50 Baeksoo Drabbles

Kyungsoo Syndrome

50 // Baeksoo Drabbles

001. First kiss
Kyungsoo’s first kiss with Baekhyun is slow and hesitant, but the other is more than experienced to cause the younger to lose his breath, and blush a deep red like a crisp, shiny apple.
002. Final
"I love you, Kyungsoo. I love you so much. I hope you're waiting for me. It won't be long now." As his last words hung in the air, Baekhyun slid down into the bathtub, completely submerging himself.
003. Numb
"Doesn't it hurt?" Baekhyun turns his head to look at his friend, Chen, who had asked him that question. He an eyebrow, as his friend begins to elborate.
"I meant... Doesn't it hurt seeing Kyungsoo with someone else...?" Chen asks, truly concerned for his friend's well-being. But Baekhyun grits his teeth and smiles. 
"I'm fine."
004. Broken wings
Kyungsoo yelps and jumps into Baekhyun's arms. When the latter asks him what's wrong, the younger just points at a poor, injured bird limping on the ground. 
"It's okay, Soo. C'mon, let's take it back to our apartment and help it." The pair pick it up gingerly, as in Baekhyun because Kyungsoo seems too scared for its safety. 
"It might be hurt now, but don't worry, Soo. It's heal in no time, all right? It'll be able to fly again, so turn that frown upside down." Baekhyun flashes a smile, and it lessens the worry from Kyungsoo because his boyfriend knew what he was doing.
005. Melody
The way Baekhyun's voice melded itself with Kyungsoo's voice created the most beautiful melody one's ears would ever be graced with.
006. Rules
Rules were meant to be broken. — Kyungsoo knew that. He just never thought he'd be the one to date Byun Baekhyun, the school's resident badboy who has an affinity towards eyeliner, which in turn, caused him to look meaner than he really was.
007. Chocolate
Baekhyun loved Valentine's Day. — Valentine's Day meant chocolate and chocolate meant Kyungsoo's famous homemade chocolate. Before they were dating, Baekhyun had to buy himself disgusting boxes of store brought chocolates, but ever since dating Kyungsoo — that utterly adorable boy — he'd always received homemade chocolates made with love.
008. Nostalgia
Looking back at his photo album, the tears suddenly sprung from Kyungsoo's eyes. In the photos, they contained moments of him and his boyfriend, Baekhyun. — Or rather ex-boyfriend. — He wonders if he should've tried harder to keep him. For right now, all Kyungsoo has are the memories.
009. Heartbeat
The monotonously, steady beeping of Kyungsoo's heart monitor was probably the only thing keeping Baekhyun sane. Hospitals were never really his thing, and the fake lemon smell of everything made him feel sick. But this was for Kyungsoo, and he'd do anything. — As long as he still has a heartbeat, Baekhyun would wait forever for the other to recover.
010. Stranger
Baekhyun was always told to avoid talking to strangers, so the one day he doesn't heed his mothers warning, he actually ends up talking to a really nice, really cute guy named Do Kyungsoo. — And quite possibly, Baekhyun may have a tiny crush on the other male. Albeit, he still feels strange about it, considering they're just slightly in the stranger phase.
011. Confusion
The first time Baekhyun met Kyungsoo, the former had questioned his ual orientation. He just assured himself that Kyungsoo was simply attractive and that was that. Of course, he questions himself so many times that Baekhyun just believes he's only Kyungsoo-ual.
012. Bitter
Kyungsoo and Jongdae. Jongdae and Kyungsoo. Obviously, Baekhyun would be angry. He was dating Kyungsoo. Not Kim Jongdae. But Byun Baekhyun. Why is Jongdae even spending so much time with his boyfriend, anyways? The other boy was dating some tall, Chinese guy named Kris. — Or was it Yifan. Something or other.
013. Afterlife
"Don't you believe in the afterlife?" Kyungsoo asks innocently one day. Baekhyun just shakes his head. 
