Chapter Three

Midnight Winds


“Good evening Jaejoong.” smiled Lord Junsu, wickedly and lustfully, as Jaejoong hesitantly stepped into the secluded parlor –dressed to the nines and looking unfathomably gorgeous.

“Good evening Lord Kim.” bowed Jaejoong respectfully.

“Please…” sinisterly smirked Junsu as he patted the seat next to him on the leather-bound sofa and eyed Jaejoong in a predatory manner “Sit.”

Hesitantly, Jaejoong ventured across the expanse of the large room decorated in a style likened to fifteenth century England and sat down. Jaejoong sighed gently and plastered a loving smile upon his face as he looked at their house guest.

“You look lovely.” complemented Junsu as he took in the vision before him, reached out, and brushed Jaejoong’s bangs from his face “It’s been a while.”

“Yes…” answered Jaejoong with a charismatic smile “it has.”

“I’ve missed you.” confessed Junsu as he leaned in close and pecked him gently on his cheek.

“Oh?” questioned Jaejoong mischievously with a wicked smile “Have you now?”

“I have.” answered Junsu with a chuckle as he dropped his hand on Jaejoong’s thigh and squeezed gently.

“Then…where is it?” questioned Jaejoong playfully as he reached out with both of his hands, palms open, and waited.

“Where is what?” replied Junsu with a curious look.

“Your apology present!” stated Jaejoong confidently.

“You can’t just disappear for two months and come back without a proper apology, without a present.” he added with an overly-adorable pout.

“Do you think you deserve a present my sweet Jaejoongie?” teased Junsu.

Jaejoong internally cringed at the young Lord’s term of endearment for him.

“From what I hear, you have been pretty naughty since I’ve been gone.” added Junsu with a frown “And, worst of all, you have been venturing out into the midnight alone too.”

“You know better Jaejoongie. You know its forbidden.” scolded Junsu in a somewhat serious tone “It’s not safe for you out there.”

“I’m a big boy.” flirted Jaejoong playfully, opting not to tell him exactly how he really felt in that moment and where the uptight and bossy Lord could shove his high and mighty attitude.

“Besides…” he added in a seductive and manipulative tone “What else am I supposed to do? When you’re not here, I have to amuse myself somehow.”

“Oh really?” smiled Junsu wickedly as he draped his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulders and leaned in close “Did you miss me that much?”

“Perhaps…” replied Jaejoong cryptically.

“I see…” smiled Junsu mischievously as the thought of capturing the soft pink lips flashed through his mind. Leaning in close, Junsu gently caressed Jaejoong’s cheek lovingly and peered into those beautiful pureblood eyes he had adored for well over a century “then maybe you and I could…”

Before the Lord could finish his request, a loud knock from the parlor door echoed through the room.

“Come!” growled Junsu, aggravated by the interruption, as he dropped his hand back on his beauty’s thigh and leaned back with an irritated sigh.

Stepping into the room, on time as always, Changmin smiled up at Jaejoong with telling eyes before offering a formal bow to their honored guest.

“Forgive me for my intrusion Lord Kim.” informed Changmin as he caught a glimpse of where the young lord’s hand was.

Damn him.” cursed Changmin in head.

“But…” he continued “The Master has summoned our young Prince.”

“For what reason?” questioned Junsu irritably, as the thought of losing the subject of his desires instantly frustrated him “I was under the impression that Jaejoong was to entertain me for some time.”

“Entertain?” grumbled both Jaejoong and Changmin, instantaneously, within the recesses of their own minds.

“Dawn approaches my Lord.” answered Changmin as he bit back a spiteful and over-protective remark “The master wishes for Prince Jaejoong to rest and told me to remind you that, even though your evening must be interrupted, he has no previous engagements to attend to tomorrow night.”

“He is free to spend the entirety of next evening by your side.” noted Changmin as the bile in his stomach began to churn in disgust.

“Very well.” agreed Junsu as the thought of having Jaejoong all to himself caused a wanton smile to flitter across his face.

“Go ahead, my love.” ordered Junsu as he gave Jaejoong a gentle push to his feet “Get some rest and I will see you tomorrow evening.”

“But I don’t want to go.” defied Jaejoong with a manipulative pout “I want to stay with you.”

“Now, now Jaejoongie.” scolded Junsu with a pat to Jaejoong’s backside “We’ll have all of tomorrow night my love. You must obey your father. Go on.”

“But…” whined Jaejoong disappointingly.

“Love…” warned Junsu sternly “Go…”

“Oh alright.” conceded Jaejoong with a disappointed wave of the hand “I’ll go but you have to make it up to me tomorrow.”

“I will my love.” guaranteed Junsu.

“Goodnight my lord.” smiled Jaejoong with a gently bow.

“Goodnight, my love.” replied Junsu as Jaejoong walked out the door and it closed behind him.


Running into his room and diving into his bed, Jaejoong buried his head under his pillows and cursed Lord Kim up and down as Changmin walked quietly in behind him and closed the door. Sitting down in a chair on the other side of the room, Changmin waited for Jaejoong’s uncharacteristic bout of hysterics to cease and wondered why the young pureblood prince was even putting up with that sadistic and ually charged Lord anymore.

“Why don’t you just rip that er’s throat out and get it done and over with?” questioned Changmin as he checked his well-manicured nails and growled protectively “I have no idea why you still put up with him and, honestly,  I’m getting really sick of having to politely rescue you from his grabby ing hands all the time.”

“Believe me…” replied Jaejoong menacingly as he sat up on the bed and looked at his best friend “I want to. God, do I want to!”

“Then do it!” urged Changmin “No one would miss that piece of .”

“ing half-breed.” grumbled Changmin under his breath.

“Half-breed or not.” Jaejoong warned his overly protective best friend “He the Lord of the Pusan Kims and a high-ranking noble. I have no choice but to placate the bastard and you know it.”

“That’s bull Jaejoong.” countered Changmin angrily as he released a low growl from the back of his throat “You are the one true heir, the next Master to the Covens. That little will always be subservient to you anyway so just ing kill the bastard and you can sort out the political mess later.”

“Or, would you rather spend the rest of eternity with that monster on top of you every night?” quipped Changmin irritably.

“What would you suggest then?” questioned Jaejoong darkly.

“No theatrics. No pleasantries.” counselled Changmin with a menacing and almost ic smile “Just walk right up to him and rip his ing throat out!”

Suddenly, Jaejoong fell back onto his bed and busted out laughing.

“I’m serious.” defended Changmin as he got up and walked to the edge of Jaejoong’s bed “That little lord doesn’t even deserve to the dirt from your boots let alone deserve your attention and affection.”

“Better yet…” mused Changmin as another evil smile flashed across his face and he tapped his chin playfully as a better way to kill the little Lord popped into his head “Just walk up to him, grab him by the with one hand and by the throat with the other and rip them both out at the same time!”

“Maybe then the little will learn to keep his hands to himself.” spat Changmin furiously as the thought of Lord Kim’s roaming hands, and intentions for Jaejoong, made his rage grow.

Jaejoong busted out laughing again as he looked at his irate friend. This banter had become a regular occurrence since Lord Kim had taken a shining to Jaejoong over a hundred years ago and Jaejoong, being a little twisted by nature, loved to watch Changmin get all riled up. When he was being his over-protective self, he would always come up with the funniest and most creative ways to eliminate someone –especially when it came to Lord Kim Junsu. There was just something about that man that instantly conjured up Changmin’s defensive and overprotective instincts and made him see red.

As Jaejoong began to calm down from his laughter, he looked up at his best friend of centuries and smiled. When Changmin didn’t smile back, Jaejoong suddenly felt worried.

“That was pretty dark.” teased Jaejoong playfully, trying to lighten the mood “Even for you, Minnie.”

“Don’t play around Jae.” warned Changmin, his anger still ever-present as his mind focus on the sight of Lord Kim’s hand on Jaejoong’s thigh.

“How dare he ing touch you?!” mumbled the man softly.

“I’m half tempted to go end the er myself.” growled Changmin angrily as he looked at his best friend.

