Just One Kiss...That Was All it Took

The Rest of My Life...with You

Two Months Later...

I was just sitting here waiting until it was time to go up to the altar. I can’t believe it that within those past weeks, it went by so fast and today was already my wedding day. A wedding that I didn’t want to have at least not with this person anyways...

Something inside me stirred that night...that night that he kissed me. My first kiss was stolen from me but still whatever it was I hope it isn’t love or I hope I’m not falling for him.

Someone knocked on the door and I turned around to look. Sighing as I walked up because I knew it was too late to turn back now, even if it wasn’t too late, I knew I couldn’t have done anything about it. This was my last chance to be myself, to have alone time to myself and think before I’m someone else’s property. Someone else’s property---that just sounds so weird and wrong. First of all, it is wrong to force two complete strangers to get married---like we are just collator damages to everyone’s happiness.

Maybe after we are married, he will get a divorce if I piss him off---or maybe he already have his own girlfriend that he wants to get married to but was force into this loveless marriage? But then again, if he did have a girlfriend, why did he kiss me that night too? I suppose after all he is a guy…one person is never enough for them, they always just have to have someone on the side.

“Are you ready?!”Coming from the other side of the door was my aunt yelling at me. I don’t understand why she is yelling at me, I mean I’m doing everything they asked for. I’m getting married because they want me to...if my parents were here they wouldn’t have force me to get married at this age, right? Or was this all planned by my parents in case something happened to them? I wish it wasn’t that.

“I’m coming.”I shouted back while looking at myself in the mirror. This is it! I’m getting married today and I can’t turn back. I wonder how life would be like to be married to a man who I don’t love and who don’t love me back.

I was walking towards the door with tears flowing down my cheeks. NO! I shouldn’t be crying---these people don’t deserve my tears. I shouldn’t be wasting it on them like this. It’s too pointless anyways…no one will care.

As I walked out the door I was shutting the door to my past life, a past I don’t want to remember. A past that shouldn’t had happened. There, in front of me, behind the once closed door were people standing waiting for me to be walked down to my soon to be husband. Soft music lightly playing in the background, but all I can hear was the murmur from the people all around me. Trying to tune them all out was pretty pointless.

I was standing at the front of the altar waiting for my soon to be bride to come. Music started playing but no one is coming. Maybe she must have run off...that’ll be a relief for me. At least it wasn’t me who ran off. But soon, everyone stood up and for the first time since that night I saw her again...this time different. She was wearing a wedding dress ready to be my bride.

Walking down towards me, I couldn’t believe my eyes---she was so beautiful I just couldn’t take them off of her. I can hear people saying ‘awe....she’s so beautiful...only if her parents were here to see her get married...they’ll be so happy...’

I look at her and she wasn’t happy, of course why would she be? She’s getting married to me and we don’t even know each other. She look so sad, I wish I could make her happy but I’m like the cause of her pain...What am I thinking? Do I like her? I told myself many times that I’ll never ever fall in love again...it was too much pain to bared...alone...

Chae Young
Walking down to the altar was the longest seconds of my life. Those precious seconds of freedom was gone in a flash as soon as I reached my spot next to him.

I could feel everyone’s eyes on us. I try to put on a smile but it was not working...as hard as I tried not to cry tears flow down my cheeks, one by one...

“We are here today to gather two mutually individual as one. If anyone present can show just cause as to why this couple may not be legally joined together, you should now declare it, or hereafter hold your peace.”

While everyone waited to see if we should not be married. I was wishing and hoping that someone, anyone out there would objects to this marriage but I was divested when I heard the minister’s voice.

“Then we should farther along with the ceremony. Now I want Kim Kang-woo and Han Chae Young to repeat after me.”

We were holding each other’s hand and I wanted to let go and object to this marriage, but something inside me made me stop...telling me not to do it, or I might just regret it for the rest of my life. We were looking into each other’s eyes. His was so warm and loving but mind was not. I was at lost. I can see myself standing there next to him, my body was there but my mind, heart and soul was elsewhere.

“Kim Kang-woo, do you take Han Chae Young to be your wife? Will you love, honor, and cherish her...”

