Chapter 1. Saludar (To greet)

Foreign Exchange

First real chapter.

I hope it's not confusing or boring!

Anyways, comment any thoughts that pop up.

Useful words: Hola- Hello, Adios- Goodbye (There are several ways to say Bye in Spanish)

~ 7 months later ~
Anna POV
My alarm went off and I hit the snooze button without thinking twice, I set it earlier just so I can get the laziness over with in time.
I curled into a ball and tried not to think about time for the next fifteen minutes. Sooner than I wanted though the alarm went off for a second time and I knew I had to get up.
I reluctantly pulled the covers off and dragged myself out of bed.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I got dressed and pulled my hair up before cooking breakfast.
I had set the toasts, poured the milk, and set the table when I went back into my room.
I sat down by the smaller bed and shook the tiny bundle.
"Noa, Noa, wake up" I shook her.
It didn't take more than that. She was up in a heartbeat.
"So this is it, being young." I commented to myself, getting up and helping her walk to the bathroom.
She was still dazed so I watched amused as she half stumbled around in the hallway and rubbed her eyes once she put her stool in front of the sink.
"You know the deal" I told her.
I had decided that she had to learn how to do things herself, so I watched her from the door as she brushed her teeth and washed her face.
"Brush them good missy, I don't want to have to take you to the dentist." I smiled.
She was very smart, for a four year old.
Noa finished and we walked back to the kitchen, now both fully awake.
I served the toast and we ate rather quickly.
I looked at my phone.
"Go get dressed! We are going to be late!" I said taking the plate away from her and shooing her to our room.
"Nana we are always late" she commented.
"Hey brat, who's the one that eats so slowly every time!" I called after her.
I finished washing the dishes and walked to the front door.
Soon she ran to the door too and looked at me expectant.
"Hair" she pulled the brush and her favorite ribbons to me.
"Noa we-" I started but she just pushed them higher to me. "Urgh, ok. Sit." I commanded and she obeyed.
I kneeled behind her and put her hair in a bun and made a bow with her ribbon.
"You are lucky I'm good at this kid" I grinned at her and pulled her up in my arms. "You ready for school?" I asked as I walked us out and closed the door.
"N-neh... School" she exclaimed, trying to tell me words she knew in Korean.
"You are getting good." I told her, smiling pleased.
"Noa's a... Adult kid." She said.
"I think you mean 'big kid'" I chuckled while I sat on the bike and set her in the front, oversized basket.
I rode through the autumn stained streets, filled with falling leaves that painted the world in a range of burning reds, vibrant orange shades and warm yellow, all moving swift yet peacefully, guided by a light breeze which possessed the unique smell of fall.
As I rode through the city, I involuntarily thought about an earlier time, also in this season, where my father carried me in his shoulders and told me stories of his travels around the world, the places he'd seen and the people he had encountered. 
It was on one of those days that he also told me my brother was not going to come back from the military in a long time, and that the reason I couldn't get a cake from the fancy bakery for my birthday that year was because he had to spend the money paying for mom's hospital bills.
He promised that everything would be ok. 
He was right. Somehow we are still all here on this earth.
I let out a little smile, giving Noa a quick glance. One day, I might have to explain why I'm the one taking her under the fall trees and not her father.
"Nana" she brought me back to reality. "If I behave in school, do I get a prize?" She asked not moving as she knew not to.
"You should behave anyways" I told her, deflating her hopes.
I thought for a second. We don't have money to waste around... But I can spare some, and she's not a waste, so I don't mind spending it on her.
"BUT" she perked up "If your teacher tells me you did a good job I will treat you to something nice."
"Yay" she raised her arms up.
"But she HAS to say 'daebak', you got it?"
"Now hold on, because it's about to get bumpy!" I exclaimed, having caught on a TV display that it was 8:45.
School starts in fifteen minutes.
I pedaled faster and zoomed by a police station where, like usual, the same old police man yelled at me for being a potential hazard to people and I answered a quick greeting and tossed him a toasted bagel from home as an apology and he caught it with expertise.
It's our once a week ritual.
"Bye bye mister police man" Noa waved. "See you under school!" She yelled with all the confidence in the world.
"You mean 'after school'" I laughed.
I swear she is the cutest kid in the entire world.
I rode on, as fast as I could, knowing I had to make a twenty minute distance in about half the time. We somehow got to the front of the kindergarden with both of us alive and in one piece, with barely a minute to spare.
