Last Goodbye.

Broken Angel Across The Street

“Please don’t!” Kevin yelled when you picked up the telephone’s horn.

“But you’re hurt!” I yelled back, holding back your tears.

“Eunji ah… Don’t make me beg. Please.” He slowly laid his back on the sofa again. Blood still coming out from his mouth, but he shoved a towel you just handed him over his lips.

You let out a sigh as you put the horn back and walked to his side. You dropped yourself to the carpet in sitting position. So what if my legs are hurt when my heart is torn?

There was a long silence. Your eyes were nailed to the window, but your thoughts were in a black hole. You had a lot of things to say to him, but your tongues were locked. You wanted to hold him tightly, but you’re afraid that he’d be in pain. The rain hadn’t stopped pouring. You looked at the clock.

It was 3:00AM.


“Eunji-ah…” Kevin called you with husky voice. You looked at him in the eye.

“We’ve talked about this. I don’t want to die anywhere else.”

You weakly wiped his mouth and smiled heartily.

“You have a story to finish, girl. Say something.”

“I’ve finished.”

“You haven’t told me what you’re going to do.”

“I don’t know. Yet.” Seeing you shaking you head, Kevin giggled, made your eyebrows stuck on each other.

“It’s better if I die now, seriously. You can’t be in love with every good person you know, sweetheart.” He smiled again. His crescent moon shaped eyes… are the only thing you want to see every single second now.

“Come on. What are you gonna do with Sungmin? Donghae? Ghun? You love those three guys.” He used his limited strength to squeeze your hand to make you say something. “Have some plan. I don’t want you to stay useless to those who love you. Please.”

You knew he was right. Apart from people who ignored you, deep in your heart, you realized that you’re life wasn’t so bad. And that you’re the only person who let your life ed by everyone around you.

“I don’t think I still have feelings for Sungmin, you may scratch him out of the list,” you smiled, “it’s going to be either Donghae or Ghun.”

“Will you stay or leave this neighborhood?”

“What say you?”

“What do you think I’m gonna say?”

“You want me to face them.”

“Eunji-ah. I’m always here to encourage you. Here in your heart.” He pointed your chest. You smiled as you wiped your tears.

“So tell me your plan once again. And don’t cry now.”

“I’ll go back to Seoul and finish my business with them. Whoever I’ll ended up with… That’s okay. But I’m not coming back to SM, though.” You said with a wide smile, squeezing his palm.

“That’s my girl. Ahh. Now I’m ready.” He pinched your cheek.

“Ready for what?”

“Leave you, of course…”

Suddenly Kevin closed his eyes, blood came out from his nose again. Oh my God. Is he die? This time, the blood came unstoppably. You searched for his artery line on his wrist, but you failed to feel anything. You searched on his neck; you felt a slow weak rhythm.

“Kevin answer me!” You shouted and shaking his body with both of your hands. You saw his eyebrows moving a little bit. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were all red.

“Kevin, you hear me?” he blinked his eyes slowly. You clasped your fingers with his.

“Kevin, I’m here.”

“You-“ he coughed blood.

“Don’t talk, please!” You wiped his nostrils, though you know it’s useless. He had lost a lot of blood.

“I… have to!” He managed to say in between coughs.

“I need you…” he coughed, “to do two…” he coughed again.

“You need me to do what? Two things?” He nodded. “Whatever you need, tell me.”

“Vinny…” he started to having a hard time to breathe.

“You want me to call Vinny?” He blinked.

“What else?”


“Ng? Leelee?

“You… Nggh… Haven’t… ngggh…” his breathing got worse every second. Nothing you could do but to catch his words.

“I haven’t what? Don’t force yourself to speak. You’ll hurt yourself, Kevin.” You knew that every time he tried to speak, the blood might be flooding his lungs.

“Leelee. Remember… the first day we… ngggh… met… you… ngggh…”

Then you remembered the first day you met him.


"I see you like my Leelee." He stood up.

"Oh, is this your dog? He's awesome!"

Then he noticed something. "Wait. We wear the same hoodie!"

"Wah, you're right! I really like this hoodie. This is comfy."