This is it...I can’t believe it. I wish my parents were here to watch me get married...even if it was a force marriage.

“Han Chae Young, do you take Kim Kang-woo to be your husband? In good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to him as long as you both shall live?”
‘I do.’ That was all I heard him say. Looking at him while he look at me, it almost sounded so real... I hesitated to answer...everyone was waiting for my answer...everyone kept saying... ‘what is she doing? Why isn’t she saying yes...or I do?’

After several seconds, I finally said I do.

“Please may we have the rings...The ring is a symbol of unity into which your two lives are now joined in an unbroken circle; in which, wherever you go, you will return to one another. May these rings serve as a reminder of this day and may you always remember the vows that you have to each other.”

After we put on our rings the minister told us we can kiss each other. I was holding back not wanting to kiss him. His face came closer to mine and he whisper quietly so that just the both of us can hear.

“Don’t be scared. It’s not like it’s the first time...”while saying that he was smiling, it’s more like a smirk. He then grabbed a hold of my face and kissed me...he really just kissed me in front of everyone...

I wanted to hit him but I knew I couldn’t because I knew it was wrong....and I knew I was falling for him...falling deeply in love with him but I don’t know when and where it all started...because in those past months I couldn’t stop thinking about him after that kiss...

We had an after party too but I didn’t care much for it. All I wanted to do was to leave this place and never come back. Leave forever...I can see that everyone was happy and enjoying themselves...even Kang-woo...he was also enjoying himself...

“What are you smiling about?”

He caught me off guard and I almost fell but he caught me in time.

“I’m...I’m not smiling...”I stutter at the surprised question he had asked me.

“Yes you were...you were smiling while looking at me. I know I’m good looking but you didn’t have to stare that hard...”
“Soconceited! I wasn’t even looking at you.”I pouted after saying it because I wanted to go home and my feet hurts like hell.

“Wait---don’t cry now...I was only joking...”Still with that same smirk on his face I was so disgusted by it.

“Whatever....I just don’t feel good. I want to go home.”
“Okay, I’ll take you home...”The way he was saying it wasn’t good. Well at least I think it wasn’t good.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed out the door to his car. Yeah, I know it was rude to leave our own party. But I didn’t feel so good and I’m tired...

Even after we were married it still feel weird...actually it’s even weirder this time. Just because we’re married now...we still have nothing to talk about either.

“So...umm...”She started to say something but stopped...I knew she is as uncomfortable as I am too.

Trying to lighten up the mood I put on some music. “So what kind of music do you like to listen to?”
“I listen to anything...don’t matter.”

The both of us were still wearing our wedding clothes. I just want to get out of these clothes and go to sleep. Am I suppose to drop her off at her house or is she suppose to go home with me? We are married now...

“Umm...I forgot where you live...mind telling me how to get there?”

She had a weird look on her face. Did I ask the wrong thing? I guess I’ll just take her home and when I find out where she’ll be living then I’ll take her home I guess...

“You don’t mind if we just go back to my place right?”I wasn’t looking at her and when I got no response I realize that she was sleeping already.

She look so peaceful and happy. She doesn’t look like someone who is in great pain. We were finally in front of my apartment. I didn’t want to wake her up but I really got to go to the bathroom and I just didn’t feel right leaving her alone in the car. Trying to wake her up but it was no use because she wouldn't budge after several attempts.

Decided once and for all I put her on my back and carried her into the house. Trying to get the door unlock was extremely hard since I have to balance Chae Young up with my other hand and trying to put the key into the hole. Finally it unlocked and I flung the door wide open. As soon as I the lights, my eyes couldn’t blinked to the surprise that awaits me in my house...

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mochilovesschuyler #1
Ooooooo! Let me guess! A surprise partAYYY for the married couple? Yes!
mochilovesschuyler #2
Update quick! Ah sigh, I keep thinking of the guy as the guy in city hunter, the police guy....I like that guy. :)
@mochilovesschuyler, thanks for reading this story too!! :) lmao hope you are enjoying it as well. I will be updating soon for both stories. :)
mochilovesschuyler #4
Hey Hey Hey! I just found ANOTHER fanfic of yours! Pretttay sweet dude! Update!