

Soobin’s POV

We got to Hyukjae’s office in a matter of minutes and when I got out of the car in his blazer, I can feel practically everyone’s gaze was on me. What’s wrong? Is there something on my face? I stood there stock still, not moving a single inch at all. It was till Hyukjae pulled me by the hand, leading me to the lift. I can feel eyes on me, some burning a hole through me while some are shooting daggers.

“You should wear more next time. It’s getting chilly nowadays.” He said and his hands were still holding onto mine.

“I didn’t know I had a meeting with you outside today.” I muttered, but he still heard me.

When we got to his office, He told his secretary, Yoona to get me a cup of hot chocolate. Now here we are, back in this office once again.

“Now the proposal.” He said. However, he kept silent until Yoona came in with our drinks and left.

“Are you attached?” He asked me. I was shock at his question. Does this have any relation with the proposal?

“No, Not at the moment.” I said, taking a sip of my drink. His brows furrowed a little before he composed himself once again.

“What do you mean Not at the moment?” He asked. Why does he want to dig so much into my personal life?

“I don’t fancy anyone or do I have anyone who’s courting me.” I stated outright and I blushed for being so straightforward. He stifled a laughed and cleared his throat. He didn’t say anything but look at me intensely. His eyes seemed like it burned through my soul. I could feel my whole body heating up. This isn’t good.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my boss, Siwon.

“I’m sorry, I got a call.” I said as I stood up and went to take it. Siwon said that there’s a dinner event tonight and the other party wanted me to attend so I have to be present no matter what. There’s goes my so-called rest day.

“I’m sorry, Mr.Lee I have an event I need to attend to. Can we meet again another day? It’s urgent.” He doesn’t look really pleased but his words spoke otherwise.

“It’s ok. We’ll discuss this another day.” He smiled, however, his eyes were still as dark as ever. I kind of feel intimidated by him. I wanted to return his blazer to him, but he insist I take it.

“Don’t think it’s good to catch a cold.” He said as he sent me to the lift. I guess he wasn’t that bad after all. Not that arrogant brat I used to see.

When I got to the lobby, Everyone was staring at me. However, most of them were whispering. I wonder if it is because I came in together with Hyukjae. I ignored them as they might not even be talking to me. I got into my car and drove off, not remembering what happened in the lobby.

“Glad you made it Ms. Park!” Mr. Kim greeted me. He is one of our clients who is most picky with our designs but cannot blame him. He’s a shopaholic. But he is known to be a diva.

“Seems like Kibum looks highly on you.” Siwon, my boss said.

“He just likes my design, that’s all.” I tried to brush him off. Choi Siwon can never stay away from me. Even though he’s my boss, he should know what to do and what not to do.

“Ms. Park” I heard a voice from behind me and turned around to almost fall flat on the ground. It’s Lee Hyukjae.

“Omo, Isn’t this the famous Mr. Lee from Lee enterprises?” Kibum squealed. He gets excited easily. Hyukjae smiled politely at him as Kibum blabbers away. But one thing caught my attention.

“… I can’t believe you built up Lee Enterprises with your bare hands in a year! You’re such a talented young man. It’s hard to find someone with such talents these days…..” Lee Enterprises was built by Hyukjae? I had thought he took over from his father.

In Just 1 year, Hyukjae became this successful. He’s one of Korea’s most sort after bachelor. I can’t believe it. This is too much of an information to absorb.

“Are you alright?” Siwon asked, trying to support me.

“I’m fine, Siwon.” I said, trying to push him away, but he was too strong for me. I guess I shouldn’t have taken so much wine.

“I think the lady needs space.” I heard a voice and saw Hyukjae. He was glaring at Siwon like he was killing him with his eyes. Siwon backed away as he saw who he was. Hyukjae came to me as held my hands softly.

“Are you alright?” He asked as I nodded my head. He led me to a seat nearby to take a rest. For a moment, he walked away, but came back with a glass of warm water. I took the water and felt slightly better.

He looked at me, worry fills his eyes. I didn’t know what I was doing but I placed my hands on his, reassuring him I’m alright. He smiled slightly as he took a seat beside me.

“I didn’t know you’re coming to this party.” I said.

“I didn’t intend to but you had to leave so I had to come but it seems like I’m fated to meet you wherever you go.” He smiled and I blushed. How can he affect me so much with little words he say? I cannot deny he’s charming, but it’s also he’s of a totally different league. 

As the crowd started to die down, I decided to leave. Collecting my things, I headed to my car at the parking lot. It was a cold night. I wrapped my shawl closer around my body as I made my way to my car. As I got closer, I saw a figure leaning again the head of my car. Who could that be?

“I think you had too much to drink to drive.” He said and I immediately know who it was. It’s Lee Hyukjae. His hands tucked into his pocket as he leaned against my car. Oh boy does he look handsome. How can he be so handsome yet so beautiful?

“I’m fine. You should head home.” I said, trying to get into the car, but he was stubborn. In the end, I gave up and let him drive. In actual fact, I was too tired to drive home. All I want to do is sleep. When I woke up, I found myself already lying in my bed. It was close to 3am in the morning. How did I get here? I guess I really had too much to drink. My head feels like it’s splitting apart.

On my bedside table, I found a note.

‘You were sound asleep so I carried you in. I guess you’ll be having a splitting headache. Go take 2 asprins to relief the pain. Until next time.


He brought me back? I should really thank him. But why does he, a CEO of a company do such stuff? He even offered to drive me home. I am so dead tomorrow. Haemin will definitely interrogate me till no tomorrow. Especially being sent home by a particular Lee Hyukjae.

“PARK SOO BIN!” I jolted up from my bed to find Haemin standing at me door with her hands on her hips.

“It’s so early.” I said as I tried to go back to sleep but she dragged me up. I know what this is about.

“Why did Hyukjae send you home?” She asked. Oh boy here it goes.

“I was at some client’s party and I met him there and he insisted to drive me home because I had too much to drink.” He eyes were practically twinkling.

“He drove you back? CEO of Lee Enterprises, Lee Hyukjae insisted that he drove you home?” she said and I nodded my head.

“Oh my, Do you think he likes you?”

“No way. We’re of different leagues.”

“Don’t deny. You find him cute.” Haemin smirked and I cannot hide anything from her. She’s too observant.

“I’m gonna tell Donghae!” She exclaimed as she ran into her room before I digested anything and when I finally did, it was too late. I grunted and lay back onto my bed. How bad can this day be?

“Another bouquet for you.” Seohyun said and once again, I saw that bouquet of blue roses. Who can this mysterious person be? It’s starting to get on my nerves.

“Soobin-sshi, Secretary of Mr. Lee called to making another appointment. When are you available?” Sulli asked.

“Monday.” I said and she went back to work. In a matter of seconds, I received a call from Sulli.

“Yes Sulli?” I asked since it was rare that she calls rather than walk into my office.

“You have a visitor Ms. Park.” She said and she sound shakened. She never calls me Ms. Park unless something big happens.


“Mr. Lee From Lee Enterprises.” She answered. What brings him here?

“Let him in.” I said as I smoothen out my dress while waiting for him to enter my office.

He walked into my office with his crisp grey suit this time. He seems really free for a CEO of a company. He looked at me without breaking our gaze. He really has this effect on me and it’s not very good. I cannot seem to sit still when he’s around.

“Good Morning Ms. Park.”

“Good Morning Mr. Lee. What brings you to my office this very morning?” I asked.

“I was wondering if I can ask you out for dinner this evening.” He said. I looked at him to see if he was joking or was he serious. However, he seems 100% serious.

“Sure.” I said. I didn’t even know that word could come up from my mouth without stuttering or breaking.

“I’ll pick you up at 7pm. We’ll discuss the proposal over dinner.” He wants to discuss the proposal over dinner? He makes it seem like the proposal was more of a private thing than an office thing. I really want to know what is his proposal about. He seem like he’s trying to leave it hanging.

At 7pm sharp, Hyukjae was waiting for me at the door. I grabbed my purse and went out to meet him. He drove us to a nice western dining restaurant, where he booked a private room for us. This is really too much for a meal.

“I’ll have a chicken salad.” I told him as he widen his eyes.

“Only?” He asked.

“Only.” I answered. I cannot even eat properly when I’m with him. That’s how bad the situation is.

After taking our orders, the waiter left us. Eunhyuk pulled out a document and passed it to me. I took it and read it. It’s a Non-disclosed agreement. Why do I need this?

“A Non-disclosed agreement?” I asked.

“Yes. The proposal I’m offering you can never be known to anyone else. When I say no one, I mean no one.” He looked at me deadly serious.

“I don’t even know what is the proposal about.” I wanted to scream at him. He’s being a nice one moment and he’s being all controlling in another moment.

His expression darkened as I finished my sentence. This man really has mood swings. However, we were interrupted when the waiter came to serve us our food. His eyes never leaving mine, as if challenging me to walk out of this room.

“Mr. Lee, I do not know what you are expecting from me who’s merely a fashion designer.” I said, trying to look as serious as I can, but I can never ever pull off that look.

“Ms. Park, I want you to be my acting girlfriend. I want no one to know of this and I want to make this look real. That’s why I want you to sign this Non-disclosed agreement” He said through gritted teeth.


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Chapter 30: It's too bad that they never got back together and Hyuk could never tell her how much he had loved her ..if only Haemin had told Hyuk where she was they may have had a chance but I guess fate had other plans for the both of them . Great Story :)
Chapter 29: Damn she lost her memories of him :( Here I was hoping that maybe they could get back together but maybe there is still a chance since her brain is telling her something every time she sees Hyuk! Hope she remembers soon before she goes back.
Chapter 28: Yes it's Hyuk ! So hoping they talk things out !
Chapter 27: NO! NO! NO! She can't have a boyfriend she needs to be with Hyuk! I'm really hoping that Hyuk will have the courage to tell her the truth when she gets back for the wedding and hoping he isn't seeing one at all so maybe they can and will get back together even though she does have a boyfriend ..I'm hoping she will come back home and be with Hyuk Please! They need to stay together even though he screwed up by not telling her sooner !
Chapter 26: I knew he was the one that was sending the roses and just when he was going to confess his real feelings she left damn! Hope that Haemin will not kill Hyuk and tell him where she is so he can after her! Love this Story <3333333
Chapter 25: aw, moree! please...... hehe sorry, i just cant wait for the next chapter ;)
btw, thanks for the update :)
Chapter 25: She should have told him but I think she was afraid that he might try to stop her! Here's hping he finds out where she is and goes after her ! Thanks for the Update :)
Chapter 24: She really needs to tell him that she is leaving! She thinks he doesn't like her that way but he does and how is he going to feel when he founds out she is no longer there and he doesn't know where she is it isn't right and I hope it will work out for the two of them and that they will stay together ! Great Update :D
Chapter 23: Wonder what he will do when she tells him about the school ,of course she has to go it's a once of a lifetime chance and since the contract is over by then but I still feel she should tell him about it even though she thinks that she in the only one that has feelings in the relationship but I think Hyuk feels the same about her as she does about him ..they do feel and care about each other and just waiting for the both of them to confess! Great Update :)
Chapter 22: Glad that her father is okay ! Just wish he would show his true feelings for her and tear up that contract in front of her and confess ! Great Update :)