"What's to believe? When we die, we die. That's it. That's our life." At this, Kyungsoo pouts and latches himself onto Baekhyun's arm.
"Does that mean you don't want to be with me in the afterlife?" Well . Baekhyun didn't think the other would get so sensitive over something like this. — Thus resulting in Baekhyun being ignored for a month, until he finally apologized and said he wanted to be together even in their afterlives.
014. Daybreak
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo stay up until the first light of the morning comes filtering in through the blue curtains staining everything with a shade of light blue color. Even when Kyungsoo looks dead tired, Baekhyun thinks he still manages to look amazing.
015. Audience
Onstage, in front of an audience, they're Baekhyun and D.O. of that 12-membered group, EXO. But offstage, they're just simply Byun Baekhyun and Do Kyungsoo; two young males who want nothing more than to just cuddle with each other, watch movies and eat popcorn. But unfortunately, they have their fans to worry about.
016. Endless sorrow
Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were dating. — On the latter's birthday, Kyungsoo wanted to get the other a really nice cake and balloons when an incoming truck crashed into him because Kyungsoo received a text from Baekhyun to hurry up, so they can start the party. Now every year on his birthday, Baekhyun has to celebrate growing older, but also realize that he's the reason that Kyungsoo died on his birthday.
017. Fireworks
"Waaaah, they look so beautiful!" Kyungsoo yells out, pointing his index finger towards the sky. Baekhyun replies with a 'yes', but he's looking at Kyungsoo. The other turns to face his boyfriend, and start blushing. 
"Stop it..." Baekhyun just laughs, and wraps his arms around his boyfriend, as they sit under the stars to watch the fireworks.
018. Wishing
They say that when you wish upon a star, your wish will come true. Baekhyun never believed in anything like that, but he tries it anyways, wishing for a true love. The next day at school, a new student comes in, by the name of Do Kyungsoo. Immediately, Baekhyun takes a liking to this new student and apparently so does the new student to him.
019. Happy birthday to you
"Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday, dear Baekhyun... happy birthday to you... " Kyungsoo clutches the photo in his hands, as the tears start streaming down his face. "I made you a cake, hyung... Blow the candles out, please..." But Baekhyun can't blow the candles out. — Baekhyun is dead.
020. Tomorrow
"There's no turning back now, Soo." The one named Kyungsoo closes his eyes and sighs, nodding his head.
"I—Let's go." Baekhyun just nods his head in acknowledgment, reaching for the other's hand. Kyungsoo relaxes and smiles.
"By tomorrow, we'll be in Hawaii, can you believe it?" Baekhyun gives Kyungsoo a quick peck and soothingly rubs circles into the other's hand with his thumb. 
"I hate planes... but I'm glad you're here with me." 
021. Oppression
"You can't do this to me!" Kyungsoo yells at his father, the one with gray hair just sighs and folds his arms across his chest.
"Yes, I can. I'm the father and you're just the song. I forbid you to see Baekhyun. End of discussion." His father shakes his head and closes the door of Kyungsoo's room, leaving for downstairs.
Kyungsoo jumps onto his bed and begins sobbing quietly at being told he could see his boyfriend anymore.
022. Agony
Kyungsoo pulls Baekhyun into a hug and gently rubs circles into the other's back. The latter is wracked with sobs, while Kyungsoo whispers words of encouragement and support. 
"It'll hurt now, I know. But you'll be better in the long-run. Believe me." Kyungsoo says, while Baekhyun's only response is to sob a little louder, a little harder.
023. Return
All Kyungsoo wanted was to have his lost dog returned to him. What he didn't expect was a cute, hot guy to show up at his doorsteps the next day, carrying his dog. Kyungsoo's eyes widen considerably before his dog jumps out of the stranger's arms and nuzzles against his legs. Kyungsoo sputters slightly when the stranger smiles at him, and he quickly offers the other a glass of water or anything before he could even get a number out of Mr. Hottie.
