
Accustomed to Your Presence

{ ; Replay if you must! ^^;; }


[3rd Person POV] [Lunch]


“Wahh~! Class is finally over!” Ji Hyeon sighed and yawned happily.


“I’ll introduce you to my friend, Park Jae Eun. She’s really friendly, don’t worry.” Ji Hyeon smiled as Changmin nodded.


They walked to a big tree outside the classroom buildings, where they saw a girl laying down and reading a book on a bench.


Ji Hyeon spotted Jae Eun and yelled out, “Jae Eun-ah!”


Jae Eun stood up and set the book down on the bench.


“Ahnyoung.” She said as she pushed up her glasses and stretched.


Ji Hyeon cheerfully said, “Ahnyoung! This is Shim Changmin, our new classmate.”


“Ahnyoung, Park Jae Eun imnida.”


“Shim Changmin imnida.” Changmin held out his hand, and Jae Eun shook it gently.


 “Changmin-sshi, kaja! I’ll take you to the rooftop. It’s soooo nice up there, I think you’ll like it!” Ji Hyeon exclaimed.


Changmin and Jae Eun got up and followed Ji Hyeon. They went up several flights of tiring stairs, but to their relief, they finally made it up there. Changmin walked around and explored…and it really was amazing. Even though it was just a simple rooftop, it felt relaxing. Closing his eyes, he felt the cool breeze blow against him. Unlike the rest of the school campus, it was quiet up on the rooftop, and all you could hear was the sound of birds chirping as they flew by. He let out a sigh and smiled.


“Ji Hyeon-ah, do you hear someone?” Jae Eun asked.


“Jaejoong, have you been up here before?”




“Aish, why are we going then? Junsu-ah, let’s go back.”


“Just come along, Yoochun! What’s the harm of going?”


“Listen to Yunho, he’s always right.”


“Ah, see? Komawo, Jaejoong.”


“Bwoh? Always right my ! He nearly got us lost last time he tried to drive to the campsite last time!”


“Ahhh! I remember! Aigo, we went around for HOURS, huh Junsu?”


Ji Hyeon stared at the entrance and there they were: the 4 kingkas of the school. Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Jung Yunho, and the most arrogant (in Ji Hyeon’s opinion), Kim Junsu.


“Are you serious…” Jae Eun whispered under her breath.


“Nobody ever comes up here…” Ji Hyeon said quietly to herself.


“Oh! Yah! Shim Changmin!” Junsu and Yoochun yelled out as they walked to Changmin.


“Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu! You two haven’t changed at all!” Changmin said as he gave each of them a ‘’manly’’ hug.


“Yah, how have you been? I haven’t seen you since 8th grade!” Yoochun said as he gave Changmin a playful punch.


“Ahh, I’ve been alright. I haven’t changed, right?” Changmin smirked and punched Yoochun back.


“Of course you have! You’re so…tall now. Have you been working out too?!” Junsu exclaimed as he poked at Changmin’s arm.


“A bit.” Changmin smiled.


“Oh! I almost forgot to introduce you to Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong.” Yoochun said as he pointed to his two friends in the back.


“Ahnyoung.” Changmin said as he smiled and gave them a slight wave.


“Ahnyoung.” They waved back and smiled.


“These two are Park Jae Eun and Kim Ji Hyeon.” Changmin introduced them to the 4 kingkas as he pulled them from the back to the front.


“Ahnyounghaseyo.” They both slightly bowed awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact.


“They’re pretty cute…like any of the two?” Yoochun whispered to Changmin.


“Ani! Well, not like that anyways!” Changmin exclaimed as Yoochun chuckled quietly to himself.


Jae Eun and Ji Hyeon looked at each other and headed towards the exit.


Changmin noticed them leaving and asked, “*Eodiya?”


“Ahh, I’m going back to where we met up with Jae Eun before. I’ll see you in class!” Ji Hyeon waved and left.


[Changmin’s POV]


“How was England? Any pretty girls there?” Yoochun asked, nudging me.


“England’s so boring! I like it here better. Girls…I think I like “Seoul” girls better. “England” girls just aren’t my type, you know?” I said, sticking out my tongue.


“So that probably means you don’t have a girlfriend right?” Jaejoong asked.


“No girlfriend, haha. What about you two?”


“I don’t, but this guy here has one.” Yunho teased Junsu.


Chinja?! Nugu?”


“Kwon Boa. Do you remember her?” Junsu said happily.


“Omo, your “Goddess Boa”? The one you liked all the way back in 8th grade? When did you get together?”


“Freshman year. She’s in Japan right now…she transferred 2 years ago.” Junsu said, fiddling with his phone.


“When is she going to come back?”


