Click 2~ Luhan

It All Started With An Accidental Click Online


Another day of practice.

Another day of being at the university.

Another day of being with the boys.

Another day of feeling alone.

Day after day, I hold in my secrets, stress, anger, everything. I care too much about my members and I treat them like family, but I’m not able to express it enough. I just wished that I had someone I could talk to and express my secrets, and not have everything balled inside. I sighed as the break was over and we have to go back to practice.


“You ok?” Xiumin asked me.


“Yea, just fine.” I tried to smile, but I just couldn’t.


“If anything you can just talk to us.” he patted my back and went to the group.


If only I was able to tell you, but I’m scared of telling you.


I sighed again as I walked to the group and we got into positions for our upcoming comeback ‘Growl’. We were getting into the drop choreography of the song, and I wasn’t concentrating on how to land, and ended up landing on my wrist. I winced out in pain and the choreographer stopped the music.


“Are you ok?!” Lay got to me first.


“Let me see it.” Suho squeezed past everyone that gathered around me.


He moved my hand a little but it hurt like hell. I screamed when he moved it even harder.


“He needs to be checked up.” Sehun said help me get up from the floor and carrying me to the door. Everyone helped me into the van and we all went to the hospital. Sehun, Kris, and Suho stayed behind with me at the hospital while Xiumin took the wheel and drove everyone home to rest. Suho went up to the nurse at the counter and she recognized who he was right away. He shushed her and told her to refrain from squealing/screaming and told her I needed to get checked up right away. She nodded her head and checked me in. After a couple minutes, a nurse came up to me and lead me to a room. I saw the doctor and he told me to explain my situation.


“We were practicing our new dance, which includes falling onto one arm and I wasn’t able to land the fall correctly and ended up twisting my wrist.”


“Alright. Let’s get some x-rays and see how bad your arm is.”


We went to a different room and got a few x-rays. As the pictures were printing, another nurse came in and gave me an ice pack to stop the swelling. The pictures finally finished printing and the doctor examined them.


“You’re very lucky Mr. Luhan. It’s just a sprain and will require a small cast, but will be removed in 3 weeks if the bone is all healed.” he explained to me.


“Is there anyway to heal it faster?” The comeback was only in 2 weeks.


“Lots of sleep, drinking milk to increase the amount of calcium to heal the bone, and trying not to use your wrist until its all healed. This can only shave off a few days if you’re good, but guessing by your expressions, a few days isn’t enough, am I right?”


I nodded my head and faced the floor.


“Who knows, maybe it’ll heal faster than you think if you just keep your mind off of it and rest.” he smiled at me, letting me leave. I walked out and saw Sehun, Kris, and Suho falling asleep in the hospital chairs, waiting for me. Sehun saw me coming and ran towards me. It woke up the other two and they walked towards me as well. Kris saw my cast.


“How long.”


“Max is 3 weeks.”


The three of them sighed, knowing that I couldn’t join them for the comeback. We headed back home, carrying the bad news. As I walked in the door, they all ran towards me, but stopped when they saw the cast. They all stared at it.


“3 weeks.” I said. Everyone sighed and rubbed their temples, some walking away, and the last ones just taking a seat to let the information sink in.


I put a bag around my cast and went to the take a shower. I let the water run down my body and I cleaned off the uneasiness and got out. I dried my hair and climbed into bed, careful of not using the injured arm. I pulled the blanket up to my stomach and my laptop. I skyped my mom to tell her about my arm. I plugged in my headphones as the tone rang and she picked up.


I waved at her with my other arm. “Hi mom.” I smiled.


“Hi son! What brings you to call me today? Don’t you have a comeback soon? I’m very excited for that!”


“I just had something to ask you. And I’m glad you’re excited to see us comeback but you won’t be seeing me in the first week of performances.”


“What?! Why?! Where are you hurt? Tell Mom now!”


“I sprained my wrist from learning the new dance and now theres a cast on it for 3 weeks.”


“Oh my little boy, are you ok? Try not to do anything major until your wrist is all healed ok?”


“I’m fine mom. I’ll try not to injure it anymore than it already is.”


“I have to go, I was about to go buy groceries.”


“Mmk... Bye mom, love you!” I blew a kiss at her.


“Love you too son! Bye!” She smiled as she hung up and I sighed again.


I decided to surf the internet to pass time when something popped up on my screen.




I read the message again. I never trusted online chat rooms, but I rethought about it.

A new friend?


Hey everyone! Here's today's update and I hope you enjoyed! What do you think is going to happen next? Comment your answers below and subscribe to find out tomorrow! ~Sunmi

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new surscriber! so, continue!
Chapter 5: author nim... plz continue to update the story.. don't stop!!!!
evewon #3
Chapter 5: Hehe thanks for your update ^^
evewon #4
Chapter 4: *sob sob Author nim why are you not updating :( I've been looking for this kind of stories and I have finally found one. Looking forward to your next update :D
Chapter 3: This is pretty good~ Hwaiting author-nim!
This seems interesting, ^_^
Chapter 1: Nice! Can't wait for the next update! :D