024. Protection
"I don't need your help, Baekhyun. Stop it." Kyungsoo repeats this after the umpteenth time. Baekhyun simply laughs it off, and continues doing what he wants because since when has Byun Baekhyun ever listened to Do Kyungsoo, anyways.
025. Boxes
"Stop it, it's not funny!" The pout on Kyungsoo's face makes it even funnier now that Baekhyun thinks about it. 
"I think it's adorable of you to keep a box of memories." Baekhyun says, as he picks up a photostrip from one of their photobooth adventures. He laughs at their facial expressions in the pictures. He continues rummaging through the box, going through a bunch of sappy love notes, movie tickets, receipts and whatnot.
"You're cute, Soo. I like it. Let's fill up boxes of these, okay?" Baekhyun holds out his pinky and Kyungsoo seems surprised at first, but happily locks pinkies with the other.
026. Hope
Baekhyun believed that there was nobody in the world quite like Kyungsoo. He was handsome, adorable, sweet, and fantastically funny. He could only ever imagine and hope to be his boyfriend. Baekhyun had to fight off ten others just to be near Kyungsoo. But there was a difference between Baekhyun and the other ten, and that was his hope. He knew that he'd get the chance to make the younger his. Maybe not now, but later and soon.
027. Preparation
"Everything looks amazing", Kyungsoo states in awe as he looks around himself and Baekhyun. They're currently in the middle of the park, eating dinner, and there are lights everywhere that shine beautiful. Baekhyun looks absolutely dashing in a suit, and Kyungsoo can't help but to think of how long it must have taken the other to prepare this for them
"It's wonderful, Baekhyun... I love it. I love you."
028. Beautiful
Kyungsoo hated being called beautiful. — He was a man, for god's sake. But when Baekhyun calls him beautiful, there's something inside him that turns his insides to goo and his knees go weak. He blushes like a school girl and shyly twiddles his thumbs together. He quickly stammers a 'shut up', before stomping away from the other.
029. Lies
"Stop lying to me, Do Kyungsoo! If you don't love me anymore, then just say it!" Baekhyun shouts in frustration, and Kyungsoo stops trying to get the other to calm down. He lets his hands fall to his sides, and bows his head in shame.
"You don't love me, Kyungsoo. You love... — Jongdae. Not me." It kills Baekhyun inside to say the name of his best friend. His best friend who took away the person that mattered the most to him. 
"I hope you're happy with him, okay?" Kyungsoo tries to grab Baekhyun's hand, only for the latter to quickly pull it away. He sidesteps towards the door and leaves, letting it slam shut.
030. Underneath
Many people believed Kyungsoo to be a sweet, adorable, and completely mother-like person. Boy, were they ever so wrong. Baekhyun knew that Kyungsoo was one of those quiet, mysterious guys that had so much to hide. — Baekhyun found out that Kyungsoo practically never cries, watches [therefore, all images of Kyungsoo being innocent were completely torn], gets angry when things aren't in order, punches really hard, and scares almost all of EXO in submission. Underneath that delicate looking body was the soul of a devil incarnate.
031. Hide
Kyungsoo only ever worried about himself. — Me, myself, and I, he'd always believe. There was nobody else he could trust. That is, until he met Baekhyun. Of course, he thought he was in love. It was only a matter of time before Baekhyun twisted Kyungsoo's heart and stomped it to the ground, crushing it into tiny pieces. — So maybe Baekhyun did teach Kyungsoo a valuable lesson in only looking after one's own hide.
032. Diary
Diaries meant secrets. Secrets meant something juicy and gossipy and Baekhyun just had to find out what Kyungsoo was hiding in that thick diary of his. — So while the latter is out with a few friends, Baekhyun takes the opportunity to snoop for the other's diary, until he eventually finds it. He flips open a couple pages in and finds an entry entitled 'First Love'. Soon enough, he slams the book close, and walks away.
Later that evening, when Kyungsoo accidentally bumps into Baekhyun, the former apologizes, while the latter blushes and quickly stalks off. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow in confusion, shrugging his shoulders because Byun Baekhyun was a special case.
