
Neon City

It was lunch time and the scattered group of friends still hadn't heard from Xiumin or Chen and they were starting to get a little more than worried. 
"Why do you think Xiumin had the drugs in the first place?" 
Baekhyun asked playing with his food, they were all not eating much becuase it didn't seem right while one of their friends was up for expulsion. 
"Did you see the way Chen ran out of here? It had to have been him." 
"Chen? Drugs? I don't think so." 
Luhan watched the table go back and forth on ideas wondering himself what had happened. 

"Xiumin why would you lie to us." 
Xiumin was barely paying attention to the words that were coming out of the headmistresses mouth. He was still thinking about how a wind blown and very upset Chen had burst into the room and confessed everything on the spot. Of course they believed trouble maker Chen over perfect record graduating Xiumin. Chen had sat down next to him but thier eyes hadn't met once.  
"Xiumin sweetie I asked you a question." 
He snapped out of it looking up at the makeup caked face of the woman he'd always hated but respected.  
"He was trying to protect me." Chen said firmly and probably for the 16th time that morning.
The headmaster turned her head to Chen like a whip and Xiumin flinched. 
"Kim Jongdae-" Chen opened his mouth to correct her, only few people called him by his real name, but she continued on anyway. 
"You do know that I will expell you from the school for the possession of these drugs."
"NO!" Faces turned to Xiumin who was even surprised at himself by the outburst. But he kept going anyway hopping that his good status with the headmistress would help him some. 
"Please don't.... I- I'll make sure it doesn't happen again Headmisstress." 
It was silent for a long time and Chen was watching his boyfriends face intently bieng this was the first time he'd seen the boy like this.
"Alright.... But you will be serving a months detention in the basement." 
"Ah! Thank you headmistress." Xiumin said quickly bowing so that way Chen couldn't say anything he pulled his boyfriend out of the suffocating room as fast as he could where with clear air he realized exactly what was going on. 
He dropped his boyfriends hand as if it was venomous. 
"Don't you ing start Jongdae." 
The 180 Xiumin had done was quick and left Chen standing there blinking after his furious boyfriend. 
Kris was starting to believe that he was never going to reach his destination on time. He'd been stuck in the same train seat for over two days. He hadn't moved his legs in over 48 hours and counting and he was viciously hungry. He had expected more phone calls from Luhan than he had gotten which the total was 0. He took it in stride though, if Luhan was in trouble he would know. He was his Alpha for crying outloud. 
A tingly sensation began to bubble in his stomach as he thought of home. The place he had come from. He could just imagine how much more beautiful it would be. How much more beautiful he would be. When Finally the train came to an stop Kris was the first out of his seat. He looked around the familiar location with a rueful but excited smile. If only he was hear for some other reason than this. 
He was prepared for the long walk through the small town of Hastings that fed directly into the forest. The towns people all watched him go whispering in languages he had lot since mastered. 
"Night-walker" was the most polite thing they called him, and Devil was another. He knew of the villages fear of the werewolves that existed beyond the town but he didn't dare tell them that they weren't a threat and never would be. 
He entered the forest just as the sun had made it's way into the middle of the sky. His walk was pleasant every checkpoint bringing back memories of home. 
He knew he was close when he heard the breaking of trees. He wasn't stupid or slow at all, he knew they were coming to get him. He kept walking though unphased. It was the quickes way to get inside. And not shortly after hearing the crunches of the grass he was bieng pulled down and blindfolded. He didn't struggle or say a word and he was taken prisoner by his kin. 
Soon though he heard a voice he'd been longing to hear for far to long. And suddenly all be wanted was the stupid damned blindfold off his eyes. 
"What the hell are you doing?! Someone please explain to me why the hell my fiancé was blindfolded in brought in like some human?!" Kris smiled silently at Tao's voice. Suddenly he could smell him all over him and figured Tao was taking the blindfold off with his nibble fingers. Suddenly all light came flooding to him and he was caught off gaurd at how close his mate was. He HAD gotten more beautiful but Kris hadn't failed to notice the dark circles under his lovers eyes and the deep worried creases in his forehead.  He suddenly remembered why he was there. If the born prince had summoned Kris to him then it must have been very important.  
Tao helped Kris up giving him the best smile that he could before turning to his guards. 
"Leave us." 
 They all left the two in the room not even daring to put an ear to the door. 
As soon as the men were out the door however Kris was being pulled into what he thought was a kiss but in reality it was Tao clinging to him and crying. He looked no longer like the royalty he was a few moments ago but now more like a scared and lost boy. 
"Father sent me a letter." He said finally after drying up completely.  
"He does not mean to return. He is having a better time with his wine and than being here with me and helping me run the pack. He says I'm old enough. But there has been strange talk of..... The vampires.... Coming back.... Further and further into our lands." 
"Impossible" Kris breathed out his lovers hair soothingly. 
"That's what I said until...." Tao stood up and stepped around his lover then went to hidden door on the side of his room. He pulled and the door moved silently. Kris almost jumped when the figure jumped out at him. It hit something invisible and hissed loudly as it tried to break free. 
"Is that.....?" Kris asks breathily and Tao nods sadly. 
"Yes.... It's a vampire."
Kai hadn't been to surprised when he'd come to class and discovered Kyungsoo was no where to be seen. He'd doubled back out the door immediately heading for the bathroom closest to the cafeteria. He went inside kicking open all the stalls discovering he wasn't there. It was like that for every bathroom he checked  except for the last. Now he was starting to get worried, where had the doe eyes boy gone? His search was cut short by a wandering teacher who had sent him back to class. 

