
Street Of Love

          Krystal and Sehun both walked into class, lessons were about to start soon. They both settled down and took out their notes, and right then the teacher walked in. Everyone stood up at the sight of Mrs Lee, Sehun was about to say his command for the class to greet the teacher but she told the class to settle down instead. 

          "Class, settle down for a bit. I would like to introduce to you a new transferee, this time it is a guy" Mrs Lee said and all the girls started squealing. "Is he handsome?" "Does he come from a rich family?" All the girls were discussing amongst themselves about that except for Krystal. She was too tired to think, she hardly got any sleep from last night because of the heavy thunderstorm. "Haiss...." Krystal sighed and just laid on the table, her head facing the window. Sehun who was sitting beside her just looked at her and whispered, "Lasy ".

          "And introducing you the new transfer student" Mrs Lee said. Right then a guy walked it., all the girls were squealing. They were all whispering about how handsome and hot he was. He just smiled, he scanned the room, knowing that the girl he was looking for was in the same classroom too. His eyes then lurked to the girl who had her head on the table, he wasn't able to see her face clearly as she was facing the window but for sure. He knew it was the girl her was looking for.

          "If you don't mind please introduce yourself" Mrs Lee requested from the transfer student. He smiled and nodded at the teacher before turning to face the class again. He then started, "Annyeonghaseyeo" he greeted and bowed down. Krystal's eyes widened upon hearing the familiar voice. She quickly lifted her head to look up which startled Sehun. And then, she had the shock of her life. "My name is Kim Kibum, but you can just call me Key" he finished his introduction while looking at Krystal's surprised face. Key then smirked, "It's been a long time, Soojung-ah".

          Everyone then turned to Krystal, Sehun on the other hand was really curious and shocked too. "Isn't he the guy in picture Soojung had?" he thought to himself. He kept thinking and wasn't able to recognize him since Key changed quite a lot. He looked quite different in the photo since it was a few years back. "Do you know Krystal?" Mrs Lee asked. Key then smiled at her and looked back at Krystal, "Yes I do, in fact. We're quite close" he replied. Krystal clenched her fist and gritted he teeth tightly, she was about to cry but was holding back her tears.

          "Why did you have to come back?" "Are you here to hurt me more after you left?" These thoughts were ringing through her head. Sehun noticed her fists and her expression. Then suddenly, he got surprised when he saw Krystal's eyes becoming more red and a bit watery. "Yah Jung, why are your eyes like that? By any chance are you actually crying?" Sehun asked out of the blue which startled her. Krystal quickly replied, "Who said I was crying?" she quickly turned away from sehun and wiped away her tears.

           "I see, glad that you have a friend here in this school so you wouldn't feel lonely" Mrs Lee said and instructed Key to take his side which was on the other side of class away from Sehun and Krystal. "All right now, we'll be starting lessons" Mrs Lee announced and immediately began class.

           Few hours later, class soon ended and Krystal quickly packed her stuff before leaving, hoping to avoid Key. Sehun noticed her walking out quickly and thought to himself, "Aish... Why is she acting so weird today? Has the burglar thing made her head go crazy?". He then started packing his books and notes and noticed that Krystal left her file of notes on the table. She must have forgotten while packing up so quickly. He then took the file and walked out of the classroom.

           Krystal was at her locker, keeping all her books in it when suddenly someone called out to her. "Annyeong Soojung" Key appeared from behind and grinned. Krystal wanted to walk away but she knew that she couldn't escape forever. "Don't call me Soojung we're not close" she said. Key then replied her, "What do you mean we're not close? You knew we used to be together and we're still are now" he reached out his hand and wanted to hold Krystal's hand when she slapped it away, "Sorry Key but we're not close anymore. You know what you did few years back. We can never go back to how we were ever again so leave me alone. When we come to school just act like you don't know me" Krystal said with head down, trying to hold back her tears. 

           "But-" As soon as Key wanted to talk back, someone then grabbed Krystal's hand. Key looked up and saw Sehun. Key was confused on what was going on and asked, "Excuse me but what are you trying to do to Krystal? This is a matter between her and me". Sehun just kept quiet and Krystal was shocked, she just looked down at the hand and didn't want to lift her head up. At this time there were a few people surrounding them and muttering amongst themselves and of course Eunji was also watching and was so pissed off. "I'm the class president, also Jung's partner in class. She made an appointment to have lunch with me and thought why she hasn't came so I came to find her here" Sehun replied Key.

           Key then thought for a while and remembered what Eunji said about Krystal having another guy. "So are you Soojung's new boyfriend?" Key asked and Sehun, Krystal as well as the other students were taken aback by the question. Sehun hesitated for a while and answered, "Yes I'm so what? Now please excuse us" he then pulled Krystal away from the crowd. Sehun had brought Krystal to the rooftop garden where hardly anybody went there.

