Hang out

Howling For You
I woke up earlier than usual, I feel so nervous right now the fact that I'm hanging out with Kyungsoo today but, I'm not sure why I'm nervous, I mean like I hang out with the guys all the time so why should I be nervous now? I got up from my bed and walked straight to the restroom to take a shower.
Kai came out of the restroom with a towel still wrapped on his waist, he took a quick glance on the mirror and checked out his abs he smirked and left to try on his outfit. He tried on his dark blue jeans and a blue shirt on, he sat on the corner of the bed and tied his black boots, he ruffled his hair back making it seem like he didn't put any effort and left the house, he walked towards his new black car to pick up Kyungsoo from his house. 
(This is his outfit)
Kyungsoo was wearing his favorite outfit, he usually doesn't dress up too much, but since he's going out with the cutest guy he's ever met, he decided to wear something nice. He wore his khaki jeans, a dark blue collared shirt opened up to show his black tank top. He was fixing his hair and *ding dong* Kyungsoo dropped his comb and closed the restroom door and ran towards the door as fast as he could, he stopped in front of the door before he opened it and checked his breath first.
(This is what Kyungsoo's wearing)
"Hey Jongin! You look nice today!" I was welcomed by a smiling Kyungsoo at the door, I was speechless he looked really cute.
"Hey, Kyungsoo.. Um r-ready?" He nodded and closed the door behind him.
"okay we can go", I led Kyungsoo to my car, he stopped in front of the car and let out a big gasp.
"woah! Jongin I didn't know you drive this kind of car! How come you don't drive this to school?" I watched him still having his mouth wide opened.
"I uh well, it saves gas" I opened the door for him.
"we should get going" 
"So, where would you like to go?" I asked.
"oh uh I don't know, I don't go out much" he said fidgeting his fingers, they way he did that was so cute that I had too look away before I did something I'll regret later
"I see, um I'll just surprise you". I said as I started the car, good thing I had already planned a place to go just in case. We got to know each other on the way there, we talked about our favorite colors, deserts, movies, etc. I stopped the car when we arrived
"Okay we're here." I stepped out of the car and opened the door for him, he stood up and looked around, a bright smile was formed on his face.
"The park! I love going to the park!" he looked excited I chuckled at his reaction
"Me too, this Is like my second home I go here often to take things off my mind.. Let's go" We walked around the park and found a small area near a beautiful pond and a big tree, we layed next to each other under the shade of the tree and stayed quiet for a while and looking at the clouds.
We were peacefully laying on the grass and I was almost falling asleep until I heard the ice cream truck song and my eyes shot open, I sat up straight which surprised Jongin and made him sit up too.
"What's wrong?"
"That" I stood up and pointed towards the ice cream truck, I heard him let out a chuckle.
"Do you want some Jongin?" He stood up and dusted off his pants.
"Sure." I excitedly ran towards the ice cream truck without waiting for Jongin.
"Two vanilla please" I said and smiled at the ice cream man
"That'll be $2 kid" 
"Here you go sir." before I could even reach into my pocket to grab my wallet, Jongin had already given the ice cream man the $2.
"I was going to pay" he smiled at me and  took his ice cream and went back to the shade under the tree.
"I'll pay you back as soon as I can." I said as I sat next to him and my ice cream.
"Don't, I invited you, and if I invited you on this date then that means that I have to pay for everything right?" D-Date? Did he just say date? I blushed as I continued eating my ice cream.
I was laying in my bed, I kept thinking about Sehun and Luhan being together, I can't let that happen, Luhan is mine. I sat up straight and I ruffled my hair in frustration
"I have to say sorry to him" I put on my black jeans and white v-neck shirt and started walking down the stairs.
"Where do you think you're going?" Sojin yelled out from the kitchen, I let out a loud grunt.
"I guess I need advice.. Sojin I need help" I walked to the kitchen and leaned on the counter
"For what?" She asked while making pancakes, I closed my eyes and sighed.
"um a 'sorry gift' to someone.. I have feelings for?" I closed my eyes tighter waiting for the loud shriek Sojin was going to let out but I didn't hear anything I peeked a little to see her.. Crying?