033. Unforeseen
Nobody thinks about death at such a young age. Maybe that's why its grip could so easily grasp the unsuspecting and pull them in. — Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were a couple of kids in love, and nobody saw it coming. Their friends had bid them farewell that night; they were all good kids. No drugs, no drinking. So why did death have to take these two from their lives so early? Why should Byun Baekhyun or Do Kyungsoo give up their lives because someone made the stupid mistake of drinking too much and getting behind the wheel of car.
034. Conditional
Kyungsoo never wanted to date. Never ever. When Baekhyun entered his life, he was subjected to large amounts of flirting and having to be hit on, until the former decided he'd go out with the other on a few conditions. The first one being that Baekhyun had to stop with all the corny pickup lines. Second, he had to take Kyungsoo out on dates to places he wanted to go, like a quiet cafe or the library. Much to Kyungsoo's surprise, Baekhyun immediately agreed to these terms. And to this day, he still follows them.
035. Gone
"Kyungsoo's gone, Baek. You should just move on." Jongdae reassuringly patted his back for effect. But it did nothing to curb Baekhyun's sadness. How could someone as happy as Kyungsoo just up and leave? It made no sense to him. And even when he tried to call the other on his cell phone or his home phone, his mother would pick up telling him that Kyungsoo's busy right now. — Even when he tried to go to Kyungsoo's house, apparently they had moved out of it, prompting more questions that needed to be answered.
"Why did you leave me, Kyungsoo...? I thought you loved me..."
036. Clear skies
Baekhyun tightened his hand around Kyungsoo's as they lay on the ground in the park, looking up at the flawlessly, beautiful skies. The sun could be seen peeking through the fluffy, white clouds, and not a gray one was in sight. — This was perfect, Baekhyun thought. Laying in the grass with Kyungsoo, holding hands, and just looking at the sky.
037. Heartache
Kyungsoo knew he should've listened to Baekhyun, but he was too head over heels and didn't heed his friend's warning. Albeit, even when he caught his boyfriend — now ex-boyfriend, Jongdae, kissing somebody else, it didn't hurt as badly. 
The only time it did hurt was when Baekhyun comforted Kyungsoo, but Kyungsoo soon realized that he wasn't in love with Jongdae, but he was in love with Baekhyun. — Too bad his heart was breaking again because Baekhyun already had a boyfriend. The thought causes Kyungsoo to break down into a sobbing mess, and Baekhyun whispers promises of it being okay, but Kyungsoo knows that that will never happen for him.
038. Wired
"Are you sure you know what you're doing...?" Kyungsoo questions the other's lack of ability with electrical stuff.
"Of course. I know ever—" Before Baekhyun can finish his sentence, the lights in the entire house goes out. Kyungsoo sighs and hands the flashlight over to Baekhyun.
"It's my turn now. Shine the light where I can see the wires, Baekhyun."
039. Insanity
The moment Baekhyun realizes that he's in love with Kyungsoo, he goes through a phase of freaking out whenever he has to be in the same room as him or within a good distance from the other. It's gotten to the point where his friends purposely leave the two together. Of course, being oblivious, Kyungsoo just questions if Baekhyun's okay, while internally, he's screaming his lungs out. — Kyungsoo flinches when Baekhyun slams his face down onto the table, but he doesn't question if the other's all right because he can only go get the nurse when there's blood dripping down Baekhyun's forehead.
040. Foolish
It was crazy of Kyungsoo to ever think that Baekhyun could ever like him. He read the signs wrong all this time. Baekhyun didn't like him at all. Maybe as a friend, sure, but nothing more than that. He wasn't smart like Suho, he wasn't handsome like Suho, he wasn't funny like Suho. Maybe if he had tried harder, Baekhyun would like him and not Suho. — It was foolish of him to even think he could maintain a friendship with the latter, anyways.
