Susceptible to Innocence

From the Shadows

                “I thought you said you keep finding stuff here?” Luhan asked as he accompanied his brother.

                “I do,” he nodded in agreement, returning to the spot where he’d first found the package.  “I guess not today though,” he admitted with a shrug, looking around to make sure he wasn’t missing it.

                “Odd.  Are you sure it’s not one of the other guys just trying to mess with you?” Luhan asked in confusion, scratching at his wavy hair.

                “I thought so too at first, but if they are, none of them are fessing up.  I’m sure something will- Oh look!” he gasped, tugging on Luhan’s sleeve while he pointed in one tree that was dangerously close to where Yifan was hiding.

                “What?  It’s just a bird, Xing,” Luhan sighed, noticing the bright green and yellow plumage of the creature he was pointing at.

                “I know, but it’s so pretty,” he smiled, searching around for something to offer it.  When nothing immediately worked, he frowned but held out his hand and knelt down, creeping towards it slowly.  “Here birdy,” he cooed in a soft voice, smiling at the creature that looked at warily, tilting its head to the side with a quick jerk.

                “It’s not going to come to you.  No matter how many times you call it,” Luhan sighed, sitting back to watch while his younger brother kept trying anyway.

                “Come on little birdy.  I won’t hurt you,” Yixing promised, edging closer and closer, completely focused on the creature to the point of not noticing anything else, including the man holding perfectly still in the same damn tree.

                Yifan’s heart started to beat faster.  He’d felt a similar adrenaline rush when he had been pinned down by enemy gunfire but this was something else entirely.  And still, Yixing continued to creep in his direction.  .  He could scare the bird off preemptively but moving would almost certainly give away his location and… from here, he could see Yixing perfectly, his face a mask of earnest entreaty and focus.

                “Yixing…” Luhan sighed when the bird chirped at him and fluffed its wings, looking like it was ready to take flight.

                “Almost,” he murmured with a smile as he rose up with his hand inching closer until…  “Aww,” he pouted, jerking back when the bird cried out in alarm and flapped away, drawing his gaze from Yifan’s hiding spot.  “I was so close!” Yixing wailed plaintively, shoulders slumping in defeat.

                “I told you,” Luhan chuckled, getting back up as he approached his brother.  “You’ve a knack with animals, but the wild ones are still beyond you, Xing,” he reminded with a hand upon the bowed shoulder.  “Come on then.  Let’s get back to mother.  We’ve still got chores to do after all.”

                “Man…” Yixing groaned, looking back at the tree where the bird had perched.  He chirped curiously with a head tilt when his gaze traveled further up the tree.  “Wait Lulu,” he urged as he waved back at his brother, staring hard and blinking when he thought he recognized… a pair of dark eyes peering back at him.  “Yah!” he yelped at the sudden thrashing sound that came from the tree when branches shook and broke in a loud clamor.  Yixing stumbled backwards into Luhan who went tumbling to the ground with him in a tangle of limbs and an undignified shriek.

                “Yixing!” he shouted in complaint, shoving the other male off him indignantly.

                “I saw someone!” Yixing gasped, staring wide-eyed at the tree and pointing at it in an accusatory manner, eyes scouring the area in alarm as his heart raced in his chest.

                “What?  Have you finally gone mad?” Luhan sighed, picking himself up as he dusted his clothes off in annoyance.  “There is no one else out here.  Especially not in the trees,” he explained succinctly, looking over both of them to make sure nothing had happened when they’d fallen.

                “Seriously, Lulu,” Yixing whined while he scrambled to his feet to investigate further, pressing up against the trunk as he started to try and climb the tree.

                “Aish.  You’re such a pain sometimes,” Luhan grumbled, catching his brother’s wrist to pull him down and back as they headed for the village again.

                “Wait!  Lu!” he complained, flailing to hold onto the tree instead.

                “Would you just stop already?” Luhan rolled his eyes, mouth set in a firm line as he shook his head without looking back.  His brother’s imagination was entertaining the majority of the time but there were some days it was just a little much.  Yixing rambled and continued to point behind him, staring at the tree while he was dragged away.

                Yifan finally let out the breath he’d been holding and relief flooded him while the pair moved from his new hiding spot behind the tree, generally unaware of his existence.  “Too close,” he sighed, letting his shoulders slump.  He’d figured correctly that falling out of the tree would spook Yixing enough to make him look away.  Running into and distracting his brother had simply been a bonus that helped to hide him further.