Jaejoong wasn’t blind. He knew what he was seeing in Changmin’s eyes. It wasn’t hate or defiance. It was anger out of love –a passionate protective love that Changmin had developed for him ever since he had become Jaejoong’s guardian and friend so long ago. As much as Jaejoong loved him, he knew he would never really be able to give Changmin what he truly wanted. Sure, they were very close and there were those very rare occasions, over the centuries, when they would end up being more than friends for a night, but for Jaejoong there was no real lasting passion. They were companions, friends, and too Jaejoong that’s all they could ever be. His sisters and father had seen the love in Changmin’s eyes and had warned him to stop giving Changmin encouragement decades ago but in Jaejoong’s heart he couldn’t bring himself to devastate the one and only other immortal he could count on. He knew what he was doing was wrong, that he was leading Changmin on, but in truth he really didn’t care anymore. After spending centuries locked away from the outside world, never really being able to live his own life, he would do anything to hold onto what little happiness he still had and Changmin was a part of that happiness.  In his mind, as long as Changmin was by his side, everything was fine and if he had to manipulate his best friend a little to keep him there, he would.

“That -er chases you around like some dog in heat…” Changmin continued to rant angrily “coerces your father into thinking that he loves you, that he will protect you, and that he has your best interests at heart when he doesn’t know a ing thing about you!”

“I mean…Come on!” argued Changmin, defending his own train of thought, through grinding teeth “How the can he try to lay claim on you when he doesn’t even realize that, as a pureblood, you don’t even need to hide from the sun!”

“Stupid ing Half-Breed!” suddenly exploded Changmin as his eyes instantly turned a silver-laced golden color and he clenched his fist tightly by his side.

“!” cried out Jaejoong as he immediately recognized what was going on, shot up to his feet, and grabbed Changmin by the shoulders.

“Don’t you dare Minnie.” begged Jaejoong worriedly as he saw Changmin’s rage getting stronger and stronger “Don’t you let it take you over.”

He knew what he was seeing. Changmin was about to lose all sense of control.

“Let me go!” growled Changmin eerily as he tried to wring away from Jaejoong’s strong grasp “I’m going to kill that er.”

“No you will not!” ordered Jaejoong loudly as he glared into his best friends eyes “I forbid it Changmin. Do you hear me? I FORBID IT!”

“Please let me kill him Jae.” begged Changmin as his eyes brightened and his lip twitched into a sadistic smile “It will be quick. I promise. I won’t even leave a drop of blood behind.”

Quickly releasing his grip on Changmin’s shoulder and grabbing the man’s face, Jaejoong peered into the eyes of his best friend who was now locked in the throes of his predatory and protective nature.

“Minnie…” begged Jaejoong as he searched the eyes of best friend “Look at me...LOOK AT ME!”

“You have to calm down love.” begged Jaejoong, knowing that that particular term of endearment would reach the man behind the beast.

This wasn’t the first time Jaejoong had seen his beloved friend and guardian act like this. After all, it was part of Changmin’s nature and something that only came out in dire circumstances -usually to protect the ones he loved, but that didn’t mean that Jaejoong was used to it. To see the ever-diligent Changmin lose all sense of rhyme or reason, to become the animal that he worked so hard to suppress, was unbelievably heart-wrenching and it never failed to scare the hell out of Jaejoong every time it happened.

“Everything will be alright.” comforted Jaejoong lovingly as he held back his best friend “I’m not in danger. I don’t need to be protected Changmin! I’m right here with you. See? I am safe. There is no enemy. There is no danger.”

As tense moments seem to pass like centuries, Jaejoong’s panic began to thrum wildly in his chest. He had goaded Changmin on and put him on the defensive by accident. He had only been teasing, just having a little fun, but he had gone too far and now his best friend was locked in a full-on rage that the young pureblood would not be able to control on his own. Jaejoong had to talk him down before he did something terrible, irreparable.

“He has to die.” growled Changmin is a tone so deep it foreshadow a bloody and vicious end.

“Please…” pleaded Jaejoong as tears began to form in his eyes “Fight it, fight the rage and come back to me. Minnie…please??”

“I promise…I promise…” growled Changmin in a predatory tone “It’ll be quick…It’ll be quick.”

