Exam Week?

Accustomed to Your Presence

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[3rd Person POV]

Ji Hyeon hurried to class, running down the hallways. When she reached classroom 12-B, she took a seat next to Jae Eun.

*Ding, Ding, Ding~!*

"Just in time! You were almost late again!" Celty exclaimed from behind Ji Hyeon.

"I stayed up late last night..." Ji Hyeon said as she put her head down on her desk.

"Doing what? You know today's the first day of exams, right?" Jae Eun said.

Ji Hyeon sat up straight, "Of course I know! I stayed up studying! Aish...I don't even remember what I went over last night...."


The class stood up and bowed. "Ahnyounghaseyo, Kim seon-saeng nim (Mr. Kim/Teacher Kim)!" Then they sat back down.

Ji Hyeon looked around the room for Changmin.

"Ahnyoung!" She whispered as she waved to him in the back of the room. He smiled and waved back.

"Class, today is the first day of your exams. The rules are the same each year: No cheating, talking, eating, drinking, or fooling around. Exams are 2 hours long for each class you’ll be taking your exams in. The rest of your classes will be 20 minutes, since you’ll be getting out at 12 noon.” Mr. Kim announced said as the class sighed. He then began passing out folders, pencils, and the exam papers to each individual.

~~~~~ ~~

[Ji Hyeon’s POV] [After School]

“Wah~First day of exams done…4 more days to go!” I walked with Jae Eun and Celty on the streets, looking for a local store to feed our hunger.

“Let’s go inside.” Celty pointed at a small coffee shop.

All three of us walked in and looked at the menu.

“I’d like to order one soy milk, cold thai tea, and a cup of hot green tea please.” Jae Eun ordered.

“Ne, your order will be done in 7 minutes.” The cashier replied as Jae Eun paid her for the drinks.

I took a seat down at the blue couch near the window with Celty and Jae Eun.

“Yah, Jae Eun.” I said looking outside.


“Like anyone?”

“Again with this question…”

Celty barged into the conversation, “I saw you eyeing the guy in our cooking class, Park Jung Su.” [*For those of you who don’t know, Park Jung Su is Leeteuk from Super Junior! ^^]


“Chinja? Wah, Park Jung Su is really handsome! Want me to hook you guys up?” I’m a genius! They’ll make a perfect couple!

“Oh, don’t deny it.” Celty said, poking Jae Eun.

Jae Eun started to get annoyed, “I really don’t! Yah, isn’t that-“

“Changmin oppa!” I got up from my seat and waved to him.

“Oh! You’re here too?” Changmin said as he walked to me. Behind him followed the four “princes”: Jaejoong, Junsu, Yunho. Yoochun went to go order coffee and Jae Eun waited at the counter for our drinks.

“Mhm…What are they doing here…?” I whispered into his ear.

“Just wanted to get some coffee, wae?” I shook my head and smiled.

“Come sit with us, yeah?” Changmin nodded as the four of them joined our seating spot.

“How were your exams?” I asked them as they all groaned.

“So many pointless questions. I don’t even understand why we have to take these exams. They don’t even help us. It’s useless! What a waste of time! I could be in Paris right now if it weren’t for the stupid exams this week.” Junsu complained.

I decided to not even explain to him. He wouldn’t even listen anyways. He has the typical rich boy attitude, tch.

“Drinks are here~” Jae Eun and Yoochun came back to our table with 8 drinks.

Changing the subject, I asked Changmin, “After exams is winter break…have any plans?”

“Ah, I was going to go to Busan with Jaejoong, Junsu, Yunho, and Yoochun. There’s a lodge up there that Junsu has. Want to come with?” He suggested.

“What?! Sharing a lodge? With them?!” Celty, Junsu, Jaejoong, and I exclaimed at once.

Jae Eun surprisingly said, “I’m in. I don’t care about you guys, I need a break. Busan sounds fun!”

“Yuck, I don’t wanna share a lodge with him. Anyone but him. I can’t even stand being near him.” Celty said directly at Jaejoong.

Even though they never talked, we all knew how Jaejoong was [at school, at least]. He was definitely a playboy. He’ll jump from girl to girl within a week. The longest relationship that he’s had with a girl was Ayumi Lee during sophomore year. And if a girl confesses to him and he doesn’t like her, he’ll reject her in the coldest way possible. One of a kind guy, isn’t he?

“Yah, you’re not so good yourself. What’s with your blonde hair? You wanna be an ulzzang? With your face? Not a chance! I’ve seen girls 10 times prettier than you.” Jaejoong spat.

“You really think you’re all that hot, huh? Look in the mirror, sir! All the girls must be brainwashed to like you. I don’t see anything to like about you!” Celty shot back at him.

“Spending two weeks with this arrogant jerk?! Aish, kill me first! I’d rather die than spend two weeks with this rich boy.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Oh please, as if you could even afford a lodge in the first place. You’re lucky you’re close with Changmin, otherwise I would’ve beaten you up by now, you low-class girl.” Junsu said.

“Yah…Junsu…you shouldn’t say that to a girl…” Yoochun said softly.

“I bet she could kick Junsu’s .” Yunho snickered as the others laughed.

“WOH? I’d like to see her try!” Junsu rolled up his sleeve and bit his lip.

“Hah, I don’t even need to use an ounce of strength to take you down, mister.” I stuck my tongue out.

“You know what? Let’s make a bet.” Junsu said, coming up with a strange idea.

“This doesn’t sound so good…” Jae Eun, Yunho, Changmin, and Yoochun said in unison.

“You guys spend two weeks with us during winter break in the lodge, and I’ll pay you $500. That is, if you make it through the two weeks.” Junsu smirked.