                Dumb bird…  His expression softened though when he recalled the sound of Yixing’s voice as he was calling to the creature.  It almost felt as if he had been calling for him…  “Stupid,” he berated himself with a shake of his head, pulling out a twig that had gotten stuck in his hair.  “You’re just going to have to be more careful next time.”

                Determinedly, Yifan collected himself and swung out further into the forest as he trailed them from behind.  It was too open near the water but it was easy enough to find a hiding place elsewhere.  Besides, it wasn’t as if the stream actually extended into the village anyway.  That would have been asking for more trouble than it was worth.  He wasn’t the only predator that frequented the site and he’d certainly scared off a handful of potential concerns already.

                The large cats weren’t too bad in the summer when the heat killed most of one’s appetite, but it was finally starting to cool off again, which gave him some cause for concern.  Yifan no longer had the additional layers he’d needed to get through the first cold season here and he wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do when it got to that point again.  But there was still time yet…  The evenings weren’t even chilly but neither were they sweltering anymore.

                Those concerns were pushed out of his mind as his focused returned to Yixing and his brother, watching as they were met by their mother.  She was a short woman, slender like them with dark hair that was always plaited down her back.  Yifan grinned when she started to chide Yixing for his ‘daydreams’ and then subsequently melted under his sad pout.  He listened to Luhan rail good-naturedly about her inability to scold him properly before he cringed when another woman showed up, shaking her finger at him.

                Of a similar age, Yifan figured her to be either his fiancé or his wife.  Minseok had one too but the women tended to remain in the heart of the village, taking care of things there while the men headed into the forest.  There were a couple times when he’d noticed Zitao and Minseok in particular wandering through the forest with a small group of some of the older males in a tentative hunting party.  They weren’t half bad either, but they had a lot to learn.

                Unfortunately for Yifan though, he found that Yixing was learning too.  After their close encounter, he changed subtly.  Oh, he still came out as he used to do, accepting the gifts like before, but he wasn’t as oblivious as he had been.  Yifan laughed that Yixing still spaced out at fairly irregular intervals, but he found he needed to be more alert, hiding further back to make sure he didn’t risk a similar situation.  Even then, it still took Yixing a couple weeks to try something other than just observing his surroundings more.

                “Hello?” Yixing called softly as he crept about the area near the stream, glancing around slowly.  “Are you here?” he asked, easing up to the tree he’d first seen the eyes in, feeling mildly daft for talking aloud to something that might not even exist at all, but he knew what he’d seen.  He also knew he’d catch all manner of ribbing if the others heard him but they weren’t around for the moment so he was okay.

                Luhan had tried to tell him it was nothing and that as usual, his mind was playing tricks on him.  Ordinarily, he would have gone along with his brother’s explanation because he usually made sense, but not this time.  After finding the random bundles of food where he was obviously going to be able to see them and then catching sight of something… or someone in the tree, it couldn’t be a mere coincidence.  Animals didn’t just leave stuff lying around for him to find.

                “Are you here?” he asked, climbing cautiously into the tree for a better look around.

                Yifan watched him from afar, barely blinking as Yixing thoroughly inspected the tree and its branches.  His brow dipped slightly when the other male poked at snapped limbs where the wood had split but was still attached or been broken off into jagged edges.  Well, at least he had some sense anyway.

                Yixing climbed down and bit his bottom lip in thought as he walked around behind the tree.  “It’s alright.  Whoever you are,” he urged, kneeling down to paw at the ground where Yifan had fallen.

                He was certain he hadn’t left any tracks behind but there were still some remains from the broken branches.  Tensely, he sank further against the tree he was perched in and watched in mute anticipation.

                “I won’t hurt you,” Yixing called softly, standing up with a nervous expression as he kept one hand on the tree and then looked around into the forest beyond.  That was almost laughable really.  The others didn’t take him hunting because besides fish, he couldn’t hunt.  His mother said he was too softhearted but he really was good with the creatures they kept in the village.

                If there actually was a person out here, he’d likely have no chance against him whatsoever, but why leave him those things to find?  Why not just attack him and get it over with?  That made far more sense than this… hiding, or staying out of sight at least, they were doing.

                Yifan took one measured breath after another, clinging to the branches with a white-knuckled grip.  What was it about the boy that made him want to climb down and actually come to him as he called?  The soothing sound of his voice and the gentle promise of a hand that would do no harm called and urged him to listen.  He gasped quietly when he heard Yixing’s next statement.

                “Thank you for the gifts.  My mother really enjoys them too,” he smiled, moving to another tree as he peered into the branches.

                Of course Yifan figured the young man would make some sort of correlation.  That was to be expected, but he had never anticipated a thank you or the way it would make him feel.  Practically trembling, he pushed himself up slowly, making sure he would not draw untoward attention to the motion as his breath shook with too much emotion.  He had to get away before he did something stupid… like actually listen to Yixing’s voice.

                “Please.  If you’re here, I would like to see you,” Yixing murmured, holding still as he waited breathlessly for some sort of response, one hand pressed against another tree and the other at his .

                Bespelled by the simple request, Yifan froze and blinked.  Did he dare even try?  He glanced down at his person and grimaced.  His appearance had not bothered him before, but seeing himself now, he looked terrible.  Covered in dirt and debris, with overgrown hair filled by all manner of grime, he was certainly not presentable.  Even if he didn’t see the blood that stained his hands under the muck, certainly Yixing would see a monster in his current form...

                “Please?” Yixing tried again, bottom lip caught between his teeth again.

                Staring down an enemy would have been easier than trying to hold still in front of Yixing and eventually Yifan shifted slightly to ease some of the terrible tension coiled in his body.  The bark under his left palm wasn’t entirely secure and slipped free, sending his hand sliding after it, shaking the limb he was on with an obvious rustling of leaves.  “,” he cursed softly, freezing where he was.

                “Hello?!” Yixing exclaimed with a gasp, gaze darting about as he tried to find where the disturbance had come from.  Seeing the trembling leaves, he hurried over to the tree in question and stared up into the dark foliage, heart beating quickly in his chest.  “Are you here?” he asked softly, peering intently upward.

                 No…  Just go away.  Yifan clenched his jaw and willed the world to stop so that Yixing wouldn’t find him.  Not like this…  Despite his best efforts, his form trembled at the other male’s proximity and he felt a different kind of fear.  Not the kind that drove him to do such horrible things to other men; not the fear of death, but rather of being seen for who and what he was.  It carried with it the fear of rejection and hatred.  The danger of being feared in turn.  “No…” he breathed, the sound akin to the wind whispering in the leaves.

                “It’s alright.  You don’t have to be afraid,” Yixing coaxed, searching the foliage.  Was that an arm maybe?  It was too dark to see clearly but the longer he stared, the more he was almost certain he could make out the vague figure of something humanlike.  “I’m coming up,” he called in a gentle warning.

                Oh …  Feeling an overwhelming sense of panic, Yifan held his breath and ran through his options.  Doing anything at all to Yixing was completely out of the question which left him with very few choices.  It was a taller drop to the ground than he preferred but not terribly dangerous and there were a couple branches on the way to help break his fall again.  He swallowed once and glanced back down at Yixing who was clear as day to him, making his steady way into the tree.  Ah hell.  With a quick burst of energy, Yifan jumped away from his hiding spot and threw himself bodily down the other side of the tree, crashing through the branches as several tore gashes and scrapes into his unprotected flesh.

                “Yah!” Yixing yelped as he clung to the tree reflexively, caught off guard by something large crashing through the leaves before it hit the ground with a thump.  “Wait!” he called, half-dropping and half-sliding down the tree himself, cursing at the splinters jabbing into his hands.  “Hey!  Don’t go!” he called, rushing around the tree trunk to get a better look at whoever it had been but the only thing he saw were swaying plants from where they’d run.

                For just a moment, he was tempted to chase after them, but he caught himself before he took even the first step.  Whoever it was, they were fast and very clearly did not want to be seen or approached; at least not right now anyway.  If he didn’t know better, Yixing would say they were exhibiting every characteristic of a cornered animal.  He grimaced.  At least it hadn’t attacked him at any rate.  While he didn’t know exactly what it was, Yixing did know that there was undeniably something out here.  For now, it was enough.

                He smiled sadly and waved in the direction it had run.  “Take care,” he murmured and turned around to gather the berries it had left.  Spoils in hand, he retreated back to the village before someone came out to find him.

                Yifan didn’t stop running until it was hard to breathe, forcing him to pause, gasping for air as he rested his palms on his bare knees.  It was only when he stopped moving that he felt the newest injuries and a growing, painful twinge in his ankle from when he’d caught himself improperly upon landing.  “!” he gasped, fingers tightening around his knees as his chest constricted with the suffocating fear that followed him.

                Yixing knew he existed.  He knew that someone was nearby, watching him.  Yifan didn’t think he’d gotten a particularly good look but there was no doubt he’d be even more aware in the future.  He couldn’t go back now, could he?  Not with having been discovered.  And certainly not injured like he was.  “Dammit,” he groaned, inspecting the new worrisome gashes on his arms and torso.  They weren’t serious, like the claws of those damn cats, but they stung…

                For days, Yifan stayed far away from the village, certain at any moment, despite the words that Yixing had murmured, a hunting party would come find him.  He treated his wounds as best he could and carried on as he always had but when nothing untoward happened and the fear that clouded his thoughts slowly faded from his immediate concern, he regained a measure of his composure again.

                Yifan found himself staring at his hard face in the reflection of a puddle of water.  Long fingers traced his gaunt cheeks and pulled at the strands of matted hair with a curl of his upper lip.  Quickly, he unsheathed his dull combat knife and hacked off most of his hair in choppy, uneven strands, leaving the resultant mass as a spiky mess of dirty unwashed locks that stood on end.  The unpleasant grimace stayed until he finally managed a hasty bath in a shallow stream.  It wasn’t deep but it was clear and infinitely preferable to the larger river he’d found first.  All manner of creatures dwelled there, posing a possible hazard even to him.

                At last, resembling more of a human than he had in months, Yifan resolved himself to go back.  He didn’t know why and the suffocating fear was still there whenever he remembered Yixing knew about him, but he wanted to see him again.  Needed to in fact, for his nights were filled with nightmares once more, compounded by his illogical concern for the young man.  Yixing didn’t need his protection for there was nothing out here that would harm them, beyond the occasional natural predator, but he worried all the same.  And it was the gnawing sense of worry that finally drove him back to find the young man and his people again.

                Slightly further in the forest and away from the stream than they tended to travel, Yixing picked through the underbrush for usable plants and food with the rest of his group.  It had been several days already and he’d neither seen nor heard anything out of the ordinary.

                The guys didn’t believe his story, as expected, but that hadn’t stopped Yixing from coming out and leaving gifts of his own.  Nothing large, they were often times little more than a handmade bracelet or wreath made of flowers.  Prepared food was impossible since the insects and birds got to it almost immediately, but everything remained untouched.  He hadn’t really scared it off had he?

                “What are you daydreaming about this time, Xing?” Luhan asked, shoving his brother’s shoulder to get his attention.

                “Eh?  Oh, nothing,” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

                “Still thinking about that phantom man you saw in the trees?” Jongdae teased with an accompanying amused smirk.

                “No!” Yixing denied immediately; a dead giveaway.  His response caused the others to laugh at his expense and he grumbled under his breath.  “I really did see somebody,” he maintained without looking up.

                “Sure you did,” Minseok just smiled and nodded, busy with his own task.

                The only one who hadn’t said anything was Zitao and Yixing glanced over at him to see why not.  Surprisingly, the young man was looking around as if searching for something too.  Curious, Yixing edged over to the observant male and paused beside him, pretending to be looking for more supplies.

                “What’s up?” Zitao asked, finally dropping his sight back to the task at hand.  They weren’t going to have light enough for that much longer so they needed to focus before it got too late.

                “What are you looking for?” he asked, glancing at the sleepy-eyed male with a sidelong look.

                Zitao chuckled and shook his head.  “You tell me,” he responded, turning to meet Yixing’s eyes squarely.  The elder male looked surprised so he continued, “Granted, I haven’t seen anything like you have, but… I’ve felt as if we were being watched a time or two,” he winked, going back about his business without another word.

                More than a little surprised by the admission, Yixing blinked and then broke into a wide grin.  It wasn’t much, but it was enough.  “Thanks, Tao,” he whispered so his voice would carry only to the younger male.  Zitao didn’t respond, but Yixing could have sworn he heard a low laugh.

