

You flipped around the name card looking for more details but none. You sighed and gave up, shoving the card in your sack as you dragged yourself across the road.  The Dreamcatchers may be out searching for you.

For the first time, you felt slight freedom. You looked at the bright shops that are still open, serving drinks and midnight snacks. Your stomach growled looking at the mouth-watering food but you had stuffed yourself full in the centre because you knew you don’t have any money to spend when you’re out. You sighed and sat on the side of the streets. It’s about 3.00am now. There aren’t many people on the streets, just some couples and drunkards.

You thought you should quickly come up with a plan on where you will be staying, how you will earn money and keep yourself safe from the Dreamcatchers. You took out your dairy and a pen, drafting and scribbling your plan. After you’re done, you stood up and continued walking. *I need shelter for the night, but where?* you heaved a sigh.

You decided that hiding in a dark alleyway is the safest. At least it can keep you away from the Dreamcatchers for the night. You know they’re out searching for you. You let out a gasp as you realize that the device you’re wearing on your left wrist could be a tracker.

You hurried in to an alleyway and searched for a heavy brick. You have to get that device off you no matter what. Smashing the brick against your left wrist but careful enough to hot hurt yourself, the red blinking light from the device dies down but you couldn't get the device off. *At least the red light is  broken* You felt relieve as you looked around. You made yourself comfortable at the corner of the walls and hugged your knees to your chest.

*This will have to do for tonight* You slowly closed your eyes to savor the moment. The moment of being away from your usual small white bed with a thin blanket; but you liked it now. Even you have no bed to sleep on, no shelter. You felt freedom for a moment.

But it didn’t last long as two shadows loomed over you. You looked up in horror, afraid it was the Dreamcatchers but you met eyes with two drunk men, snickering at you.

‘Hey little girl, why are you here?’ one of the men smirked dirtily and grabbed on your wrist, pulling you up.

‘Do you have no place to go? How about come to my place?’ The other men said as he pushed you against the wall. You screamed at them and struggled against them but you’re too weak. One of the man slapped you across the face, hard which leave tears in your eyes.

You gritted your teeth and kicked about but their grips on your arm are so strong that it bruises you. You’re scared. This can’t happen after you just escaped the centre. As one of the men pushes you against the wall and trapped you in between his body, you shut your eyes tightly and prayed that someone will save you.

In a flash the man in front of you was ripped away from you and landed on the ground with a punch. You gasped as the two men ran off, muttering curses under their breaths.

‘Are you okay?’ a guy placed his hand on your shoulder as you jumped from the contact.

‘I-I’m fine. Thank you.’ You noticed that there are two boys, maybe somewhere of your age; one wearing black sunglasses *who in the world wears sunglasses at 3.00am in the morning* who looks pretty intimidating and another one wearing a snapback and basketball jersey.

The boy wearing a snapback looked at you again. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Y-yeah.’ You replied casually. Actually you’re not okay. You just escaped the cruelest place in the world, almost got yourself kidnapped or and you have no place to go. You decided that it is not even safe to hide in these places. You sighed and picked up your things that fell off your sack a while ago.

The /cute/ boy with the snapback and basketball jersey helped you pick up some of your things too. He stopped as soon as he picked up the name card given to you. Noticing it, you held out your hand for him to return it but instead he glanced at the other boy beside him and showed him the card.

Confused, you cleared your throat rather loudly. ‘Excuse me, may I have that back, please?’

The other boy in sunglasses looked at you. You knew under those black shades his eyes narrowed and he slammed a hand beside you, once again backing you against the wall. You looked up in surprise.

‘Who are you? Where did you get this?’ His voice threatening low as he flashed the card at you.

‘S-someone gave it to me. H-he told me to find this place. I-it could keep me safe.’ You stuttered out the truth.

That boy glanced down your wrist and immediately recognized the device.

‘You.. escaped?’ He asked, retracting his hand form the wall. All you could manage was a slow nod.

‘Well, I guess you have found the place.’ The other /cute/ boy smiled at you. You looked at him in confusion.

‘My name is Jimin.’ The boys smiled at you as he held out his hand. You look awkwardly at his hand but shook it nonetheless. ‘You’re looking for BTS and that’s us.’ He motioned to the other boy beside him too.

Your mouth formed into an ‘o’ and bowed at them again. ‘H-hello….’

‘Call me Rapmon. Let’s take you to our place. We have a lot to talk about.’ He said in his deep monotonous voice which you can sense that he doesn’t fancy the idea of you following them.

But for now, you trust Mr.Roku. If he said they are going to keep you safe, you will be safe.

Or at least you hope so.


Hello everyone! /waves excitedly/

so, this is the 3rd chapter and i hope you like it. 

The pace might be slow but i hope you understand. T^T 

so, i changed all the POV to 'you' instead of 'she'

i guess its easier to imagine yourself in it. haha

ah, leave alot of comments because i loveee reading them and subscribe! ^^

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Galaxy_Tae #1
Chapter 7: Wow ilove this story plz plz plz update I really like it ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
bingubong #3
Chapter 7: The storyline is great! I hope you'll update soon! Keep up the great work ^^
TheCloudyOne #4
Chapter 7: Very very good so far ^^
Chapter 2: Very good so far.
Chapter 6: I really like your Story!! You write very well. Keep going~ :)
Chapter 6: lol XD Jin spending 3 hours on finding clothes for Yume~
please update soon <3
louries_ann #8
Chapter 6: love this story :D pls. update soon :))