacher would walk in, he would give it back. It became a habit of his to do it every single class so you grew used to him talking your only pencil. Even if he was a pervert.


School was finally over! Your regular classes were normal. Well normalish. Chen was being his usual self, Sehun was being quiet and the mystery boy was flirting with the same girl. During a small break inbetween classes, Chanyeol visited briefly. He mostly talked to Chen but he also directed some questions to you. Random questions but it helped you pass time.

You slowly were starting to get use to these boys. Well, the few that you knew. At first, they were a burden. But now, you were able to tolerate them. Even if it was just the second day.

You walked off the school grounds but you didn't want to go home just yet. You live alone so it got lonely quite fast. You used to live in a house with your parents and your 5 siblings.Not exactly the quietest place but you never got lonely or bored. 

You decided to head towards the main town where most of the stores are. Maybe you'd find an arcade or something. You took a bus there and in 15 minutes, you arrived. This was a small town so getting around was lightening fast. At least to you.

You walk around aimlessly, looking at the shops that passed by you. You saw makeup stores, clothing stores, grocery stores. Yet, no arcade. You frown. The one time you want to do something that's outside of your comfort zone, you're unable to. You hate lady luck.

You decide to enter a music store. Maybe you can find a good CD to listen to while you're in your house alone. You didn't have a TV yet but you would buy one as soon as next month's pay came in. You walked around, looking at different genres since you weren't picky when a boy appeared in front of you. "Hi, may I help you?"

You look up at him. He had dark brown hair with hazelnut eyes. He smiles at you and an eye smile appeared. You had to say, he had a gorgeous eye smile. "I'm just looking around." you say with a smile.

"Alright, if you need anything, please ask." he turns around to walk away. "Wait!" you say extending your hand to his arm. When your hand slightly grasps his shirt, he turns around and your eyes connect. You forget for a second why you had called him. You were too mesmerized by his eyes. Shaking the feeling off, you say, "um, can you recommend any CD's for me?" 

Heat rushs to your cheeks. You felt embarassed after asking him that even though it was a simple question. He smiles at you again, making that gorgeous eye smile appear again. "Of course! You asked the right person!"

He guides you over to different sections of genres, from classical to rock to pop, every section in the store. He mentionned a few CD's but didn't take anything out unless you asked him. He brings you over to a section called pop rock. He takes out a CD, holding it in his hands for you to see. "This is my favorite artist! I really recommend this CD. It's personally my favorite one."

You look at the cover art, which was a picture of the singer. The singer looked young with longish hair. For some reason, you seem drawn to this CD. "Um," you say nervously making the boy look at you, "I think I'll take this one."

He smiles. "Cool! I'll ring you up right now." 

You both to the cash and pay for the CD. While paying, you notice the boy had a name tag.

Woohyun. That's a nice name.

He notices you staring at his name tag. "I guess you know my name now! Only polite for me to know yours." he says winking at you. You feel heat rushing back to your cheeks. "My name is Minyoung."

"Nice to meet you! You're the new girl right?" he asks.

You blink. Was he from your school? "Are you from my school? I've never noticed you." If he was, you'd be EXTREMELY embarassed. He chuckles and says, "No, I'm from another school. The art one?"

You heard of that school when you were looking into changing schools. Art wasn't your field so that's why you didn't go into it. "Oh, ya I heard of it. But um, how did you know about me?"

"How can anyone not know about you? You're the new girl! No ones moved here in ages."

"Seriously? The one thing I didn't need was attention right now..." you say getting a little depressed. You had hoped that by moving into a little town, you would avoid getting attention by anyone. Clearly, you were wrong.

He laughs at your response. "It's not so bad! Anyways, here's your CD." he passes you your CD in a bag and you take it from him. "Thanks. I'll see you around." you say waving.

"Visit if you ever feel lonely~ My shifts are from Monday to Friday from 4-9!" he says with a wink. You chuckle and leave the store.

He was a very interesting person. Maybe you would visit him again.


Yay another chapter! I'm at work now so if there are any mistakes, I apologize!

Woohyun was finally introduced! I can't wait to introduce the others so I can get a move on with this story. If it's too boring, please tell me~



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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki