No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached
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Eunjung put the roof of her convertible down as she drove home along the bridge and felt the cold breeze brushed her face. She kept here yes on the road with her right hand clenched to the steering wheel while her left elbow rested on the window sill. She shook her head, and exhaled heavily. Then her phone rang. With one hand on the steering wheel she pulled out her phone in her blazer pocket.


She quickly answered the call.


“Hello?” She said as she put the phone to her ear.


“Ahh I returned your call but your phone was off. Did you get my voicemail?” She said in annoyed tone.


“I see…” She nodded.


“I can’t talk right now, I’m driving.”


“I-I don’t know…” She sighed.


“I-Im sorry.”


“Okay. Okay I understand.”


“Alright. See you then!”


“Okay, goodni—“


The other line hung up.


Eunjung sighed as she threw her phone on the front seat then lightly pounded the steering wheel. She pushed the gas pedal down on full throttle and drove off.




Jiyeon woke up bright and early, one hour earlier than her alarm clock was supposed to go off. She smiled as she pulled her arm out from under the covers and tapped off the alarm. She got up and stretched her arms above her head and yawned. She hastily searched for her phone on bed, and saw one new message. She eagerly opened it.


‘Jiyeon-ah! How are

you? See you later! xoxo’


Sender: Hyomin-unnie :3


Jiyeon pouted and sighed. She thought it was from Eunjung. She fell asleep staring at her phone, waiting for a text or call from her since she suddenly left after what happened last night. She put her phone on the bedside table, got up from her bed, and did some stretches while absently humming to herself.


She smiled in her biggest smile as she recalled the scene and played out in an endless loop in her head. Her heart was filled with ecstasy. She slept late, but she felt charged and energized. After she made her bed, she hurriedly walked towards the bathroom and took a lengthy bath.




Jiyeon stood waiting for the elevator. She was in good mood. She ate a delicious breakfast that she cooked by herself. When the elevator came, she stepped inside and pushed the 1st floor button. She glanced at her image in the mirrored elevator doors, she was wearing a navy blue slightly oversized plaid button-down shirt with white tank top inside, rugged ripped baja denim shorts and a pair of gray casual sneakers. The elevator doors opened, she stepped out and went straight outside of the building.


It was a bright sunny day. The brightness of the sun was almost blinding. She put her black Wayfarer sunglasses on and bent her head back and felt the warmth of the sun on her face. “What a beautiful day…” She whispered. She started walking down the street.


For the past days, she was quiet; she spoke no word, nor looked towards Eunjung. She gave her a silent treatment because she couldn't ignore her feelings and her feelings were telling her that she was jealous. “Pabo…” she whispered. She shook her head in disbelief. She hated herself for being jealous over Gyuri when in fact there’s no reason to be jealous. Now she was convinced what happened last night was a proof they have strong feelings for each other. The feelings were mutual. And because of that she felt different today. She was now feeling calm and relaxed.


Smiling as she entered the coffee shop near at her apartment, the guard opened the door and welcomed her inside. She headed to the counter and ordered a raspberry smoothie for herself and takeout coffees and doughnuts for her unnies. She sat down at the table by the window and took a long sip of her smoothie when saw a woman from the corner of her eye entered into the shop and followed by another woman wearing a red tracksuit. Jiyeon turned quickly to have a look and saw a very familiar face standing at the counter and ordered two cups of coffee. She tilted her head a little and lifted her sunglasses to see clearly. Her eyes widened as she recognized exactly who it was.


It was Park Gyuri, wearing a red tracksuit and seemed went for a jog. Jiyeon stood up and silently watched her walked towards the other corner of the shop. She sat down with legs crossed and started to sip her coffee from the mug. She was intently talking to someone, but she couldn’t see who the person was completely because of the wooden cabinet blocking. She noticed Gyuri shook her head several times, seemed frustrated. Jiyeon eyebrows furrowed and pouted. She became curious. She took a doubtful step towards Gyuri, when her phone rang.


Hyomin was calling. She smiled and quickly answered the call.


“Hello unnie!”


“I’m sorry unnie. I just read your text this morning.”




She checked her wrist watch and sighed.


“Okay! I’m on my way now."


“Thanks! Buh-bye!”


Jiyeon hurriedly went back to the table and grabbed her stuff. She glanced at Gyuri before she walked out of the door and hailed a taxi cab to take her to their studio.




The girls were sitting on the floor at the corner together. Soyeon, Boram and Qri were grooming each other’s hair, while Hyomin, Hwayoung and Areum were busy squealing as they played games on Hyomin’s Ipad.


“Ottoke, we’re dead!” Hyomin screamed.


“We can play again unnie!” Hwayoung eagerly said.


“What game are you playing? Soyeon asked while brushing Boram’s hair.


“The Walking Dead unnie,” Areum politely replied.


“Argh we’re going to start from the top!” Hyomin whined.


“Oh these three…It’s just a game, you can play it a hundred times over.” Sso said.


The three girls started to play again. They tapped and tapped and tapped.


“Um think about this, what if we’re caught in a zombie apocalypse then a horde of zombies are coming after us, what would you do to survive?” Boram asked out of curiosity.


Everyone pondered the question.


“Unnie, that’s scary. I don’t want to think about it.” Qri said fearly.


“Well I, being the leader of the group would do everything for us to survive. So… I would… sacrifice…” Soyeon interrupted and looked at their faces with full of admiration to her. Soyeon smirked, “i  would sacrifice… Hyomin! I would handcuff her and let her be eaten by zombies so we could run away and hide!”


“Wow I can imagine…” Qri said as she looked at the ceiling.


Everyone laughed loudly except to Hyomin. Sso raised her hand and shouted with glee, “High Five guys!” The girls complied. “A five,” they said. “Oh, shut up,” Hyomin replied and gave Sso a deathly glare while Sso was poorly suppressing her laughter.


The girls kept laughing.


They turned their heads when the door opened. “Good morning guys!” Jiyeon yelled happily to her unnies as she entered the room.


Suddenly, Hyomin’s face brightened up and ran towards Jiyeon. “Jiyeon-ah I’m glad you’re already here, they’re teasing me a while ago.” Hyomin complained as she linked her arms with Jiyeon.


“Oh really?” Jiyeon said, smiling. Hyomin pouted a bit and nodded. “Aigoo, anyway I bought some food unnie. C’mon!” Jiyeon said excitedly, grabbing her hand and coaxed her to sit down on the floor again.


Jiyeon sat down with a big brown paper sack on her lap. She eagerly opened the paper sack and started to pull out the cups of coffee and doughnuts. Their eyes widened when they saw the food in front of them, “Wow!” they exclaimed. Jiyeon laughed a little, “Go, and grab yourself one!” The girls swarmed the food like a bee and in one split second, nothing left. They started shoveling the pastries into their mouths. Boram even had coffee trailing down her chin but Soyeon was sweet enough to wipe the side of with her thumb.


“Jjirong this is so delicious!” Hwayoung exclaimed in delight as she took her last bite and took another bite from the doughnut on the other hand.


“Thank you,” Jiyeon sweetly replied.


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SingerWan #1
Great story
SaoMyatMarlar #2
Chapter 3: Please update author-shi
Chapter 1: soo good ff :) but i wish u don't just forget it plzz don't "( good luk ;)
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 7: Yah! The story was so good but, sad it wasn't updated for a long time. I hope you come back and update it again. Please?!
El_thegreat #5
Chapter 7: Continue the story
Update pls
Chapter 7: i love your fic. :) gonna continue reading on your new account.
mptc16 #7
Hi I tried to find the new account, but nothing is there! Please help me!
fyeahpjy #8
DEAR READERS, WE HAVE MOVED TO A NEW ACCOUNT! eunyeonfics will no longer be updated and the remaining chapters of ‘No Strings Attached’ and the upcoming fanfics will now be on THIS (fyeahpjy) account. Please visit and subscribe again. Thank you.
Chapter 7: Aww, so nice! Please update!
Chapter 7: update pleaseee msdkfj