
Street Of Love

          Drips of raindrops could be heard along the beautiful street of love. What is the street of love you ask? Well it's the streets which is famous among many couples. Many couples come here, whether it is to walk along this beautiful street together with your loved ones or just sit down at a cafe for a nice and peaceful date. Of course, there are also normal and single people who walk along this street to travel to and fro. And one of them is Sehun. Walking along this street to go to Seoul High everyday was the daily routine for him. Sehun, known as the cold-blooded guy in school is also seemed to be shrouded in mystery all the time. Girls love him for his gorgeous looks but don't dare to talk to him, neither does he talk to girls or show interest in them. He only talks to his eleven best friends, mainly known as EXO. Even so, he's always the quietest in the group.

          "Pit pat" The sound of steps on the puddles went with every step Sehun took. It was a nice and sunny day after the loud and heavy thunderstorms last night. Wearing a pair a headphone, school uniform and converse shoes all the time, it seems like Sehun doesn't have anything else in his wardrobe. "Tick tock" That watch on his wrist ticked as every second went past. Only half and hour more before lessons starts. 

          And then it happened. A girl with black, long hair crossed his path and started walking infront of him towards the direction of Seoul High too. As much as he didn't want to care, he was curious. Who is this girl? He haven't seen her before. Thoughts rang through his head. Wearing the same school uniform as Sehun, Jung Soojung, who prefers to be called by Krystal appeared into Sehun's life at this moment.

          "Pit pat" The sounds doubled after Krystal walked into his life. Indeed, there was more to come than this stranger relationship. Sehun was so mesmerized by her beauty at first sight. It reminded him of someone so important to him at that time, he couldn't help but just keep staring at her back view all the time. "Ding Dong" The bell echoed throughout the whole school. Sehun and Krystal walked into the school gates. 

          "Aish... No welcome or guide or anything?" Krystal mumbled to herself and pouted. She then noticed Sehun walking towards the hallway of the school. "Since I don't know where to go, might as well follow him. Better than staying out here" she thought to herself and started following Sehun behind to the classroom.

          "What the hell? Is she a stalker?" Sehun thought to himself after realising Krystal was following her. Sehun walked more, this time faster, hoping that Krystal would stop following behind him. But Krystal just kept following behind Sehun. He couldn't take it anymore, he turned around and faced Krystal. "Yah, why are you following me around school? Are you a stalker? You were walking the same path as me just now on the way to school too" 

          Krystal was totally dumbfounded. Everything happened so fast and she didn't know what to say. Leystal blinked for a few seconds before finally saying, "M-Me? Stalker? You're kidding me right? I'm just lost since I just got transferred here... And I was walking infront of you just now, how does they make me a stalker?" Krystal said. She did make some sense, since Sehun didn't see her before and she was walking infront of him just now. Embarrassed. Totally embarrassing for Sehun.

          "What class are you from?" Sehun said, trying to escape from that embarrassing moment. "N-Ne? Uh.... Class 3-1" Krystal stuttered. "Class 3-1 huh? Follow me" Sehun told her and walked along the hallway. This was probably the first time he talked to a girl other than his mom. Sehun didn't know why but he had the urge to start a conversation with her. Krystal just nodded slightly and followed behind Sehun. She was afraid of him. Not really afraid but she didn't see a guy called her a stalker and act so cold before. Even though he was kind enough to bring her to the classroom, she felt that he was a bit rude to have called her a stalker without knowing anything.

          "We're here" Sehun said coldly and went into the class. The teacher was sitting on the teacher's desk and doing some paper work while waiting for the other students to arrive in the classroom. Sehun walked infront of the teacher and bowed, "Annyeonghaseyeo Sungsaengnim, there is a new transfer student and she said she was from this class".

          "Oh? Oh yes, we're going to have a new student" The teacher said and looked at Krystal who was standing behind Sehun. Krystal caught her glance and immediately bowed to her formally, "Annyeonghaseyeo Sungsaengnim". Sehun just went to his seat as he couldn't care less about Krystal anymore. Krystal just glared at Sehun slightly before switching her sight back to the teacher. The teacher went through the files of Krystal.

          "So... You're transferred here from America due to some personal reasons? May I know what are those reasons?" The teacher asked and Krystal's mood totally dropped. "Sungsaengnim... Can I not state those reasons? It's called personal for a reason..." Krystal said softly. The whole class already noticed her. All the boys were whispering about how pretty she was with her long black hair. Well, maybe not all the boys.

