
Street Of Love

          "Ring!!" The alarm clock in Krystal's room went off. "Aish..." Krystal pouted and placed the pillow over herself, the ringing sounds than continued which irritated Krystal and her beautiful sleep. She threw the pillow away, opened her eyes and glared at the noisy alarm clock. She slammed the button on it to stop the alarm. She stretched out her arms and yawned, lucky for her, today was a weekend and she didn't have to go to school. This means she doesn't have to listen to those boring lectures and see that stupid rude Oh Sehun. Yes, she only had seen him for one day and she already hated his guts and also not to mention his attitude.

          Krystal got up, went into the bathroom and did the daily stuff that normal people always did in the morning. She changed into a clean, white long-sleeved button up shirt and a pair of short pants. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water, she then saw the pile of boxes at her front lawn and remembered that she had yet to unpack some of her stuff. She placed the cup down reluctantly and walked out, the sun shone down on her brightly. 

         Slowly and carefully, she took one box and was about to move them in when someone called out to her. She turned around and saw a lady around the mid 40s who was across the fence which seperated both their houses. She was wearing a garderning apron and  watering the fragrant flowers on her front lawn. "You must be the new girl that moved in here" the lady said nicely. "Ne, news do travel fast around the neighbourhood huh?" Krystal said and gave the lady and smile.

         "Aigoo... I see that you still have a lot to move? Why don't your family help you to move these boxes?" the lady asked curiously. Krystal kept quiet for a few seconds before replying, "I moved in here alone". "Where are your parents?" The lady asked curiously. That hit Krystal right in the heart, "they are in somewhere far away from here..." she replied in a monotone voice.

         "Poor thing, don't worry. I'll ask my son to help you move these heavy boxes, good way to get him away from him games anyway" She grinned and walked into her house. "W-Wait, you don't have to-" Krystal wanted to reject the kind help but was too late. She just slightly smiled and sat down at her doorsteps, waiting for her 'kind' help to arrive.


          "Sehunnie!" Sehun's mom called out to him. "What now?" Sehun shouted back from his room while busy playing Halo 4 on his xbox. "I heard that we have a new neighbour who moved in yesterday, and apparently it's only one girl living alone in the whole house. Why not you help her move her furnitures? She still has some boxes outside at the front door which are too heavy for her to move alone" Sehun's mom requested of him. Sehun just sighed, "Fine mom, be there in a second" he reluctantly replied. He saved his game and slowly got up of his seat and walked out of the house.

          "Who is this girl, why should I help her anyways? Is it my problem if she's living alone and can't carry some stupid boxes?" Sehun complained to himself on his way out. He crossed over to the house next door and saw Krystal sitting on the doorsteps. She looked so pretty with that long hair and center parting. Her shirt added up to make her look so perfect. Krystal saw Sehun and stood up immediately, "Y-you!" she stuttered, surprised by his sudden appearance. "What are you doing at my house?" Krystal said, not knowing the fact that he was the 'kind help' that the lady brought. 

          "So you're the new girl that moved in huh?  Great, now you wasted my time helping you move these stupid boxes, I was on the 3rd mission of my game" Sehun complained. "Yah! You think I want your help? I wanted to reject the kind offer from your mom too anyways. I can manage alone so just leave me alone!" Krystal yelled in anger and went ahead to try and move the boxes herself. Sehun turned and was about to leave but he saw Krystal struggling and just sighed. Even if he wanted to go home, he can't since his mom was at home and he knew that she would ask him all sorts of questions. 

         "Haiss... I can't believe I'm doing this" Sehun mumbled to himself and walked towards Krystal who was still trying to lift the heavy box. He took the box away from Krystal, "Where do I have to put these?" he asked, avoiding eye contact with Krystal to act like he doesn't care. Krystal gave a sheepish smile, she knew he wasn't so bad after all. "Just bring them into the seond floor, first room on the right" she replied him. 

         Sehun rolled his eyes and carried the box upstairs, he entered a room only to be welcomed by a bright, pastel pink-themed room. It was a simple room with a single bed, a white desk and a wardrobe big enough for a normal girl. Perfect room for a perfect girl. He put the box down and looked around, he then happened to chance upon a few photos framed nicely and placed on a shelf. One of which was a picture of Krystal with a lady and a man which Sehun assumed to be her parents. Another picture was a portrait of Krystal, she was at the beach and her smile was just so sweet. He then slowly walked past the shelf of pictures, something then caught his eye. Krystal and another guy, they were just like a couple.