This school is specially dedicated to foreign kids, and the headmistress was kind enough to let Noa attend for half the price. She is great. A little scary to others, but very nice inside.
I jumped off the bike and ran carrying her, stumbling inside just in time to be greeted by the elder herself.
"I see you managed to make it on time today as well" the old woman said with a soft voice that did not match her stern expression.
"Yes ma'am!" I said, still not having put my dangling cousin on the floor.
"I'll take her" her teacher came forward, chucking a little, and took Noa.
"Sorry Ms. Rina" I bowed to the young woman.
"It's ok Anna, and I've told you a thousand times to call me Unnie." She shook her head and smiled.
"I'm off to school then!" I cheered.
"Have a safe trip" both of the adults called after.
"Say bye bye to Unnie Noa" Ms. Rina said.
"Bye bye Nana Unnie" Noa waved.
"I'll see you later!" I waved back and left. 
I got back on my bike and rode to Yosei college. I could never afford this type of schooling, but the reason I was living in Korea in the first place when I took Noa was because I got a scholarship to attend.
I'm on my second year now and I am very happy. I have a lot of classmates and friends, but I only have one close friend, and I'm ok with that. I'm almost like a mom now, having to balance school and Noa, and having a part time job on top of it all. I have only found one person willing to adjust to a friendship like the kind I can give, but I don't take it personally.
I got to campus and locked my bike, walking with a quick pace to my first class.
The morning went by quickly, and soon I found myself sitting on a table by the cafeteria windows, reading a book while I waited for Ga Young to eat my lunch.
"Anna! I'm here!" She cheered from somewhere in the crowd, her only visible limb a waving arm that stuck above the crowd.
She squeezed through the students and finally came to collapse on the chair in front of mine.
"I hate people" she huffed.
"Good seeing you too" I answered.
"So did you hear the latest?" She continued on.
"Does it matter? I've got you for that, miss I must know everything" I said, only looking up from my book while I carried the food into my mouth.
"Funny" she fake glared at me. "Anyways, I heard we are getting exchange students from China soon!" She cheered.
"Good for them? And us?" I answered, clearly not interested.
"Come on Anna! They could be really good looking boys, maybe even one of them could be the destined one who will find a way to make my best friend live a little more on the REAL world-" she snatched my book away from me.
"And less in Fantasy Land." She finished, closing it in her hand.
"First of all-" I started as I tried to get my book back. "I am very happy in Fantasy Land, I don't have naggy friends who tell me to date strangers, it's fantastic."
I managed to finally snatch it back.
"And second, even if I wanted to, like you say 'live a little', I don't need a guy for that, I already have Noa."
"Did you just use your (adorable) little cousin as a substitute for a boyfriend? You need some help." She shook her head.
"So sue me. I don't have time for relationships, and just because your big mouth jinxed us all anyway, the exchange students are going to be ugly, stupid, or girls. So that's that." I finished and dismissed the subject.
There was a silence and we ate our food.
"And I'm the one with the shrink." She muttered.
I looked at her and she looked back.
After a moment we broke into laughter and I relaxed fully, which I don't often get to do.
After lunch we separated and I went through my last class.
Afterward I hurried and biked to my part time job, not stopping to socialize with my peers as part of me wished I could.
Through the streets of Seoul I took time to notice some of the people around me, casually glancing at my surroundings. A woman sat on a bench reading a book, probably waiting for someone. An elderly man was pushing a stroller by with inexperience, probably learning anew much like his grandchild. Everyone on this world... Do they struggle often? Do they laugh and cry? Do they have to endure hardships? Are they even the slightest like me?
Who knows...
I smiled to myself, a sad smile to keep me from thinking any further.
I just have to focus on smiling.
I got to the cafe and got in through the back door. I took a deep breath and transformed my small uptight smile, into a genuine-looking one.
"I'm here!" I called.
"Wazzup Anna." Smiled the cafe owner, an older woman who found it in herself to live life out like she was still a teenager.
"I'll get changed right away ahjuma!" I called as I went to the back room.
"It's gonna be busy today, so get ready" she announced once I got back to the front.
"Nothing I can't handle ma'am" I tied the apron and went to my position.
It was a bit slow at first but surely enough the cafe filled up in no time. The line seemed eternal and ever elongating.
The next three hours where absolute hell.
