Valentine's Week

Our life as a couple.

Of course you know this day. Everyone knows about it. That on special day, that couples celebrate together and singles confess.

But did you ever hear from Valentine's week?

You probably did if you are on Kpop High School.

Kikwang POV

Oh hello there! If you read what the author said, you have heard that we, on Kpop High, celebrate Valentine's week instead of Valentine's day. 

What is Valentine's week, you ask?

Well let me explain that for you.

Valentine's week, begins on a ordinary monday. That is the start when you give your loved on or crush presents! The whole week long you'll be her or his secret admire and give him or her presents! And friday you reveal who you are. If she or he excepts you, you'll go to the Valentine's prom together that same night.

You want to know who my Valentine is? Just read along and you'll find the answer!


It is lunch time for me and my friends. we walked to the canteen and sitted on our usual place.

"So many present's and cards!" Doojoon said.

"I know, right?" Gayoon, Doojoon's girlfriend, asked.

Everyone was busy talking about what the got today but one person was quiet all the time.

Jeon Hyosung. The girl I just knew since kindergarten. The most beautiful girl I ever saw.

"And Hyo? What did you get?" Her friend Ji Eun asked.

She looked off guard with the sudden question.

"Huh what? I?" She asked.

"Hmm.. I got alot of things..." Hyosung said.

Ofcourse she got alot of things.. I am not the only guy who like her.. I sighed.

"But.." She started.

But? But what? Tell us Hyo!! I thought.

"But.. there was one thing I liked the most..." She said.

Oh how I wish it is mine. That she liked mine the most or even liked me.

"What is it?" Hana asked her.

"It was a basket with selfmade chocolate, selfmade card and stuffed animal in." She said with a shy smile on her face.

YES! YEAH!! It was mine! Those were mine!! She liked mine the most!!! In those hundred of presents she got, she liked mine the most!! Oh if she only knew..

"Woaa! Jjinjja?! You make me feel like mine is nothing worth.." Gayoon said. Doojoon laughed and gave her a kiss on her head. I wish I could do that with Hyosung.

"What did the card say?" I asked her innocent as possible.

"When you read this card, you read my mind. When you hug the stuffed bear, you hug me. And when you eat your chocolate's you kiss my lips." She looks so shy when she reads it.



What I have for her today? Secret hehehe.

I came early today to place this present on her desk.

When I saw her coming I rushed to my seat, waiting until she would see what she got.

She opened the box.

"Woaah~!" I heard her.

Yepp! It was a bracelet with little boxes in a form of a heart just big enough to out a secret in.

She once again read the card.

"Every heart on this bracelet has a place for your secret, but the biggest secret am I." She looked confused while reading it. Maybe I should've wrote something else.. 

But then I saw that big smile again on her face! She understands what I mean!

The rest of the day she put it on her wrist with a big smile.

I feel so proud.


It was hard to think of what I should give her today.. But I was able to know since I know her like no other.

Today I waited for lunch time to give it to her.

Before we came to the canteen I already went and placed a basket with alot of fruits and food but especially candy on her seat.

"OMG! HYO LOOK!" Ji Eun pointed at her seat.

They rushed to her seat and read the card on it.

"Because you're even sweeter then candy, healthier then fruit and energetic then food ever could be.. <3" She blushed when read the note.

I am such a smart guy!


I was lost.. I didn't know what to give! And then I remembered that she loves flowers! Not just ordinary flowers but exotic and tropical flowers.

I ordered a bouquet with alot of exotic flowers just for her.

I put them in the basket of her bike.

"Huh?" She asked her self when she wound the flowers.

She took a sniff and had a adorable gummy smile.

"You smell alot better then these flowers, look alot prettier then these flowers and my love for you will last alot longer then these flowers..

Please come to sandora street 135 behind the house, in the garden, tomorrow direct after school.."

I hope she'll come..


For today? No.. I don't give her a present yet... 

I saw them walking towards me.

"Hey guys!" She voiced. How I love to hear that.. Never I've heard something prettier then her voice.

"I have bad news.." She said.

