
Neon City


Luhan had rushed across town with Krystal skeptically in tow. She didn't really know much about Luhan but whatever it took to find her cousin. She began to notice exactly where they were. 
"Hey where are you taking me?!" Krystal asked trying to keep up with Luhan's fast pace. 
"This isn't a good neighborhood-" 
Krystal cut off when Luhan stopped in his tracks and turned to her and put a lip to his finger. He made a motion for her to stay and he turned the corner. There was no way in hell that she was going to stay there by herself so Krystal followed after him. 
Luhan had been here just last night with Sehun. He must have been somewhere close. Using his sense of smell he followed the smell up the side of the building and sure enough there was Sehun on the roof. Sehun had folded in on himself shaking with his head between his knees. Luhan of corse had also noticed that Krystal had followed him. Krystal rushed across the roof and crouched down to Sehun. 
"Call the others. Tell them we found him." Krystal handed Luhan her phone and When Luhan didn't move she made a shooing movement with her hand. 
"Thank you for finding my cousin but this is personal." 
Finally understanding Luhan slid off the food and opened Krystal's phone. Suho was on speed dial so he called him first. 
"Krissy? Did you find him?" 
"This is Luhan and yes we found him. He's on the roof above the abandoned warehouse." 
"I'm going to kill him." Suho sighed into the phone but sounded completely relieved. 
"Luhan come help me! He passed out!" Krystal shouted.

Sehun seemed to be lost and swept up into his pain as if it were a hurricane. There was only darkness where he was. Faint voices seemed to call for him, to pull him to the light. But it was much easier to stay dark. No one could see him cry no one would miss him. But yet they keep calling. They won't leave him alone. Maybe this will be the last time. This will the the last time he goes to the light. 
"He's waking up!" Someone said excitedly. Sehun slowly cracked open his eyes squinting at the sudden light. Where was he? He felt the bed under him and looked down and realized he was in his bed. 
The next thing he knew he was being crushed by Krystal. 
"Hunnie your awake!" 
He began to cough a little feeling winded and Krystal moved back. 
"Sorry. I just. I'm glad your ok." Sehun nodded quietly noticing that Luhan was also in the room. 
"Oh Luhan was the one who found you." 
Luhan gives a small now before saying. "I really should go." 
"By yourself in the middle of the night through this neighborhood? Definitely not. You can stay in the guess bed." Suho had walked in with a bowl of food for Sehun to eat. 
"Ahh that's ok really I can get home fine." 
"You should stay." 
The room got quiet when everyone turned to look at Sehun who was now busying himself with eating his food.  Luhan watched as Suho and Krystal exchanged a glance. They both looked back and Luhan making him feel as if he'd done something wrong. It was quiet for so long that Krystal decided that she would break it.  
"Come one Luhan, I'll take you to the guest room." 
"Oh hey Luhan! What are you doing here so early?" 
Luhan looked up surprised to see Kyungsoo sitting outside the school gates an earphone in one ear and the other dangling down his shirt. He wore an easy smile that Luhan quickly returned. 
He wasn't sure exactly what to tell Kyungsoo so he just settled for the truth. 
"I spent the night at Suho's, with Krystal and Sehun. I just... Felt really stuffy there you know? It's a nice place but I felt as if I didn't belong." 
Kyungsoo nodded and have Luhan a small smile. 
"Thier family is pretty close but give them sometime there really nice people." 
Luhan was grateful for Kyungsoo's words and was happy when Kyungsoo offered him the other dangling earbud. He got an earful of beautiful music but was a little to scared to ask what it was. 
"Why are you here to early Kyungsoo?" Luhan asked after a while. 
"I have to bus from where I live which is kind of far and if I leave any later I would always be late so I figure it's better to be on time. " 
It was about another 30 minutes before the school opened and people began to show up. Kai had arrived and swept Kyungsoo  away. Everyone slowly started to arrive and Luhan 
Realized that there was a certain morning order that seemed to be taking place. His beyond excelent and superhuman hearing forced him 
To hear his  new friends conversations even though he hadn't wanted to. Some were harmless and even cute like the plans to get Lay and Suho together, 
Or Chanyeol and Baekhyun flirting with each other but torturing themselves at the same time. Others Luhan knew he shouldn't have heard, like Kai asking 
To see Kyungsoo's wrist and  his comments on Kyumgsoo's cuts. 
Or Chen's call to Xiumin telling him  that again he was sorry and that he was worried about him, asking him to call him back. 
Luhan took it in stride though, somehow they had all managed to be friends even without Luhan there.  Finnaly Suho, Krystal and Sehun arrived in a flurry of car wiped hair 
And last minute makeup. 
Krystal had said her farewells to the group and had rushed inside to her own friends and while Suho was slowly creeping towards Where lay was standing 
Luhan found himself  drifting towards Sehun. 
"You alright?" Luhan heard himself ask. Why did he care so much? 
Sehun nodded  with a small grateful smile. 
"Thanks  yesterday I didn't get a chance to say it before you left this morning. You get up pretty early huh?" 
Luhan smiled enjoying the feeling in his heart gave when he heard Sehun's words. 
The bell rang and they all gravitated to class Chen moving slower than the others still looking out for Xiumin. As soon as they enters the class
A boy ran up to the large group. 
"Did you guys hear?! That boy Xiumin got caught with drugs on campus yesterday! They say he's going up for expulsion right now! He 
Claims that there his but they think he's lying but he's not snitching.!" 
A look of horror passed over everyone's face but a mono second later Chen was out the door and down the hall leaving his friends in shock. 

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Chapter 5: omg... xiumin protect chen XD
Chapter 3: Really good :D Keep going, I want to know if Luhan can find Sehun :D
Chapter 1: Ohh. I'm excited for this!
TaoRis. HunHan. BaekYeol. KaiSoo. SuLay. XiuChen. <3<3<3<3