Click 1~SunMi

It All Started With An Accidental Click Online

Sunmi’s POV

I struggled to loosen the ropes that were tying me to a chair, hoping that they would break.




“Oh really sweetheart. How can they not have anything with borrowing money and not return have nothing to do with this? I should be asking you this. What do you have to do with this?”


“I promise to return their debt, please just don’t take them from me! They’re all I have left in life!”


“Please don’t hurt our daughter, she has nothing to do with this. Take us instead, forget the debt and leave our daughter alone.” she cried, as she begged for mercy of their one and only daughter.


“As your wish, is my command.” he smirked as he took out two knifes, about to the dagger into their hearts.


“NO PLE-...”




I woke up startled by my alarm clock, beads of cold sweat dripping from my forehead and tears running down my face. It’s been 4 years since the incident. Not one day does it not come back to haunt me. Every night, I have the same nightmare, and it always kills me on the inside.  


Today’s the day huh.


Wiping my face, I rolled out of bed and faced the picture of my parents taped to my wall.


“Good morning.” I hiccuped.


Trudging like a zombie to my bathroom, I took a shower to wash away the anxiety. I wiped the foggy mirror with my hand, and saw my ugly reflection. My eyes were bloodshot red and puffy, plus I had dark eye bags under them.


This is going to be a long day.


I made a piece of toast and had a glass of milk before putting on my shoes and walking to school. I got on the bus and took a seat in the back. I plugged in my headphones and looked out the window. Time Machine by Girls Generation started playing. The sky looked dark and more storm clouds were rolling in.


Please say its not going to rain today. I sighed.


Arriving at school, I walked into class, and being the first there again, I took a seat in the back of the classroom like always. Taking out my textbook, I began studying for finals that were coming up in a 2 months. Being in my last year of high school, I had to do good for my finals to get into a good college.

People started filing in and the bell soon rang. The teacher came in and greeted everyone.


“Morning class. As you know finals are in two months.”


The class groaned.


“Hold on you didn’t let me finish. Starting this week you have start picking colleges. You have 2 months to decide and apply for them. You may now groan again.”


As if they were commanded to do so, the whole class groaned even louder.


Class went on as usual, the teacher gave lectures, and everyone was finally paying attention since finals were near. The only sounds traveling through the classroom were pencils scribbling on paper and the teacher’s voice.

A couple hours later, the bell rang for lunch and everyone dashed out of the classroom. Taking my time, I packed my belongings and slowly walked down the hall and into the lunchroom. I ordered my food and looked for an empty table. Finding one in the corner of the room, I sat down and took out my textbook and began studying again as I ate. The lunch bell rang again and everyone went back to class. The remaining hours of school seemed to pass by quickly, and it was soon raining as the bell rang.


Good thing its only rain.


I made my way to a different bus stop than the one I usually take. I hopped on the bus and took out my headphones again. Once I reached my stop, I was greeted by big, silver metal gates, guarding everyone resting inside.


I pushed the gates open and walked to my parent’s grave, where they were buried together.


I saw a little old lady kneeling in front of the grave that was next to my parents.


“Annyeonghaseyo Halmoni.” I greeted her as I held my bouquet of flowers, kneeling in front of my parent’s grave.


“Ah, Sunmi is nice to see you again, visiting your parents?” she smiled gently, but I saw her eyes were a little pink and puffy. She was crying.


“Yea. Same to you, are you visiting Haraboji?”


She nodded slightly,” Same as every year honey.”


I nodded back to her a turned to the grave I was visiting, setting the flowers down in front in them.


“Mama, Appa, its been 4 years since you left me. Every year is the same, nothing has changed, I’m still healthy as ever.” I chuckled as I went on. “College applications are coming soon, and I was hoping to move to Korea. Is that ok? I know you’ve always wanted me to go to Seoul University for college, but I don’t want to leave you guys here.” tears were starting to flow from my eyes.


“I don’t know what I would do if I left you guys here. I’ve always wanted to become a famous dancer in Korea, but if I left the US, who would watch over you guys? You guys are always clumsy and such.” I attempted to cheer myself up.


The grandmother beside me seemed to have heard everything I said,”Don’t worry sweetheart, if you left you still have me to look after them.” she gently smiled at me.


“Thank you, but thats too much to ask Halmoni.”


“I come here every year on the same day as you, and buying extra flowers and staying to say a few extra words isn’t going to kill me.” she hugged me.


“Thank you so much. For all you’ve done for me. Even though you’re not my real grandmother, I always treated you like you were my own family. Thank you so, so much.” I hugged her frail body as tears continued flowing down my face.

“Go after your dream. Nothing can’t stop you. Especially them.” she nodded to my parent’s grave giggling.


I giggled also,” Yea I guess.”


“They would’ve have wanted to see you do the thing you wanted to do the most when you grow up. Successful or not, you’ll always be happy doing the things you have passion for.” she encouraged me.


“Your words of wisdom never fail to impress me Halmoni. If I do get accepted to Seoul University, I promise to tell you.” I smiled at her.


“You don’t need to tell me sweetheart, just go. If I don’t see you here next year, that means you have already went to Seoul.”


“I have to tell you. Maybe not face to face, but I will tell you somehow.” I smiled as I got up.


“Follow your heart, fulfill your dreams, let your passion guide you.” She chanted to me.


Keeping that in mind, I bowed to her and walked back to the bus stop. Rain drops were still drizzling and I got onto the bus. I arrived home at around 6 and I took a shower before hopping online to check out a few colleges in Korea.


“Hmmm. Seoul University? University of Korea? Do they have a performing arts department?”


I kept looking and to my luck, none of them had a performing arts department. I sighed, but something popped back into my mind.


Follow your heart, fulfill your dreams, let your passion guide you.


I smiled at the thought and kept searching. To my luck, I found a college for just performing arts.


“SM University? Isn’t that the company SNSD and EXO are under?”


Even though I’m a shy girl, I still have my own preference in music.


“Well it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, would it?” I asked myself curiously.


Clicking into the link, I found out they trained top stars and idols there.


“I think I found my college.” I grinned to myself before closing out the browser. Before turning off my computer, I saw that a something popped up while I was looking at colleges. I read the message: LOOKING FOR A FRIEND? CHAT WITH LIVE PEOPLE NOW!!

Huh? What’s this?


First chapter is up! I actually wrote this a long time ago when i was waiting for the poster so i just ha to edit it tonight, which is good because im dead tired from 5 hours of vigorous activity with my friends xD basketball, dancing, swimming, then basketball again after >_< my eyes are still burning from the pool water and are super dry from not wear goggles TT_TT so besides my little rant about today, What do you think the link is? Please comment your guesses in the area below and subscribe to find out what happens next! :) ~Sunmi

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new surscriber! so, continue!
Chapter 5: author nim... plz continue to update the story.. don't stop!!!!
evewon #3
Chapter 5: Hehe thanks for your update ^^
evewon #4
Chapter 4: *sob sob Author nim why are you not updating :( I've been looking for this kind of stories and I have finally found one. Looking forward to your next update :D
Chapter 3: This is pretty good~ Hwaiting author-nim!
This seems interesting, ^_^
Chapter 1: Nice! Can't wait for the next update! :D