“Love…please.” begged Jaejoong once again as the thought of having to knock Changmin unconscious, to stop him, flittered across his mind “Don’t give into it. Don’t make me have hurt you love. You know I don’t want to hurt you. So please…STOP.”

“Let it go love.” ordered Jaejoong worriedly as a tear streaked down his face and his panic grew “Please…”

“Shim Changmin!” scolded Jaejoong frustratingly as he shook the lost soul in front of him, almost violently “Please stop! If you ever want to see me again, if you’ve ever loved me, you must stop now!”

Jaejoong’s pleading, and loving, words finally seemed reach the irate, young pureblood a moment later when in a flash his silver-laced golden eyes instantly dimmed, turned brown, and he collapsed at Jaejoong’s feet. Kneeling down, Jaejoong wrapped his arms around his panicked friend as the young immortal breathed heavily and tried to regain his composure.

“Min… It’s alright.” comforted Jaejoong as the young man in his arms began to hyperventilate “It’s over. It’s all over.”

“Jae…” cried Changmin as he buried his face in his Prince’s neck and hugged him tightly “I almost…I...I…”

“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.” cried Changmin “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to lose control.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” chanted Changmin in recompense.

“It is alright.” sighed Jaejoong as he hugged the man tightly and ran his hand through his hair gently “It’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong love. You were only trying to protect me. It’s ok. Everything is alright now.”

“I’m sorry.” apologized Jaejoong lovingly “I shouldn’t have pushed you. I should have seen the warning signs. This isn’t your fault, it’s mine.”

After a few moments, Changmin’s heavy breathing and panic waned and Jaejoong knew that the moment of worry had finally passed.

“Come on.” ordered Jaejoong softly as he gently pulled the exhausted Changmin to his feet and dragged him to towards his bed a moment later “You’re sleeping here tonight.”

“No. I cannot my lord.” protested Changmin meekly, feeling unbelievably week from the ordeal “I’m not allowed to…anymore. Your father…”

“Don’t you worry about my father.” reassured Jaejoong with a smile as he pulled back the blankets and gently leaned Changmin back onto the bed “I promise nothing will happen to you if you stay here.”

“But…” protested Changmin again.

“No buts Minnie.” countered Jaejoong in a hushed tone as he gently pulled the cover over Changmin’s tall frame “You have successfully succeeded in scaring the very life out of me tonight and I refuse to let you out of my sight until morning.”

“Do you understand me? I’m ordering you to stay here tonight.” added Jaejoong as he gently patted the man on the head.

Rounding the edge of the bed, Jaejoong climbed in beside Changmin with a worried smile.

“Get some rest love.” ordered Jaejoong softly as he cuddle up next to his best friend and draped his arm over his chest “I’m right here so just…sleep. Everything will be better in the morning.”


The lonely and wintry chill of winter had long since passed and now the peacefulness and beauty of spring blanketed the world in a soft, warm hue. Gentle breezes blew through the air, dusting off the gloom that had so permeated the world during the coldest of winters, and for the first time in as many months the world felt fresh and new once more. As beautiful flowers awoke from their deep sleep and the larks and sparrows fill the world with their enchanting songs once again, the reemergence of spring had gone completely unnoticed by Yunho.

Three months had passed since that strange night among the fullest of moons, falling snow, and midnight winds, and even though their meeting had been brief, the memory of the beautiful man still lingered in Yunho’s mind. The night after their chance meeting Yunho had walked slowly home, slower than he ever had in his life, in hopes of meeting the man once more but his journey had been uneventful. After that mysterious night, Yunho found himself vexed for the first time in his life. The mystery man had come and gone yet for some unexplainable reason Yunho’s mind simply could not let the memory of their meeting be swept into the forgotten past. The strange man’s ethereal beauty, his soft smile, and the hushed words spoken under the moonlight, became a source of curiosity and fascination to him. Yunho thought, at the moment, that their meeting was something simple –something far from noteworthy, but he quickly came to realize as the days and weeks passed that there was something much more to it. Yunho couldn’t get the man out of his mind. Every day, and in every way, Yunho thought about him. He wondered who he was, where he had gone, why did he appear before him that night, and most importantly, would he ever see him again?