Wait.. What?! Bad news?! Nothing happened right!? Is she okay?! Will she be alright?!

"I wont go to prom..." She sadly told us.

"WHAT!?!" The other girls and I yelled at the same time.

"I don't have a dress... And the guy who gave me those special things told me to meet him after school, which means I don't have time to get a dress.." She said while playing with the bracelet she got from me on Tuesday.

"B-But you'll go to the guy, right?" I asked her.

"Ofcourse I will.. Will he be dissapointed that we won't go to prom?" She asked me with guilt in her voice.

It breaks me to see her like this.

"I'm sure he'll understand.." I assured her.

[In class]

Well.. There goes my chance to go with her to prom... Argghh I should've give her everything in one color so she would've know which color she should wear.

OMG I HAVE A AMAZING IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called all friends together. And wrote a new letter to Hyosung saying that she should come around the hour that prom starts.


[That night]

Do I look good? Yes..

Do I smell good? Yes..

Is the place pretty enough? Yes..

Will she like it? Will she accept me?! 

Those were question in my head....

I decorated the place with everyone.

They are now hiding until Hyosung comes.

Want to know how it looks?

590-night-garden.jpgPrayer+garden+at+night+%232+.01.JPGimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoy7xVlIHaafT_NoEbZqH(<-- Will be used first.)attachment.php?id=15832(<---Will be used for only Hyosung Kikwang later)

The other girls also look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! They gave Hyosung her dress.

The other girls:

The other other girls: tumblr_m31nv8rIEW1qbjs6xo1_1280.jpg2483-4729-thickbox.jpgkara_goo_hara_mnet_choice_awards.jpg

And my lovely Hyosung: 20110531_secret_hyosung1.jpg

And now waiting until she comes..

I waited for only 10 minutes until I saw her coming.

I started to panick again but then saw Doojoon telling to calm down.

Hyosung looked at the ground and walked to here.

Her eyes were wide when she saw me.

"K-Kikwang?" She asked still shocked.

I took her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Jeon Hyosung.. I was the one who gave you those presents.. I was the one who wrote you those letters.. And now I am the one who asks you.. Will you go to this prom with me?"

 THERE! I DID IT!! FINALLY!!  She waited with her answer just looking in my eyes.

"Ofcourse!" She jumped in enjoy. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

We looked into each others eyes.

I broke the eye contact by looking at her lips.

"Can I?" I asked her.

"Why not?" She asked me.

I kissed her. First soft and gentle but then harsh and deep.

She first hessitated to kiss me back but then she pkayed the same game as me.

Our kiss looked like it could last for forever. But then our friends came disturbing us.

"Ahem Ahem.." Yoseob said.

"Let's have a seat to eat." I gave Hyosung my arm.

We walked into the place.

We eat, laughed and enjoyed the moment.

"Hyosung, let's have our own dinner." We walked to the garden again.

"WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~" Hyosung said when she saw the place we would eat.

"Than-" She wanted to thank me.

"Don't thank me.. Thank out friends who helped me out at the very last moment." I put my finger on her lip.

She smiled.

We had fun by us self. And then the time had come.

"There is just one thing left." I said to Hyosung.

"What is it?" She asked.

I pulled out a necklace.

"If you accept this necklace, you accept me as your boyfriend." I said.

She blushed and then nodded.

I putted the necklace arounf her neck.

"So now we're official." I said.

We kissed again.

This was the best Valentine's week ever!!


There!!! I did it!! FINALLY!!! Yeah guys this is co-author a.k. dork author OuO

Tell me if you liked it because that means I'll update more!! xD

Sorry for the picture spamming .__. 

Dont forget to subscribe, comment and upvote^^ And if you already did.. WE LOVE YOU~ 



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Chapter 34: I loved it:) it was so cute! I didn't want it to end but honestly it was great:)
Chapter 28: Omygawd, this was so cute!! I really liked this one :)
Chapter 33: TT-TT Why must you end it?! I'm going to miss this!
_yourbabe #4
Chapter 11: So sad :(~
Chapter 9: This is really good and has some nice feelings packed in it :) *Applause*
Chapter 18: Love it! Update soon:)