"Um.. Sojin?" Why the hell is she crying?
"I never knew you were to have actual feeling for somebody" She said as she wiped her tears.
"WHO IS IT?!" She yelled and slammed her hands on the counter and leaned in very close to my face. I put my hand on her face and pushed her back.
"Back the ғυϲƙ up I have my personal space bubble. Well anyways remember when.. you know.. I.."
"Almost гɑре that poor kid Luhan?"
"Y-Yes?"  She put both of her hands on my shoulders.
"Aww Kris I would love to help you but I think Sehun is already beating you to his heart." I started to boil up of anger
"ғυϲƙ SEHUN, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME SOJIN I NEED YOUR HELP TO GET LUHAN TO FORGIVE ME"  She was shocked from my outburst and backed away from me.
"Okay damn calm down! Well, find out what he likes and give it to him in person and tell him you're truly sorry and that you want to gain his trust and forgiveness and hopefully he does" Sojin said
"that's easy, thanks ... I'll do it tomorrow" 
The vibration of my phone woke me up, I rubbed my eyes, as I was trying to get my phone I felt something holding onto my waist I looked under the covers and saw an arm holding my waist I turned over and saw Baekhyun sleeping really closely to me I tried moving his arm off but he put his head on my chest.
"Dammit" I whispered,
"Don't leave yet, you're warm" Baekhyun said half asleep. I stared at him in confusion
"Baekhyun I have to go, you have two blankets" I sat up which caused Baekhyun to move also, he looked up at the ceiling
"Chanyeol you're very stupid you know that right" he closed his eyes and turned to the other side.
"What do you mean?" I reached out to touch his shoulder but he sat up on the bed and headed towards the bathroom, I looked at him while he walked and he slammed the door.
"Well someone's mad" I got off the bed and looked for my shirt around the room, I bent down to look under the bed and I heard the door of the bathroom open. I stood up and a shirt landed on my face.
"Here's your shirt, I'll be in the living room, you know your way out." I looked at him confusion thinking what did I do to make him feel like this, I put on my shirt and I got my phone I saw the message from Kris 
Kris ; Hey I need your help meet me at the mall at 2 
Me ; okay, but I'm at Baekhyun's place..
Kris ; how is he in bed? Haha bring him also I need his help as well
I shook my head for the erted friend I have.
Me ; we didn't do anything Kris
Kris ; Yeah yeah whatever you say.
I turned my phone off and left to the living room, I sat next to Baekhyun.
"hey, want to go the mall with Kris and I?" He stayed quiet
"Baekhyun.. Please? Ill buy you whatever you would like.." He stood up and grabbed my hand
"Then what are we waiting for?? Let's go!" 
We entered the mall, Chanyeol was walking in front of me I rolled my eyes, I ran up next to him and clung onto his arm.
"What time do you have to meet Kris?" I felt Chanyeol tensing up
"U-uh 2" I used my index finger to do small circles on the palm of his hand, I tried my very best aegyo and said
"Chanyeol~ it's 1pm, I'm craving some Starbucks~ Can weeee?" I looked up to him and he looked nervous by the look of his face
"S-sure" he stuttered
"Great! lets go." I dragged him with me not letting go of his arm.
I was sitting in a two seat table waiting for Baekhyun to get his drink, I looked at my phone, 1:13pm  ғυϲƙ. Baekhyun sat down with his drink I tried so hard not to stare at him but, ғυϲƙ what was this guy trying to do? Seduce me? The whole time he his lips while he tried playing footsies with me, I'm pretty sure he knew I was already getting nervous. If this was apart of his plan then it's ғυϲƙing working. I couldn't handle it anymore, he played footsies, touched my fingers, rubbing my arm, and whenever he was drinking he would off the foam that was left on his lips, I had this huge frustration and I'm not very sure what it is but, I can't handle it, he stopped doing all his little seducing ways for a while but, when he was finished with his drink he had a hand on my thigh and he bit his lips, I had enough.
"I CANT BE WITH YOU, ғυϲƙ" I stood up fast and left outside to cool myself down. I sat down at a bench with my head low.
