

Soobin’s POV


That night, I managed to call the Butler from my room, letting him know that I need a car at 3am in the morning. I specifically told him to tell no one about it especially Hyukjae.  I booked a 5am flight  back to Korea.


At 3am in the morning, I was all packed and ready to go. There was a knock on the door and I heard the Butler’s voice. I opened the door and found Hyukjae no where in sight.


“Where is Hyukjae?” I asked just to be safe.


“He went into his room after about an hour or two after dinner.” He said and that was a relief but somehow I also feel sad about it. Like as if he was bothered.  The Butler helped me with my things and was about to close the door so that the car could leave, I thanked him and gave him tips that I think he deserved. Even though it was a short stay, it was good and his services were indeed first class.


I was lucky enough to get a flight back so last minute. Even though taking business class was not as good as taking first class, but I was able to forget Hyukjae for a moment. Before the plane took off, I managed to Email Seohyun that I’ll be back in Korea at Noon tomorrow. All I’m hoping is that I can just go home safely.


When I came out from the airport, there were no reporters in sign and that was a relief. I wore sunglasses in case anyone recongised me. Thank goodness no one did. However, I know that sooner or later those reports will know and they;d hound me like a Dog. Hyukjae said he’ll get Yunho to come and follow me for a while. However since I came back even without his knowledge, I may just have to live with it.


When I got home, I just slumped down on the sofa in exhaustion. All these mental games are just wearing me out. I changed my clothes and started cleaning the house, which has been empty for the past 2 days and it is already collecting dust. Since Haemin is still away, I can get some alone time to think.


When I realised why my phone was so quiet since Hyukjae must have realised I was gone by now, I remembered I turned off my phone for the flight.  Once I turned off my phone, I saw things that I expected. 300 missed calls from Hyukjae and 10 messages.


‘Soobin, you have to stop running away! Dammit! You can’t just run away when we meet some problem! - Hyukjae’


‘I’m coming back. We’ll talk about it - Hyukjae’


‘Please answer your phone to let me know you’re safe. – Hyukjae’


‘I’ll send Yunho to you. – Hyukjae’


Once I read that message, my door bell rang. Looking at the time, Hyukjae couldn’t be here yet. The next flight back to Seoul was at 8am in the morning. He can only be in Seoul by 3pm. Looking through the peephole, it was Yunho. I opened the door for him.


‘Good Afternoon Ma’am, Mr Lee sent me to protect you for a few days.” He said.


“You can Just call me Soobin.” I said but he just won’t budge.


“Come in and have a seat. I’m doing some cleaning.” I said and he sat in the dining table. He was quiet and did his own stuff, at some point even helping me out with the housework.


“Are you feeling better Yunho?” I asked since me being back early means him starting work early and I slight felt bad about it.


“Yes Ma’am, thank you for your concern.” He said. Some times he feels like some robot who has pre-recorded answers.


“Do you know what time Hyukjae will be back?” I asked.


“He is already back Ma’am”


“Already back? That was too quick”


“Mr Lee has his ways.” Yunho said. I’m glad he didn’t come knocking on the door. Who knows he might just stir up a big commotion and flocks of reporters would stream to him.


“Can I say something Ma’am, I know it’s out of place but I hope you can hear me out.” Yunho spoke suddenly and brought me back to reality.




“I have never seen Mr lee behave like this before. He has never tried to chase or woo a girl. They always come up to him. He never treats a girl the way he treats you. He’s show you side that I have never seen him showing to others. Mr. Lee is really fond of you Ma’am. I know I’m in position to say this but I hope you can understand.”


Even Yunho is speaking up for him. The past few weeks I could feel his sincerity. I know he’s being nice to me. But I also know that this is a contract. Something we’re putting an act for it. I don’t know if Yunho knows about it but I know what he’s saying.


“I do know Yunho. It’s just we’re different. I’m trying to make this work too. But if it doesn’t, we all know that it’ll be better to let go than to hang onto something which kills us both.”

“Soobin, I know you can make him happy. He hasn’t been this way in a long time.” Yunho had finally said my name.


“I’ll do my best Yunho. We’re both trying hard. But if it doesn’t end well, we’ll part in the end before bad things happen.” 


Yunho helped me with the cleaning while we made some small talk. He loosened up a bit and finally decided to drop the ‘ma’am’ .


Hyukjae didn’t contact me the entire day. At night, I told Yunho to go home since I wasn’t intending to go anywhere and tomorrow will be that same. I promised that I would give him a call if I were going to leave the house so that he’ll come and pick me up.


When Yunho left, I the television to find none other than my face and Hyukjae’s face on TV. I was quite curious on what they were going to say or what nonsense they made up.


‘Lee Hyukjae, owner of Lee Corp and Park Soobin, designer of her own line of clothes, Park Soobin, have been seen dating and even going to his parent’s house. 2 different people from 2 different worlds met and some say this is like a solar eclipse, beautiful and rare while others say that this is like a asteroid collision, something that will not end well.  Park Soobin and Lee Hyukjae were from the same school but many said that they have never met in school or they don’t know each other. So how were they able to meet? I guess fate is a cruel thing.”


They can seriously write out something from nothing. Maybe that’s why the media was such a scary thing. Especially if you’re someone of status in society. You can be someone today and a nobody tomorrow.


I was so tired from the flight and the clean up I went to sleep. I shall just enjoy my day off and lazy around as much as I can.


When I woke up the next morning, there was still nothing from Hyukjae. I guess maybe I pissed him off this time for real.  I called Yunho to ask him if he can buy me something to eat when he’s on his way. I am so lazy and unmotivated that I am not in the mood to do anything. When Yunho came, he brought something unexpected.


