
Howling For You

Luhan and Kyungsoo were walking in the hallways to go meet up with Baekhyun in the library before they head to their last class.


"Last night after I took a shower, I was searching up interesting facts about wolves and I came across this one page that said that there might be humans who turn into wolves at night during a full moon!" exclaimed Luhan in excitement.


"That's impossible Luhan, something like that could never happen in real life only in fairy tales, but since it's a topic you like, you keep doing what you are doing." Kyungsoo replied, Luhan pouted with his head down. At last they arrived at the library until both Luhan and Kyungsoo saw Baekhyun running up to a tall figure. Kyungsoo immediatley processed what is going to happen, while Luhan just stood there confused.


"I think we should leave Baekhyun alone for now." Kyungsoo smirked and dragged confused Luhan away


Baekhyun was about to leave the library to meet up with his friends until he spotted the guy he had bumped into walking all by himself.


"Should I go up to him? I should at least know his name, plus he looks so lonely right now" he thought. Baekhyun ran up to the guy and stood in front of him making him stop in his tracks.


"Umm.." the tall guy looked confused


"We kinda met earlier and since I saw you by yourself, I was wondering if we could talk? I know this is awkward.." Baekhyun was interrupted by a hand extended in front of him.


"I should be introducing myself.. my name is Chanyeol." he said with a smile. Baekhyun stood there and stared at the extended hand in front of him before finally saying something back.


"And I should properly introduce myself rhis time, I'm Baekhyun." he said with a light smile while finally taking his hand in his. In that moment of shaking hands, Chanyeol felt his heart skip a beat at the feeling of Baekhyun's smaller hand, he lifted his head up to meet his eyes and his stomach started to flutter.


Baekhyun heard a light chuckle from him. "What's so funny?" he questioned.


"You're the first person that's not afraid to come up and talk to me or shake my hand, I have to go to gym class, I'll see you later Baekhyun." Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun's hand and he soon felt the coldness build up in his hand, he waved goodbye to Baekhyun and left. Baekhyun stood in his place while starring at the tall handsome guy walk away, he felt happy that he was the first to talk to him in this school and the first to shake his hand, he looked at his hand remembering the feeling of warmth that he felt in that moment, he couldn't see why anyone would be afraid of a nice guy like him, he sighed before walking away to go to his last class.


"I'll see you later." Kyungsoo smiled and walked off to his class, Luhan returned the smile and turned around to enter his chemistry classroom, he felt his arm lightly being brushed against another arm, he looked up only to meet a nice handsome face staring back at him, they both stood there and staring at each others faces without saying a word, Luhan slightly felt his face getting a little warmer and same goes to the other guy, but their eyes never left each other, they both felt a connection until it was interrupted by a loud voice.


"YO SEHUN HURRY UP YOU'RE BLOCKING THE DOOR!" Kris yelled while holding Sehun's shoulders, he scoffed and quickly left to his desk while Luhan watched him.


"Sorry about me friend, he's the quiet type, you should get to class already before you get late." he winked at him and left, while Luhan stood there with a 'what the?' look on his face.




Baekhyun finally arrived to his class and noticed Kyungsoo sitting in his desk all by himself.


"I thought you and Luhan were going to meet me at the library." Baekhyun said as he sat down next to Kyungsoo.


"We were but Luhan and I saw you in a flirt session and we didn't want to interrupt." Kyungsoo smiled.


"What are you talking about??" Baekhyun glared at Kyungsoo who chuckled and continued drawing little figures in his notebook.


 Luhan's class


"Everybody I want you to write a paragraph on what you know about Chemistry, I want it finished by the end of class." the teacher told the students. The whole class complained except for Luhan who finished in the first 10 minutes. He walked towards his teachers desk to turn in his work but a sudden draft made his paper fly out of his hand and land on the floor next to both Kris and Sehun's desk. Sehun reached out to grab Luhan's paper but Kris was faster and grabbed it first, he picked it up and handed it to Luhan while smiling at him with his killer smile that could melt every girl's heart.