Yoochun had noticed the change in Yunho almost immediately. The man he had known for ages, the man of reason and logic, had begun to space out into his own thoughts more and more every day. Normally so astute and so precise in his duties, Yunho had now become absentminded and had often times forgotten even the simplest of things. It was as if his Yunho wasn’t even there anymore and had been replaced with someone vastly different.

Yoochun couldn’t understand what was going on with his dearest friend and it worried him.

“This isn’t like him.” Yoochun had thought as he watched Yunho walk aimlessly around the office one morning “What’s gotten into him?”

Even though Yunho seemed to be in his own little world most of the time, he still functioned relatively normally. His absentmindedness, however, had been causing trouble at work. For someone who was always on time his current behavior was unsettling to Yoochun. Yunho had started coming to work late frequently –when he was normally so punctual, and there had been several incidences where the man had not only missed important deadlines but had completely forgotten about mandatory team meetings. Yoochun had covered for him many times of course, telling the department head that he had sent Yunho on errands before work or that he was sick and couldn’t attend the meetings, but he was running out of excuses for his best friend fast. Yoochun had finally had enough. He had to find out what exactly what was going on with Yunho one way or another.

“Yunho…” whispered Yoochun softly as he peered around the wall of Yunho’s cubicle “What are you doing?”

“Uh…nothing…” stammered Yunho as he shook the wondering thoughts of that strange man from his head for the tenth time this morning “What’s up?”

“What’s with you lately?” questioned Yoochun with an almost scolding tone “You’re completely out of it.”

“I’m fine.” answered Yunho with a nod “Just got a lot on my mind is all.”

“Obviously…” scoffed Yoochun “You know you can talk to me anytime right?”

“I mean…” he continued “It’s obvious that something is bothering you. You can’t seem to focus on work, you’re being unusually quiet most of the time, and you’ve barely hang out with me after work anymore. What gives?”

“Its…just…” stammered Yunho before he shook his head disappointingly “I don’t know.”

“Well, I’ll tell you what.” smiled Yoochun “Tonight after work you and I are going to our favorite place to have dinner. We’ll drink and eat and you can tell me what’s going with you on while we get thoroughly wasted.”

“I don’t know…” muttered Yunho apprehensively.

“Oh come on!” exasperated Yoochun dramatically “You can’t stay cooped up in your apartment forever Yunnie. You have to have some fun and live a little too! What do you say?”

“All…alright.” agreed Yunho with a soft smile.

“Great!” cheered Yoochun quietly “The director is having a meeting with one of the company’s new clients at seven. After that we can go out.”

“At seven?” questioned Yunho curiously “Why so late?”

“I don’t rightly know really.” dismissed Yoochun “Apparently the new client has some sort of medical condition and he’s not allowed to go out into the sun for long periods of time. So, they’re having the meeting after nightfall.”

“Can’t go out into the sun?” questioned Yunho curiously “You mean like he’s suffering from something like photosensitivity or Erythropoietic Protoporphyria?”

“Ok now where did that come from?” laughed Yoochun in surprise before his face turned a little serious “Since when do you know terms like that?”

“Oh…”chuckled Yunho, impressed with his own recollection “I read an article about it at my check up with my doctor last week -Symptoms of Vampirism and their Real life Connotations.  The article’s title seemed interesting enough so I gave it a read.”

“Who would have thought that there were actually people in this world that are deathly allergic to the sun of all things?” mused Yunho curiously “I almost couldn’t believe it.”

“Well… I don’t know if Mr. Kim really suffers from that erythorpi-o-tik thing or whatever, but I do know that he’s rarely seen outside during the day.” answered Yoochun “It’s a little weird but who cares. All I know is that if we can finish the deal with Mr. Kim’s company it will be a huge step forward for us in the global market. This meeting is very important, to help us reach our goals, so I’m prepared to do anything to help make it happen –even if it means working more overtime. ”

“Always, so diligent.” scoffed Yunho teasingly.

“Oh shut up.” replied Yoochun sarcastically before he chuckled “More clients mean more pay raises!”