“You know where this place is?” I asked. But realise it was a stupid question since he always drives Hyukjae around he surely know.


“Mr Lee told me to go there and buy this for you. He never let me follow him there.”


“Mr Lee told you to buy this for me?” I asked. What is he up to? Sometimes I really don’t know what he wants. Sometime I feel that we’re play so much mental games we’re killing each other before we knew it.


“You know, Yunho, sometimes I really don’t get what your boss wants. I feel like we’re having a cold war but he’s still caring about me.” I said and Yunho smiled.


“That’s how Mr Lee is. He doesn’t  show how he’s feeling but deep down he cares. I know he does. Maybe he’s trying to make you speak to him first?” Yunho said as he went into the kitchen to get a bowl. I rushed into the kitchen before Yunho starts playing the waiter or butler role with me.


Yunho does have a point. Maybe Hyukjae wants my anger to simmer down before he approaches me. Maybe I’m the only one playing mind games here. Should I just give in to my emotions and just text him or call him first? He’s always the one who takes the initiative. Maybe I should give in first this time. I’m going to annoy him and wait for 2 more days before I contact him.


“Is there anywhere you want to go?” Yunho asked me since I have been lazing around all day.


“Let’s go to the supermarket.” I said. At least I have someone help me carry my things, a strong man to add on to that. Yunho drove us to the nearest supermarket that was huge and had everything we need. I dressed down and wore sunglasses, totally changing my style hoping no one will recognise me.


Yunho helped me take things I can’t reach and placing the heavier things into the cart for me. However, the weird thing is Yunho was in a suit and it attracted a lot of attention. But I can’t blame him. He’s doing his job and apparently that was his uniform. I feel sad for him for a moment.


“Is she some superstar? He looks like her bodyguard of somesort. Should we ask for her autograph?” I heard the commotion and had the feeling things were going to turn out quite badly soon.


“I think we should go and pay now.” I said since I practically bought tons of things I don’t really need but I have been wanting to try. 


When paying, I removed my sunglasses to look at the money clearly, but apparently I got recognised. I wasn’t wearing half the makeup I was wearing as compared to other days. I was practically another person.


“Are you Park Soobin?” The cashier asked me. I nodded my head, hoping hell would not break loose. Yunho had took the groceries to put it into the car and I was paying. Hopefully Yunho gets back before something starts.


“I really liked your line of clothes. I saw them on your website and they were amazing. You’re really talented.” She said, her eyes practically glowing.


“Are you a designer student? You seem to know much.” I said since it was true. Ordinary people wouldn’t care so much about brands or clothing lines.


“I’m a Sophmore. I had always been a great fan of your clothing line, even before you started your own label.” She said and I was astonished. I didn’t know I had ‘fans’.


“I hope you do well. Maybe you could come intern for us when you need. I’ll remember you.” I said and she was practically jumping up and down on the spot.


“Thank you so much!”


“It’s the least I can do. Thank you!” I said and left before someone else recognises me and not in a good way. Lee Hyukjae has a fan club too. If I am caught by anyone of them, I’ll be dead meat.


When we got back to my apartment, I saw a familiar car.


“Does that belong to Hyukjae?” I asked since he was the only person I know who would drive a Bentley.  I’m now sitting in a Porsche to buy groceries for goodness sake.


“Yes, it does.”


End of Soobin’s POV 

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Chapter 30: It's too bad that they never got back together and Hyuk could never tell her how much he had loved her ..if only Haemin had told Hyuk where she was they may have had a chance but I guess fate had other plans for the both of them . Great Story :)
Chapter 29: Damn she lost her memories of him :( Here I was hoping that maybe they could get back together but maybe there is still a chance since her brain is telling her something every time she sees Hyuk! Hope she remembers soon before she goes back.
Chapter 28: Yes it's Hyuk ! So hoping they talk things out !
Chapter 27: NO! NO! NO! She can't have a boyfriend she needs to be with Hyuk! I'm really hoping that Hyuk will have the courage to tell her the truth when she gets back for the wedding and hoping he isn't seeing one at all so maybe they can and will get back together even though she does have a boyfriend ..I'm hoping she will come back home and be with Hyuk Please! They need to stay together even though he screwed up by not telling her sooner !
Chapter 26: I knew he was the one that was sending the roses and just when he was going to confess his real feelings she left damn! Hope that Haemin will not kill Hyuk and tell him where she is so he can after her! Love this Story <3333333
Chapter 25: aw, moree! please...... hehe sorry, i just cant wait for the next chapter ;)
btw, thanks for the update :)
Chapter 25: She should have told him but I think she was afraid that he might try to stop her! Here's hping he finds out where she is and goes after her ! Thanks for the Update :)
Chapter 24: She really needs to tell him that she is leaving! She thinks he doesn't like her that way but he does and how is he going to feel when he founds out she is no longer there and he doesn't know where she is it isn't right and I hope it will work out for the two of them and that they will stay together ! Great Update :D
Chapter 23: Wonder what he will do when she tells him about the school ,of course she has to go it's a once of a lifetime chance and since the contract is over by then but I still feel she should tell him about it even though she thinks that she in the only one that has feelings in the relationship but I think Hyuk feels the same about her as she does about him ..they do feel and care about each other and just waiting for the both of them to confess! Great Update :)
Chapter 22: Glad that her father is okay ! Just wish he would show his true feelings for her and tear up that contract in front of her and confess ! Great Update :)