"Here you go cutie." he smirked.


"T-Thank you." Luhan stuttered while taking his paper from Kris' hands. It's been over 30 minutes already and the dismissal bell rang, and every student was getting ready to go home. Luhan packed his stuff while Kris leaned on the wall near the door and watched him until he finished. 


"Aren't you leaving?" Sehun asked Kris.


"I'll catch up to you guys later, you can leave if you want." He replied with his eyes still glued onto Luhan, Sehun looked over to the person he was staring at and rolled his eyes and left.


Kyungsoo + Baekhyun's Class


"Hey we should go to Luhan's house today." Baekhyun suggested as he packed his stuff.


"Sure I just need to get all my things first." Kyungsoo replied while helping Baekhyun with his stuff. They were both about to leave the classroom until they were stopped by their teacher's voice.


"Wait Kyungsoo, if it isn't much of a bother, would you mind coming back and helping me out with this school work?"  She asked with pleading eyes.


"Sure i'll be glad to Ms. Park!" Kyungsoo happily replied, he couldn't refuse his own teacher.


"Well, plans cancelled huh?" Baekhyun glared at Kyungsoo while they both walked out of the classroom. Little did they know that someone was listening to their conversation, someone hidden in the darkness.




While Luhan walked in the hallway he felt as if he was being followed, he turned around but no one was there, he turned back to the direction he was walking but was surprised by a familiar tall handsome guy appearing in front of him.


"Expecting me?" Kris chuckled while making his way closer to Luhan.


"I-I didn't know you were here." Luhan backed away a little, still kind of in shock at how Kris appeared like a ghost.


"You don't have to worry." Kris reached out and touched Luhan's soft hair.


"I'm here to be friends with you." He winked evilly and seductively.


"Oh.. m-my name is--"


"Luhan." Kris interrupted.


"How do you know??" Luhan asked confused and a little scared at the same time.


"Like I said, you don't have to worry about a thing. I'm Kris." he smirked and moved closer to Luhan and caressed his cheek.


"I think we will be VERY good friends." his smirk grew, Luhan stood there, frozen and creeped out, not knowing what he should do until he spotted his friends walking down the hall.


"Baekhyun, Kyungsoo wait up!" he shouted and lightly pushed Kris to the side. Kris chuckled and disappeared in an instant, as Luhan caught up with his friends, he looked back but Kris was already gone.


"How does he do that?" Luhan asked himself.


"What's wrong Luhan?" Baekhyun asked him.


"Oh um.. nothing let's go" 




Both Baekhyun and Luhan left the school building while Kyungsoo stood outside the doors watching them leave.


"Be careful you guys!" Kyungsoo shouted and waved at them.


"You too!" Baekhyun and Luhan shouted back in unison and turned back around to leave.


"I should get back to the classroom." Kyungsoo said to himself and turned back to the school doors.




Kyungsoo had just finished doing his after school work his teacher had asked him to do, he happily accepted since he is the type that loves helping people out, even after his teacher had told him that he would probably finish when night came he still decided to help out. He should've thought through it more because Kyungsoo's neighborhood is not the type to be walking alone in the dark. He had never walked home this late at night and he regretted staying after school as he constantly felt someone's eyes on his back, he felt as if he was being followed, but of course Kyungsoo denied it and just walked a little faster. Footseps could be heard behind him and his fear grew higher, he gripped the strap of his backpack and bit his lips, he was too scared to even look back and confirm that he was being followed by a big scary guy that could beat him up or even kill him.


