Chapter 3. Jugar (To play)

Foreign Exchange

Finally I had time to update.

Sorry for the delay!



The alarm went off.
Another day. Another try.
I got out of bed and went through the usual morning routine, not even thinking much about anything at all.
I did what I always do. Get ready, drop Noa off, go to school, go to work, then pick her up, go home, take a shower, eat dinner, sleep.
Just like always.
I laid awake on my bed, troubled by my own dull response to everything. 
Not even Ga Young's attempts to cheer me up seem to work much anymore.
I feel myself slowly falling into a monotone, an underlying depression that is threatening to settle in.
My smile is so hollow, so disgusting.
But every day seems to merge into the next.
One thing that has changed is the appearance of Luhan. It's true that he is not really a  part of my life, but today Luhan didn't show up at all, and I actually missed his silent company.
The cafe was mostly always empty at the time he usually came, and it had felt so lonely just by myself.
Thunder struck, cutting my thoughts. I opened my eyes to check that Noa had not woken up.
She was still sound asleep.
I turned around in bed and sat up, looking out the window.
As I watched the fall rain and hit the window, I rested my chin on my hands on the frame.
"Thank you" I whispered.
It was like heaven cried for me, since I couldn't.
I can't let my struggles get me down. I have to keep fighting.
One day I will look on this and smile, thanking for whatever it is teaching me.
For the time being I must endure.
Yes, I must move forward no matter what.
I rested back on the pillow.
And without thinking any further, I went to sleep.
Luhan POV
I hadn't gotten my bubble tea today.
I really like it, and I'm upset I didn't get to drink any.
Besides, going to the cafe is the only time where I am by myself and I can relax.
I'm really annoyed at my friends right now. It's their fault.
Tao wanted to go shopping, so he dragged Kris, who dragged the rest of us.
After excruciating hours of fashion disputes amongst our leader and our child, I gave up and went to the food court.
I ordered bubble tea to get my thoughts off of things.
It tasted like feet.
I would have killed for some of the ones at Happy Cafe.
As I was about to reach my limit of patience they finally finished.
We got home and I thought I had time to go to the cafe, but I was stopped again by Kris.
He called a meeting.
I, very displeased with the way the day was going, had no choice but to sit.
"As you know we are starting classes on Monday. Remember the deal, you can do whatever you want, just don't get caught if it's illegal and don't get in trouble in school." 
He preached on, specifically talking to each member about the things they usually screw up with.
"Luhan Gege" he finally turned to me and hesitated. "Just don't get in trouble."
I looked at him and raised a brow.
"You know exactly what I mean." He commented before moving on.
Soon after, he was finally done and I hurried to my room.
I was about to go but then noticed the time. 
10:00 pm. The cafe was closed.
Damn it Kris.
Saturday came and I didn't go anywhere. I barely left my room even.
I had been thinking about home, my parents, and all the things I really don't want to think about.
Worst of all I received a call from my girlfriend.
Zhi Lia and I have been having problems lately, and this trip did not help at all.
"You don't love me anymore!" She yelled through the phone.
"I didn't say that." I huffed.
"If you loved me you wouldn't have left!"
"I already told you, this is a great opportunity, and I couldn't let go of it!"
I was so frustrated.
Every time we speak now it's the same. She accuses me of being insensitive and cries that I left her. She also accused me of cheating behind her back here in Korea.
I have only been here for 6 days.
"Fine, do what you want! I don't need you anyways." I hear her sniffle.
"Bao bei, sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!" I jumped worried. "Please just try to understand."
There was a silence.
"Promise you won't leave while you're in Korea."
"Zhi Lia-"
"Promise me!"
I stopped for a second.
"... I... I promise." I said finally.
"Good." She calmed down. "I have to go now. Bye bye darling!" 
I cut the line and sat on my desk chair, exhausted and in a bad mood.
I thought for a couple of minutes and then decided to go for a stroll.
I grabbed my phone and wallet and went to the door.
"Luhan Gege, where are you going?" Tao asked when I passed him in the hall.
"Nowhere." I muttered, putting my shoes on.
"Can I come?" He asked me.
"I kind of want to be alone." I responded calmly.
"I won't bother you, I swear!" He cried and held my arm.