"Why did you leave me alone??" I looked up and sighed
"Why did you do all that??" 
"Do what Chanyeol?" He smiled at me, there was a long pause before I finally gave up.
"ugh, never mind, it's almost 2 we should head and meet up with Kris".
Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun met up with Kris, and there Kris asked them to help them find a gift for Luhan.
"Thank you for today Jongin." I smiled at him.
"You're welcome Kyungsoo." as he was leaving I turned him around and gave him a hug.
"Thank you so much Jongin, nobody has ever spent a whole day with me" I let go of him and walked to my house.
"Goodnight!" I quickly closed the door, shy by my actions. I walked to my room and jumped onto my bed. I hugged my pillow and remembered everything we did today, I smiled. My happiness was interrupted when I heard my phone ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it was Suho.
"Hello? Suho?"
"Oh Kyungsoo! I didn't expect for you to answer, I thought you were still with Kai.." I blushed at the thought of Jongin.
"ha yeah, I just came back it was fun, what's wrong?"
"Oh nothing, I'm glad you had fun! I just wanted to make sure you came back home safely that's all I guess I'll hang up"
"thank you Suho, but I came back safely and okay I'm very tired so I'll talk to you tomorrow goodnight!"
"Goodnight Kyungsoo sweet dreams", I hung up and fell straight to sleep.
I was on my laptop reading an article about monster like creatures being spotted in Seoul at night when I heard something hit my window. I jumped in my seat thinking it could be some kind of monster or something.
"Who.. who's there!?" I grabbed a bat that was laying on the floor and slowly walked towards the window.
"Luhan!" There was another thud on the window.
"H-How do you know my name?" I was next to the window but I was contemplating on whether I should look down or not because what if they attack me?
"It's me Sehun!" Sehun? I dropped the bat amd opened the window, I looked down and found Sehun standing under my window.
"Come outside, I want to take you somewhere!" He quietly yelled. I nodded and ran down the stairs and put my shoes on.
"Why are you calling me outside of my window at 12 am?" He grabbed my hand and started running making me run with him . We both ran all over my neighborhood, setting off the water sprinklers and getting us both wet, we laughed as the water hit our faces. We went to the nearest park and sat on the swings, we were trying so hard to stop laughing.
"Haha, what was that for Sehun?" I chuckled facing towards him.
"I felt like being a rebel with someone" he got of his swings and grabbed me from my waist and carried me to the monkey bars.
"Let's race each other" he pointed to them
"Oh really? You really want to race me?" As I said that I started off first, Sehun saw me and started after me
"Not a smart move Luhan" we were swinging our way to the end until Sehun and I unexpectedly came face to face
"Excuse me Sehun, I'm trying to win" he chuckled and he looked deep into my eyes
"But, you already won" I looked at him in confusion.
"What?" He stopped.
"Luhan, you won my heart" he was hanging from the bar with one hand and put his other hand my cheek, he leaned closer to plant a soft but quick kiss on on my lips, it was a quick one since he couldn't hold on any longer, he let go and landed on his feet.
"If you want me to kiss you longer, then drop down, if you don't keep swinging" I looked down at him for a long time and I dropped down making me land on my , he leaned down and helped me up.
"You actually did it" he grabbed my face and pulled me into another kiss.
A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long, I will now try to update every week.


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AnnaLu #1
Chapter 7: This was Amazing i love it A lot Haha HunHan is the best I want more!!
Chapter 7: Ughh I thought kaisoo will have their first kiss =( it's ok I can wait as long as they are together . And I really love jealous jongin xD
Chapter 6: Aww kai is open to kyungsoo noww !!! Damn cutie kaisoo ♥
berrybunnyberrikins #5
Chapter 4: Omg CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE >< omg krishan!!!! Btw, what does Kris mean by 'making him his'? O.o but this is by far cutest chapter EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Chapter 3: Kaisoo and Krishan HWAITING ♥
angel2001 #7
Chapter 2: HUNHAN!!!Update soon!!^^
rilulukkuma #8
Chapter 2: i want more krishan ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