Chapter 6

Coffee Shop Down the Street

-Your POV- this is the house where Daehyun's parents live. It's so... mansion-like. It's huge! I kind of want to hug everything... I became uneasy since I wasn't used to meeting other people for a while, but Daehyun reassured me with a smile.

"Shall we?" he extended his hand.

"We shall." We strided up slowly to the front door and I timidly knocked. It kind of felt like we were going to get married or something.


Daehyun and I were greeted by a middle-aged man who looked to be about 40 or 50 something. I assumed he was Daehyun's father.

"Ah, Jung Daehyun! My own flesh and blood, my you've grown more handsome over the years, eh?" the man laughed heartily.

"Heh, nice to see you too, Appa."


"Oh! And the lovely lady here I'm going to assume is none other than ~~~~! Our Daehyun sure loves to talk about you. He goes on and on telling us how pretty you are. I can see why now!" I smiled nervously, bowing and introducing myself formally.

"Aigoo, no need for honorifics! Come in, come in." I nodded, putting on my best smile.


I was greeted by a kind-hearted lady, who I also introduced myself to.

Things seemed to be coming off on a good note. Both of Daehyun's parents seemed to take a liking to me, and that sure seemed nice. It's been awhile since I've felt like I've had parents.


"So, ~~~~. How has Daehyunnie been treating you?" Mrs. Jung asked.

"Oh, he's just the best, hehe." I replied shakily.

"Oh, just wonderful! It's so nice to actually see Daehyun with a girl. Even though he's pretty and all that, he's never been able to get a girlfriend." Mr. Jung cracked up.

"Oh and ~~~~, how are your parents?" I stiffened.


Noticing my uncomfortable shifting, Daehyun decided to take my hand and smile, which always calmed me.


"Yeah uh...they're...fine I guess. I wouldn't know for sure though." I looked down at the floor.

"What do you mean by that?" both parents asked at the same time.


So I told them. Everything. Even some things that I forgot to mention to Daehyun, and he listened intently.


"So you come from a...a very interesting family?" Mrs. Jung commented.

I could see the look in her eyes had changed quite a bit.


"'ve survived with just fifty dollars? God bless you..." Mr. Jung sympathized.

"Oh, no need for sympathy. I've gotten past the point where it affects me anymore. It's all become dull." I said flatly without emotion.


"...Yeobo." Mrs. Jung dragged her husband from the dinner table and left Daehyun and I together.

"Are you sure your parents like me?" I asked him, scared.

"Of course." He flashed me another one of those million-dollar smiles as we continued to eat.


His parents returned shortly, Mr. Jung with a sullen look on his face without his usual grin.


"Daehyun, ~~~~. The two of us have come to a conclusion that may not be allowed to date any longer." Daehyun's mom said with a stern look on her face. I sat there, wide-eyed. Daehyun dropped my hand from the table.

"What." He stood up.

"I'm sorry, Daehyun, but it's just, it won't work out. We do love ~~~~ and her personality, it's nothing wrong about her, it's just...the money. We can't afford to have you two date. It'll hurt our investments in you." she replied slowly, letting every word soak in.


"....No. I refuse to leave ~~~~." he grabbed my arm tightly.


His father sighed.

"Don't be hard-headed, son. It won't be good for both of your futur-"


"...So what you're saying is, you won't allow us to date...because I'm poor and parentless." I growled.

"N-no, that's not it-"

"Are you sure? I've been through so much... so many things in this cruel world have gotten to me, ripped my heart open, and you refuse to let me have the one person in my life that takes away all that pain?" I was practically screaming.


"Calm down, ~~~~.." Daehyun worried.

"I understand that you must really love Daehyun," Daehyun's mom gestured towards him, "-but you must understand that we aren't trying to split you two up for the reason you might think. It's just, it must be." she finished with a frown.


I couldn't take it.

Life was just too hard for me.


"...I see. I agree to break up with Daehyun." I looked over at him, at his horrified expression, and immediately regretted it.


But I kept going.


"On one condition.. You... please, just let us be together for one more week. Next Saturday evening at midnight we will split. Just until then, please." I pleaded with my eyes.

This got them thinking.

"...Alright. But if you break this deal, it won't come out as a happy ending. We don't want either of you to get hurt." They finished.


Daehyun had heard enough, and together we stormed off. I couldn't forget my manners though, and I wanted to change their minds by acting like a wonderful little girlfriend so I bowed and thanked them for the meal.


Daehyun quickly drove away and the two of us sat in silence until we reached my apartment.


"~~~~..." Daehyun quietly called my name. I didn't want him to see my face, so I looked out the window and let out a soft, "Hmm?". Even though I wasn't facing him, I knew he was looking at me.

"I can't let you go." his voice cracked.


I can't let you go either, Daehyun.


"Because... Because I love you. I don't want to leave you. I can't leave you. My heart won't let..won't..." he suddenly stopped talking and I heard him crying.

I couldn't reply, I couldn't let him hear my voice like this. After a few minutes, I finally was able to speak again.

"Dae... spend the night with me." I suggested happily.

"Haha... sure. Anything for you, yeobo." he lightly chuckled.


For this week, we shall be the happiest couple in the world and totally forget everything that had happened today.



The pair of us strolled lazily into my apartment and I took a seat on the soft carpet.


"~~~~. Listen, I'm so sorry about my parents. Just know that we won't ever break up." Daehyun smiled, plopping himself down as well. I laughed quite bitterly.

"Yeah...we'll see how that works out... By the way, why me? I'm just that poor, lonely girl that no one probably likes except Ji Eun" I finished painfully.


Something within me just kept pestering me, telling me something I didn't want to hear. It told me that something with Daehyun was going to go wrong. But I ignored it, because I love him with all my heart.

Daehyun's eyes clouded over.


"Don't say that about yourself. I love you, and that's all that matters. Heck, you shouldn't ever have to ask why I chose you. It's just something that happened. You were different than all the rest of those annoying fangirls, someone who loved me for me. Jung Daehyun." he took my hand, which made me crack a smile.

"There's that smile that I love so very much." he chuckled, poking my cheek.

"Yah," I batted his hand away. "Can you believe it? It's already been like two months. Actually, only two months. And I already love you." I commented, laughing.

"Well, I beat you at this game, because I've loved you for years!" He replied, bouncing my arms up and down while holding my hands. That made me giggle, this boy always finds a way to make me smile.


Staring into Daehyun's eyes, at that moment I felt guilty for ever doubting him.


Never again will I lose faith in him, never again.

I will never let her cry a single tear ever again. Never again.



DAEHYUNNIE44543 Aish these chapters are just going down the drain aren't they.. dun worry. There will be MUCH more stuff that goes down. Soon. SOON. *^*  

and for those of you wondering why the storie's so happy and the poster isn't...just wait and see c: 


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Henrehhh #1
Chapter 7: Author-nims?
You haven't updated in such a long time DD: THIS IS SO GOOD THOUGH!
meanieful #3
/dies from spazzing too hard/
meanieful #4
Chapter 3: Update soon, it's interesting!!!:D
Chapter 2: Wow~~! ^^ I like your story although it's just two chapters right now.. :) I'm looking forward what's gonna happen after Dae's confession.. Cuteee~~~! =D
shiningdorks #7
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;