                With his eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he watched from afar, Yifan mutely complained to himself, wishing he was closer so he could hear what they were talking about.  Because of Zitao’s presence in particular, he maintained his distance, avoiding the sharp eyes deftly, but it appeared that he and Yixing were in agreement about something.  And that after the others about his existence.  Go figure.

                He turned to hide himself completely behind his vantage point and stared up into the canopy of the forest.  This time, he had no hair to get in his way or brush out of his eyes except the spiky strands that stuck out on his forehead.  They weren’t bothersome enough to worry about and while his wounds hadn’t completely healed over yet, he was more than well enough to travel.

                Still, it was starting to get colder and the nights were not comfortable sleeping only in the remnants of his shorts.  If last year was any indication, it wouldn’t snow, but that wasn’t to say it didn’t get cold enough to cause serious discomfort or worse…  Unless something else came along, he might have to consider ‘borrowing’ something from the village.

                One thing at a time though.  With a lighter heart than he’d felt in a while, he stole one more glance at the group of boys, smiling fondly at Yixing who laughed at something his brother said, and then hid himself behind Minseok as the elder tried to retaliate.

                “Yah!  Save me, Min!” Yixing laughed, arms wrapped around the shorter male who held his hands out in front, keeping the annoyed Luhan at a distance.

                “Brat!” Luhan grumbled with a smile, trying half-heartedly to push Minseok’s hands out of the way.

                For now, watching them like he was doing, filled Yifan with quiet joy and serene peace.  Little by little, their voices and smiling faces replaced the dying screams and corpses of the men he’d killed.  Little by little, he felt less and less like a monster hiding in the shadows.


(a/n: So now we have a couple indirect interactions and the undeniable truth that Yixing knows Yifan exists.  Dun dun dun!  I hope you've enjoyed it thus far and if you're so inclined, I would love to hear from you!  Thank you!  <3)

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And now an epilogue is necessary. Go figure. The words! They keep coming! >.> lol


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Chapter 5: I read this years ago and it haunted me until I found it again. This is still one of the most riveting stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading, period. It was such a delight to read this for a second time, and I'm sure I'll be reading it again in another few years' time. I'll be sure to bookmark it for safe keeping though.

Thank you so much
Chapter 5: This was a really good story and I think I be coming back to read this one again. Now I just need to pick what next, look like I'm having to search your story list again.

I like the fight and trying to save Yixing in the last chapter. Cause as a reader I could see the struggle that he was going through to try save him, and the fear from the villagers before he did.
For this chapter, it great when you can find music to match the scene it helps bring it to life a bit more I think. After listen to yours choice, I had music by Jeremy Soule playing it match the Yifan fighting to live. Not just live but to not be afraid or wanting to run away, it help him to over come that fear. If it wasn't for Yixing, Yifan might of given up in limbo.
The saddest part was reading the confirmation that Minseok was dead even through it was obvious it was still sad :(
Chapter 1: Finally had time to read this :) had to force myself not to click next chapter just to write a comment.

I like the first chapter and there a lot I liked about it but can't put it into words. Honestly, I was thinking that Yifan was going to get caught in this chapter considering when remember his name he almost outed himself and then continuously going to just close enough. But that wouldn't of been fun if he was caught straight away. You sure do know how to draw readers in with just half the first chapter that by the end of the chapter they won't want to move on until it finished.
Wait, was this posted on another fanfic site? I remember reading it before somewhere else and it's so good!
wollen #5
Chapter 5: WOW for the tarzan Yifan, the combat attack and the romance..
this is truly beautiful!!! :-*
Chapter 5: oooh i really like this! (and its a lot shorter den ur norm; yes as usual working on ur review hehe hope u find them helpful? nice? haha) cheers
sCeNeBLUETattoo #7
Chapter 5: I just found this and read it from start to finish. I wanted to stop and comment at the end of a couple of chapters but I just couldn't stop reading long enough to comment until I reached the end. I am humbled to have read such a lovely melancholy story with characters that lived and breathed in the story. This was a breath-stealing, heart-wrenching look at the life of one who had been strong for too long and one who wasn't capable of having a heart filled with anything but peace & love. This was an amazingly beautiful story and I'm glad I invested the time it took to read it. I WILL be recommending this to a few of my friends.
MetuSa #8
Chapter 5: So...I had this story queued for quite a while before I finally read it. And though it was kind of hard to get through emotionally, it was a fantastic story!