Where is Oh Sehun?

Neon City


Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol was a social butterfly and could easily stick up a conversation with anyone but that didn't mean that Baekhyun had to like it. When the period was over Chanheol casually strolled over to Luhan the new boy and smiled. 
"Do you want to sit with us during lunch?"Chanyeol asked. Luhan gave a smile and nodded. 
"I'm Chanyeol by the way." He began to point around the room. 
"That's Suho, Lay, Kai,Kyungsoo,Sehun,Baekhyun,Tao, Xuimin and Chen" 
Everyone individually said hello making Luhan feel warm and welcomed. They made their way to the lunch tables. Luhan sat Down in between Suho and Chanyeol and across from Kai and Kyungsoo. 
Everyone began to eat their food that they had either brought from home or bought at the cafeteria. Luhan could have slapped himself for being stupid enough to forget lunch and money. 
He sat quietly listening into the conversations hoping no one would hear his loud stomach grumbling. He looked up surprised when Kyungsoo slid half of his sandwich and chocolate bar over to him. 
"Take it it's ok. I had a large breakfast anyway." Kyungsoo said with a smile. 
"T-thank you." Luhan said smiling back. 
"GAD XUIMIN COULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" Chen yelled and everyone turned to see Xuimin standing shocked and still looking at Chen who looked like he immediately regretted yelling at his boyfriend. 
"Oh baby I'm sorry" Chen reached out to grab Xuimin but he only backed up and ran away wiping tears from his eyes. 
"Do you have to be a prick to Xuimin?" Baekhyun asked and Chen sighed and began to follow after him. 
"Layyyy....... There's a new movie coming out this weekend. Wanna go see it?" Tao asked loud enough for the whole table to hear. It didn't escape anyone's notice that Suho dropped his fork in surprise. 
"Sure!" Lay said with an innocent and oblivious smile on his face. 
"Suho Hyung can come along to if he likes." This time Suho choked on his water causing the whole table to burst into giggles. It was very obvious that Suho and Lay were in love with each other so they had decided to do something about It.
"Uh.... Uh sure." Suho coughed out. 
Just when everything was dying down a girl ran up to the table frantic. 
"Has anyone seen Sehun?!" The girls name was Krystal and she was Suho sister and also Sehun's cousin. 
Luhan looked around the table and realized that Sehun was in fact not at the table with them. 
"Why what's wrong Krissy?" Suho asked. 
"Because of this." Krystal pulled a picture out of her bag and held it up. On the front was a pretty girl but she was drawn all over and written over. In red words was written : "hope you stay in hell " 
"They were all over his locker when I walked by." Krystal says. 
"Oh my gad." Suho whispered. Standing up he looked around the group. 
"Everyone split up! Look everywhere and keep your phones on." 
In a matter of seconds everyone scattered leaving Krystal and Luhan behind. Luhan was confused why everyone seemed so alarmed to find Sehun but he realized it must be serious. 
"I- I have a feeling I might know where he is." Luhan says and Krystal looks at him curiously. 
"Really where?" 
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Chapter 5: omg... xiumin protect chen XD
Chapter 3: Really good :D Keep going, I want to know if Luhan can find Sehun :D
Chapter 1: Ohh. I'm excited for this!
TaoRis. HunHan. BaekYeol. KaiSoo. SuLay. XiuChen. <3<3<3<3