Jeon Jungkook


/Poke. Poke/

Your face twitches as you felt something poking your cheeks while you’re asleep. Groaning, you turned around and ignored the poking.

/Poke. Poke. Poke./

Letting out a frustrated grunt, you sat up and opened your eyes, frowning. ‘What?’ your voice hoarse from the sleep as you rubbed your eyes. The poking on your right cheek still didn’t stop as you turned to the person and frowned at him.

Jimin let out a small laugh. ‘Good morning- or evening, sleepyhead. You should go wash up, we’re having dinner soon.’

Your eyes opened immediately. Dinner? So soon? You glance up the clock on the wall, showing you that it’s 6.30pm. You’ve been asleep for almost... 12 hours?! You gasped as you scrambled out from the mattress quickly.

‘Come to the dining table when you’re done.’ Jimin said with a smile before he left your room. You quickly ran to the showers and cleaned up yourself. As the warm water hits your body, you let out a sigh of content. You’ve felt much better and also, cleaner. However as the water keep hitting your back, you started to question if you’re really welcomed here. What if they turned you back to the centre? What if they sold you out to some rich men? What if they kicked you out from the house?

You shook your head as the water droplets flew everywhere. *I should be more cautious.* You stepped out of the shower and got changed into a new pair of clothes; an old white t-shirt with some yellow stains on them and khaki shorts before you left the room to the dining table.

Again, Jimin patted to a seat next to him as you sat down. Suga’s eyes not leaving you with every action you took. The meal was painfully quiet and awkward. You ate so little because you don’t really have an appetite.

Namjoon cleared his throat after finishing his food, ‘Yume, all of us need to talk to you.’ You looked up at him and just nodded. ‘S-sure.’

You’re sitting on the couch as the other boys sat around you. Feeling awkward, you stared down at your toes until Namjoon asked a question, ‘How did you get the card?’ His voice is still deep and serious.

‘Like I said, someone gave it to me.’ You played with your thumbs. You could feel Suga staring at you judging you the whole entire time.

‘Who?’ Namjoon asked again, inching closer to your face.

‘A-a Dreamcatcher back in the centre..’

‘What is his name?’ Namjoon’s voice now laced in frustration.

‘Mr. Roku.’ You said quietly. Everyone turned quiet and stared at you. You took that as a cue to continue on as you played with your hair. ‘H-he asked me to.. pass a message to h-his son.’

This time their eyes enlarged at you but no one muttered a single word. ‘W-what did he say?’ Jungkook mumbled. You looked up at the person and realized that everyone had their heads turned to Jungkook as he looked at the floor, biting his lower lips. You took it as a hint that Jungkook is Mr.Roku’s son.

‘H-he asked me to tell you that he is still well and alive.’ You said every word slowly, watching every action Jungkook did. You noticed the bottom of his lips quiver as he rubbed his face with his hands and stood up, walking away to the balcony.

You looked at Jungkook leaving then back at all the boys. *W-what have I done?*

Hoseok placed an arm around your shoulder and gave you a light pat. ‘He will be fine, don’t worry.’ He said as if he had read your mind.

You heard Namjoon heave a sigh and ruffled his hair. ‘Well, since you say so. You could stay with us until whenever. But there are some things you need to know. We’ve all either escaped from the centre or have been released. So it does not make you any special than all of us and you don't receive any special treatment. Mosst importantly, don’t cause us any problems and you can stay.’

You nodded to every sentence he said, thanking him from the bottom of your heart. Suga let out a soft groan of disapproval as he stood up and left. The other boys gave you a smile and excusing themselves into their own rooms, leaving you alone. You peered out to the balcony and sighed, Jungkook is still sitting there.

The sliding glass door slid opened as you stepped into the balcony and took a seat on the floor beside Jungkook who looked at you and turned away. You noticed that he was crying, with knees up to his chest.

‘Jungkook. Have you been worrying about your father all these while?’ You asked softly, looking at him. Jungkook did not reply but just nodded his head curtly. You sighed.

‘You know, he is a very good person. He takes care of me a lot and I think he is the only one that treated me as a human when I’m locked up in my cell.’ You said quietly, looking up to the stars covering the dark sky. ‘He would talk to me, and tell me jokes. Oh, sometimes he snuck in chocolates for me too.’

Jungkook’s body shook as he tried to hold in his cries. You placed an arm on his back and patted him in comfort. ‘Your father missed you a lot too, I’m sure.’ You said soothingly.

To your surprise, Jungkook turned to you and hugged you all of a sudden. ‘I-I missed my father a lot. I missed him so much. I want to see him.’ He cried into your shirt as you smoothed your hand down his back, shushing him as you didn’t know what to say.

‘I-I escaped the centre with his help a few years back. I don’t know what happened to my father after I left. His last words to me is telling me to stay strong and grow up well.’ He sobbed into your chest. ‘I don’t know if he is alive. I-I mean the centre might have killed him off.. once they knew he helped me escape.’

‘W-well, I assure you that he is still alive and happy.’ You patted his back with one hand as your other hand his hair. He looks so vulnerable to you right now. Your heart clenched seeing him in this state. You might not really know him but you can feel what this boy has been feeling the whole time. Uncertainty, worry and fear of losing his father.

Jungkook stopped crying for after a long while and pulled away from you, apologizing softly. You smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

‘T-thank you. That’s all I need to know. One day, I will be able to meet my father again.’ He sniffed a bit.

‘I’m sure you will.’ You patted his head as you stood up, brushing your shirt.

‘Noona.. I’m glad you’re living with us.’  Jungkook flashed you a smile and you couldn’t help but to smile back at the boy.

‘I’m glad too. Shall we go in? It’s getting really cold.’

Jungkook stood up and held your hand, on his face plastered a smile.

 ‘Jungkook-ah, stay strong and grow up well.’ The words of his father rang in his ears. He felt more determine to live happily like his father wanted.

‘One day we’ll meet again. Soon.’ Jungkook whispered in his heart then turns to you, in a brighter mood.

‘Noona, shall we go shopping tomorrow after my class? You need new clothes. I hope that yellow stain isn’t from my tears.’ He grins cheekily at you. All you could do is laugh at him.

‘Your treat then.’

‘Uwah, noona, you’re mean.’

‘Jungkook spoiled my shirt.’ You tease.

‘I’m sure that yellow stain was there before.’ He pouted at you as you ruffle his hair.

Who knew this kid had been penting up all those feelings in him the while time? You're glad he finally let it out.

Falling on your mattress, you smiled to yourself. 

Seems like you've made a friend here.



;A; jungkook. He is such a cute and cheeky maknae.

i dont know what jungkook's dad's name is so i just simply gave it a name. ahah

because i want you all to think who can Mr.Roku's son be? XD

T^T im sorry if this is a really crappy chapter.

im sure it's boring, no? i'll try to improve alot.

please comment and subscribe. T^T

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Galaxy_Tae #1
Chapter 7: Wow ilove this story plz plz plz update I really like it ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
bingubong #3
Chapter 7: The storyline is great! I hope you'll update soon! Keep up the great work ^^
TheCloudyOne #4
Chapter 7: Very very good so far ^^
Chapter 2: Very good so far.
Chapter 6: I really like your Story!! You write very well. Keep going~ :)
Chapter 6: lol XD Jin spending 3 hours on finding clothes for Yume~
please update soon <3
louries_ann #8
Chapter 6: love this story :D pls. update soon :))