Bad First Impression/Kim Junsu the Jerk

Accustomed to Your Presence

[Recap] [Changmin’s POV]

After 20 minutes of explaining, she finally got the problem.

“Aha! It’s correct now, right?” She asked proudly, showing me her work as I nodded in approval.

“Wahh! Komawa! (Thank you!)” She high fived me, smiling.

My stomach then grumbled loudly. Oh, that’s right. I was hungry before I came here…

Ji Hyeon gave me a funny look and laughed, “Oppa, if you’re hungry just tell me. I am too! Let’s go get something to eat!”

She got up and went to hallway. I followed closely behind her. Ji Hyeon gasped loudly as an unexpected guest arrived at her house. I looked up and froze. Horrible timing....

[End Recap]


Play it! :D


[Ji Hyeon’s POV]

I gasped loudly as I met eyes with the person who entered. Why of all times does she have to come home now…?


I smiled sheepishly, “Omma.”

She immediately walked up towards me.

“Who is this?

“A-Ah, omma…This is my chingu (friend), Shim Changmin.”

“Ahnyounghashimnikka.” Changmin greeted her politely, bowing down.

She ignored his greeting, “Chingu? CHINGU?”

“Wae! What’s wrong with me being friends with a guy?”

“What is he doing here?” She asked me, her tone dangerously soft.

“We were studying! Nothing else.”

My hair was messy from running my fingers through it because I was so frustrated with that one math problem. Both of our uniforms were wrinkled (from laying on the ground). Our ties were loose. Totally did not help the situation.

Changmin's/Guys' Uniform

Ji Hyeon's/Girls' Uniform

She came up close to me, “What was our one rule?”

I bit my lip, “No bringing home guys…”

She turned around and headed towards the kitchen. I took this chance and turned to Changmin.

“Changmin-ah,” I whispered. “Hurry and run!”  

Omma returned with a broomstick in her hand and she went straight for Changmin, who was hurrying towards the door, trying to put on his shoes as fast as he could.

“Yah! You! Trying to seduce my daughter?!” She yelled out as she started hitting Changmin with the broomstick.

“Ajumoni! (Auntie!) Please stop!” Changmin managed to say, blocking her hits with one arm, while slipping on his right shoe with the other.

Woh? Ajumoni?! Are you calling me old?! I still look pretty good for 38!” Omma put both her hands on her hips and gave Changmin an angry look.

“Omonim…? (Mother…?)” Changmin carefully said, unsure if it was the right thing to say.

WOH?! OMONIM? Who are you calling mother?! I am certainly not your mother!” She raised her broomstick up once more.

I held her back the best I could. “Go!”

Changmin successfully made it out, without getting too hurt.

“Kim Ji Hyeon!” Her voice bellowed.

“Omma! No need to yell. I’m right here.” I pat her on the shoulder and went into the living room, plopping myself down on the couch.

She followed, of course, to yell at me.

“What did I ever tell you? Don’t trust guys, mean, boys, any of them! All they’re going to do is use you. None of them are nice! Omo, who knows what could’ve happened between you two if I hadn’t come home at this time…” She rambled on. “What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Did he use your money? Did he steal anything from our house?”

“I told you, nothing happened! He didn’t do anything to me, or steal anything. What is there to steal anyways? He was just helping me study for my math exam tomorrow.”

“Oh, stop lying.”

“I’m serious, omma! You already know I don’t have a good grade in math right now. If he helps me, my grade can go up. Don’t you want me to get into a good college? I can’t get into a good college if I have bad grades…right?” I tried convincing her. I got up and walked around her.

“You still don’t have to bring him home of all places.” She complained.

“At least you know I’m safe at home.”

“But who knows what could’ve happened to you without me here. I don’t even know what kind of guy he is.”

The door suddenly opened. “I’m home early~!”

“Appa!” I ran towards my dad and hugged him tight.

“Aigoo, aren’t you too old to be acting like this?” He chuckled as he patted me on the back.

“Appa,” I whined. “Omma keeps yelling at me~”

“Oh? Waeyo? (Why?)” He asked omma.

“Why don’t you ask her!? She’s the one who brought home a guy without us knowing. She deserves some punishment.” Omma said sternly.

“Namja? (Boy?) Namjachingu? (Boyfriend?) You have a namjachingu?” Appa looked at me surprised.

“Aniya (No), he’s just a chingu. Chingu. That’s all! We were just studying for the math exam tomorrow appa. I needed his help.” I said, hooking my arms with his.

“Ah, I see no problem with that. Yeobo (Honey), give her a break. It’s their exam week.” Appa took my side…Yes! Oh, how I love him~

“But we don’t even know what this boy is like! How are we suppose to trust him with her. Or even trust her with him?” She insisted on getting her point across.

“Do you want to meet him?” I suggested, a bit unsure of the response I was going to get. A moment of silence took place as they thought the idea over.

“Invite him over for dinner tomorrow.” Appa finally said.

I looked over at Omma to get her approval.