          "Yah!" Krystal shouted from the door after seeing Sehun looking at her stuff. Sehun got a small shock and shouted back, "Aishh... Why did you shout at me?". Krystal blinked and quickly swooped over and grabbed the photo of her and the guy, putting it near her chest. "Who asked you to snooped around with my stuff. Who gave you the permission to look at them?" Krystal said while looking down, not wanting to have eye contact with Sehun.

         "I helped you to carry some boxes and I can't even look around for a while?" Sehun shrugged. "Well, you do have to respect people's privacy, especially a girl's" Krystal said. "Wait, you're a girl. You act so much like a boy" Sehun joked, evoking Krystal's anger. "Mwoh?! Since when do I act like a guy?!" Krystal yelled, Sehun was obviously testing her patience. She kickd Sehun's leg in anger.

         "Owww!" Sehun complained and rubbed the area she just kicked. "Serves you right!" Krystal said and started hitting him repeatedly. "Do I act like a guy huh? Do I?!" Krystal said while hitting him. "Owww oww oww! Okay fine you're not a guy! You're very lady-like, happy now?" Sehun gave in and rubbed his arm in pain.

         "How can a girl hit so hard... Isn't it a fact that she ats like a guy..." Sehun mumbles to himself. "What did you say?!" Krystal said, hearing part of what he said. Sehun quickly ran out of the house, not wanting to get hit again. Krystal just chuckled, Sehun was cold and rude to her before but today it seems like he changed and she liked it. She then realised the photo she was holding and tears dropped from her eyes. Krystal's mind then went back to that time when her heart broke into a million pieces

         "Oppa! Wae?! I thought you loved me!" Krystal said, tears dropping from her eyes like little beads of crystals. "I have no choice... It's just that... She gives me the kind of feeling that you don't" he said. "Kim Kibum! So are you saying that the past three years you spent with me was nothing but just toying with my feelings?!" Krystal yelled. Key just looked away, ignoring Krystal. "Fine. You want it that way? Then don't regret it after I'm gone" Krystal said and walked away in the cold winter with heavy snow pouring on her, tears continuously falling while she was walking. 

         "Don't ever let me see you again" Krystal whispered to herself. She then threw the photo in the box and dumped it away. "Why did I even have that photo anyway" she asked herself and wiped the tears off her face. She had to admit, she still had that tiny bit of feeling for him but so what? He was the one that betrayed her and left her for another girl. It was no use trying to love him again. After some unpacking, night soon dawned upon the world. 

         Krystal was sitting on her bed and using her phone. "Yah!" A voice shouted from outside the windows. It was Sehun's voice. Krystal looked out and saw Sehun at the other side, about a few meters away. The windows of their rooms were coincidently facing each other and they could communicate through their rooms too. "Mwoh?" Krystal shouted back from the window. "Just wanted to say since now our windows are facing each other, don't ever try to peek when I'm changing" Sehun teased and chuckled. "Yah! Who said I wanted to see you changing, not as if your body was nice to see or anything!" Krystal said and drew the curtains and jumped to bed.

         Sehun just chuckled. "So nice to bully her" he said to himself. He then drew his curtains too and went to bed and slowly entered his world of dreams...

         "Jung Soojung. I love you!" Sehun then slowly leaned in for a kiss... "Ah!!" Sehun woke up from his dream. "What the hell was that? Me kissing that girl and confessing my love for her?" he said to himself. "She's really making my life weird since she got here" Sehun mumbled to himself and got out of bed.


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Exose7en #1
Chapter 7: Ahhh..this fic has so much feel
Update pls T_T.....it's already 2016 I want to read this is so wonderful
hiko_shin #2
ma sister recommended this ff to me and how i love the trailer so much, let me read the story then ㅅㅅ
oshn94 #3
Chapter 7: wahhhh perfect!
Yara__ #4
Chapter 7: Omg this is simply amazing please update
what's the title of the song in the trailer? i really like it....
Chapter 7: I really like this story
Found it really intersting
When will they relaise that they are love each other
Waiting for an (M) chapter for reason of course
Update soon honey
I'll be waiting
Chapter 7: I hope you'll continue this story soon^^ I really curious what will happen next
Chapter 7: please update soon!!! my sestal feels <3 ah fighting!! ah eunji and key shouldn't get into sesyal's way! *shows angry face* haha
Chapter 7: update soon pleaseee=)=)=) the story is very interesting and i love the sestal moments here...author fighting!!;)
helloimyna #10
Chapter 7: eunji and key ahould get outta there. they ruined my sestal's happiness lol. update soon!