Chapter Twelve: We were in love, still in love. (END)

Along Came Mica....



Another day at training for the boys of UKISS and Mica in the room next door trying on all the clothes for her next fashion show...

"Okay gather around UKISS, i have an announcement to make....."


UKISS manager walked into the room,


"You guys are going to debut in japan, and you are also going to live there for three months" 

The manager announced with happiness in his voice




Everyone turned their heads to see Mica standing at the door, she looked at eli with a confused and angry look


" oh hey Mica..." (Soohyun)


" they're staying in japan for three months?"  

Mica asked the manager


"yeah why?..." (Manager)


 Without saying anything ,Mica ran off and Eli ran after her

"whats wrong with Mica?"

The manager asked as he got up to leave


the rest of the boys just shrugged their shoulders and continued to practice


Kevin and Hoon winks at eachother, as they are the only ones who knows exactly what is going on with those two...

"Eli it's not three days, or three weeks its three months, didn't you know? why didn't anybody tell me..? why didn't you tell me?

we already don't spend that much time together..."


Mica looked at eli, but he wasn't facing her, his head was facing the ground

he slowly lifts it up to look at her..


"well then why don't we break up for now..." (Eli)

".......say that again?" (Mica)


"let's break up..." (Eli)


"what's the matter with you eli? You don't mean it...i know you don't" (Mica)


She held his hands but he flicked it off and had his back to her...


"you have many guys to chose from anyways, why are you still with me?" (Eli)

"you think i'm that kind of girl, i'm disappointed in you" (Mica)

"well so am i....i wish i could be a better person or the best man for you, but i'm not, i just feel that i'm not good enough, and it makes me angry everytime, you have so many guys, who have so much more going after you..." (Eli)

"you are... what are you talking about..."don't you think that if i thought that way, i would still be here with you... it just shows me that you do deserve me, the fact that you think you don't...'"

Mica hugged him from the back to make him change his mind

"just forget it okay Mica..." he walked off and didnt want to look back,

he lacked alot of confidence to be her boyfriend... he was scared that he was wasting her time and she deserved better..


they stopped talking from that day on, they didn't even exchange eye contact with each other,

during dinner or group outings the other boys of ukiss would try to get them to talk but everytime Mica tried to talk, Eli just avoided her..


 It was the day that Eli and Mica are going to seperated further,


UKISS are going to japan,


UKISS' plane was delayed and they had to wait another hour before they can leave, they were waiting around as they watched a bit of TV..


At the same time Mica was on a television show that was airing live,


Eli watched with his eyes glued on the TV


" So Mica-sshi were you ever in a relationship?" 

The Host of the show asked


"I actually just got out of a relationship" (Mica)


"Oh really unnie? who isit?...."


Jiyeon of T-ARA was also a guest on the show...

Mica and her have become friends right after Mica's debut as they were modeling for a fashion magazine with her...





Jiyeon pouted and Mica let out a giggle


"well can you tell us about him?" (Host)

"his actually going out of the country today, so i don't know if he is watching this or not..." (Mica)

"do you still love him?" (Host)

" ......yes, very much, i miss him everyday" (Mica)


" okay well, i heard you can sing very well from the members of UKISS and i know you bought a song with you today?" (Host)

"ah-yeah i did..." (Mica)


"is it by any chance, a song for that someone" (Host)


"yes.... its a song by t-ara and davichi, so i hope that jiyeon-sshi can sing it with me" (mica)

"ofcourse unnie"


"This song is called "We were in love"


Mica started the song off really well


Jiyeon sang her own parts and Davichi's parts, 

Mica sang all t-ara's


but when it came to the first rap part of the song,

jiyeon was stuttering 


Mica quickly covered for her


....the audience was amazed..


after the rapping she walks over closer to jiyeon and rubs her back to tell her that it'sokay,


they continued singing the song and Mica did the rap for the end as well and they both ended the song very nicely...


"ooooh you are such a good singer, i hope the person you sang it too will understand"...


the MC praised her as she bows to the audience that clapped for her




After watching Mica sing on the show,

all of UKISS got up and surrounded Eli,


They all had their eyes on him


Kevin was the first to speak


 "do you understand eli? she's waiting for you...."


He realised what he has done wrong and starts to run before it's too late


"i understand yes i do.... sorry guys i'll meet you in japan.


"ELI where are you going??" The Manager screamed, and started to run after eli but soohyun stopped him


" don't stop him manager... he is doing something really important, let him go.."






Eli made it to the studio where Mica was filming just before she headed home....


He put his hands on her shoulders and she looks at him caringly as he was panting,,,


"Eli what are you doing here? you'll be late for your flight..."


" i nee---ded to---  let--- you know" 

Eli was breathless but Mica patiently waited to hear what he said


"i understand, i watched your broadcast..."


 Mica smiled sweetly, and wanted to hear the rest of what he has got to say


"and...what do you understand?...(Mica)


"that you love me..."(Eli)



" i love you and i know three months is long but can you wait for me?" (Eli)


"ofcourse i can, i've always waited for you.." (Mica)


They shared a very long hug before Mica goes with eli to the airport, '


and there they shared a long passionate kiss before he leaves for japan.




Mica spent everyday with Mina, listening to her talk with kevin over the phone every night,


while she and eli talked via webcam everynow and then


she will sleep in his room whenever she missed him


but time goes by so quickly,


3 months has gone by and UKISS are back in korea,


 they are back with an awesome album called 



besides the title track being awesome there is also a song inside the album called 


 it is a really nice ballad...


Mica took this opportunity to dance a ballet routine to it,

dancing is still mica's passion even ever since she became a model,


she is still very into what she did best...





"Hey stranger...."

that voice... the voice she remembered and missed so much...

she turned around to see her prince....


"OMG eli your back!!"


"we are all back!


In came the rest of UKISS

 Eli went over to hug and kiss Mica



"and don't forget me!




" We just saw you dancing really smoothly to our song"


Hoon praised Mica


"should we do a live one?"


Kevin and Hoon  

"take me away"  and they started singing...


Mica danced her routine one more time without any flaws,

they all applauded for her and 


she then had an idea... i will show this dance for my first lesson at dance school,


"and we will all be there to support you" (Soohyun)


"ahhh what did i ever do to deserve such love from all of you, thankyou..." 

she clapped her hands together as she truhtfully thanked them


"well you know, you deserve it because you're beautiful...inside and out.." 

Eli said as he rubbed her shoulders acting all lovey


"let's take a group photo!!"


Kevin went to set up the camera and put a timer on it so he will in time to be in the photo...


"okay ready everyone ,one.two."

and just before the camera clicked, Eli quickly held Mica's hand and kissed her on the cheek




the picture came out perfect.


Eli turned to Mica as they both spoke at the same time..


"it's good to be back."   Eli said as he gave her a tight hug..


"its good to have you back" ...


She gives him a small kiss on the cheek.

Okay u-kiss, teach me the neverland routine!! Mina start the music!!

They all gathered in front of the mirrors and started the dance,

Mica watched and followed along...And eli was fooling around at times, so he can have skinship with Mica..

Mica and Ukiss continue their little adventures with eachother as they cherish their friendship. 

Their lives changed for the better, luckily along came mica.




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