“So…the meeting should be over around eight. After that we can go out to dinner and have some drinks.” summed up Yoochun “Does that sound ok?”

“Yea sure.” nodded Yunho.

“Are you going to stick around after work and wait or do you just want to meet there?” questioned Yoochun.

“I’ll stay.” answered Yunho as he looked around his small cubicle “I have a few things I need to finish up today and I really need to clean out my desk. It’s a mess.”

“Ok!” smiled Yoochun “I’ll see you later on this afternoon.”

“Don’t work too hard!” waved Yoochun as he turned and walked away.

Hours later Yunho leaned back in his uncomfortable office chair and sighed heavily. Exhausted, both physically and mentally, he contemplated whether or not he should just cancel on Yoochun and head home. He knew his friend was worried about his behavior. Hell, he was worried about himself too but no matter what he tried to do to get over his currrent predicament, he just couldn’t. Every day that mysterious man was on his mind and for the life of him, he couldn’t understand why.

They had only spent a mere ten minutes in each other’s presence, so why did it feel like it had been a lifetime?

Plagued by strange dreams and what he could only describe as delusions, Yunho hadn’t had a decent night sleep or easy day since that night. The dreams had started almost immediately. They weren’t bad or scary dreams. They were more akin to being what many people called searching dreams. He was always somewhere he had never been –an empty city street, a long dirt road, or a dark forest, and he was always searching for someone lost in the night. At first the dreams didn’t affect him much. He had had weird dreams off and on his entire life, most of which were rarely remembered the next morning, but as these same types of dreams continued to come back to him night after night, Yunho had started to feel afraid...almost paranoid.

He truly thought he was slowly going mad.

While the dreams made him feel uneasy, unbelievingly it was his delusions that made him feel safe. They weren’t delusions one would normally associate with those who had clinical mental issues but more flashes of a familiar face disappearing into a crowd, going around a corner, or in the back of a speeding taxi that just happened to drive by. Yunho couldn’t explain it, but for months he had been seeing that man’s face. At first he would chase after him, only to realize moments later that there was no one there or come face to face with a simple case of mistaken identity. He was sure he hadn’t been imagining all of it. He knew what he saw was real, and even though he knew he should be worried about his own mental state, a part of him took solace in the fact that in some small way he was still able to see his mystery man from time to time.

“Why am I so obsessed with this guy?” questioned Yunho softly as he closed his eyes and tried to will away the lingering thoughts of that mysterious man.

As a soft buzzing echoed from the top of his company desk a few minutes later, Yunho opened his eyes and sighed. Reaching out and grabbing his phone, he looked at it and noticed a new text message. It was from Yoochun.

[Yoochun] “Almost done…Meet me in my office in five.”

“Guess there’s no way out of it now.” scoffed Yunho softly before he texted Yoochun back and told him he was on his way. Standing up and grabbing his bag, he pushed his chair under his desk, turned off his light, and headed down the deserted hallway towards the elevators. Climbing in to the lift, he hit the button for the eighth floor and stared off into space. As he stepped out of the doors, a few minutes later, he sighed once again. Turning towards Yoochun’s office, he took a step without looking  and immediately bumping into someone –hitting the ground hard.

“Yah!” teased Yoochun “When are you going to start watching were you’re going Yunnie.”

“Sorry.” apologized Yunho as he reached up his hand and waited for Yoochun to help him up.

“Just watch where you’re going next time.” as he reached out and pulled his best friend up with a chuckle “This time it was me. What if I would have been the CEO?”

“You know how much of a hard- he is.” added Yoochun jokingly.

“Yeah…” nodded Yunho with a laugh “Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah…” sighed Yoochun “I just need to drop something off in the boss’s office real quick. Give me two minutes.”

“Alright.” answered Yunho as he watched his best friend turn and dart down the short hallway.

Yoochun was good to his word, within two minutes he was back and ready go. The two friends rode the elevator down to the first floor and walked across the company’s sprawling lobby quietly. As they exited the front doors, Yoochun pulled Yunho back by the arm gently.

“What is it?” he questioned as he looked at his best friend.

“Let just wait here for a minutes.” replied Yoochun, looking oddly nervous for some reason.

