Chapter 23 *It Hurts*

My Celebrity Romance
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Note: Full chapter! So, found sometime to update today since i didn't have much hwk and I felt a little inspired to write. Anyway, Thank you again to my 321 subbies and i hope you all know that i appriciate every single one of you. :)

This chapter will play with you emotions a bit so i do apologize but it's part of the plot, I'm afraid and must happen before every ends well...that is...if it ends well. *DUN DUN DUNNNNN*

Nah, jk. Lol. Anwyay, Please continue your support and hope to see more comments from you guys. Let's try to reach 330 subbies and six comments for next update. :) i Promise i won't make you cry too much with the next update...Hehehe.





Dara stared at the man in front of her. She was completely disgusted by his very presence. He was the reason she was so miserable, the reason Jiyong now had to hide and leave her. She should’ve took his gun and got his brains out, should have neutered him, or even shot his heart until it stopped beating but it wasn’t in her nature to do that.


Dara: I still don’t understand why you’d want to hurt Jiyong. He did nothing to you.


Wheesung: He stole fame from me. It was enough. All that crap about the media saying that I left for money was bull. It wasn’t really the money I wanted. I wanted the FAME, people to know me.


Dara: If you wanted it, you should’ve worked for it. Jiyong deserves it more than anyone, especially you. You hurt people out of selfishness and envy and so you destroy yourself. But you can redeem yourself and tell everyone the truth…


Wheesung: Not likely!


Wheesung got up and grabbed his gun from the ground, aiming it at Dara. Jaejoong had spontaneous adrenaline rush and moved so that he was in front of Dara.


Wheesung: You’re a fool, Jaejoong.


Jaejoong: No, you are.


Wheesung: Such a shame you have to die.


Jaejoong: I’d rather die than live the life you have.


Wheesung: So bet it. Goodbye, Kim Jaejoong…*pulls trigger*





Jaejoong clutched his arm. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. As soon as Wheesung pulled the trigger, Jaejoong reacted, acting as a shield for Dara. It didn’t work out because not only was he shot, Dara was also shot in the abdomen. Her body felt cold all over as she held her wound, dark red spilling between her fingers.


Already her vision was beginning to blur and a curtain of darkness was falling over her. She could faintly hear Jaejoong’s voice but it seemed so distant. The last thing she saw was Wheesung pointing the gun at both her and Jaejoong and then she out.



Jiyong was lying on his back on top of a nice, comfortable bed, staring at the ceiling. He remained in that position for a couple of hours now. He’d been trying to empty his mind of all the bad things that have happened lately, trying to free himself from the burden of those things. Suddenly, he felt a powerful tug in his heart.


Jiyong sat straight up clutching his chest. Something felt off...wrong. It was a painful feeling, the feeling of losing something. His mind immediately went to Dara. Without any hesitation he picked up his phone and dialed a number.


Youngbae: Ji! Hey, man! What’s up?


Jiyong: Youngbae...where’s Dara? Is she ok?


Youngbae: Dara? No, she hasn’t been here for the past couple of hours now. And didn’t you hear...Dara quit YG…


Jiyong was on the brink of insanity. I mean, not only was he worried for her safety and well being but on top of everything else, she QUIT YG?? He combed his fingers through his hair, anxious and worried about Dara.


Jiyong: Why’d she quit?


Youngbae: YG hyung wouldn’t disclose that information. I tried asking Bom noona about it but she didn’t tell me anything but I think something might’ve happened with her and CL. Bom wouldn’t even look at CL today.    


Jiyong pressed his fist to his forehead, feelings of anger, pain, and fear swirled around inside him. He wanted to go back to see if she was safe but he couldn’t...because then he’d never be able to get away. He’d never be able to keep separated from him.


Still...he needed to know if she was ok. He needed to at least hear her voice. That was all he needed at this point.


Youngbae: Ji?


Jiyong: Please…please find her…


Youngbae: We’ll do what we can. Dara’s strong. She’ll be ok.


Jiyong: I really hope so. God, if anything happened to her...I just….frick…


Youngbae: I know, bro, I know. We’ll find her. We just---


There was a loud commotion on the other end of the line. It sounded like the door being broken down. Jiyong listened intently. There seemed to be someone yelling in the background. Seungri?


Youngbae: What?! Are you kidding? Please tell me you’re joking…


Jiyong: Youngbae...What’s going on?


Youngbae: …


Jiyong: Tell me! What’s happening?! Where’s Dara?


He heard Youngbae heave a shaky sigh. Jiyong knew it wasn’t a good sign. Deep down he knew something was very wrong. He closed his eyes, trying to keep himself together.


Jiyong: Bae…


Youngbae: Ji...Dara’s been shot…


Jiyong’s heart stopped, time stopped, and for a moment he stopped breathing. It seemed like the entire world was falling out of its orbit. With his eyes wide, mouth hanging open, he let the phone slip out of his hand. His mouth suddenly tasted bit

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Omg!! We made it to 300 subbies ^^ I'll update tonight :)


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Chapter 43: One of my favorite daragon fanfiction and thank authornim for this beautiful story you share with us♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 43: Re reading this cute beautiful love story bec of guarrantine time of corona 19 i recall this story and i realize almost 18 months past already still very strong our daragon couple.
Chapter 26: I wanna punch the .mastermind
Chapter 24: Aisht stupid ji you dont know what happen but you conclude already tsk
Chapter 18: Aisht this two b*tch i wanna strangle them
Chapter 10: Hahahahahhaha i kennat jiyongie
Chapter 7: You love dara kkkk
Chapter 5: Way to go Jiyong tsk
Chapter 3: Hahahaha ottoke im worried to jiyongs down there hahahahaa
Chapter 43: Daebak authornim thanks for sharing your beautiful love story