Picky customers and rude teenagers. Everyone wanted everything to magically appear in their hands, but I have just one pair of them so I can only do so much at a time. I had to smile all the way through it though, never loosing composure. Luckily, mostly everyone is gone now, and it's almost time for me to go home.
I was cleaning the counter, facing away from the door when the bell announced a new customer.
I quickly glanced at the clock and saw I only had five minutes left. I would pull through to my last customer if it killed me though.
I squared my shoulders and smiled before turning.
"Welcome to Happy Cafe, what can I get for you?" I greeted the customer even before paying any attention to what he looked like.
"Bubble tea." He simply stated.
"Coming right up" I cheered and turned to make the said drink. "It will be 3000 won total." I told him as I placed the beverage on the counter.
He nodded and searched for the money in his wallet. 
While I stood there I focused on him for the first time. He was handsome and his hair was dyed almost white. He seemed to appear very... Handsome? I don't know, it was like a cute deer with the gaze of a lion.
"" I heard him his under his breath.
I looked at him struggle.
I can already tell the problem.
"I..." He started, looking at me with uncertainty.
"I'll take care of it." I smiled at him.
"Why would you that." He stated rather than asked, completely serious.
"Listen. If I don't give it to you it's going to go to waste and it's only 3000 won. Just repay me by getting something that amounts to 5000 won next time you come." I smiled at him.
He looked at me strangely, almost in a rude manner.
I was taken aback, but then it hit me.
"Oh! I'm not trying to hit on you sir, sorry if it looks that way. I really do mean it. The boss would want it this way." I nodded and pushed the drink a little further up the counter.
I then proceeded to take 3000 won worth of tips and dropped it in the cashier's register.
"There, it's done. Just remember to come back and buy something next time." I bowed and waited.
He gave me one last look and I think got convinced I was genuine. He slowly took the cup and nodded.
"Thank you." 
"Have a good day" I bowed again and watched him leave.
"Anna, it's past seven, you should go!" I heard ahjuma say. 
She appeared from behind.
"Yes" I smiled and walked away from the register.
"And one thing" she stopped me and grinned. "Did you pay for that guy because he was hot?"
"Ahjuma! You know I would never pay for a guy just because he is attractive." I laughed.
"Come on girl, he was a looker." She said.
"Yeah, so is Enrique Iglesias and I still wouldn't pay for his coffee because he is good looking. And trust me, he is a beautiful man." 
"First of all, please show me who that man is. Second and equally important, how am I supposed to marry you off if you can't even get yourself out there a little? This stupid body of mine is not getting any younger and I want to see you married before I go. I must see one miracle on my time on earth at least."
"You still have a lot of years here, and one day I will get married, I'm just not interested right now." I put my coat on. "Now I have to focus on my studies and on Noa."
"Speaking of the little bugger, bring her here more often. That stupid son of mine has the rudest kids in the world." She complained.
"I'll bring her next time. Now I'm off to pick her up! See you tomorrow." I waved goodbye and hurried to the school.
Once there I found them by the entrance, waiting for me like usual.
They waved at me and I waved back.
"Thank you for always letting her stay late." I bowed to the headmistress and gave her and Ms. Rina each a box with cake from the cafe.
"You didn't have to do this!" The younger woman exclaimed and I simply answered by showing one of my few true smiles.
"Nana Unnie" Noa called from the floor. "What about me?"
"It all depends on what your teacher says. How did she do today?" I asked her.
I saw adult and child exchange a look and instantly I knew that Noa had won Ms. Rina over to say the magic word.
"I will pretend that was sincere." I declared. "Well, a promise is a debt, so here, I'll pay it." I surrendered and passed Noa a cupcake frosted with edible pink glitter and icing.
"Kamsahamenida Unnie" she cheered as I picked her up and put her in the basket.
"Have a good evening" I bowed to the women and walked off, pushing the bike alongside, casually sipping on my hot chocolate.
"Was school fun today?"
"Yesh" she answered, and face full of glitter.
 As Noa told me about her day and what new words and things she had learned we strolled calmly, the setting sun marking the approaching end of our day.
"Nana, I want to get down." She said while we were waiting for the light to turn green at a cross road.
"We are almost home Noa." I tried dissuading her.
"But my legs fell asleep" she pouted.
I looked around. There weren't too many pedestrians walking around, so I guess it would be ok.
"Fine, but you have to hold my hand, ok?"
"Ok!" She called and pulled her arms up waiting for me, only half a cupcake left in her hand.
I picked her up onto my arms but lost my balance momentarily because I didn't take into account that the bike would move backwards.
"Oh no!" I called while I regained control... But so did another, much deeper voice behind me.
I turned around and saw pink all over a white jacket.
"I'm so sorry sir!" I exclaimed, setting Noa on the ground and bowing while I held on to the bike.
"Today is not my day" he huffed angry.
"Please let me take care of it." I interrupted his complaints.
"No need-"
"Please, it's my fault." I said, looking at his face for the first time.
He was the customer from before, the one who didn't have any money.
I was about to say something, but noticed that he looked at me with a blank expression, obviously not remembering me.
I would not make this any more awkward than it had to be.
"Please give me a second. Let's move out of people's way." I told him and moved my bike to the streetlight pole.
I took my handkerchief out and splashed it with water from my bottle.
"I told you there is no need" he sounded annoyed.
"That stain is very hard to clean if you leave it." I shared this piece of information, even if he probably didn't care. "It will only take thirty seconds." I looked at him again.
He paused for a moment and then sighed.
"Fine. Just hurry up." He gestured.
I nodded and rubbed my handkerchief on the jacket until the stain was almost completely gone.
"Ok, that's all I can do. I would take it to the dry cleaners if I were you though." I smiled, giving it back.
He didn't answer me, rather he just stared.
"Oh, sorry, I stained it and I didn't even offer to pay for it." I exclaimed. "Here is my number, please call to tell me how much I owe you."
He looked but didn't take the little piece of paper.
"I don't need it." He said in a rather cold tone.
"You are rude" Noa suddenly said, pointing at the stranger.
He looked down, astonished that a four year old had just said that.
"Noa, you can't say that!" I hunched over to her eye level. "Say sorry. Say Miane, we were the ones who inconvenienced him."
She looked up at him and showed him she meant every word she had said.
"Miane" she finally said, glaring still.
The stranger sighed, his face changing into a softer expression.
"Look, sorry, I don't mean to be rude. It's just been a long day and I can't take getting hit on by one more girl."
"I didn't-"
"I know that... Now. Don't worry about the jacket. Take it as returning a favor for earlier." He said.
I looked up at him.
"I remember" he answered my silent question. "So please don't worry Ms..."
"Anna, my name is Anna."
"Ms. Anna. I'm Luhan." He extended his hand.
I shook it and smiled a little.
"Ah, this is Noa. Noa, say hi." I prompted.
"Hola Luhan" she waved a little.
"He won't understand that dear." I shook my head
"Annyeonghaseyo Luhan" she struggled through the greeting.
"Annyeong Noa." He crouched over. "Sorry I was rude earlier." He grinned at her.
"It's ok if you're nice now." The child answered nonchalant.
"Neh, I'll be nice now." He got back up. "Like I was saying, it's fine."
"Thank you" I bowed.
"Ok then. Have a good evening Ms. Anna." He put his jacket back on and took a few steps back. "Bye bye Noa, don't drop any more cupcakes." 
"Adios Luhan!" Noa waved at him with both hands.
I swear I saw a smile quickly cross his face when he watched my little one.
He looked at me once more, the smile almost imperceptible, and I slightly bowed one more time.
Once he was out of sight Noa and I started walking again. We passed by the police station and said our usual good evening to our old friend and after not too long we were home.
I unlocked the door and ushered Noa to the bathroom, she was covered in pink icing and I had to shower too.
We bathed and ate dinner without talking much and by nine, I had put her to sleep. I closed the bedroom door behind me and walked over to our little balcony.
I stretched and opened a can of beer.
It was almost time to call home.
Damn it.
I'm never truly ready to call home. 
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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 5: Dance, eh?? ^o^
I'm excited for the next chapter!
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 4: This chapter was so cute~~~!
Tao... LOL
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 3: =D This chapter made me smile a lot.
Drunk Kris. lol XD
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 2: I wanted to say so much about this chapter but now I don't remember what I wanted to comment on. But I liked it!!!
Btw, who's Miriam?
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 1: I wanted to ask, who's Edna?
Wow this is really different of what I read here well great good because I'm loving this you don't find a lot of main characters that is not Asian thanks for the story I hope you updated really soon because I want to read more!! ^^ GREAT WORK GOOD LUCK
TaquitosNOMNOM #7
Chapter 1: Ah~! I like it. ^^