9 Xiusoo Drabbles

Kyungsoo Syndrome

9 // Xiusoo Drabbles

1) Angst

Somewhere between the blurred lines, Kyungsoo isn’t sure who’s yelling anymore; Minseok or him. It doesn’t matter because the last thing he sees is Minseok lugging a suitcase out through the front door and slams the door shut. The force of the slam causes a photo frame to fall, and Kyungsoo doesn’t have the heart to catch it before the glass shatters and the last piece of their broken relationship is tossed aside. Impossible to find the pieces, impossible to finish the puzzle, impossible to fix the love.

2) AU (Coffee Shop!au)

Minseok works at a little, quaint coffee shop down the street from his University. Unfortunately, the job isn’t as fun as it seems because people like leaving messes at their table and he has to clean it. He has to deal with customers who have no idea what to order, even though they have a wonderfully, well-thought out menu overheard. There’s one thing that keeps him from quitting, and his name is Do Kyungsoo. He’s tiny and compact, except Minseok is just a few centimeters taller, although he has a bigger build than the latter. There’s a heart-shaped smile the other always seems to give, and a seemingly radiating happiness that makes Minseok’s day. So he takes the chance to write ‘You’re Cute’ and his phone number on Kyungsoo’s order the next time he comes and his heart misses a beat at the other’s faint blush and signature smile.

3) Future fic

Together forever and always. Neither believed in long-term relationships, and neither believed they’d end up together anyways. But over the years, it became apparent that their love was meant for each other and them only. 

4) First time

Kyungsoo met Minseok on a rainy day, and the latter forgot to bring an umbrella with him. Being the kindhearted soul he was, he lifted the rain repelling instrument over the other’s head and gave him a gentle smile. Minseok returned the smile, replied with a quick thank you, and chuckled sheepishly. 

5) Fluff

Minseok lifts Kyungsoo in the air, just as graduation ends. The younger hits him playfully, yelling to be let down, and Minseok happily obliges, only to pull the other into a bone-crushing hug and plants a wet kiss on the other’s kiss. Minseok immediately runs away from Kyungsoo, unable to escape because he trips over his graduation gown and falls. Kyungsoo trips, as well, and lands on top of Minseok, the latter grinning and kisses the younger fully on the lips.

6) Humor

Minseok and Kyungsoo are sitting with their friends at one of their houses (It doesn’t matter because they’re all friends, anyways). The latter is recounting the tale of when Minseok tried to be a phone operator and Kyungsoo had called it out of boredom and ended up getting Minseok. Their group of friends laugh, and Minseok hides his blushing face in the crook of Kyungsoo’s neck, while the latter caresses his cheek.

7) Hurt/Comfort

Minseok finds Kyungsoo in the back of the school library, crying silently to himself. The younger looks up, shocked to find the other here, but he’s instantly pulled up and into a hug by the other. Minseok does nothing, but whisper words of love and encouragement, holding him tightly because Kyungsoo always liked being held like this. He knows in Minseok’s arms, he can freely let himself fall, since he knows that the older will be there to catch him.


They fall into an erratic sense of rhythm, neither really caring; the pleasure is too great for them. Minseok pushes himself in, and Kyungsoo lets him, making himself meet the gentle . Their eyes meet, and Kyungsoo can see the beads of sweat rolling on the other’s forehead, but he doesn’t care what the other looks like right now. They’re a beautiful mess, but neither mind because it feels just right.

9) UST (unresolved )


Minseok makes a bet with his friend (something along the lines of going without and he immediately agrees to it). Hours later, Minseok arguably regrets taking the bet because he forgets that Kyungsoo is one of those oblivious, ual gods and it seriously turns him on when Kyungsoo slowly pulls the fork from his mouth. Minseok groans to himself, and decides to heck with the bet because he’s going to do something to Kyungsoo that will probably make the latter sore for a long time. — The next day, as Minseok lays in bed with a tired, sleeping Kyungsoo, he calls up Jongdae to tell him he lost the bet. And Jongdae merely scoffs, “Weak", before hanging up.

Well, how about that? Finally, I write something that isn't Chensoo/Krisoo~

Xiusoo is an adorable pairing, tbh. More people should ship them.

BTW. If people want to request for more of a certain pairing, I don't mind. ; u ;



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chocohazelnut #1
Chapter 5: Krisoo is so cute XD
I like Xiumin's personality here, kkkkkk
chocohazelnut #2
Chapter 3: Lol! I love Kyungsoo paired with anyone from exo and I'm definitely a sudo and krisoo shipper. But seeing suho and kris interaction in this chapter, i think they should've date each other instead of kyungsoo XD And the xiulay part is cute ^^
chocohazelnut #3
Chapter 1: hhahaha, Kyungsoo's soo frontal! And I like it, XD

Chapter 5: OHOHOHO, Xiumin being cupid for those two! And then the other two...
Chapter 3: owahahahaha, that last part was hilarious! wish there is a sequel where the focus is Kyungsoo's relationship w/ Suho & Kris!

IDK but I think the title TERRIBLE TWO that's supposedly the EXO leaders suits Lay & Xiumin more LMAO
damnyougrammar #7
Chapter 7: hohohohohoho xiusoo!!!! soooooooooo cuteeeee i cant ;-; you SHOULD write more xiusoo author-nim youre jjang!!!
oh-tea-twelve #8
Chapter 8: 41: ouch love is sometimes like that when you're ready to say it, its already too late :(
42: cute soo threatening to break up as a mean to save failing!hyun hee
43: demanding!soo is sort of hot ¦)
44: haha omg seriously soo you're too innocent and let go of that dangerous weapon it can be a weapon when its in your hands soo ¦:3
45: god you guys staaahp i cant too adorbs maaah feeels c::
46: omg lol-ed so much at kris xD
47: haha possessive!hyun jealous at jongdae btw this is really hot
48: awwh hyun try harder you can do it sobs *crushes hyun in a tight embrace*
49: haha byun, soo knows xD
50: god you too get married already xD

oh-tea-twelve #9
Chapter 8: 31: awwwh just when he's opening up baek had to go and crushed it wae now soo will never sobs :'c
32: haha omg this is lovely the secret hyun found is that soo's in love with him right? that's adorbs and now hyun cant think straight and he's starting to like the idea and getting all flustered omg fluff :D
33: hmm *kills that drunk bastard* wae did you have to drive in your drunk state and kill two innocent lives they are still young and were just about to face the world sobs at least they were together to the end soulmates :')
34: heehee hyun is really stubborn and a very determined person i guess he'll stick around till forever huh soo? c::
35: awwwwh hang in there hyun im curious too is soo sick? since he moved and all and from hyun's descriptions they were a lovely couple so im sure soo's reason is very strong and im sure he loved you hyun infact im sure he still does and good thing jongdae's there with hyun he needs the support although it wont change nothing c::
36: ah sky-gazing + hand-holding baeksoo = perfection nuff said xD
37: hngg this is so sad poor soobaby you cant even confess when baek has already got someone + dae, wae you left him? *hugs soo tightly*
38: haha omg i cant believe you just *speechless* baek omg good thing soo is there + techno-geek!soo xD
39: oh god i feel you baek im like that around my crush sometimes haha cute im giessing confession ensues right after hee c::
40: awwh baby stay strong <3