Cold Hearted

Finding You
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That night we crashed at Henry’s place. Henry and Key were passed out on the ground. With screen caps from the videos we watched spread all over the table. I sat outside on the lawn chair. It was cold outside but at least I could think.

I looked up at the stars from the balcony. They looked the same as they did that night. I wonder if Krystal is able to see them right now.

I’m really going to kill that bastard when I find him. How dare he kidnap her?! If he even lays a finger on my girl, I’m going to rip him to pieces, so much as even a little scratch, his head is mine.

I squeezed the two items in my right hand tightly.

“You know meditation balls are supposed to help you, there’s no use for them if you are going to squeeze them like that.” I heard a voice come from behind.

I didn’t respond but thinking of a way to find him. I need to get to her before it’s too late.

“Look, I know you are holding back information from us.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I said with a flat tone.

“Amber, we do this together. We are family.” Henry said putting a hand on my shoulder.

“She’s pregnant.”

I finally confessed. This is top reason that i need to find her quick before anything happens to her. If I wait any longer she might have a miscarriage. I’m just praying that he hasn’t laid a hand on her that would cause too much stress on her body.

“That’s why she was at the clinic? For a checkup?”


“How far along is she?”

“3 months.”

“We’ll find them Amber. They’ll be fine.”

When I heard the screen door close behind me, I finally let it out. I know I told myself over and over again but I just can't anymore. I cried; I covered my eyes with my hand as the tears rolled down my cheeks, dripping off my chin. What kind of girlfriend am I?! I couldn’t even protect the girl I love and my unborn child!

I stood up and walked to the railing. I promised her, I told myself that I would protect her and keep her from harm. Why didn’t I see this coming?!

I used to be a in’ criminal…

How could I be so blind to think that my past wouldn’t come back to bite me in the ? I should’ve listened to her when she told me to let it go. I should've dropped it and i should've trusted her to take care of it by herself. I should have just walked away.

But I didn’t.

There’s no future for people like me. I can’t live a peaceful life as long as my past follows me from behind. I was so distracted by the happy moments that I never thought of the consequences that were bound to happen.

I slammed my fist into the railing. I looked up into the sky one last time. Making up my mind, I wiped the dry tears from my eyes. I know what I must do. She’ll hate me but at least I’ll know they be safe.


“Where’s Amber?” Key asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He repeatedly kicked Henry until he responded. Henry swatted Key’s foot away with his hand, throwing his blanket over his head in hopes of getting more sleep.

“Yah! Wake up!”

“Okay, okay.” Henry slowly sat up but his eyes were still closed.

“I’m going to go look in the bathroom.” Key said coming back from the balcony. He reemerged while scratching his head wondering where the tomboy might’ve run off too.

“There’s a note here.” Henry said, motioning for Key to come to where he was. While Henry was getting a glass of water he noticed the small piece of paper stuck to the fridge door.

“I’m going to go handle a personal matter. I’ll be back later. I left the note that was delivered to me. Go check out the place where it was delivered from.”

“How the hell are we supposed to know where it was delivered from?!” Key grabbed the note that notified Amber of Krystal’s abduction.

It was a blank piece of paper with a small hand written note in the middle of it.

“We have her and you'll never see her again." 

“We could try asking the front desk at Amber’s workplace. It’s a corporate office so security is pretty tight. Just flash your little badge and we could get all we need.”

“How is that going to help?” Key eyed Henry.

“I think sitting in front of the computer all day has fried your brain. Look anyone who’s not an employee has to sign in at the front desk. That means, there’s a name and possibly the name of the establishment.”

“Ooh, I like this. We’re like detectives.”

Henry just rolled his eyes as Key excited jumped up and down in joy before rushing to the bathroom to get ready.


“Where the is he?!” Amber grabbed the taller boy’s collar lifting him up from the ground. She pulled him up and slammed his back into the wall hard.

“I-I don’t know who you are referring to.”

Amber dropped him on the ground. She was beyond pissed at this point; if the beaten man in front of her did not tell her what she wanted to hear she couldn’t guarantee his safety.

“Don’t play stupid with me!” She kicked him in the stomach multiple times for every word that left .

The man groaned in pain, he held his stomach. He breathed heavily, hardly able to s

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snackplate #1
Chapter 5: Maigadddddd.... the feels! Thank you so much for such a great & beautifully written story. One of the best!! Thanks thanks thanks awesome author..
babySavie #2
Chapter 5: Goood!! Good author'shi..please make a lot amber being a this story very cool
foneall #3
Chapter 5: AAAAHHHHH!!!!! I don't no why I Love this story sososososo much....even from the very first I read your title...
Thank you Author!!! *bow down*
Chapter 5: It ended JUST the way I wanted, except for losing Henry and Kris TTnTT!! Thank you for a thrill ride of a read!!!!
Chapter 4: You had me SCREAMING into my hand and beating my pillow !!!!!! TOO EXCITED!!!!!
Chapter 3: Loved the last line and, considering that Amber beat the out of Oh Sehun in the story that *I* am writing (it an AmberXme story...just for fun, mind you), it serves him right!!!
Chapter 1: YOU....HAVE....GOT....MY....FULL....ATTENTION!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Awesome!!!
future_mrs_liu #10
Chapter 5: Ily story! Fighting!