          "Alright, I'm so sorry about that" The teacher said. "By the way, I'm Mrs Lee. Now... As for seatings, why not you take the empty spot next to Sehun?" Mrs Lee pointed at Sehun. "What? Him again?" Krystal thought to herself. "So his name is Sehun?" She walked towards his and sat right next to Sehun. Sehun just sighed, in his mind he was thinking that he had to seat next to this girl that he doesn't even know.

          Lessons soon started and Krystal was staring out of the side window all the time. She wasn't even listening in class at all since she learned all the math concepts back in America already and education in Korea now was just a piece of cake for her. Although Sehun didn't talk to her or didn't care much about her, he would sometimes glance over to see what was she doing as he was curious about her. "Ring!!" The bells rang after a few hours of lessons and Krystal jolted from her daydream. The whole class left the classroom and the last to leave was Sehun and Krystal

          "Sehun-ssi, as the class president can you bring Krystal around the school?" Mrs Lee requested. Sehun rolled his eye and sighed, he didn't want to bring a girl around since he was awkward with girls, let alone talk to them. Especially when this random girl popped out nowhere in the streets. But he couldn't reject a teacher's offer so he had no choice but to agree."Ne sungsaengnim" he said reluctantly and turned to Krystal. "Let's go" he said coldly towards her and walked away.

          "M-Mwoh?" Krystal was confused as everything happened too fast, she quickly bowed to the teacher and chased after Sehun. "Yah! Don't walk so fast!" Krystal immediately caught up with Sehun. "I don't have much time, so let's just do this quickly. Not my problem if you get lost in school anyways" Sehun said rudely. Krystal was surprised, how can a person be so rude towards a new transfer student?!

          They continued the tour around the school. Sehun was just rushing everything while Krystal was mad at him. She had never seen anybody ruder than this. After about an hour or so, the tired and endless tour had came to an end. "That's almost every place there is in this school, if there's nothing else than I'm going home so leave me alone" Sehun said and walked away. "Mwoh?! Who said I was clinging on to him? I don't want to go near him too!" Krystal mumbled to herself angrily. Something sure is eating her but her anger subsided after she saw someone with a familar figure. Her eyes widened and the pout on her face turned into a smile after seeing someone running towards her.

          "Soojung-ahh!!!!" A girl ran towards her with her arms put wide out and hugged her tightly. "Sulli, long time no see" Krystal hugged her back tightly. Then, three other girls came along. And yes, they are Krystal's best friends. Sulli, Luna, Victoria and also Amber. "Jung Soojung! What took you so long to come here!" Luna complained and hugged her too.

          "Vic!" Krystal shouted but softly and hugged Victoria. "No time no see girl" Amber said in english and hugged Krystal too. "I see that you still got some swag" Krystal said and smiled. "Why not we go get some meat? Korean meat?" Victoria suggested and Krystal's eyes were sparkling upon hearing the word 'meat'. It's been so long since she ate Korean meat and she was craving for it. "Let's hurry up and got get some meat!" Krystal quickly walked towards the exit of the school gate, excited about her meat. The other girls just chuckled at her cuteness. And so they went to the resturant and ate some delicious meat while catching up on each other's stories.

          And so this is where it all began. The first chapter had come to an end but this was just the beginning of this sweet, love story and there were more to come. Who knows what the future of Sehun and Krystal would hold.

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Exose7en #1
Chapter 7: Ahhh..this fic has so much feel
Update pls T_T.....it's already 2016 I want to read this is so wonderful
hiko_shin #2
ma sister recommended this ff to me and how i love the trailer so much, let me read the story then ㅅㅅ
oshn94 #3
Chapter 7: wahhhh perfect!
Yara__ #4
Chapter 7: Omg this is simply amazing please update
what's the title of the song in the trailer? i really like it....
Chapter 7: I really like this story
Found it really intersting
When will they relaise that they are love each other
Waiting for an (M) chapter for reason of course
Update soon honey
I'll be waiting
Chapter 7: I hope you'll continue this story soon^^ I really curious what will happen next
Chapter 7: please update soon!!! my sestal feels <3 ah fighting!! ah eunji and key shouldn't get into sesyal's way! *shows angry face* haha
Chapter 7: update soon pleaseee=)=)=) the story is very interesting and i love the sestal moments here...author fighting!!;)
helloimyna #10
Chapter 7: eunji and key ahould get outta there. they ruined my sestal's happiness lol. update soon!