“Molla.” He shrugged.


Jaejoong decided to change and subject and suggested, “How about we go out to the club tonight?”


“In the middle of the school week?” I asked.


“Of course! Why not?” Yunho said smiling.


“Ohhhh~ We can hook you up with some girls too, what do you think?” Yoochun joked.


“No thank you!” I tried backing out.


Junsu jumped in and tried persuading me some more, “Aish, Min-ah! It’s only one night! Come on, your first night back…We need to celebrate it somehow, right? Kaja!”


“I know the owner, so we can get in with no charges. Drinks are on the house.” Jaejoong smirked.


“Eh…but I’ve never been to a club before…” I said, unsure.


“There’s a first time for everything! Come on, we’ll give you a ride there. It’s downtown, not very far.” Yunho said.


I sat and thought about it for a couple of minutes. It did sound pretty exciting! There’s a first time for everything, like Yunho said, right? “Fine,” I answered. “I’ll go.”


Jaejoong and Yunho high fived each other and smiled devilishly. I really didn’t know what I was getting into, but I didn’t want to know…yet. I guess I’ll find out myself, the crazy way.


“Don’t worry, you’ll have fun.” Yoochun assured me.


[Ji Hyeon’s POV]


“What do you think of Changmin?” I asked Jae Eun.


“He seems like a nice guy, I guess. Waeyo?”


“Ani, I just wanted to know.”


“Ji Hyeon, you like him don’t you?”




“Don’t even deny it! You’re blushing!”


“Okay, I admit. He’s cute, but I don’t like him like that!” I exclaimed.


“Araso, whatever you say.” Jae Eun shrugged.


I tried changing the subject, but I couldn’t find anything else to talk about.


“Hmm, what do you think we’re cooking next in our class?” Cooking was one of my favorite classes, but I’m not the best cook. Jae Eun on the other hand, is a LOT better than me!


“We’re exploring French cuisine right now, so…maybe crepes? They’re pretty easy to make.” Jae Eun said, her lips at the thought of it.


“Wah, that sounds so good right now…” I zoned out for a bit.


“I think we should make a lot more desserts though. Desserts are always theeee best!” She exclaimed.


“Do you know any good French desserts?” Jae Eun seemed like the person to know.


“Chocolate mousse, flans, éclair, crème brulee, and Madeleine cookies are some good desserts.” I heard a voice from behind say.


I turned around and came face-to-face with Amasaki Celty.


“YAH! AMASAKI CELTY!” Jae Eun and I shouted and ran straight to her and hugged her tightly.


“Ahnyoung.” She managed to say while being suffocated.


“When did you get back?!” Jae Eun asked as both of us let go.


Celty was me and Jae Eun’s other best friend since elementary school, but her mom suddenly decided to move to France when she was in 5th grade. She still looked the same:  pale skin, big brown eyes, and her same old smile. The only thing that changed was her hairstyle: A short bob dyed blonde.


“I got back a week ago. Just finished unpacking this weekend.”


“How did you recognize us?!” I asked her. It’s been years since we’ve seen each other!


“Of course, I recognized both of your heights. Still shorter than me.” Celty laughed.


“Psh, I will grow, just you watch.” Jae Eun said, sticking her tongue out at Celty.


“Did you find out your schedule yet?” I asked, hoping to have some classes with her.


“Science (Mr. Kim), history (Mr. Park), math (Mrs. Lee), cooking (Mrs. Oh), reading (Ms. Choi), and math (MissPark).”


“Oh! We have cooking together, all three of us!” I said happily.


“Aigoo…” Celty sighed and put a hand over her face. “I remember when we were younger; you couldn’t even make a simple sandwich…”


“I may not be the best, but I try my hardest!” I said. I’m determined to be better in cooking!


“As long as you don’t eat her kimbap, you’re good.” Jae Eun whispered to Celty and laughed.


“Yah!” I said, trying to kick Jae Eun, but she dodged.


“Hey, do you want to go to Coco’s Café tonight? Let’s hang out.” Jae Eun suggested.


“Sure! 8 o’clock?” Celty asked.


“Mhm!” Jae Eun and I nodded, then smiled.


*Ding, Ding, Ding~!*


“Let’s go to cooking!” I excitedly said, skipping to class.


“Eh? Notes…again!!” I sighed heavily. How disappointing…


[3rd Person POV] [After School]


“Bye bye~!” Ji Hyeon said as she parted Jae Eun and Celty and headed towards the school gate.


“Ji Hyeon!” Changmin called out as he caught up to her.


“Changmin-sshi, ahnyoung!” She said brightly as she smiled at him.


“Where are you going?” He asked.


