Hide out


Chen was still dragging you. After dragging you for what seemed like forever, he arrived at a small opening in a dark alleyway. You mentally prayed he wasn't thinking of going through that small opening. You were wrong.

"Why are we going in there? Are you going to kill me?!" you say accusingly trying to pry your hands out of the two strong men.

"You'll find out soon babe." Chen said going through the opening first, still holding onto your hand.

"We would never want to kill you Mei-Mei~" Tao grinned as he pushed you into the small opening. You forcefully follow Chen and Tao until you reach the end of the opening. It brought you into another alleyway/hide out place. It wasn't as dark since there were lights and fires in garbage cans. You thought you would only see those in movies.

Further up, you can clearly see a bunch of people, girls and boys, hanging around. Some were leaning against the wall, some were making out. Though the ones that did catch your attention was the group of people standing in a circle. You were too busy staring at everything in wonder that you didn't notice Chen and Tao dragging you closer and closer towards the huge gang in a circle.

Before you can actually reach the group, you realized what they were doing. "Yah, what are you doing?" you say trying to get your hands again out of their grips. The only answer you got from Chen was a smirk. You gulp worrying for your life.

As you get closer, one of the people in the gang turns around. You notice that person as the only giant you know. Chanyeol. "Hey, you finally made it!" he said walking over to you and removing Tao's hand from yours to wrap his arm around your shoulders. "We were waiting."

"Blame her. She lives in a place where there are like 5 billion doors!" Chen complained. Your guessing he wasn't a very patient person. 

Since you were close enough, you were able to make out the people nearest you were Exo, or whatever name they gave their gang. You were slightly relieved that it was them but that feeling quickly disspeared when you notice they weren't alone.

Chen and Chanyeol drag you to the group. "Hey guys, we're finally here!" Chen said waving his free arm. A few responses came from the guys but most of their eyes were on you. You gulped and felt uncomfortable under their gaze. It was like a prey staring down their victim. You felt like a piece of meat.

"Hey, stop looking at my girl!" Chen yelled at them. You look at him. "I'm not your girl, stop saying that." He chuckled.

"You are since I saw you first~"

"Hyung! That's not fair!" said a boy from the side. It was Sehun. "You snooze, you loose my little Sehunnie~" Chen replied teasingly.

Just as you were about to protest and ask for them to let go of you, you hear a voice come from further infront of you. "Minyoung?"

You look up at the person who talked but couldn't see his or hers face because of the stupid garbage can thats on fire in the middle. "Yes?" you respond even though you have no idea who it is. That person steps to the side, making it easier for you to see. It was Gongchan. What was he doing there?

"Gongchan? What are you doing here?" you asked. You felt Chen tense up beside you.

"I should be asking you that, since when do you know those s?" he asid harshly.

"Hey!" Tao protested from where he was but was stopped by some tall guy. He was almost as tall as Chanyeol, almost.

"I know them since the first day. Not that I had a choice." you mumble making Chen laugh. "Babe, I know you love us."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Make me." he teased bringing his face closer. Before you can move his face away, a hand gripped his collar. 

"Don't touch her with your filthy paws." Gongchan glared at Chen. If eyes could kill, Chen would be dead. *Why is he acting this way? Didn't we just meet?*

Chen smirked. "Oh ya, what are you going to do about it? I see her everday."

Gongchan smirked right back. "Oh ya, I live right beside her."

Chen's smirk dissapeared and he looked at you. "What the hell? He's your neighbour!?"

You blink in confusion. "Ya so? What's wrong with that?"

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"I just met him today. And it's none of your business anyways!" *Seriously, why does he care?*

He frowns and turns back to Gongchan about to yell at him when a boy grabbed Gongchan by the back of his shirt and pulls away. "Enough Gongchan, we didn't come here to fight." 

The boy had a warm chocolate brown color in his hair. He patted Gongchan on the back before pushing him towards where he came from. "Sorry, we'll control our maknae." he bowed and left back to his spot. You guessed he was the oldest out of his gang.

Silence spread through out everyone in the circle. You eyed everyone and noticed them all glaring at each other. You guess they all hated each other.

Someone finally spoke up and sproke the silence. It was the tall dude who had stopped Tao before. "There was a reason we called you here."

His gaze moved to yours and he stared for a bit. *Why is he staring at me? I hate my life....*

He moved his gaze away from yours and returned it to the front. "Chen, will you do the pleasure of telling them the message you oh so dearly wanted to convey?"

Chen smirked. "With pleasure." His grip on you tighten as he took a step seperating you from being in the crowd to front and center for everyone to see. He lifted your hand up in the air along with his. "Listen up because I'll only say it once! You mess with her, you mess with us. We clear?"

You look over to Chen and glare at him. Did he seriously just make a scene for nothing? This is why he disturbed you? Anger boiled inside of you as his smirk grew bigger and bigger. "Chen..." you say softely but angrily. He looks over you to you with that same smirk. You wanted to punch him. "Yes babe?"

"Are you ing kidding me? Did you drag me all the way here to proclaim something this stupid? Something no one gives a about?"

Before Chen could answer, Chanyeol had removed Chen's grip from your hand and dragged you away. "The princess is mad, I'll bring her back home. Tao, come with me since you know where she lives."

"Neh ge-ge!" Tao skipped over to your side and grabbed your hand again but a softer grip. "Don't be mad Mei-Mei, we did it for your own good."

"You're being ridiculous, you all are! I just got here! What kind of bad things can happen? Seriously..." you sigh and let them drag you back home. The only thing you wanted right now was your bed. You were dead tired.

Back with Chen, he watched as you left with Chanyeol and Tao. Frustration boiled in his stomach. He clenched his hands and whispered to no one, "You have no idea how important that statement was."


Yay i finally updated! It's been about 2 weeks! I'm sorry

I got sick and school started. Plus I found out my dog died this morning so I'm not feeling to good but i wrote this in hopes that i would get distracted ^-^

Hope you enjoyed it~


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki