Chapter 4. Caminar (To walk)

Foreign Exchange

New Chapter. Yay?

Comment what you think, even if it's to tell me I'm an idiot ^_^



Luhan POV
"It's getting late, we should go." Anna said once the sun had disappeared.
We had played around longer than it seemed, and both of us were panting from running around.
I turned to look at Noa and Tao. They where still going full speed.
"Noa, it's time to go home!" Anna called.
"Nooooooo, just five more minutes" she pouted.
"Cute try. But slide down one more time and we are leaving." 
"Anna noona..." Tao also gave her a puppy expression.
She's done for. No one, not even Kris, can resist him.
"Both of you are very good at this..." She began. "But I should let you know I'm completely immune to puppy faces. So both of you get down the slide." She pointed her finger.
"Neh" said the pair in unison, completely defeated.
I widened my eyes in surprise.
"Wow" I muttered.
She turned to me and tilted her head in question.
"I've never met anyone who could turn down Tao's aegyo."
She shrugged.
"Many years of experience."
"Nana, I'm ready!" Noa came and pulled on her pants. "Aupa"
"Ok. Say bye bye." Anna bend down and picked her up.
I glanced at my watch. It was getting pretty late.
I opened my mouth to speak.
"Wait, let us take you home, you don't have a vehicle and it's late." Tao offered before I could.
"Eh?" She seemed surprised. "Oh no, I couldn't inconvenience you like that. We've already taken a lot of your time."
"But it's dangerous. And you have a little kid with you." He insisted.
"But I-" 
"Let's just go." I simply said.
I know, it wasn't very kind or subtle, but it got the point across. 
"Sorry" she looked down.
"It's no big deal noona!" Tao smiled. "Which way is your house?" He asked.
She pointed to the right and we began walking.
"Noona..." Tao broke the silence.
"Can I... Carry Noa?" He blushed.
I rolled my eyes.
"Sure Tao." She nodded.
The little girl didn't need to be told twice.
"Tao, aupa!" Noa extended her tiny arms.
"Huh?" He looked down confused.
"She wants you to pick her up. It's an expression kids use where I'm from."
Tao nodded quickly and let Noa get on his back.
Soon they were a little ahead as the younger one pointed and pulled Tao to store windows and signs.
"You didn't have to walk us." I heard her say softly, looking down.
I shook my head.
"It's no big deal."
We fell silent after that and continued to walk in a both comfortable yet awkward atmosphere. 
I could still feel she was self conscious, which I didn't understand.
She jumped.
"It's ok already. Because we are... Friends." I hesitated before saying the last word.
She nodded and looked at me.
"Ok" she smiled.
She seemed to cheer up a bit after that and started to walk beside me and not behind.
"So, you said you lived with another four guys besides Tao. Are they also close to you?" She started conversation again.
"I see. Are they all from China like you?" 
"No. Out of the six of us only four are Chinese. The other two are Korean."
She nodded, attentive.
"And are they helpful in the upbringing of this child of yours?" She pointed at Tao.
"Not in the least." I blurted with a hint of bitterness.
She cracked a laugh.
I looked down embarrassed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. To tell you the truth I haven't laughed as much as today in a while. I guess that just means you're funny." She stopped walking and bowed "congratulations" she said in fake seriousness.
This time it was my turn to scoff a short laugh.
"Thank you very much." I replied bowing ninety degrees.
She looked up at me smiling and we resumed our walk after a moment.
"Tell me about them." She said as she strode casually beside me. "If you want that is." She added calmly yet happily.
If she asked I guess it didn't hurt to tell her.
"Let's see..." And so I told her about the rest of EXO M. I tried not to sound boring and she actually seemed to pay attention.
We spent the rest of the way chatting about EXO and of China and Spain.
We soon reached her apartment complex and she took a now sleeping Noa back. She typed the code to the gate and held the metal door open.
"Thank you so much, this was really just too much to ask." She bowed slightly.
"You didn't ask for anything noona! We insisted!" Tao laughed and ruffled her hair.
She looked at him and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry... Maybe that was too soon." He looked down.
Anna then got on her tip toes and ruffled his hair.
"No silly. If you were brave enough to call me noona the second you met me, then I guess you and I are friends now. You move faster than your tutor here." She bobbed her head at me. "He barely beat you."
Tao tilted his head at me confused. I just ignored him.
"Anyways, thank you again."
The little girl shifted in Anna's arms and she adjusted. Noa's eyes opened.
She looked at us half dazed.
"Thank you tete Tao, thank you tete Luhan." She smiled and drifted to sleep once again.
I didn't understand that one word and I looked at Anna for help.
"Tete means gege." She explained.
"You know Chinese!?" Tao exclaimed.
"Shh!" I slapped his arm.
She shook her head.
