Walking to School together

Forbidden Love Story


Tony An - TOP STAR  


Sooyeon's POV

"Sooyeon ya! Wait up!" I heard Hongki oppa called me.

I turned back and saw Hongki oppa pulling Junhyung to the front porch. He looked pretty annoyed. Oh well...not that I care or something...

"What is it?" I asked Hongki oppa who is panting to catch his breath.

"Thanx for waiting...(pant) We wanted to walk with you to school," He smiled.

"Not me," Junhyung folded his arms and looked away.

"Yah! Be a sport man! Walking is - "

"is a part of exercise..blah..blah..blah..I know," Junhyung imitated Hongki oppa while putting on his shoes.

"Good that you know,hyung! Hehehe =p If you know, then walk. No protest, arachi?" Hongki oppa stressed it out.

Sometimes I wonder...Hongki oppa is like a hyung to Junhyung than be a dongseng...hehehehe.. I giggled at the two them. Hongki oppa saw me giggled and asked ," Is something the matter,Sooyeon?"

"Ani,oppa. Pali or we'll be late for school," I asked them to hurry up and walked out the door.

Junhyung's POV

Hongki can such an ajumma...He's lucky that I am the only friend that can tolerate his nagging..

"Ahhhhh...Isn't it wonderful to smell the fresh air," Hongki inhaled and exhaled the air.

"Ne...," Sooyeon walked beside Hongki and beamed a smile to the sky.

"Hongki oppa, why are you so sudden to walk to school with me? Isn't it better for the both of you to take the car?" she asked curiously.

"I agree with Sooyeon. Riding a car to school is much more better," I casually said while putting both my hands into my pocket.

"Just want to have a different exposure. Wae? You don't like me walking with you to school?" Hongki asked her.

"Ani...It's not that. But isn't it weird to have a maid's daughter to walk with high class people. You know how people judge lower class people. I just think that lower class people is not fit to go to school with high class people. Everyone knows I'm Junhyung's maid daughter. I just don't want people to start any gossip about us. That's all," She gave a lightly smile to us and continued walking slowly without realising Hongki stopped his tracks.

Hongki stopped his tracks after hearing her. I looked over to him and saw him pondering.

Hongki's POV

After hearing she said that, I stopped my tracks and began to ponder. Is it really true that people like us really look down on lower class people? I mean either we are high class or lower class...we are still humans..

"Yah,Hongki. Gwenhana(you okay)?" Junhyung hyung asked.

"Huh? Gwenchana..," I nodded and continued to walk.

I looked over to Sooyeon at the front who was walking ahead of us. She seemed to walked further and futher away from us like she wanted to keep a distance from us or something.


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Thank you lambotran! ^^
lambotran #2
i like the story so far. keke hongki...