“Really? You’re bribing us with money?” Celty said monotonously.

“Either way, I’m still going…” Jae Eun said quietly as Celty gave her a look.

I thought about it for a while. $500 is a pretty good amount…I can help appa pay off some of his debts. I guess…so? I bit my lip after a couple long minutes of thinking.

“Make sure not to cheat on Boa~” Yoochun joked.

“Geokjeong hajima (Don’t worry), Boa will be there. She’s coming back this weekend.” Junsu said, “Well?”

“Deal.” I nodded.

“Oh. My. Gosh. Seriously, Ji Hyeon? You’re doing this for the money?” Celty said in disbelief, “Wait, $500 goes for me too right?”

“If Jaejoong makes a separate deal with you.” Junsu looked over at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong clicked his tongue, “Araso. $500 for you if you survive the two weeks. I’ll be sure to make it worse than boot camp for you.”

“Celty-ah, don’t listen to him.” Changmin said.

“I’ll be sure to make it living hell for you, “pretty boy”.” Celty replied.

“You know, or just listen to him.” Changmin sighed.

“It’s going to be a long break…” Yoochun said under his breath.

Yunho then said, “Let’s hope they get over each other soon.”

“Real soon. Or else it’ll be living hell for all of us.” Jae Eun took a sip of her soy milk.


[Changmin’s POV] [2nd Day of Exams; After School]

What to eat…what to eat…Kimbap? Ah, too plain. Miso soup? Hmm, not in the mood. Something sweet…Cupcakes? Cake? It’s best if you make it yourself though…Aish~

“Rawr!” I saw a face appear by my side. I jumped a little, taken back by the sudden surprise.

“Ahnyoung, Ji Hyeon.” I smiled.

“Ahnyoung~!” She beamed at me.

“What’s the special occasion?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ani, you never seem to walk home with me anymore.”

“Mianhae! It’s been busy these past few months…Jin Hwa joined the soccer team, so I have to stay a little late to wait for him. Omma got laid off recently, so she picks up Jae Young and Joo Ri. But after Jin Hwa and I argued last week, I guess it’s best if he walks home alone. I hate walking home with him anyways!” She laughed.

I explained, “Ahh, it felt lonely without you walking with me! I was so use to it the first few weeks. Then you just…disappeared. I thought something happened to you. Perhaps maybe you didn’t want to walk with me anymore?”

“Oppa,” she asked, “Na bogo-shipoyo? (Did you miss me?)”

“Aniya. It felt a lot more peaceful without you.” I stuck my tongue out.

She slapped my arm. “Yah! Am I that loud?”

I slung my arm around her shoulder, “Kidding~Bogoshipyo. I didn’t have anyone to mess with.”

“Yah!” She lightly punched me in the stomach as I laughed.

We walked down the snowy street until we got to her house.

“Changmin-ah, can you actually…”


“Help me study for my math exam!!”


“You’re the smartest person I know! I’m really bad at math…Please?”

“Are you sure your parents will be okay with me being over at your place?”

“As long as they don’t find out…My mom’s out from 12pm – 2pm. She goes to her friend’s house to gossip. Heh.” Ji Hyeon giggled.

“I don’t know…”

“Kaja! (Let’s go!)” She exclaimed, pulling me into her house.

I was welcomed by the warm heat of the house. I walked around her house, which was actually quite a big place.

“Oppa, in here!” Ji Hyeon shouted.

I followed the sound of her voice and ended up in her room. Her walls and ceiling were what stood out most: a scenery of a twilight night with stars brightly shining. Above her bed was a little window which the clouds could be seen through (if you were laying down and looking up). She also had a cabinet with pictures of her family and friends on top. On the floor next to her bed was a pile of paper and stacks of books. She took a seat down on the floor and opened up her math book.

“You see, I really don’t get this problem. I tried so many times, but I keep getting the different answers. Ottoke?”

“Ahh, you multiplied it wrong in the second step. And here you’re supposed to add it, not subtract. You also didn’t divide this.” I took the time to explain each step to her.

After 20 minutes of explaining, she finally got the problem.

“Aha! It’s correct now, right?” She asked proudly, showing me her work as I nodded in approval.

“Wahh! Komawa! (Thank you!)” She high fived me, smiling.

My stomach then grumbled loudly. Oh, that’s right. I was hungry before I came here…

Ji Hyeon gave me a funny look and laughed, “Oppa, if you’re hungry just tell me. I am too! Let’s go get something to eat!”

She got up and went to hallway. I followed closely behind her. Ji Hyeon gasped loudly as an unexpected guest arrived at her house. I looked up and froze. Horrible timing....


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait...I wonder if I still have readers T____T;;

It's winter break, so I'll hopefully be able to update another chapter soon.

Thank you for supporting~!!

Merry Christmas!!!! ^________^

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
please update sooon <3
DirtySecret #3
Hellu, <br />
Happy belated New Year, hahas.<br />
Update again, SOON! <br />
Yes I am demanding you to update faster! (=
Happy New Year!!!<br />
Thanks so much for the update<br />
Can't wait for the next!
Thanks so much for the update<br />
Can't wait to know what will happen next^^<br />
Merry christmas!!
Mochilla #6
I'm a new reader~ I can;t wait fro more! I do hope you update soon! ^^
I'm new here<br />
I'll subscribe<br />
Please update soon again
I don't remember if I read the recent update.. I think I did.. but.. I did again. lmao!! :DD<br />
update soon~
I was even kinda shocked when I saw this updated! XD well, finally! I just wonder why Changmin went with her?