Dinner for Six

The Rest of My Life...with You

It’s already quarter pass 6:30 and no one is here. I’m just sitting here with my aunt and uncle. I don't know why they picked this restaurant. I mean it’s so expensive, it’s not like we’re made out of money. Maybe the other family is but who knows right? I don’t even know who they are, what they look like and how the guy I’m suppose to spent the rest of my life with look like.


As soon as we walked in, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was enormous, the interior of the whole restaurant was kind of like Frenchy type. Nice and big. I don’t know but I just can’t find words to describe the restaurant.

“Hello.” This lady greeted my aunt and uncle. “Sorry we’re late. It was all because our son just got out of work. I mean I don’t know why he got out so late, I told him it’s at 6:30.”

Standing behind them was this tall guy. You can say he’s good looking, well more like handsome especially in that suit he’s wearing. Makes him look too good for me and I don’t understand why they can’t find someone else; someone who will make a perfect match for him. I mean he is really cute. What am I thinking? I’m supposed to be against this marriage and I know that he is probably against it as much as I am.

“Ouch!” I shouted as my aunt who was sitting next to me poke me on the side of the ribs. It hurts because she is so evil. I never knew she was so mean...

I turned to look at her and she gave me this evil look. This look that I’ve been afraid of since I was a kid. That look that say ‘once we get back home I'm gonna kill you’. That always scares me.

“Don’t be so rude and say hi to Mrs. Kim, your new mother-in-law.” We’re not even marry and I’m suppose to call her my mother-in-law. At least she doesn’t seems so bad, she look very decent, maybe mid-thirties. Who knows, I sure don’t.

Getting side tracked my aunt once again poked me on my side this time even harder. Turning my head towards them I put on my most pretentious, sweetest smile I can come up with.

“Hello, I’m Han Chae Young. Nice to meet you.” Still pretending to be the sweetest girl they’ll ever meet.

My so call mother-in-law gave me her probably most pleasant smile and greeted me with a handshake. She then dragged her son to her side. “This is my son, Kim Kang-woo.”

“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Han Chae...”

“I heard it once. Don’t need to hear it again.”


Gosh! What an attitude. It’s not like I want to be here either. At least he could have let me finish what I was saying.

“Don’t be so rude. Haven’t I taught you manners.” Mrs. Kim yelled at him.

I gave him a smirk. Ha! He deserves that. Not to be mean or anything but I didn’t do anything wrong for him to yell at me. He didn’t technically yelled at me but it seems like it.

“Oh....its fine. I think he just had a hard time at work today.” My aunt trying to up to them. Which I think is really stupid. You’re the mean lady so why won’t you just show your true self.


Yeah! That’s right it was a hard day at work and I didn’t want to be here either. I don’t even want to get married yet. Even if I have to, why her? I mean there’s so many girls out there why can’t it be someone who is hot, y, gorgeous and beautiful. It just have to be someone who is poor and ugly;  probably just trying to get our money.

“So how was your day Mrs. Sung?” My mother trying to be nice to the guest. She is so annoying some times...well actually she’s always annoying. Always trying to show off. I mean act your own age.

“I’m good. How about you?” My mother was trying so hard to pleased them but it’s not like it matters anyways because our money already pleased them. I wonder why she’s Sung and Chae Young is Han. Maybe they aren’t even her real parents...

“So, Chae Young, what do you do? Do you go to school?” My father was asking her. I too was also wondering,  patiently waiting for her to answer.

It seems weird but I could have sworn I saw her somewhere before...is it that girl...?? Nah… it couldn’t have been her...right? I mean the girl I saw last night was very pretty but at the same time I could sense that something isn’t right either. Like something is bothering her, something from deep down inside. Maybe I’m just imagining things here. I’m just too tired and paranoid that’s all.

Her sad yet trying to be happy voice stirred me out of my daydream.

“I use to go to college when my parents were alive. After they die I just don’t...” I wonder why she just stop in mid sentence. It must be something she doesn’t want to share but do kind of want to too in a way. So I was right then, those aren’t her parents...

After we ordered our food, my parents and the Sung chatter away. They were talking like they have known each other for years. I don’t know though, maybe they have known each other for years, just that I for some reason never seen them before.


