Final Reunion


Soobin’s POV


When I woke up the next morning, I found a blanket draped over my shoulder and Hyukjae sleeping soundly on my bed. I guess he must have woken up in the middle of the night. Judging by how drunk he was, he must have drunk a lot of alcohol. I think I need to make him some hangover soup. I prepared 2 aspirins and a cup of water on the bedside table in case he needs it.


When I was done with the soup, I heard a groan from the room. It seems like he’s awake. I walked to the room to see him clutching onto his head. I took the medicine on the table with the water, passing it to him.


“I told you to not drink so much.” He took them gladly and downed them with the water.


“Thanks.” He said as he seemed slightly better after taking the medicine. He lay on the bed for a little while more with his arms covering his eyes. I had thought he fell back asleep. But when I stood up, going to head outside, he spoke.


“I’m sorry for barging in on you last night. I must have looked ridiculous to you. He said , removing his arm from his face, staring at the celling.


“It’s fine. I think it was better that I was able to take care of you rather than you going home and feeling miserable alone the next morning.” I said. He didn’t respond but just sat up.


“I made breakfast. Why not you have some before going to work?” I asked and he agreed. I wasn’t the most fantastic of cooks but I guess my cooking was edible for him.


Halfway throughout breakfast, I heard the jingling of keys and the door opened, revealing Haemin. I didn’t know she would be coming back in the morning. But it was not like I did anything unethical. She was shocked to see me and more shocked to see Hyukjae. She doesn’t know that I was going to keep it from Hyukjae till I left, but she knows that she doesn’t need to tell Hyukjae anything.


“I didn’t know we had guests.” She said, eyeing Hyukjae. She seems to be having this grudge with him someway or another.


“He came by last night. I didn’t know you were coming home. I should have texted. Sorry.” I said and she just waved it off, returning to her room.


“I’m sorry I bothered you.” He said as he finished the last of his soup.


“It’s fine. Haemin just doesn’t like this sort of surprises.” I said. He stood up and took his blazer.


“I shouldn’t impose anymore. I need to go to work. I’ll call you.” He said as I walked him to the door.


“Don’t work too late.” I said and he nodded, kissing me on the cheek before leaving. This feels like we’ve been married forever. I blushed at my own though and turned around to see Haemin with her arms crossed.


“You didn’t tell him?” Haemin asked.


“Not yet. I’m going to. But I know it’s not going to end well and I need your help.” I said. I came up with a plan but in order to make it work, I need Haemin’s help. Only she can help me.


“Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting me involved.” She said with her arms stretched out in front of her.


“Please. Only you can help me.” Haemin gave in not long after. She wants the best for me and I don’t want to jeopardise her relationship through mine. Hyukjae is a multi-billionaire. He can track me down with the snap of a finger. But I don’t know if he would do that, but just to play safe.


The doorbell rang and I had expected it to be Donghae since Haemin looked like she was ready to leave. However, it was a parcel from Alexander. Haemin was curious to see what it was, thinking alexander was my secret admirer but she was in a rush to go meet Donghae so she didn’t pry. I opened it to find a very nice white box with a ribbon on it. There was a card attached.


‘This is my gift to you. I know who you want to give it to so I got it made to his size. Don’t ask me how I found out. A designer has his ways. I hope you’d like it and that he’d be happy to receive it from you. Have a safe trip darling, You’ll be missed. – Love, Xander.’


I opened the box to see that suit I was eyeing. Even though he had promised to give it to me, I didn’t know he would go and alter it to Hyukjae’s size. I am really curious to find out how he knew but according to the card, he’s not going to reveal it to me even if I asked.


That night, I had dinner with Hyukjae. He seemed to be quite preoccupied as I had to call his name a few times before he snapped out of his thoughts. “Are you alright?” I asked. Because of his business, he seemed quite out of himself this week. I didn’t want to bother him even more so I just offered to go home after dinner.


“I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my plate now, “ He said as he walked me to my door.


“It’s ok. You have a big company to run. Go home and rest ok? I don’t want you to fall sick.” I said as I adjusted his suit for him.


“Goodnight.” He said as he kissed me on the forehead.


“Goodnight.” I whispered back and he left.


During the weekend, Hyukjae was busy so I went to my usual coffeehouse to have coffee. I would miss this place. The barista knew me and he made the best Hot chocolate. I wouldn’t deny I wouldn’t miss Korea. After all, it was the place I grew up in.


As I was deep in thought, someone sat in front of me. It was Joongki.


“Joong ki! What are you doing here?” I said, hoping I didn’t catch anyone’s attentions since I have an actor on my table.


“Haemin told me you were going away.” He said seriously. I forgot to tell him.


“Yeah. I’m leaving next week. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you. I’m glad Haemin did.” I said, stirring my drink.


“Do you think we could all meet for dinner before you leave?” He asked.


“Of course. I’d love that. I’ll really miss you guys.” I said.


Joongki and I spoke of old times and laughed at old times. Those times were the most beautiful time of my life where life was carefree and all we need to think about is how to have fun. Joong ki had to leave early as he had a schedule. I was alright sitting there alone, enjoying my drink since that was my intention in the beginning.


I pulled out my notepad from my bag and started writing. I need time alone to write this and it was going to be difficult. I have never done this before but it is the only way for me to do this.


1 week left…


As promised, Joong ki, Haemin and I met up for dinner on Wednesday Night. We all said that this was just us, no boyfriends. We all knew Haemin would make Donghae tag along if we hadn’t implemented that rule to her.


“Are you really not going to tell me where you’re going? I might be able to visit you.” He said, insisting for the past hour that I should tell him where I was going.


“If you’re fated, we’d meet when you’re there.”


“Come on Soobin! Don’t do this to me.” He pouted while Haemin and I burst out laughing. Joong ki was a really good friend and I want him to be happy. I know his feelings for me and I do feel guilty for not returning them, but he deserves happiness from someone who loves him.


“I have news.” He announced when we were about to leave.


“We’re all ears.” Haemin said.


“I have a girlfriend.” He said with a huge smile on his face.


“WHAT?! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US?!” We both exclaimed, casuing some heads to turn in our direction.


“Keep your voices down guys.” He whispered as we forgot his status for a while.


“Who is it? Do we know her? Have we seen her before?” Haemin asked.


“She was the female lead in the drama I was in.” Joongki said and I could see a blush coming onto her face.


“Moon Chae won?” I asked and his face totally turned beet red. BINGO!


“Congratulations! You should have said so early we could celebrate!” Haemin exclaimed and I nodded. I am really happy for him. He finally found his happiness.


Donghae was going to pick Haemin up while Hyukjae was busy and I told him I could go home on my own, Joong ki offered to drive me so I don’t see why not. The drive was silent until I spoke up.


“I’m really happy for you Joongki.” I said and Looked at him. He looked happy.


“I used to think I will never get over my feelings for you. But I’m glad we are friends. I really am.” He said.


“I wish you happiness Joongki. Remember to invite me to your wedding ok! I’ll definitely fly back to attend it no matter what!”


“It’s too early for that. But I’ll keep it in mind. Does Hyukjae know you’re leaving?” He asked me. I know it was a casual question but none of them know that it is quite a heavy burden on my plate.


“He doesn’t.” Joongki was shocked at he parked by the road, turned to look at me in shock.


“Why not?” He asked. I was never someone who would flee from a place. I would face my problems. But this is something I cannot do face-to-face. I’ve chosen to escape, a coward of me to do so, but not that it matters much to him. It may look like the world to everyone, but to him, I might just be a passer-by of his life.


“I haven’t found a chance to tell him.”


“You’re leaving in 2 days and your boyfriend doesn’t know?” He looks angry.


“You don’t understand. Hyukjae and I…. we were going to end things sooner or later. It’s just a matter of time.”


“Are you sure? Hyukjae looks totally smitten by you.”


“I’m sure Joong ki, I have never been more sure. My leaving is going to make things easier. “


When I got home, I looked around my room to see that everything that I needed was kept in the boxes and the remaining of my clothes in the suitcase. Tomorrow, the people will ship my things to London and on Friday, I’m going to leave this place for some time. I might not even be back. Omma and Appa were happy for me and they said they would come and visit me when Appa got better. I looked at the white box on the table, where it lay my final gift to Hyukjae. I don’t know if he will use it but the gift is like me leaving my heart behind here with him, my feelings, my emotions. I’m going to live a new life in London where no one knows my past, where I can start all over again.


Tomorrow is my last night with Hyukjae as a couple. I don’t know if he will say anything but all I hope for is a pleasant night together. No quarrels, no arguments just a peaceful, dinner where I can cherish till my death bed.


“Let’s have dinner together. – Soobin”


“I’ll be most glad to. – Hyukjae” 

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Chapter 30: It's too bad that they never got back together and Hyuk could never tell her how much he had loved her ..if only Haemin had told Hyuk where she was they may have had a chance but I guess fate had other plans for the both of them . Great Story :)
Chapter 29: Damn she lost her memories of him :( Here I was hoping that maybe they could get back together but maybe there is still a chance since her brain is telling her something every time she sees Hyuk! Hope she remembers soon before she goes back.
Chapter 28: Yes it's Hyuk ! So hoping they talk things out !
Chapter 27: NO! NO! NO! She can't have a boyfriend she needs to be with Hyuk! I'm really hoping that Hyuk will have the courage to tell her the truth when she gets back for the wedding and hoping he isn't seeing one at all so maybe they can and will get back together even though she does have a boyfriend ..I'm hoping she will come back home and be with Hyuk Please! They need to stay together even though he screwed up by not telling her sooner !
Chapter 26: I knew he was the one that was sending the roses and just when he was going to confess his real feelings she left damn! Hope that Haemin will not kill Hyuk and tell him where she is so he can after her! Love this Story <3333333
Chapter 25: aw, moree! please...... hehe sorry, i just cant wait for the next chapter ;)
btw, thanks for the update :)
Chapter 25: She should have told him but I think she was afraid that he might try to stop her! Here's hping he finds out where she is and goes after her ! Thanks for the Update :)
Chapter 24: She really needs to tell him that she is leaving! She thinks he doesn't like her that way but he does and how is he going to feel when he founds out she is no longer there and he doesn't know where she is it isn't right and I hope it will work out for the two of them and that they will stay together ! Great Update :D
Chapter 23: Wonder what he will do when she tells him about the school ,of course she has to go it's a once of a lifetime chance and since the contract is over by then but I still feel she should tell him about it even though she thinks that she in the only one that has feelings in the relationship but I think Hyuk feels the same about her as she does about him ..they do feel and care about each other and just waiting for the both of them to confess! Great Update :)
Chapter 22: Glad that her father is okay ! Just wish he would show his true feelings for her and tear up that contract in front of her and confess ! Great Update :)