The footsteps could be heard even louder and that's when Kyungsoo decided it was time to run. He stormed off and ran for his life not even bothering to look back as he was still scared. Although, Kyungsoo did not thinkof the possibility of there being more than one person following him. He stopped in his tracks almost falling when a scary looking man in a dark suit appeared right in front of him, 4 other guys followed behind him and stared at Kyungsoo with a smirk. He was grabbed by the collar and lifted right off his feet, dropping his bag on the ground, he was too scared to even struggle or fight back, he couldn't hurt a mosquito even if it gave him a disease, much less this guy that could probably kill him at any second.


"What's wrong? Too scared to struggle?" The man said and his smirk grew as if he had read Kyungsoo's mind.


"Your family owes me quite a lot of cash and I still haven't gotten it back since 2 weeks ago. It's pretty obvious I won't get it back so i'll just have to use you to get my money." He continued.


Kyungsoo didn't want to think of the many ways they could use him for money, but he was sure of one thing, none of his friends could come and save him, they aren't strong enough to take out 6 scary looking men and he didn't want to put them in any danger, he decided not to call for help or fight back, he'd rather die than be responsible for someone else getting hurt or killed. The man slowly pulled something out of his pocket and waved it around Kyungsoo's face, when he got a clear look at it his eyes widened, a big knife covered in dry blood from his last victims. Kyungsoo had never felt this scared in his life, he closed his eyes waiting for anything to happen to him, a chuckle could be heard from the man, but that chuckle soon turned into a yell and he was dropped to the ground. Kyungsoo sat up and rubbed his bottom where he had felt the most pain from the hard ground, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a familiar figure easily beating up all the men one by one, his eyes went from brown to blood red and he grabbed the man that was about to stab Kyungsoo by the neck, choking him, and lifting him higher than he had lifted Kyungsoo.


"Do you thugs ever learn? I'm ing tired of all of you!" he heard a deep and monstrous voice from him and he threw the man to a tree with so much force, you could hear cracking noises from the tree, or possibly the man's back. Kyungsoo could clearly see his face now, it seemed a little familiar but it also didn't look human at the same time, his teeth were sharper than knifes, his red eyes were glowing and stood out in the darkness, and his fingers were growing claws instead of nails, Kyungsoo didn't know if he should be frightened of the monster in front of him or thankful  for being saved. Kyungsoo had remembered something his friend Luhan had told him at school, something about people being able to turn into wolves at night during a full moon, Kyungsoo looked up at the sky but there was definitley no full moon.


The wolf looking guy turned to face the other 5 terrified men and Kyungsoo knew that the look in his eyes were no joke.


"Close your eyes!" he heard the same scary voice yell, he didn't know if it was directed at him or to the 5 men standing there praying for their lives.


"I said close your damn eyes!" He turned towards Kyungsoo, and he realized that it was him he was talking to, without thinking twice Kyungsoo shut his eyes and he could hear yelling and growls from right in front of him. He gripped the strap of his bag and breathed in and back out to calm himself. After a few seconds the yelling and roaring stopped and were changed into some undescribable noises then silence.


"You can open your eyes know." he heard a voice say, this time it was much softer but was similar to the scary voice he heard before. He slowly opened his eyes again only to find the most beautiful face he had evey seen, he stared at his face for quite some time then realized it was one of the guys from the mysterious group, the guy that had been watching him during gym class. He tried to remember the name he heard his friends call him before.


"Was it Kal? No.. that wasn't it.. was it Kai? Yeah I think that's his name but it's not his real name." Kyungsoo thought to himself.


"Hey Kai! That was pretty cool!" Someone who had been hiding behind a tree ran up to Kai and patted him on the back while smiling at him.


"What the Suho? You were watching the entire time?" Kai swatted Suho's hand away from him.


"Yeah I sensed your wolf powers and came running as fast as I could to come rescue you." He joked earning a glare from Kai.


"Anyway, I heard some lady talking on the phone all scared I think she was calling the cops or something."


"! Suho you take this guy home I don't want to face the cops." Kai ran away faster than a normal human could while Kyungsoo watched him still in shock after everything that just happened.