I looked at him exasperated. He gave me puppy eyes.
Even right now I can't deny him.
"Fine! But I don't want a word out of you." I gave in.
"I promise!" He said and ran to get his coat.
Soon we were exiting the apartment and I just hoped some air would lift my spirits.
Anna POV
Today I had to work an emergency shift at the cafe, but since it's Saturday I had to take Noa along.
Work had been hectic, but ahjuma took care of her and gave her plenty of food.
She pampers Noa too much.
I shook my head smiling. Yeah, way too much.
"Nana, don't walk slow!" Noa called from some steps ahead.
Today, instead of riding the bike, I decided to walk.
The sun was still out and it wasn't too cold, so the trip was rather nice.
We were walking by a big building and Noa decided to play on the stairs that lead to the upper street.
"Be careful!" I called after her. "And don't lag behind! Especially after you just scolded me."
"Neh~" she answered back. 
I wasn't paying much attention to anything, thinking of dinner again.
Maybe I should stop and buy something at the convenience store...
"Luhan!!!" I heard Noa yell from a distance.
My head snapped up and I saw her run up the stairs to him.
Am I going to run into him everywhere I go now?
He's going to think I'm a stalker.
I took off after her.
"Noa! Stop!" I yelled, also running up the steps, taking two at a time.
Before I got to her she had already launched herself at him, and he instinctively caught her.
"Noa!" I finally called out of breath when I got to him. "I'm so sorry." I bowed immediately.
I looked up and saw he was with another guy. He was very tall and had dark hair.
He gave me a curious and innocent look.
But it's not the time to examine people.
"Noa, come here." I extended my arms.
"No" she hugged onto Luhan. 
"Hello Anna." Luhan spoke calmly.
I focused on him.
"Hello" I said "I am so sorry for this." I told him and tried to pull Noa away.
"Me wanna stay with Luhan!" she cried, grabbing on.
"Noa, please stop this!" I begged, completely embarrassed.
There was a silence.
"Luhan, let's go park!" She exclaimed.
I opened my mouth but Luhan spoke before I did.
"I'm ok with it if Anna is." He looked at me with a hint of pity.
I opened and closed my mouth again.
While we had a silent eye conversation and I decided what to do, I noticed that Noa and the other guy where studying each other intensely. I knew she also had the tall one on her side.
I lost, didn't I?
"I... Guess so." I finally said.
"Ok then. Let's go"
"Who's this?" Noa said pointing at his friend, whose face was inches from her finger.
"My name is Tao" he said.
"You are so big." She blurted.
I face palmed myself.
"I'm sorry" Tao said. "I'm scary..."
"Aniya" Noa shook her head. "You're beautiful!" She exclaimed.
"I think you mean 'handsome'" Luhan chuckled.
"Neh, that." The child nodded like it was what she had just said.
"Let's go then?" Luhan looked at me and I nodded.
With that we walked to a nearby park.
Noa jumped off of Luhan's arms and ran to the playground. She stopped on her tracks suddenly and ran back to Tao.
She stretched her neck back to look at him.
"Wanna play?" She asked and extended her hand.
Tao looked down at her and took her hand without hesitation.
Soon they where skipping away happily and left me and Luhan behind.
I shook my head and sat on a bench. Luhan followed my lead and came to sit with me.
We stared at the other two in silence for a while.
As I watched them, I realized something and I couldn't help but laugh.
Luhan turned to me and raised a questioning brow.
"Sorry. It's just... They look like David and Goliath playing tag." I commented.
He turned his head to examine the scene and then snorted.
"You're right."
"Sorry for dragging you here, Noa usually doesn't act like a spoiled kid." I felt so embarrassed.
"Don't worry. At least your kid acts her age. Mine" he nodded towards Tao "has no excuse."
I smiled softly.
"So...." I began, unsure of how to follow.
He looked at me and waited.
"Is he your brother?" I asked, having nothing else to ask.
"Not by blood, but he is like a brother to me." 
"I see."
"How about Noa?" He asked. "Is she your sister? Perhaps... Your daughter?" He looked down, maybe thinking the second one was true.
"She's neither." I replied. He looked up at me again. "I stole her." I said nonchalant.
His eyes widened.
I cracked a laugh.
"Sorry, I'm sorry. It was too easy."
He gave me a look.
"Sorry, I mean it."
His face softened again.
"She's my cousin. I'm taking care of her for a while." I explained.
"By yourself?" He asked a bit surprised.
My smile dropped.
I stayed quiet.
Should I really be talking about this? What if he asks why? I can't possibly tell him.
