

Soobin’s POV


“How much do you love Soobin?” Haemin threw out the golden question, causing the entire table to stop what they’re doing.


“Haemin-ah, I think that was too much as a joke. Don’t you think?” He looked at me trying to ask for help but seeing Haemin, nothing could stop her now. She was on.


“It’s not a joke. I’m being serious right here. My Best friend is dating the most sought after billionaire. He says he’s been wooing her for a long time but I have never seen him around till last month. Now the whole of Korea knows they’re together. So I’m curious. How serious are you?” Haemin asked.


The table was silent and Hyukjae didn’t move a muscle at all. Neither did he bat an eyelid. He was practically sitting there like a statue. Haemin looked him back in the eye while Donghae was trying to break the tension one way or another. I was just helplessly sitting there, not knowing what to do. Hyukjae has his arms around my waist and I felt a gentle squeeze before I heard words from his mouth. Now no longer the casual tone, but one that I heard a lot when he’s working.


“I’ve never been more serious in my life.” He stared at her straight in the eye not turning away. Both of them are as stubborn as a mull and nothing is stopping them from their intense eye battle.


“Stop it you two. The food is here.” I said as I saw the waiter coming placing my right hand on his left cheek, turning his head to me.


“That’s enough.” I whispered as his gaze softens and his entire body relaxed. The firm grip on my waist loosened as we both made ourselves comfortable for our meal. After the intense question, our table was once again in silence. Donghae and I tried to lighten up the mood, but I feel like now Hyukjae and Haemin came to hate each other even more than before. This was not turning out well.


“Let’s go for drinks guys! It’s on me tonight!” Donghae said as we left the restaurant.


“Let’s go!” I cheered, wanting to take a break but when I said that, it was chorused together with Hyukjae’s reply.


“No.” The 3 of us turned to look at him and he doesn’t look like he’s backing down. I went to him, hoping to talk him out of it. Haemin doesn’t seem too happy and he on the other hand was unhappier than she was. I guess tension and dinner didn’t go too well with him.


“Why not Hyukjae? Afraid?” Haemin had to taunt him, of all things. I can’t believe how she can’t read his expression. Or maybe she was doing it on purpose to spite him. What’s wrong with the 2 of them?


“You need to take care of your body. I won’t allow what happened the last time to happen again.” Hyukjae said, looking at me sternly. What ha…. Oh that. I totally forgot. I drank till I got so drunk and threw up till I was heaving and I was feeling so uncomfortable that I called him. How could I forget such an embarrassing moment of my life?


“What happened?” Haemin asked, putting her y-ness aside.


“It’s nothing. I’ll just have 1 drink ok? I had dinner. It will be fine. Just one drink and we can go ok?” I tried to persuade him and he relaxed a bit. He insisted he’ll choose the location since I think loud clubs were not on the top of his list.


We went to a nice pub where they have a whole range of alcohol. However, they were more stocked on wine. I guess that’ll do too. Haemin and Donghae went to get the drinks while Hyukjae and I sat on the couple seat in the middle of the pub. He pulled me to him and lay me on his chest. I could hear his constant heart beat and the depth of his breathing.


“I’m sorry I made things bad for you.” He apologised.


“It’s fine. Haemin was doing it on purpose. She’s just worried about me. That’s all.” I said, trying to make him not feel guility about it. Haemin was doing it intentionally. I know she was.


We stayed for more than a drink. But what shocked me was no matter how many drinks Haemin dared Hyukjae to drink, He’ll drink it. Even if it was directed at me, after my second drink, he took them all. He drank so much to the extend that he was drunk. I have never seen him drunk. He wasn’t those who fling around like a crazy mad man. He was just sleeping.


“Oops.” Haemin said and stuck out her tongue.


“You better had meant that.” I said. Now what am I suppose to do?


“Why don’t you and Haemin take my car while I drive Him home?” Donghae suggested.


“But we have plans tomorrow morning.” Haemin said and I guess Donghae totally forgot about it.


“It’s fine. I’ll call Yunho to pick us up. You two go ahead.” I said as that was the most feasible plan. I guess Haemin won’t be coming home today, again. I didn’t know if I should call Yunho since he was sick. But I have no one else to call. I only had his number. At the third ring, he answered.


“Hello? Ms Park? IS there anything wrong?”


“I’m sorry Yunho, for calling you when you’re sick. But Hyukjae is drunk and I need help to get him back home. Do you think you’ll be able to come down to pick us? You can grab a cab here and take Hyukjae’s car.” I said.


Within 30 minutes, Yunho was here. Not in his usual suit, but jeans and a polo shirt. If he wasn’t Hyukjae’s bodyguard, I bet he could have been a model. Yunho was shocked to see Hyukjae drunk as he said Hyukjae had always controlled himself. He was never to the point where he was unconscious. Yunho supported Hyukjae outside, but before he even reached the car, Hyukjae ran to the side of the road a vomited. This must have been how I looked like when he came to me. I must have been such a mess.


Hyukjae was not conscious the whole entire time. After throwing up, he was about to fall when we caught onto him on time or else he’ll be covered in puke. During the car ride, I had Hyukjae lay on the seat with his head on my lap. His mouth was moving and I hear some sounds, but it was like he was murmuring. I couldn’t hear a thing.


Yunho brought us in through the underground car park, which has a life to Hyukjae’s penthouse. After much effort, we finally got him into his bed. Yunho did more work than me since I wasn’t able to carry him to support him as I was in heels, high enough to kill.


“Thank you so much Yunho, What could I have done without you.” I said as Yunho was leaving. I guess he was tired judging from the time. I should go home, but I should make Hyukjae comfortable before doing so. I took off his shoes and socks and his blazer. I took a cloth and wet it, wiping his face, hoping that it would make him cleaner. When I was about to leave, I felt a hand on mine as before I could react, I was pulled towards Hyukjae.


I looked up to see his eyes close, but I was plastered to his chest and his arms were tight around me such that I can’t move. How am I suppose to go home now? I don’t even think I can get any sleep. Suddenly, he turned to the left, and he was hugging me tightly in his sleep and in no time, our legs were entangled together. I gave up fighting him as it was useless and closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep. Before I fell asleep, I heard something which I think was my hallucination.


‘I love you”


When I woke up the next morning, I found myself under the covers and Hyukjae still sound asleep beside me. But now, he was no longer hugging me like he was last night. I guess he must have changed position last night without me realising. I left the room as quietly as I could and looked at my watch to see that it was too late for me to go home and get ready for work so I shall just use my room here. Showering and washing up, I think I’m going to get such bad skin for not removing my make-up last night.


I took a bigger shoulder bag and dumped my dress in my bag along with my clutch from last night. As I walked out of the door to my room, I remembered that Hyukjae would be having a splitting headache when he wakes up. I got a glass of water and 2 aspirins and placed it beside his table. I was about to write a note when Hyukjae groaned, a sound that I would associate with him waking up.


“You’re awake?” I asked, forgetting the fact that he didn’t know I was here.


“My head hurts.” He said as he sat up. I gave him the tablets and water, telling him to take it to relieve the pain. When he looked at me after a few minutes, he got a shock.


“You’re ready for work already?” he asked in surprise, wanting to get out of bed. He was going on about how he needs to get to work and how he’ll send me to work. But he didn’t have to do so. I could just hail a cab or something.


“I don’t think you should go to work. You should stay at home and rest. You look really hung over.” I said, trying to get him back to bed. He was so pale, I felt that he might just faint any minute.


“I’m fine. I’ve been drunk my whole university life. I can manage this.” He said and the ironic thing was he almost toppled over when he said that. I don’t see anything fine about that. He is the most stubborn thing ever. I guess I was like this the day I was drunk, how I insisted to go to work and not stay home. This must be how he felt then. But maybe not so much since I have feelings for him and he doesn’t.


“You’re not going anywhere Lee Hyukjae and I mean it. Even if it means I have to get Yunho to manhandle you, I’ll do it. Just stay in bed. “ I said and left his room. There wasn’t any sound coming from behind me and I assumed he was doing what he was told. I saw Yunho at the door and he seemed quite shocked to see me. I guess he must have thought I went home.


“Don’t let Hyukjae leave the house. Even if it means to manhandle him or something. If he threatens to fire you, call me. I give you permission to do anything to keep him in the house. I shall believe you won’t kill him. So make sure he rests and not do any work.” I said and Yunho laughed. I guess this is the first time he’s heard a person telling him he can manhandle Hyukjae.


I went to work with a peaceful mind and what made my day better was a bouquet of blue roses on my desk. For one thing, even though I don’t know who the sender is, this bouquet always makes me happy. It was as if he wants it to be that way. 

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Chapter 30: It's too bad that they never got back together and Hyuk could never tell her how much he had loved her ..if only Haemin had told Hyuk where she was they may have had a chance but I guess fate had other plans for the both of them . Great Story :)
Chapter 29: Damn she lost her memories of him :( Here I was hoping that maybe they could get back together but maybe there is still a chance since her brain is telling her something every time she sees Hyuk! Hope she remembers soon before she goes back.
Chapter 28: Yes it's Hyuk ! So hoping they talk things out !
Chapter 27: NO! NO! NO! She can't have a boyfriend she needs to be with Hyuk! I'm really hoping that Hyuk will have the courage to tell her the truth when she gets back for the wedding and hoping he isn't seeing one at all so maybe they can and will get back together even though she does have a boyfriend ..I'm hoping she will come back home and be with Hyuk Please! They need to stay together even though he screwed up by not telling her sooner !
Chapter 26: I knew he was the one that was sending the roses and just when he was going to confess his real feelings she left damn! Hope that Haemin will not kill Hyuk and tell him where she is so he can after her! Love this Story <3333333
Chapter 25: aw, moree! please...... hehe sorry, i just cant wait for the next chapter ;)
btw, thanks for the update :)
Chapter 25: She should have told him but I think she was afraid that he might try to stop her! Here's hping he finds out where she is and goes after her ! Thanks for the Update :)
Chapter 24: She really needs to tell him that she is leaving! She thinks he doesn't like her that way but he does and how is he going to feel when he founds out she is no longer there and he doesn't know where she is it isn't right and I hope it will work out for the two of them and that they will stay together ! Great Update :D
Chapter 23: Wonder what he will do when she tells him about the school ,of course she has to go it's a once of a lifetime chance and since the contract is over by then but I still feel she should tell him about it even though she thinks that she in the only one that has feelings in the relationship but I think Hyuk feels the same about her as she does about him ..they do feel and care about each other and just waiting for the both of them to confess! Great Update :)
Chapter 22: Glad that her father is okay ! Just wish he would show his true feelings for her and tear up that contract in front of her and confess ! Great Update :)