"Hey are you alright?" he snapped out and turned to face Suho who looked worried about him.


"Y-Yeah." he stuttered.


"What's your name?" 




"Hey no need to be scared! You're safe now! Anyways I'm Suho and I guess since you kind of saw everything there's no point in hiding it from you, we are wolves, but please! Don't be scared! Just tell me where you live and I'll make sure you get home safely." Suho smiled at him. Kyungsoo could hear the honesty in his voice and decided to trust him, he gave him his address and they both walked to his house in complete silence. Kyungsoo was still really confused on everything that just happened.


"Wolves?" he thought, he really couldn't deny it since he just witnessed real wolf power just now but he was still all mixed up on the entire thing.


"W-Wait I thought humans could only be wolves at night during a full moon?" Kyungsoo said still a little scared.


"Nah that's only in movies, we can use our wolf powers whenever we want." Suho answered. 


"You said 'we', who else is a wolf?"


"I'm sure you've heard of me and my friends right? We are all wolves." Kyungsoo's eyes widened at that, there are 5 wolves in the school and no one has any idea except for him, should he be happy? Or firghtened?


"Is this your house?" Kyungsoo looked up at the direction Suho was pointing.


"Yep, that's my house." He replied. Kyungsoo's house wasn't the nicest but it was cozy enough for his family to have a good night sleep.


"No offence but, how can you live in that place?" Suho asked trying not to offend him.


"Well it is old and shabby but at least there's water and we can sleep." Suho being the richest of his friends could not understand what Kyungsoo meant since he lives in a big mansion.


"Well bye and thanks for walking me home." Kyungsoo smiled and awkwardly waved goodbye and walked towards the front door of his house while Suho watched his back until he disappeared into the house.



Kyungsoo's POV


I was laying in my bed and looking up at the ceiling, I let out a sigh, I still can't believe that wolves actually exist, and they go to my school, and some are in my classes! This is all to confusing and freaky! Well anyways I should thank thank that guy Kai for saving me, but I know his name is not actually Kai, isn't it Jongin? It seems more polite to call him that. All night I couldn't stop thinking of him and how he saved me using his wolf strength, I've got to admit it was pretty cool, but his face caught my attention the most, he had such a beautiful face, I know it was dark but his face was glowing when I saw him.


"Thank you Jongin." I whispered and drifted off to sleep.


Suho's POV


When I dropped off Kyungsoo, I walked back to my house. His face looks really cute when he's scared. When I was behind the tree watching Kai fight those guys off, I couldn't help but to stare at the frightened Kyungsoo on the ground, he... looked scared and I know it's weird but I just wanted to hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay but like I said it's weird doing that since I just met him. Something about Kyungsoo is making my heart feel a little weird but... I like it.



N: Holy jesus cheese did this take a long time, I have finally finished editing this at 3:30 am for the second time since the first time it got deleted and I was so mad that I punched a wall....3 times woops. Well it's done now sorry for taking so long and I was the one that wrote the scene where Kyungsoo got jumped hehe anyways we will probably be uploading on Wednesdays and Saturdays so be patient and if we are late on schedule it's probably because of me, the lazy editor , well hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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AnnaLu #1
Chapter 7: This was Amazing i love it A lot Haha HunHan is the best I want more!!
Chapter 7: Ughh I thought kaisoo will have their first kiss =( it's ok I can wait as long as they are together . And I really love jealous jongin xD
Chapter 6: Aww kai is open to kyungsoo noww !!! Damn cutie kaisoo ♥
berrybunnyberrikins #5
Chapter 4: Omg CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE >< omg krishan!!!! Btw, what does Kris mean by 'making him his'? O.o but this is by far cutest chapter EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Chapter 3: Kaisoo and Krishan HWAITING ♥
angel2001 #7
Chapter 2: HUNHAN!!!Update soon!!^^
rilulukkuma #8
Chapter 2: i want more krishan ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