"Sorry, you don't have to answer. It's none of my business." He shook his head.
I studied him for a minute, while he stared ahead, having dropped all conversation.
"I am." I finally admitted.
He slowly turned to me again.
"I see." 
We slipped into another round of awkward silence. I can't take this anymore.
"I must have made you uncomfortable." He said out of the blue. "We barely know each other yet I asked you personal questions."
"Please don't feel bad. I started it. But you are right, strangers shouldn't tell each other these kinds of things." I stated.
He sulked a bit.
"Which is why we should become friends." I finished.
He stared at me.
"You don't want to be friends with someone like me." He replied.
"But it's too late now since we told each other personal stuff and we seem to run into each other at every other turn. Besides, I'm no dropper for friendship qualities myself." I gave deaf ears to his excuse and extended my hand.
"Hello, my name is Anna Herrera. I am from Spain. I am twenty years old and I am currently taking care of my four year old cousin Ainoa." I said and waited.
He thought it over.
After some moments, Luhan slowly took my hand.
"Hello, my name is Lu Han. I am from China. I am twenty three years old, currently taking care of a two year old in the body of a grown man along another 4 guys. Nice to meet you."
I smiled broadly and laughed a bit.
"China huh." I commented. "You're Korean is excellent."
"Yours is very good as well." He commented. "Also, can you clarify... Is Anna your first name or your last name?"
"Ah" I chuckled a bit. "I said my name in the opposite order than you're used to. Herrera is my last name. Anna is my first name."
He made an o shape with this mouth.
"And Noa..."
"Her full name is Ainoa. Ainoa Herrera." I finished.
"Nana!" Noa called, suddenly close by.
I looked down but only saw Tao's feet. I moved my head slowly up until I saw her sitting on his shoulders.
"I'm bigger than you now!" She laughed.
"No, you're taller than me silly." I corrected.
"Tao" she ignored me and moved on.
The older boy looked up. She placed her hands on his cheeks.
"You're my best friend now!"
Just like that.
I was about to say something, but then I noticed that the boy was actually blushing.
"R-really?" He stuttered a bit.
Noa nodded and without another word pointed back to the playground. They left running.
"I've never seen anyone so excited to be best friends with a four year old." I rested back on the bench.
"Tao doesn't do too well with strangers. He is also very self conscious of the fact that he looks a bit scary. This is the first time a kid hasn't cowered away from him." Luhan said.
"Well he is welcome to play with Noa anytime he wants." I nodded curtly to emphasize my point.
"I think he might be a bad influence." He made a face.
"It's alright. She already lives with me, she can't get any worse." I put my hand up.
"You admit you are a bad influence?" He said in a serious tone.
I looked at him and realized he was joking.
"Oh yeah, I'm a terrible influence. I even let her stay up past 8, and I haven't signed her up for cram school or music classes or etiquette training!" I said, mocking those mothers who would always brag loudly at the cafe.
"Well that just won't do, will it?" He mocked back.
I chuckled and he smirked.
I looked ahead and smiled to conceal the sudden bitter reminder that I could never afford to give her such things.
"I guess not."my words came out more sincerely than I wanted.
I felt him stare at me, but I did not dare to look back.
"NANA! LUHAN!" Noa yelled from across the park. "COM' PLAY!"
I sighed.
"It seems we've been summoned." I got up. "Shall we?"
He stood up as well.
"If we've been summoned we should answer."
I smiled and we made our way to the playground.






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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 5: Dance, eh?? ^o^
I'm excited for the next chapter!
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 4: This chapter was so cute~~~!
Tao... LOL
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 3: =D This chapter made me smile a lot.
Drunk Kris. lol XD
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 2: I wanted to say so much about this chapter but now I don't remember what I wanted to comment on. But I liked it!!!
Btw, who's Miriam?
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 1: I wanted to ask, who's Edna?
Wow this is really different of what I read here well great good because I'm loving this you don't find a lot of main characters that is not Asian thanks for the story I hope you updated really soon because I want to read more!! ^^ GREAT WORK GOOD LUCK
TaquitosNOMNOM #7
Chapter 1: Ah~! I like it. ^^