041. Words
The words get lost, twisted, bent, and distorted. Baekhyun finds the inability to formulate his love into words to confess to Kyungsoo. He tries to fix it, but by the time he does, he sees Kyungsoo in the arms of one Kim Jongdae. 
042. Study
"Why do we have to study, Soo? I'm ing bored over here." Baekhyun whines, complaining about the lack of hanging out and the influx of studying time taking over.
"Because you're a who's close to failing. So get your back to studying or I'm breaking up with you." Kyungsoo threatens rather seriously, but in Baekhyun's eyes, he's still a cutie. But he notices the other's glare and quickly opens up a textbook to study.
043. Punctual
Kyungsoo checks the time on his watch, impatiently tapping his foot against the stone cold pavement. He sighs for the umpteenth time, and is about to walk into the cafe, when his boyfriend, Baekhyun finally decides to show up, bending over and panting heavily.
"I'm so sorry, Soo! I got held up after class, I swear! The teacher made me clean the boards, you have to believe me!" Kyungsoo just rolls his eyes and enters the shop. 
"What did I say about being on time, Baekkie? Don't you remember what I said last time? Or should I jog your memory again?" Immediately, Baekhyun gulps and zips his mouth shut.
"I thought so. Now you're going to buy me a coffee and a cheesecake and we're going to enjoy this date. Now go." Kyungsoo shoos the other away to the counter, while he finds a booth for the both of them to sit at.
044. Piggybank
"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo turns his head so fast, Baekhyun swears he heard something crack. He quickly points to the hammer in his hand.
"Oh this?" Kyungsoo holds it up for the other to see and Baekhyun steps back as a form of reaction.
"It's a hammer, silly. I'm trying to get my money from this piggybank."
"You know those things have a bottom you can open without breaking the piggybank. You know — to reuse it?"
"Yeah... — Now put that hammer down, please."
"What, why?"
"Jesus Christ, Kyungsoo! You almost took my eye out!"
"Oh... Sorry."
045. Shooting star
Kyungsoo excitedly points overhead, shouting in awe.
"Look, Baekkie! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!" Baekhyun watches as the younger closes his eyes and mouths his wish. To humor the other, he closes his eyes, as well. As he opens his eyes, he sees Kyungsoo staring at him with curious eyes.
"What'd you wish for?"
"Hmmm... to be together forever." Baekhyun simply smiles, but the effect it has on Kyungsoo leaves him sputtering and blushing like a idiot. He plays with his fingers before scooting closer to Baekhyun. In response, Baekhyun wraps an arm around Kyungsoo's shoulder, pulling him in close.
046. Writer’s Choice
with Baekhyun is fun. with Baekhyun is hot. with Baekhyun sends chills up his spine. — Kyungsoo's friends, namely Xiumin and Jongdae, know all about the couple's ual exploits. Although, Baekhyun doesn't know that Kyungsoo tells other people. However, Baekhyun could take a guess when Kris comes over with a -eating grin and pats him on the shoulder, whispering a quick "Attaboy, get it in."
047. Writer’s Choice
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo have an on again - off again relationship. As of right now, they're off and Baekhyun watches as Kyungsoo talks animatedly with Jongdae. He scowls at the other and decides to hell with everything. He pulls Kyungsoo up to his feet and gives him a lip-bruising, breathtaking kissing, while Jongdae stares in awe and surprise.
"So we're back on?"
"Y—yeah..." Kyungsoo blushes, and shudders when Baekhyun gives him another kiss; this one is much slower and more sensual, but it doesn't miss giving him the chills that run up his spine.
048. Writer’s Choice
Baekhyun should've seen it coming. How he and Kyungsoo had been falling out of love. He should've ended it earlier, but he truly believed he could salvage their relationship. As it turns out, it was just too late. And while Baekhyun could only watch his boyfriend be happy with another guy, he can't move on.