           "Y-Yah foxy eyes... What was that about?" Krystal stuttured and asked with her head still down. "I know everything already Jung. He was your ex-boyfriend right? I remember seeing him in that photo of yours. So are you gonna tell me your story or not? Or else I'm gonna call him up here" Sehun said and wanted to walk back downstairs but Krystal immediately stopped him. "Who said I wasn't gonna tell you my story? But first... My hand..." she said and looked down at her hand which was holding Sehun's. Sehun then noticed and quickly let go, "Mianhae".

           Both of them then sat down at a bench and Krystal told him her story, "Before I became your neighbour I actually stayed in the States for a long time. My mom was a Korean so that's why I know how to speak so well and I would also often visit here." she started. "While I was studying over there I met him. He was so nice to me, he would always help me with school work all the time and also buy me food." Krystal continued but started to tear up.

           "He and I started to get together and we enjoyed each other's company. We kept this relationship for 3 years until few years back I actually caught him making out with another girl. She was from the same class as me and had a crush on Key for a long time, I always ignored her but I didn't know that he would like her back" Krystal couldn't hold back her tears and started crying. "K-Key said that being with the girl made him feel better and he loved her more... That's why I-" Before Krystal could continue, Sehun pulled her towards his chest. leaving Krystal in shock. 

           "Don't cry. I hate it most when girls cry, they look ugly when they cry. So I'm lending you my body to calm you down. You already look ugly enough so I don't want you to look even more ugly when you go home later" Sehun said bluntly, showing that he doesn't care but deep inside, he was actually heartbroken at Krystal's story and angry at Key for hurting her heart. Krystal didn't say anything, she just cried her heart out. Although Sehun said it bluntly and rudely she knew that he actually cared.


           "Yah are you crazy?" Eunji scolded Key. "If you keep doing this you're just drifting Krystal further away from you" she complained and Key apologised. "It's not my fault, how would I know that Soojung would fall another guy. I though she would be happy to see me again" Key said in a low voice.

           "Are you a babo? Considering what you did to her in the past, of course she would hate you and resent you now" Eunji scoffed. "So what should I do now? Since she hates me I can't do anything" he asked and Eunji replied, "I don't know. Let's see in time then..." she smirked.


           "About just now... Mianhae" Krystal apologised to Sehun while walking home together with him. "Pft. I told you I hate seeing girls crying cause they look ugly. I was just helping you so that you would look better in public" Sehun lighty said. Krystal smiled at his sentence, "Arraso, I'm an ugly duckling. But anyways, thank you for helping me just now and letting me share my burdens with you". Sehun was actually smiling on the inside even when he doesn't show it.

           "Who said I was willing to share your burden with you? I was just curious how a person like you could get a boyfriend while I, the pretty faced Oh Sehun couldn't get a girlfriend up till now" Sehun told her. Krystal then pretended to vomit, "Pretty faced? Buahaha!" she started laughing. "Yah! What's wrong with calling myself pretty faced? Its a fact that I'm handsome" Sehun said and posed. Krystal then laughed even more at his silly act. On the other hand, Sehun was also happy seeing Krystal smiled and laugh.

           "To think that a innocent and cute little piggy like you would get hurt in a relationship" Sehun thought to himself and the both of them walked past the Street Of Love. When they finally reached home and Krystal was about to enter her house Sehun then said, "Yah ugly duckling. Tip for beoming prettier; smile more often" he said and grinned before going into his house. Krystal then smiled and went home too. 

           At night, Sehun looked up to his window saw Krystal on the other side again. She was dilligently studying and didn't notice him. He opened his window and threw a paper ball at her window which startled her. Krystal then pouted and wrote down on a small little whiteboard, "What do you want? Can't you see I'm studying? I have a test in a week's time so don't disturb me". Sehun read and then replied her but writing on a whiteboard too, "You stupid pig. No matter how much you study you are still stupid. Don't say I'm a cruel person, tomorrow after school meet me at the rooftop. I will teach you" he replied her and closed his curtains. Krystal smiled at Sehun's act, she found him thoughtful and caring. "Gomawo..." she whispered to herself and went to sleep soon after.


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Exose7en #1
Chapter 7: Ahhh..this fic has so much feel
Update pls's already 2016 I want to read this is so wonderful
hiko_shin #2
ma sister recommended this ff to me and how i love the trailer so much, let me read the story then ㅅㅅ
oshn94 #3
Chapter 7: wahhhh perfect!
Yara__ #4
Chapter 7: Omg this is simply amazing please update
what's the title of the song in the trailer? i really like it....
Chapter 7: I really like this story
Found it really intersting
When will they relaise that they are love each other
Waiting for an (M) chapter for reason of course
Update soon honey
I'll be waiting
Chapter 7: I hope you'll continue this story soon^^ I really curious what will happen next
Chapter 7: please update soon!!! my sestal feels <3 ah fighting!! ah eunji and key shouldn't get into sesyal's way! *shows angry face* haha
Chapter 7: update soon pleaseee=)=)=) the story is very interesting and i love the sestal moments fighting!!;)
helloimyna #10
Chapter 7: eunji and key ahould get outta there. they ruined my sestal's happiness lol. update soon!