“Aigoo….Alright, alright! But on one condition…” Omma said as she whispered into my ear.  

I giggled at her request, “I’ll be sure to tell him.”

She nodded as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Appa, saranghae!” I said as I tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek.


[3rd Person POV] [3rd Day of Exams]

“Changmin Oppa!” Ji Hyeon jumped and playfully punched him.

The person turned around and it was no other than-

“Yah! What are you doing?!” Junsu yelled out when he saw that it was Ji Hyeon.

Ji Hyeon stood there, wide eyed.

“Why are you yelling…Aish, so loud.” Ji Hyeon said as she plugged her ears and stuck out her tongue.

“So what if I yell in the morning? What are you gonna do about it, shorty?” Junsu rested his arm on her shoulder.

Ji Hyeon brushed his arm off and looked him in the eye. “Say that one more time.”

“Say what?” He smirked.

“That last word!”


“I told to say that last word one more time!”

“I already said it. What?”

“No! The other word!”

“Say?” Junsu laughed as he saw her get frustrated with him.

“Yah!” Ji Hyeon clenched her jaw.

“What, shorty?” Junsu stuck his tongue out at her.

Ji Hyeon couldn’t take it anymore. She used all her strength and punched Junsu in the stomach.

“Ah-“ He said softly as Ji Hyeon stomped on his foot.

“Ow!” Junsu painfully cried out, holding his foot.

“Hahaha! Junsu, she really can beat you up!” Yoochun, who was by his side, laughed as he saw his friend get hurt.

“Stop it, would you?!”

“I’m not that strong. Take it like a man.” Ji Hyeon said simply.

“Are you saying I’m not one?”

“The way you’re acting, you don’t seem like one!” Ji Hyeon ducked as Junsu threw a punch at her. He ended up punching the locker behind Ji Hyeon, hard.

“Ah!” Junsu yelled out as he clutched his fist.

“Aw, did poor Junnie get hurt?” Ji Hyeon said in a mocking tone.

Junsu bit his lip and pushed Ji Hyeon to the ground. She landed on the ground painfully.

“Ji Hyeon-ah, kwenchena?” Changmin appeared from the hallway entrance, helping Ji Hyeon up.

Ji Hyeon went up to Junsu and slapped him across the face. Her sharp nails slightly touched his cheek, but still left a visible scrape. By now, there was a crowd around them. Girls gasped as they saw their “beloved Kim Junsu” get hurt. Junsu raised his arm up, but was held back by Yoochun.

“People are watching,” Yoochun whispered. “Don’t ruin your reputation by hitting a girl. You’ll get a lot of bad responses about it. You never should hit a girl anyways. What did your dad ever teach you? Treat girls like you treat Boa.”

The sound of her name calmed Junsu down as he let down his arm. “Treat her like Boa? Kim Ji Hyeon? Tch, she wishes.”

Ji Hyeon laughed, hearing his remark.

*Ding Ding Ding~!*

The students crowding around hurriedly went to their classroom for their exam, leaving Ji Hyeon, Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin where they were.

Yoochun sighed and slung his arm around Junsu’s shoulders ,”Let’s get to class, ne?”

Junsu pushed past Ji Hyeon as he went to his classroom with Yoochun.

“Aish, he really wants to fight, doesn’t he?!” Ji Hyeon exclaimed as she watched him walk coolly away.

“I’ll talk to him later.” Changmin said as he and Ji Hyeon headed to their math class.

Ji Hyeon suddenly remembered, “Right! Oppa, can you come over to my place today?”

“Again?! But your mom! She’s so…” Changmin thought about yesterday’s experience again as he slightly shuddered.

“Geokjeong hajima (Don’t worry). Both my parents approved the idea.” Ji Hyeon smiled.

Changmin scratched his head. “Chinja? (Really?) Still…”

“She won’t hit you!” Ji Hyeon laughed.

“There’s going to be food, right?” Changmin asked.

“Aish, this guy…always thinking about food.” Ji Hyeon said as she softly punched him in the arm.

They both laughed as they entered their math class and got ready for their next exam.


Hello again! Hope you guys had a great Christmas! The year is almost ending...already!

Enjoy this chapter, and have a great New Years! I may or may not update tomorrow, still quite unsure...But until then, goodbye! ^^

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
please update sooon <3
DirtySecret #3
Hellu, <br />
Happy belated New Year, hahas.<br />
Update again, SOON! <br />
Yes I am demanding you to update faster! (=
Happy New Year!!!<br />
Thanks so much for the update<br />
Can't wait for the next!
Thanks so much for the update<br />
Can't wait to know what will happen next^^<br />
Merry christmas!!
Mochilla #6
I'm a new reader~ I can;t wait fro more! I do hope you update soon! ^^
I'm new here<br />
I'll subscribe<br />
Please update soon again
I don't remember if I read the recent update.. I think I did.. but.. I did again. lmao!! :DD<br />
update soon~
I was even kinda shocked when I saw this updated! XD well, finally! I just wonder why Changmin went with her?