049. Writer’s Choice
Every Valentine's Day, Baekhyun leaves chocolate in Kyungsoo's locker, and a red rose with a note attached to the front of the locker. Kyungsoo knows who leaves him the gifts, and while Baekhyun tries to play it off cool, he knows that later he'll be getting a better gift.
050. Writer’s Choice
"Byun Kyungsoo. It doesn't have a nice ring to it, but what do you think?"
"What are you talking about?"
"For when we get married?" At Baekhyun's response, Kyungsoo chokes and forgets to breathe for a second, the other having to rub the other's back soothingly. 
"W—why are you thinking about that? T—that's too far away. We're still in High School...?" Kyungsoo tries to calm his beating heart and his blushing face, but to no avail. 
"I'm just saying... How about after college? We can get married then."
"I—I... sure." Baekhyun simply grins at Kyungsoo's answer and pecks the latter on the cheek.

50 Drabbles of Baeksoo for oh-tea-twelve ; u ;
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chocohazelnut #1
Chapter 5: Krisoo is so cute XD
I like Xiumin's personality here, kkkkkk
chocohazelnut #2
Chapter 3: Lol! I love Kyungsoo paired with anyone from exo and I'm definitely a sudo and krisoo shipper. But seeing suho and kris interaction in this chapter, i think they should've date each other instead of kyungsoo XD And the xiulay part is cute ^^
chocohazelnut #3
Chapter 1: hhahaha, Kyungsoo's soo frontal! And I like it, XD

Chapter 5: OHOHOHO, Xiumin being cupid for those two! And then the other two...
Chapter 3: owahahahaha, that last part was hilarious! wish there is a sequel where the focus is Kyungsoo's relationship w/ Suho & Kris!

IDK but I think the title TERRIBLE TWO that's supposedly the EXO leaders suits Lay & Xiumin more LMAO
damnyougrammar #7
Chapter 7: hohohohohoho xiusoo!!!! soooooooooo cuteeeee i cant ;-; you SHOULD write more xiusoo author-nim youre jjang!!!
oh-tea-twelve #8
Chapter 8: 41: ouch love is sometimes like that when you're ready to say it, its already too late :(
42: cute soo threatening to break up as a mean to save failing!hyun hee
43: demanding!soo is sort of hot ¦)
44: haha omg seriously soo you're too innocent and let go of that dangerous weapon it can be a weapon when its in your hands soo ¦:3
45: god you guys staaahp i cant too adorbs maaah feeels c::
46: omg lol-ed so much at kris xD
47: haha possessive!hyun jealous at jongdae btw this is really hot
48: awwh hyun try harder you can do it sobs *crushes hyun in a tight embrace*
49: haha byun, soo knows xD
50: god you too get married already xD

oh-tea-twelve #9
Chapter 8: 31: awwwh just when he's opening up baek had to go and crushed it wae now soo will never sobs :'c
32: haha omg this is lovely the secret hyun found is that soo's in love with him right? that's adorbs and now hyun cant think straight and he's starting to like the idea and getting all flustered omg fluff :D
33: hmm *kills that drunk bastard* wae did you have to drive in your drunk state and kill two innocent lives they are still young and were just about to face the world sobs at least they were together to the end soulmates :')
34: heehee hyun is really stubborn and a very determined person i guess he'll stick around till forever huh soo? c::
35: awwwwh hang in there hyun im curious too is soo sick? since he moved and all and from hyun's descriptions they were a lovely couple so im sure soo's reason is very strong and im sure he loved you hyun infact im sure he still does and good thing jongdae's there with hyun he needs the support although it wont change nothing c::
36: ah sky-gazing + hand-holding baeksoo = perfection nuff said xD
37: hngg this is so sad poor soobaby you cant even confess when baek has already got someone + dae, wae you left him? *hugs soo tightly*
38: haha omg i cant believe you just *speechless* baek omg good thing soo is there + techno-geek!soo xD
39: oh god i feel you baek im like that around my crush sometimes haha cute im giessing confession ensues right after hee c::
40: awwh baby stay strong <3