seeing him

Our life as a couple.
Hmm... When I was at a summer program in '07, I saw this guy  naem kikwang at orientation, and couldnt get my mind off him... He of course didnt notice me, and I really did not expect him to... (I had the worst luck with guys that I thought were cute... any time I liked them, they only wanted to be friends) Since we were all 15-16, the main rule of the program was NO PURPLE! (boys are blue, girls are red... haha)

While we were actually at the summer program, I kept trying to get into his groups and be around him, but I never even talked to him until about a week later (it was a month long program)... We had a party that was mandatory for the program (mandatory fun... oh boy!) I happened to be late and sat a couch away from him, and after the guy that was on the other side of the couch moved, he (kikwang ) moved over and said it was much comfier... We got talking, and before we knew it we were dubbed "the trouble wall" cause we sat there all night and stole the balloons that were floating around and popped them. After the party he decided to teach me to play guitar, so we were in the lobby and of course every girl in the program ran over to him to listen and try to get him to play them a song... Since I really didnt think I had a shot at him (there was no way he would like me as anything but a friend) I sat on the floor and let the other girls at him... What I didnt realize until much later was that the whole time he was playing, he kept looking up at me and smiling.

Over the next week or two, he started sitting with me in our classes and me being stupid still didnt think it was anything beyond a friendship... One afternoon when we were in the lounge, he was playing guitar and one of the other girls that liked him came in the room, asked him if he got the money on his card yet and left... I was a bit confused until a few minutes later he asked if I liked italian and wanted to go out to eat dinner at some point.. That weekend we went out, and I was starting to think that he liked me but really didnt want to get my hopes up, there were so many other girls that liked him and were so much prettier then me...

When I was talking with a few other girls, they were talking about who they liked, and they asked what was up with kikwang and I, and when I said we are friends, the one girl just looked at me and said I wouldnt be so sure (she was the one that asked him about the money).

On our field trips, we always tried to sit together because we always managed to get into a lot of mischief and it made long trips fly by... During the one trip, he grabbed my hand and didnt let it go just about the whole trip... Well except when our head councilor walked past to see if everyone was behaving in the back of the bus, and stopped at us... She just looked at us and yelled HAND CHECK!!!

A few days later, I was talking with kikwang  on the phone (had to keep ducking so the councilers would not see our phone ) and he asked me really innocently if he could consider me his girlfriend. I was extremely happy! The only problem was that the program was in the middle of the state, I was from one end and he was from the exact opposite end of the state...

And I will proudly say half the other people in the program said they would never be able to think of the color purple again the same way because of us! haha

But.... It has been almost a year and a half, and although we dont see each other that terribly much, we are still going strong!  and now we are married


Holy crap that was long! .
please comment i havn't had anycomment i kinda filling down today
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Chapter 34: I loved it:) it was so cute! I didn't want it to end but honestly it was great:)
Chapter 28: Omygawd, this was so cute!! I really liked this one :)
Chapter 33: TT-TT Why must you end it?! I'm going to miss this!
_yourbabe #4
Chapter 11: So sad :(~
Chapter 9: This is really good and has some nice feelings packed in it :) *Applause*
Chapter 18: Love it! Update soon:)