
Street Of Love

          "Hey stupid" Krystal called out to Sehun. "Says the one who is dumber than me" Sehun scoffed and replied her.  It's been a week since Krystal moved in and she's almost adjusted to almost everyone here.  Except Sehun. "At least I got a better mark in English than you!" Krystal argued back. "Pft... Whatever american" He said and slinged his bag over one shoulder before walking away. 

         "Cold freak" Krystal glared and walked away in the opposite direction. "Ow... Sorry!" Krystal immediately apologised after bumping into someone. She rubbed her arm to ease the small pain before looking up. It was a very pretty girl, she had dark-brown hair and bangs. Her eyes were also quite pretty. "Apology accepted" she said in a really y-american way with her chin up like she was a queen or whatever.  However, Krystal was too innocent and didn't mind. 

         "I'm really sorry!" Krystal apologised once more. "I already said it's okay. I'm Eunji by the way" She introduced herself. "O-Oh..." Krystal stuttered, "Annyeong, Krystal imnida!" she bowed down formally. 

        "Not bad, you got manners" she said. "So, I heard you are close to Sehun huh?" Eunji said which made Krystal's eyes widen. "Mwoh?! No!! I'm not close to him. He's my enemy! If I had a wish, I would even wish he didn't exist in this planet at all!" Krystal raged. "Woah, woah.... Chillax girl" Eunji replied her in a cool and calm way.

         "What I wanted to just say was..." Eunji went up closer to Krystal's right ear, "Stay away from my Sehun oppa". Krystal, being a innocent girl replied, "Ohh!! I get it now, you like Sehun oppa right? Don't worry I will help you get together with him!" Eunji just smirked, thinking how stupid and gullible this girl is. "Thanks a lot Krystal!" Eunji faked a smile, "Well then, see you later!" Eunji acted friendly towards her so that in future she could put Krystal to use.

         Krystal due to her innocence, thought that she made a new friend and said goodbye to Eunji. She then walked to the class and took some of her books before going to the school gate. When she stepped out of the gate, "BOO!" Sehun jumped out from the corner of the gate and scared Krystal. "Ahh!!" Krystal made a high-pitched scream and covered her face, thinking it was a or something.

         "Hahahaha!!" Sehun was literally laughing his off at Krystal's stupidity. Krystal slowly realised it was the voice of the stupid, irritating and rude Oh Sehun. She uncovered her face, "Yah!!" she screamed. "You think it's funny?" Krystal screamed and started kicking Sehun. "Oh oh oh, yah! Chill down, it was only a joke!" Sehun blocked her kicks and slowly took some steps back.

         "Joke? I don't find it funny!" Krystal yelled. Sehun then quickly ran away, Krystal immediately chased his down the Street Of Love. "Yah Oh Sehun! Come back here!! I swear you're dead!". Fortunately, Sehun reached his house, he opened the fence-gate of his house amd closed it immediately, "Don't try coming over this fence or I'll sue you for transpassing!" he said quickly to stop Krystal from climbing over the fence. "Then I'm going to sue you for scaring me!" Krystal said and Sehun laughed.

         "Hahaha! Stupid! There's no such thing as sueing someone for scaring another person!" Sehun said and Krystal stopped and started thinking. "There isn't?" She started pondering over that. Sehun then took the chance and ran into his house, locking the doors. He walked to the window right beside the door and did a merong at Krystal. Krystal gestured a fist at him, "aish this person" she whispered to herself.


         "Sehun-ahh!" His mom called out to him from the kitchen. "Wae?" Sehun replied while putting his bag on the sofa and undoing the tie on his school uniform. "I cooked an extra portion of barbecued black pork and I thought we can't finish all of them so why not you invite Krystal over for dinner tonight?" She said and Sehun sighed but he was actually grinning on the inside.

         Sehun then just went upstairs to do his homework and play, he looked out of the window and noticed Krystal who was so engrossed in doing her homework.Her hair was being let down on one side which let Sehun saw her beautiful side profile.  Her serious and hardworking side was so cute too, Sehun just smiled looking at her.

         "Yah! Stupid!" Sehun shouted out to her through the window. Krystal, got surprised and looked up to see that annoying guy across her, "Mwoh? I'm trying to do my homework here!" She shouted back. "Guess what stupid, no matter how much homework you do you're still going to be stupid" Sehun . Krystal got angry and immediately took her eraser from the table and threw it towards Sehun and miracously, it actually hit his eye.

         "Oww..." Sehun covered his eye in pain which got Krystal panicky. "Yah! You okay?" Krystal asked worriedly as Sehun looked like he really got hit hard in the eye. "Ahhh... So pain..." He said and secretly took a eraser from his desk and threw it towards Krystal, "Just kidding! How can I get defeated so easily" he said and did a mehrong before quickly closing the window so that he would not get hit anymore.

        "Yah! You!" Krystal shouted in anger, luckily Sehun's eraser missed her but she was still mad at him for lying to her again. Sehun took out a big sketchbook and wrote, "My mom invited you over to dinner so come over, and don't you dare bring any erasers over and start a fight" with a smiley face at the end.

          "I can't promise I won't start a fight..." Krystal whispered to herself and smiled.


         "Flight 186 landing, thank you for travelling with Korean airlines" The pilot announced through the speaker. A guy alighted from the plane, he was wearing a black blazer and sunglasses and also dragging a lugguage bag along with him, he was almost like a male model or fashion star. 

          He walked out of the airport and breathed in heavily, "Soojung, I'm coming for you" he said with a photo in his hand. It was the same photo that Krystal had before. He then started walking down the streets, admiring all the shops and looking at how much Korea changed since he left here. 

         After a few hours he reached a place, he looked up and saw the words 'Seoul High'. He grinned and walked inside the gate, before accidentally bumping into a girl. "I'm sorry miss!" he apologised and looked up, the girl just nodded. He smiled slightly and nodded back before making his way into the school, however the girl grabbed his arm after seeing the photo in his hand.

          "T-That girl... You know her?" she asked. "Well, she is my girlfriend... or ex-girlfriend perhaps" he replied her. "You're coming back to get her back right?" the girl asked again and he slightly nodded which made her break into a evil smirk. "I can help you two get together again. I'm Jung Eunji by the way" she put her hand out for a handshake. "The name's Kim Kibum but I preferred to be called by Key" he smiled and shook her hand.

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Exose7en #1
Chapter 7: Ahhh..this fic has so much feel
Update pls T_T.....it's already 2016 I want to read this is so wonderful
hiko_shin #2
ma sister recommended this ff to me and how i love the trailer so much, let me read the story then ㅅㅅ
oshn94 #3
Chapter 7: wahhhh perfect!
Yara__ #4
Chapter 7: Omg this is simply amazing please update
what's the title of the song in the trailer? i really like it....
Chapter 7: I really like this story
Found it really intersting
When will they relaise that they are love each other
Waiting for an (M) chapter for reason of course
Update soon honey
I'll be waiting
Chapter 7: I hope you'll continue this story soon^^ I really curious what will happen next
Chapter 7: please update soon!!! my sestal feels <3 ah fighting!! ah eunji and key shouldn't get into sesyal's way! *shows angry face* haha
Chapter 7: update soon pleaseee=)=)=) the story is very interesting and i love the sestal moments here...author fighting!!;)
helloimyna #10
Chapter 7: eunji and key ahould get outta there. they ruined my sestal's happiness lol. update soon!