“Why? I thought you wanted to go eat?” questioned Yunho confusedly.

“I did... I do.” replied Yoochun as he seemed to be glancing over Yunho’s shoulder apprehensively.

 “It’s just…I don’t think we should interrupt.” added Yoochun as he nodded in the direction of the sidewalk.

“Interrupt?” questioned Yunho as he turned around and looked down at the bottom of the steps, near the curb, and saw a strange man standing near the back door of a black limousine. He was dress in a finely tailored black suit and silver wingtips, and talking with what looked like Yoochun’s boss.

“Isn’t that Director Choi?” questioned Yunho.

“Yeah…” answered Yoochun softly.

 “So who’s that guy he’s talking to?” asked Yunho as his curiosity compelled him to take a few steps closer.

Yunho stared at the unknown man and wondered why he looked so familiar. Who was he? Where had he seen him before?

“Chunnie who is he?” questioned Yunho as he focused on the man’s face once more.

Suddenly the strange man looked up and locked eyes with Yunho the second Yoochun uttered “That our new client, Mr. Kim.”

“It’s him!” nearly shouted Yunho as he recognized that ethereal face seconds before the man, almost deliberately, broke eye contact and crawled into his limousine.

“It is him!” repeated Yunho again as he darted down towards the curb. As the vehicle pulled out onto the street, Yunho screamed for it to wait but it kept right on going. Coming to a dead stop at the curb, Yunho followed the fleeing vehicle with his eyes and suddenly wondered if he had been seen things again.

“No way.” he dismissed instantly. If Yoochun had seen him, that means he really was there.

As that ever-familiar hilltop flashed across his mind, Yunho instantly felt the need to be somewhere else. Without a word, good bye, or any explanation to where he was going, Yunho took off down the sidewalk in a full sprint –leaving Yoochun standing there completely lost. He ran as fast as his feet could carry him, taking the back alleys and shortcuts he knew so well until he found himself standing at the bottom of the hill where he had met that strange man all those months ago. Releasing a deep breath and summoning his courage, Yunho ran to the top of the hill and scanned all around for the person that had been plaguing his thoughts for so long. Seeing nothing, but immediately feeling as if someone was watching him, Yunho suddenly snapped.

“Stop hiding from me!” called out Yunho desperately, completely frustrated and at the end of his proverbial rope.

“I know that was you!” he screamed as tears formed in his eyes “I know you saw me. I know you’ve been watching me!”

“Why did you run?” questioned Yunho as his mind and his heart clashed violently and he suddenly collapsed to his knees with tears streaming down his face “Why do you always run?”

“I want to see you! I need to see you!” cried Yunho as he totally broke down “Why won’t you show yourself? Why won’t you come to me?”


“Because….” came a soft, almost remorseful voice “nothing good will come from it.”




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Chapter 6: I don't dare to imagine what Jae and Changmin have in store for Junsu. However, I predict that Junsu must have a means to weasel himself out of trouble, nothing noble I surmise. Thanks for sharing!
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 6: An update! Glad to see this story again. Gomawo Noona! So Suie is being a nabbun namja...Can't wait to see what Jae does to him. And Inho...previous incarnation or ancestor? *Rubs handtogether gleefully* This is getting good..
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 6: Love this story. I want to see what they will do to junsu. I hope it's something good.
Chapter 4: i like it so mucho, but is yunjae or jaeho?
Kattan69 #5
Chapter 4: Marked him so what...just let Min marked him as well..than what. They are vampires and not dogs. Grrr....I hate Su here.
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 2: This story is interesting, different from other vampire stories. I can't wait to read what happen next, and when Jae and Yunho will meet again.
Live updating? Wat do u mean?
kaijosan #8
Chapter 3: is it jaeho or yunjae im confused ..<
ozwalkr #9
Chapter 3: OMO! THAT sounded ominous..."nothing good will come of it..." I love the way you are taking this into the realm of the Fae. I have always been partial to those tales, so this is A REAL TREAT for me. The hillside, the dreams, so familiar, and yet so new.. Saranghae Noona!!
Ur username sounds so familiar-.- lol anways gonna read^^