Chae Young and I just sat across from one another looking so bored. Giving her a glance I saw that she was just playing with her food, it seems as if she have never been to restaurant like this before.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like the food or what?” I asked while still watching her play with her food. I mean she haven’t even touched her food since it got here. Maybe it wasn’t good but she did got the most expensive yet probably the best dish they got here. I think it was called Sole de Douvre Classique.

“Oh...I’m not hungry that’s all. Don’t feel like eating.” Without even looking at me. What’s with her, it’s not like I want to be here either. I have better things to do---sleep. Yes I know I’m lazy but I have to get up so early.

“Suit yourself.” I turned to look at my parents. “May I go hom...”

“Can I go home now? I don’t feel so good.” Chae Young interrupted me. She read my mind. I would also like to go home too if I could.

“Yes, may I go too?” I asked again this time actually finishing my sentence and thoughts.

“You may go only if you take Chae Young home first. We’re still going to stay here and talk. Catch up on things you know.” My mother said while looking at me and giving me her biggest, fakest smile. Ugh! Without me saying or doing anything I agree. It’s not like I could do anything about it. I mean she wanted to go home too so if that’s the only way to get home then I’ll take her too.

I was so happy that I’m about to get to go home and probably won’t ever see these people again until our wedding day but Chae Young interrupted my thoughts once again. She is always doing that. How can I stand living with her. Maybe once we’re married we can get a place separately.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t want to go home anymore. I think I’m feeling better.” I knew she was lying because I could see it in her eyes and I could tell by the tone of her voice.

“See mom, she’s fine and doesn’t want to go home anymore. So may I go now?” Hoping it would work. “If she doesn’t want to go then don’t force her to go.” I was trying to be nice and feel what she was feeling. Hoping she would back me up so I can go home.

“No, if she stays then you have to stay too because she doesn’t have anyone to talk to. She probably doesn’t want to listen to some old people talk about things. Now would you darling?” She was saying it towards Chae Young not me even though she was looking at me.

Please Chae Young, please go home too so I can go. I know you don’t want to stay here either. I can see how bored you are. Just say yes, that you’ll go and I promise I’ll do anything you want.

“Okay, I guess I am tired. I’ll go home and leave you guys alone.” After hearing what came out of a smile sneaked up on my face.

“Come on lets go. I’m tired and I have to get up early for work.” By the time I was finish with my sentence I was already up and waiting for her.

As we were getting out of the restaurant, behind us I can hear all four of them to tell me to drive safe and take her home safely. We were finally outside and I was just waiting for the valet guy to bring me my car.


Finally after what seems like forever, he showed up with my car. I got inside and thought she went around but once I turned to look at the passenger side no one was there. She was still standing outside, I don’t know what she was waiting for.

Rolling down my window I stuck my head out a little. “Why aren’t you coming? You know I have work tomorrow morning.”

“You can go by yourself. I’ll just call a cab to take me home.” She was just standing there not looking at me.

“Come on, I’ll drop you off. Don’t worry I won’t do anything to you. I mean it’s not like I can’t anyways, right? You’re going to be my wife soon so I can do anything I want to you but don’t worry I won’t. Trust me.” Now I was getting very impatient.

“Fine!” She finally went around the other side, open the door got in and slam my door shut.

“Watch it!” I yelled at her. Poor baby, I’m so sorry. I promise I won’t let anyone else do that to you. Yes, I love my car more than anything. My car is my life. “So where to?”

“Just go over there...” That was all she said. Then there were silence between us. A weird and awkward silence...

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mochilovesschuyler #1
Ooooooo! Let me guess! A surprise partAYYY for the married couple? Yes!
mochilovesschuyler #2
Update quick! Ah sigh, I keep thinking of the guy as the guy in city hunter, the police guy....I like that guy. :)
@mochilovesschuyler, thanks for reading this story too!! :) lmao hope you are enjoying it as well. I will be updating soon for both stories. :)
mochilovesschuyler #4
Hey Hey Hey! I just found ANOTHER fanfic of yours! Pretttay sweet dude! Update!