Chapter III

A Heart of Glass

    Sooyung was wallowing in self pity back at her dormitory. Her heart was broken into unfixable pieces. No amount of super glue would change it back to its original pristine state. She hasn’t attended college for the past two weeks, making up an excuse about visiting a sick relative and forging a signature as proof. She would cry herself to sleep every night, the cries ranging from soft sniffles to wailing sobs. When she was too exhausted to cry or her tears were all spent, she fell asleep with a broken heart, the jagged edges piercing her, causing her mind and soul to bleed. 


        When she woke up in the morning, she knew she had nothing to look forward. And so, the days were dark and somber, painted with shades of sorrow and longing. Looking into the mirror, Sooyung saw her tear streaked face; the salty liquid glistened in the morning light, giving Sooyung that sallow and sunken in look, the appearance of a corpse. Suho and Mi Young even haunted her in her dreams.


        Her eyes lost that vitreous sheen. Her eyes were dull, looking but not seeing. They were hollow and glassy. Her once lustrous eyes now stared into space, visualizing nightmares even in broad sunlight.


        Other than basic human necessities, Sooyung didn’t do anything except occasionally sniffle and attempt at nursing her broken heart. She was a husk of her former self. She was quite light to start out with, weighing slightly over one hundred pounds. For the past two weeks, she has eaten nothing but crumbs. She now weighs a bare ninety pounds.


        It was another day for Sooyung. Another day with nothing but pain and suffering. She rolled out of bed, stumbled into the bathroom, and began doing her daily routine with little thought or effort. Then, out of the blue, she doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach and emitting a silent scream.


        The pain was excruciating; it felt like someone was sticking needles in her like a voodoo doll. Her limbs were numb and weak and she felt light headed, her heart beating at an irregular pace. These symptoms were not caused by the body’s menstrual cycle. It was something more serious, much more serious than that. Sooyung didn’t do anything. She didn’t call the ambulance, a staff, not even one of her few friends. She just laid there on the cold ceramic tiles, thinking,

        It’s back

Double update since one of you requested it! As a side note, of course Sooyung won't die from a fatal disease— that's just too cliché— who do you take me for?

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when are you going to update?
Chapter 6: i need more!
Chapter 4: this is good can't wait for more!
I thought the rest of the guys would be nice but they are so rude to sooyoung. >:(
Chapter 2: i need more post more or i'll haunt you
[just kiding but seriously post more i like it]