“I’m waiting for my dongsaeng, Jin Hwa. Oh! He’s right over there. Jin Hwa-yah!” Ji Hyeon shouted. A boy who looked a bit like Ji Hyeon ran up to them.


“Noona, I’m hungry. Can we go get something to eat?” Jin Hwa asked, “Nuguseyo?” He asked, noticing Changmin walking with them.


“I’m Changmin, you?”


“I’m Jin Hwa. Are you…Ji Hyeon Noona’s boyfriend?”


Ani!” Changmin and Ji Hyeon said at once. They looked at each other and blushed.


“Aish, Jin Hwa, bali! It’s sunny today; I don’t want Jae Young and Joo Ri waiting out in the sun for too long. Changmin-sshi, want to come along?”


“Sure.” Changmin said as he walked with the Kim siblings.


“Noona, can you walk farther apart?! You’re taking up all my space!” Jin Hwa complained.


“Yah, the sidewalk isn’t that wide, dummy.”


“Maybe it’s because you’re taking up the entire space, fattie!”


“It’s not like I can help it!”


“Yes you can! Walk a little further and you can save everyone a little space!!”


“You say it like I’m really fat, ugh.”


“You are! All you do at home is eat, sleep, use the computer, listen to music, watch TV, and talk on the phone! ALL. DAY. LONG.”


“Ji Hyeon,” Changmin said, feeling a bit awkward.


“Oh, please. It’s not like you anything better. You do the exact same thing too, and you never help out with chores at home.”


“I do! I always do whatever you tell me.”


“Whatever,” Ji Hyeon scoffed and walked on the other side of the street, dragging Changmin with her. “Go walk home yourself.”


“It’s not like I need you to walk with me anyways!” Jin Hwa shouted as he took out his headphones, put them on, and walked down the road, heading home. 


“Kwenchenayo?” Changmin asked.


“Yeah, it’s nothing. Everyday occurrence. You know, we’re siblings.” Ji Hyeon smiled and walked slowly.


“At least you have a younger brother. You won’t be bored, right?”


“He’s such a pain in the .” Ji Hyeon said, sticking out her tongue.


“Still, you won’t be lonely!”


“You want him? You can have him as a dongsaeng! I don’t want him anymore!” Ji Hyeon kicked a rock.


“It’s okay,” Changmin smiled. “What are you doing tonight?”


“Going down to the café with Celty and Jae Eun tonight. You saw Celty right? She was in our cooking class. How about you?”


“Ahh, guy stuff.”


“…Eh? Guy…stuff?”




“What kind of guy stuff?”


“It’s just the club!”


“Are you sure?” Ji Hyeon giggled. “You’re not doing anything else?”


“I’m positive! What do you think we’re going to do anyways?”


“Let me think…what do guys usually do when they’re together…?” Ji Hyeon put a finger on her chin.


“Not anything that you’re thinking off!” Changmin said as he playfully tapped her on the head.


“Bwoh? You dare hit me?” Changmin started running away, laughing. “Yah! Come back here!”


Ji Hyeon ran and caught up to Changmin, who stopped at the entrance of an elementary school.


“Aish, you run…so fast…” Ji Hyeon panted, trying to catch her breath.


“Yah, you’re the one who wanted to hit me!” Changmin stuck his tongue out at Ji Hyeon.


“That’s because you’re the one who hit me first!”


“I didn’t hit you that hard…”


“Yah!” Ji Hyeon said as she slapped him arm.


“Hehe, mianhae.” Changmin slyly smiled.


“Hyeonnie Unnie!”


“Hyeonnie Noona!”


Joo Ri and Jae Young ran to Ji Hyeon and hugged her legs.


“Omo! Ahnyoung!” Ji Hyeon exclaimed as she brightly grinned.


“Noona, who’s this ajusshi?” Jae Young asked, pointing at Changmin.


Aju…sshi?” Changmin cocked his head to the side and frowned.


“Jae Young oppa, he’s too young to be an ajusshi!” Joo Ri said.


“Then…Hyung?” Changmin nodded in approval.


“Ahnyoung, Changmin imnida.” Changmin said cheerfully, holding his hand out for Jae Young to shake.


“Ahnyounghaseyo, choneun Kim Jae Young imnida!” Jae Young said enthusiastically, shaking Changmin’s hand.


Changmin turned towards Joo Ri and said, “Oh! And who’s this beautiful gongju (princess)?”


Joo Ri ran behind Ji Hyeon and hugged her legs. Her eyes were peeking out from behind.


“Joo Ri-ah, kwenchena. That oppa is nice!” Ji Hyeon assured her as Joo Ri slowly approached Changmin.


“Ahnyounghaseyo, choneun Kim Joo Ri imnida…” Joo Ri said softly, blushing.


