A Walk in the Park

The Rest of My Life...with You

Author's note: Hey readers, I just want to let you know....this happens all before chapter 2 so this is just kind of a flashback to what happened that night they went to the park. I hope it doesn't confused anyone and if it did, feel free to ask me and i'll explain. Anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy :)


Chae Young

It’s so cold yet so nice and cozy out tonight. I wish every night was like this then just maybe...just maybe I’ll do this every night...Just that tonight was the worse night of my life...I just couldn’t stand staying in that house for any longer.

As I was walking in the park there was a nearby bench with a couple, not young yet not old sitting there just holding each other in their arms. It seems like they are looking at the stars. Just right when I look up I saw something bright yet unbelievably beautiful shooting across the darkened sky. A shooting star so bright and beautiful if only it was close by so I can catch it and keep it forever.

Closing my eyes wising one day I’ll meet my prince charming to take me far, far away from this place I call ‘home.’ What am I thinking! Of course I’m not going to be able to meet my prince charming, I’m getting married in two months. Just in two months it’s my wedding. A wedding I had dreamt of but not with someone I haven’t seen or met. I dreamt of a wedding with the person I love and want to spent the rest of my life with...my prince charming...

Surprisingly there were people this late at night looking at the stars. It’s such a beautiful night, so starry and bright; like looking at a bright light. While walking down the path to the park I saw a couple holding on to each other. I remember those days back then but now...now it’s all over...

But standing all alone on the side of the path, looking at the stars was a girl...not a young girl but my age maybe couple years younger. She look so sad even with her eyes close, I wonder what she is thinking and why look so sad with a night like this. A night like this should be enjoy not looking sad or depress. Should I go and talk to her or maybe I shouldn’t---it’s so late and a strange guy coming up to you. Probably scare her or something. I slowly walked passed her before I started jogging around the park---making my way back home.

Chae Young

I felt something brushed pass me as I opened my eyes but it was gone. Was it is an angel? I didn’t know where it had gone or disappeared to. Maybe it was a sign, a sign that just maybe I might still have a chance…a chance to be with my prince charming. Or maybe it’s a sign, that my life will be turning around…but who am I kidding, someone like me will never get their prince charming.

Only in movies and fairy tales, that prince charming exist. This is real life, realty doesn’t happen like that. NEVER! If it was true then I should have a fairy god mother right? So then, where is mine? I could use a wish right now, a wish right now…

Maybe reading those fairytale books as a kid has gotten to me...thinking that there’ll be a prince charming for...I must be stupid enough to believe that some day I’ll get my knight in shiny armor.

I shouldn’t be thinking like that. It’ll only keep my hopes and dreams up and it’s already too late to have dreams and hopes---when I’ll be off married to some stranger in a far away land. Look, there goes me thinking like fairytales again. I better get home and get warm up for bed before I catch a cold, then who will take care of me but myself…

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mochilovesschuyler #1
Ooooooo! Let me guess! A surprise partAYYY for the married couple? Yes!
mochilovesschuyler #2
Update quick! Ah sigh, I keep thinking of the guy as the guy in city hunter, the police guy....I like that guy. :)
@mochilovesschuyler, thanks for reading this story too!! :) lmao hope you are enjoying it as well. I will be updating soon for both stories. :)
mochilovesschuyler #4
Hey Hey Hey! I just found ANOTHER fanfic of yours! Pretttay sweet dude! Update!