Chapter 22 *Shock*

My Celebrity Romance
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Note: Hey guys! so sorry for the long absence, I've been really busy lately because I just started college and it's been pretty stressful trying to adjust to the new environment. But I managed to survive the first week! So i pat myself on the back for that. LOL. anyway, updates will be slow, i'm not going to lie to you but i will update as often as i can although, they will be shorter updates due to school work and work. Please be patient with me. ><

Also...we reached 315 subbies!! yaaaay!! Thank you guys for subbing and commenting. it really makes my day :)

PLEASE continue to support this fic as well as comment. :)



*Two weeks later*

Jiyong was right when he said that Dara wouldn't see him for a while. He was no where to be found in YG and believe me, Dara tried. She asked the BIGBANG boys but they gave her no response.

She was getting tired of all this. Of all the pain and fighting, most of all...the suffering both her and Jiyong were going through. Whoever this person was was really starting to piss her off.

During 2ne1 rehearsals, Dara was distant and distracted. CL would often get a little upset because she mistook Dara's pain as laziness. Bom understood though. She was worried about her best friend and little brother. They were important to her. The last thing she wanted to see was the two suffering all the time.

I think I'm ugly,

And nobody wants to love me,

Just like her I wanna be pretty, I wanna Be pretty,

Don't lie to my face,

Cuz I know I'm ugly

The 2ne1 girls were practicing for their upcoming mini concert and they were determined to make up for the last mishap. CL was really working the girls as she was their leader and it was her job to whip them in shape.

CL: Come on, guys! Push!

Bom: Yah...we're tired...


Bom: God damn it, Chaerin!! We're tired! We've been practicing for five hours straight. We need a break!

CL: I'm just trying to make us better! I mean, do you not remember our last concert?

Bom: Of course I do! But that doesn't mean you have to work us to the ground. We need a break or else our bodies will collapse!

Minzy and Dara just stood by watching the oldest and the leader argue. It was nothing new. For the past two weeks thing have been pretty tense.

But Dara was losing patience with this...

Dara: Guys, stop! Fighting isn't going to solve anything. And Bom's right, Chae, we need to take a break.

Bom: Thanks, Dara.

Chaerin: A break? Ugh! You guys are unbelievable! And YOU, you're the very one who needs the most practice! You're our weakest link! *gasp* wait, I didn't...

Dara REALLY felt that one. It was like a slap across the face. Never did she think her own friend would say something like that but I guess she just couldn't trust anyone anymore.

Dara: I don't want to hear it...

Bom: Chaerin, you bi---

Dara: No, Bom. She's right. I am the weakest link. I'm not fit to be in 2ne1 and we all know that. I'm not a powerful singer like you, I can't dance amazingly like Minzy, I don't have a fierce image like CL...I'm nothing. I don't belong here...

CL: Unnie, I didn't mean it...

Dara: If you didn't mean it, you wouldn't have said it in the first place. But don't worry, I won't be a burden anymore.

Bom: What the Hell are you talking about?

Dara: I quit. I'm leaving the group. I don't want to be the one to hold you guys down. You have enough talent without me. I'll talk to YG. It was really fun working with all of you. Take care. *bow*

As Dara left the room, her started to feel heavy and tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She was trying to put on a strong face but it wasnt working.

Once she got to YG's office she composed herself and wiped the tears away. She knocked.

YG: Come in.

Dara: Hi.

YG: oh Dara! What can I do for you?

Dara: I-Id like to ask for your permission to leave 2ne1...

YG: ahahahaha! That's funny, Dara. Really, what's going on?

Dara: I'm really sorry, sir but I can't do this anymore. I'm 2ne1's weakest link. I don't belong here. Everyone else is so talented and I'm just average. I'm not worthy of being here.

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Omg!! We made it to 300 subbies ^^ I'll update tonight :)


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Chapter 43: One of my favorite daragon fanfiction and thank authornim for this beautiful story you share with us♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 43: Re reading this cute beautiful love story bec of guarrantine time of corona 19 i recall this story and i realize almost 18 months past already still very strong our daragon couple.
Chapter 26: I wanna punch the .mastermind
Chapter 24: Aisht stupid ji you dont know what happen but you conclude already tsk
Chapter 18: Aisht this two b*tch i wanna strangle them
Chapter 10: Hahahahahhaha i kennat jiyongie
Chapter 7: You love dara kkkk
Chapter 5: Way to go Jiyong tsk
Chapter 3: Hahahaha ottoke im worried to jiyongs down there hahahahaa
Chapter 43: Daebak authornim thanks for sharing your beautiful love story