To: Babe
   Soo? Where are you, I'm worried. Text me back and let me know if your ok! 

He opened up his messenger sending a group message to his friends 

'Has anyone seen Kyungsoo?' 
He was met with many no's. He sighed defeated knowing he wouldn't be able to concentrate on his work with Kyungsoo missing. After class though he raced over to the studio betting that this would be where Soo was. 

Kyungsoo didn't truly understand what happened when it did. One moment his recorder was telling him how nice he looked and the next the boy had forced him against the wall shoving his tongue down his throat. He'd reacted trying to push the boy off but it only seemed to spur him on. 
"Kent stop!" Kyungsoo cried between breaths still struggling. 
"HOLD STILL" Kent rasped just as the door opened Kent had nipped at Kyungsoo's sweet spot causing  to moan out. There was the sound of something breaking and kent let Kyungsoo go turning to see Kai standing at the door a look of confused hurt on his face. Kyungsoo got up quickly wiping away his tears and tried to reach for Kai who shied back like he was poisonous. 
"Jongin please it's not ...he!" 
"Save it ." Kai hissed out turning on his feet As quick as he could running down the hall. Kyungsoo followed the taste of Kent still on his lips. 
Chen looked up startled when something was slammed down on the table in front of him. 
It was a flyer for meetings for drug addicts and interventions. 
"Your going to attend them. All of them." 
Xiumin was saying in a  dead serious. 
"Other wise... I'm walking away." 
Chen paled at his boyfriends words his heart speeding up. No. He couldn't lose Xiumin. It would ruin his life. Xiumin didn't let his gaze up. 
"I... I'll do it... I'll do it all and try to fix us." 
Xiumin looked relieved but still serious. He sat down next to Chen wanting nothing more that to crawl into his arms but he could give in that easily. 
"I love you min.... You don't have to say it back right now... I know your mad. But I do truly love you."

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Chapter 5: omg... xiumin protect chen XD
Chapter 3: Really good :D Keep going, I want to know if Luhan can find Sehun :D
Chapter 1: Ohh. I'm excited for this!
TaoRis. HunHan. BaekYeol. KaiSoo. SuLay. XiuChen. <3<3<3<3