"Not really, just some words. But enough talk for today. It's late and I'm starting to worry about YOUR safety. So, good night!" She walked to the stairs, the gate locking on it's own.
"Make sure to lock the door!" Tao called after her.
She waved one last time and disappeared.
Once we were sure she was safe we started walking back.
"They are both so awesome!" Tao exclaimed. "How could you keep them to yourself! That's so selfish. Wait until the guys hear about it. Oh, we should bring them over and that way we could all play with Noa and Anna. The only thing is... They have such bizarre names, don't you think?"
"Tao... Please quiet down, my head feels like it's going to implode." I begged.
"Sorry" was his last word on the way back.
When we got to the apartment... Well that was another story.
"Geges, I have something VERY IMPORTANT to tell you!" He almost screamed once inside and ran to the living room.
Oh well, at least he's happy.
My thoughts flashed back to Anna.
I can give this whole friends things a try, right?
I smiled to myself.
Yeah, I can.
Anna POV 
I haven't had this much fun in such a long time. 
I actually can't remember the last time I talked to a guy for so long.
I walked into my apartment and went straight to my room.
"Noa" I gently shook her. "Stay with Nana while we put your pjs on, ok?"
I struggled to keep her awake, but finally I tucked her in.
I went back to the kitchen and heated some left overs, collapsing on the tiny living room.
I tuned the TV on, but I didn't really pay attention to what was showing.
I ate the food and drank my usual beer.
After I was done I pushed the plate away and laid my head on the low table.
I thought of my conversation with Luhan and chuckled.
The way he described his friends was so entertaining. I wonder if I'll ever get to meet them.
We are friends now, right?
... He doesn't seem too happy about it though. Maybe I pushed things too hard.
My phone vibrated, taking me out of my thoughts.
"Hello" I answered without sitting up.
"Finally you pick up, I've been trying to call you all afternoon!" I heard Ga Young's voice through the line.
"Sorry sorry. My phone was on vibrate. What's up?"
"I don't know if I should tell you now." She faked anger
I sighed onto the wooden table.
"Oh great Ga Young, forgive my distracted mind. Please do tell me whatever you must." I said in monotone.
"You could at least sound more sincere. But ok, I can't refuse you. Madame Ha called me earlier because she couldn't reach you, there is going to be an international arts expo next weekend. They want you to help in the Dance section. Madame Ha was in the committee that put it together and it's a big deal. The other teacher canceled."
I sat up and rested my head in my palm.
"I would love to do it, but..." I thought of the sleeping kid on the adjacent room. "I have no one to leave Noa with."
"I got you on that. My yoomoh (nanny) will take care of her. She loves Noa anyways, so she's happy to do it. Now PLEASE say yes, Madame sounded like she really needed help, plus it's a great opportunity to get some experience on teaching people..."
She trailed off, waiting for my response.
I felt bad for leaving Noa with yoomoh all day, she is getting old and I hate to impose.
But on the other hand... I really want to do it. And chances like this don't just happen. Besides, Noa will be having more fun playing with dolls and eating sweets on a Saturday than staying here locked up with me.
"Will it really be ok?... Yoomoh must be tired." 
"I can guarantee that she'd rather spend the day with Noa than with my brother. Come on, please?"
I guess it wouldn't hurt to do it.
"Ok, I'll do it. I'll tell Madame Ha first thing tomorrow."
"Tomorrow is Sunday dummy, we don't have class." Ga Young laughed.
"There is this thing called a phone. You're using it right now... I hope, things would turn a bit too creepy if that was not the case."
"You are so weird sometimes." She said. "Yeah, call her ok?"
"Ah, and make sure that when people get done in your section you refer them to the music section where I'll be teaching piano."
"Yes ma'am. Good night."
"Night! You rock!" She said in English.
I laughed and cut the line. 
I sighed, my spirits lifted somehow, and proceeded to get up and wash the dishes.
I went straight to bed after that and collapsed.
Dance festival huh. 
I'm looking forward to it.
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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 5: Dance, eh?? ^o^
I'm excited for the next chapter!
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 4: This chapter was so cute~~~!
Tao... LOL
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 3: =D This chapter made me smile a lot.
Drunk Kris. lol XD
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 2: I wanted to say so much about this chapter but now I don't remember what I wanted to comment on. But I liked it!!!
Btw, who's Miriam?
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 1: I wanted to ask, who's Edna?
Wow this is really different of what I read here well great good because I'm loving this you don't find a lot of main characters that is not Asian thanks for the story I hope you updated really soon because I want to read more!! ^^ GREAT WORK GOOD LUCK
TaquitosNOMNOM #7
Chapter 1: Ah~! I like it. ^^