"Pink suits you." Those three words made you confused. You just didn't know how to respond.

"Anyway, he's a dude. Why would you name him Leelee?"

"Ah, it's..." you stopped.


"It has a deep meaning for me."

"Okay, I understand if..."

"No, it's not like I won't tell you, but...not just yet."


“Okay I remember. Leelee is a gift from Sungmin and Donghae, when I was still dating Sungmin. They told me that if I feel so alone and they couldn’t be there for me, Leelee will always be with me. Lee Sungmin… Lee Donghae… Leelee.” You couldn’t help but sobbed.

Kevin nodded as he smiled once again. In a blink of an eye, Kevin’s dying face turned even paler, but more peaceful.

He is an angel. Now I believe angels are real. I’m with one.

“I love y-…”

03:30AM. Kevin died.





The sky was clear that day. The breezy wind tickled you once every 5 minutes. You stood beside Vinny. Vinny stood beside his father. His father stood beside the pastor. The three of you were all dressed in white, standing beside Kevin’s last home. The white coffin was just lowered down into the earth. The little ceremony went as simple as planned and you witnessed every second since he proclaimed his last words.


Kevin already arranged everything for his funeral. You delivered him to the hospital, and by saying his name, the nurse took a good care of him. After Kevin’s body was cleaned, you followed the nurse to meet the mortician. He picked out a white tuxedo and a white sleek pair of trousers from a room. He said that Kevin had it tailored a few days ago. You could just smile as you stared at his angelic figure. Shiny and calm. The coffin was also beautiful. It’s white, with white roses ornament and a relief of words, taken from the Bible.


Psalm 23 -- A Psalm of David

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


“You alright, Eunji?” Kevin’s father asked you with teary eyes.

“Yes, I’m fine, sir.” you smiled as you wiped your watery swollen eyes.

“Don’t cry too much, darling.” Vinny pulled your little body closer for a hug. Kevin’s father joined and made it a big hug.

“You are a part of us, now, Eunji. Whenever you need us, we’re here.” Vinny your hair and his father gave a kiss on your head.


Kevin, I think I’m ready to go and face everything.

Kevin… I will always miss you, angel.





“Hello! Mina, it’s me!” You said with chirpy tone.

“Waaaa Eunji! I miss you so much already!”

“I miss you, too girl!”

“How’s the trip? Does the train comfortable? Oh, I already called the delivery service; it said that your things will arrive around 7:00 this evening.

“Beautiful! Thanks pretty girl, you really didn’t have to do that, but thanks anyway.”

“Do you want me to call Donghae, too?”

“Of course not! I’ll call him myself.”

“Alright. Anyway I gotta go. Since I’ve been promoted, the juniors keep on bothering me!” Mina laughed. “See you later, Eunji-ya!”

She hung up the phone. You smiled as you gazed outside the window. The train ran so fast, but not as fast as your heartbeat. Your once rigid heart already melted. You let out a happy sigh. Then you pushed the call button.

First tone. Your heart was racing fast.

Second tone. Faster.

Third tone. You almost jumped up and down.


“Hello?” FINALLY.

“Lee Donghae. It’s been a long time.”






Thanks for everyone who had read this story, especially who subscribed to this story. Thank you so much for your attention. I can't say anything better than thank you and I love you.


P.S. : I wish at least 12 people demanded a sequel <3

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Putrihosiana #1
Aww.. So sweet.. I cried reading this!! Sequel!! Pleasee!! :DD
): The part where Kevin was saying I love you to her, but couldn't finish it.. I cried so much. </3 Beautifully written.
Waaaaaaaah~ this is the first fanfic that made me cry a LOT! I can't stop crying! this is deabak! thanks for the great story you shared :D
sequel..sequel..suqeul~ hehehe.. i wish she and Vinny could be together.. LOL =))
awwwh~ended already?*poutpout* <br />
hoyesh~! i reaaalllly want a sequal :D<br />
its jjang!<3
Aw.... Kevin died!!! But I want a seqeul pls!!! :)
New reader here~~~~*click subscribe button*<br />
Your fic sounds interesting!<br />
Update soo~~~n!!^^