“Ah, Joo Ri? Gongju Joo Ri…Princess Joo Ri…Neomu yepeo~” Changmin complimented her as she avoid his eyes.


Ji Hyeon grabbed Joo Ri and Jae Young’s hands and started walking down the streets. Ji Hyeon turned around and asked, “Want to come along?”


Changmin nodded and walked quickly after them.


“Noona, can we get ice cream with Changmin Hyung?” Jae Young whined.


“Oh! Ice cream? Can we, unnie? Can we?” JooRiasked.




“Pleaseeeeeee, noona!”


“Pleaseeeeeee, unnie!”


“Unnie is busy tonight. Changmin is busy too.”


“Awwwww~” Jae Young and Joo Ri sighed, disappointed.


“How about I take you two out for ice cream next time?” Changmin asked, smiling.


“Yeah! Hyung, hyung, hyung! Do you want to come play on my Playstation 3 with me?? I have lots and lots of games!!” Jae Young excitedly said, jumping up and down.


“Of course! I’ll come over next time for sure…IF noona approves.” Changmin said looking at Ji Hyeon.


“Can hyung come over, noona?? Can he? Can he??” Jae Young pleaded.


“Ahh…molla. Maybe sometime.” Ji Hyeon replied.


JooRitugged on Ji Hyeon’s shirt. “What is it, Joo Ri?”


Ji Hyeon bent down as Joo Ri whispered in her ear.


“Joo Ri asked me if ‘Handsome Prince Oppa’ could take her to go eat ice cream sometime.” Ji Hyeon laughed.


“Handsome Oppa?” Changmin asked as he bent down to Joo Ri’s height. “Is oppa that handsome?”


Joo Ri shyly nodded as Changmin smiled and pinched her cheeks. “Aigoo, neomu giyowo.”


“Hahahahahaha! Handsome prince oppa? I don’t think so~~” Ji Hyeon joked.


“Woh?” Changmin sounded offended.


“Hyeonnie noona!!! Changmin hyung is very, very, very, very good looking! So handsome!!” Jae Young complimented Changmin.


“Yeah! Unnie is wrong!!!” Joo Ri softly shouted.


Changmin was taken back; he didn’t expect Joo Ri to defend him too! She's been pretty shy around him this entire time. He picked JooRiup and carried her in his arms.


“Even your dongsaengs don’t approve.” Changmin said as he laughed victoriously.


“Aigoo, so immature.” Ji Hyeon said as she started walking away.


Changmin walked after her, carrying Joo Ri in his hand and Jae Young walking on the right. He followed her until she stopped at a house. He let Joo Ri down and walked up to the house’s entrance. Ji Hyeon put in the house code and opened the gate.


“Bye bye, hyung!” Jae Young waved.


“Bye bye, handsome prince oppa!” Joo Ri waved shyly.


Changmin waved back at them and they headed inside.


“Kamsahamnida.” Ji Hyeon said politely.


“No need to be so formal,” Changmin laughed. “You can call me oppa from now on.”


“Ne, komawo…Changmin oppa.” Ji Hyeon said, trying to hold back her laughter.


“What is it now??” Changmin asked.


“Oppa? Changmin oppa? It sounds strange.”




“Ani! I was kidding! Bye bye!!” Ji Hyeon said as she quickly close the gate and ran into the house.


Changmin laughed and started heading towards the opposite side of the street. Today wasn’t such a bad first day…But he didn’t know how his night was going to be…


I AM SO SORRY!!! I haven't updated in almost two months! I've kind of been busy with school work and other things, so I've been neglecting this fanfic. Sorry!! I will hopefully update more often in the future!

I'm surprised I got two subscribers even after a "two month hiatus". Thank you guiwang_4ever & mrskwonjiyong!! I hope my update can keep you guys interested in the next upcoming chapters!! ^^;; 

P.S. Anyone going to JYJ's showcase in the U.S.?

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
please update sooon <3
DirtySecret #3
Hellu, <br />
Happy belated New Year, hahas.<br />
Update again, SOON! <br />
Yes I am demanding you to update faster! (=
Happy New Year!!!<br />
Thanks so much for the update<br />
Can't wait for the next!
Thanks so much for the update<br />
Can't wait to know what will happen next^^<br />
Merry christmas!!
Mochilla #6
I'm a new reader~ I can;t wait fro more! I do hope you update soon! ^^
I'm new here<br />
I'll subscribe<br />
Please update soon again
I don't remember if I read the recent update.. I think I did.. but.. I did again. lmao!! :DD<br />
update soon~
I was even kinda shocked when I saw this updated! XD well, finally! I just wonder why Changmin went with her?