What a strange day .__.

You're My Beautiful Nightmare.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESWAvKZJcZM - Listen to this while reading :D if you just want to :)


Miyoung's POV :

I'm dead he got me! But I still wouldn't allow him to know it!

"SCARED?! are you kidding me playboy?! why would i be scared on that ride? I'm a girl but i'm not weak and besides S-C-A-R-E-D is not even on my vocabolary. tsss." I said with a bragging and convincing tone. I hope he believes me...

I notice Minwoo's eyes staring at me, with an awe in his eyes i guess... 
I thought he already believes in me...... but i was wrong...

He suddenly flash his "so-called" killer smile on me smiley and ruffles my hair. His actions confuse me, i don't have any idea why he did that.

"Hey What's that for?!" i asked, trying to fix my hair. Err seriously, i'm going to kill him the next time he touches my hair again! Yes i'm overreacting, no one dares to touch my hair.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, I'm here!" he smiled and grab my hand (it's now the time for us to ride the rollercoaster) meanwhile, i found myself froze on what he said, I don't know why, but when he said that...i felt.....protected.

I came back to reality when i heard i locked. OH GAHD! it's my seatbelt.

I felt that the ride started to move backward, I DON"T KNOW WHAT I'M FEELING NOW. I WAS PANICKING INSIDE!!!
I THINK I'M GOING TO HAVE A HEARTATTACK!!! please don't let me die yet!!!!!

Dear Readers,
     If i die because of this, tell my parents who's fault is this, and let Minwoo be jailed!!!

yeah i'm really overreacting now .__. crying


Minwoo's POV :

The rollercoaster starts to move now, the slow move at first is the most boring part for me, it's just teasing people =___=

While waiting for the ride to go faster, my eyes suddenly look at Miyoung who's shutting her eyes and who's sweating a lot XD

I know she's scared, she just don't want to admit it. Who wouldn't afraid in this ride even a bit?
I admit, when it's my first time to ride in here, i thought i would die XD

The roller coaster reached it's highest and within 5 seconds....

"AHHH!!!"  loud screams, especially from the girls, can be heard now.

I'm not that screaming, i'm just laughing and enjoying the ride.....but what makes me laugh more is when i heard Miyoung's scream....

"UWAHHHHHHH!!!!! WAHHHHHH!!!" yes she screams like that XD her eyes are still shut but her expression is priceless XD

I continue enjoying the ride, but suddenly i felt something on my hand, and when i look at it.....
Miyoung's hand are on mine, she's holding it tight. She must be really scared.
Without knowing, i found myself smiling....


The ride was over and i wanted to stand up on my seat... but Miyoung's still holding my hand tightly while her eyes are still shut.

"Hey Miyoung, it's over, you can open your eyes now" I chuckled while poking her.

She slowly open her eyes and when she saw that it's really over... she look at me then down on our hands...
She was surprised and quickly remove her hand.
I'm not sure, but i think i saw her blush...


Miyoung's POV :

Minwoo poked me and told me that the ride was over, i slowly open my eyes, and yes it's over and i even didn't notice it!
I thought i would die, i almost got a heartattack! I SWEAR THAT THIS WILL BE THE FIRST AND LAST TIME I'LL RIDE IN HERE!!

I was still on my thoughts when i noticed something...
What am i holding? why does it feels soft and warm?
I slowly turn my head to look at minwoo who's giving me a are-you-okay? look.
And when i look at on what i am holding.......i saw that i'm holding Minwoo's hand

I was so shocked, i didn't know how did it happened. i quickly removed my hand and stand up on my seat...

"M-mianhe" I bowed. i don't why but i felt my cheeks a bit burning. I immediately headed to exit.

He followed me and walk beside me.

"Are you okay Miyoung?" He asked.

"of- of course! why wouldn't i?" i said stuttering.

"okay....so how's the ride? :D"  it sounds like he's teasing me more -___-

"I-it's fine, b-but boring!" I lied again. THE RIDE WAS FREAKING SCARY DUDE!

"psshhh...boring? so that's why you scream like you're going to die" i heard him mumbled something but i didn't really heard what was it.

"What did you say?" i asked him.

"Oh! nothing ^^"" I said what do you want to do next?"

"ah, uhmmm...." i really want to say that i want to eat, but i was a bit shy to tell it to him

and just in time my hungry stomach made a sound. 
Minwoo was a bit shocked to hear that sound, but i think he didn't notice that it's me...
He look around to see where the sound came from 
And he even asked me what's that sound...

I just lower my head in embarassment. ERR this playboy don't know the sound of a hungry stomach.
Seriously Minwoo, Where are you from?!

I think he started noticing that the sound was coming from me...
because i heard him say "Oh....." and then he just grab me...

he look at me and said "i'll bring you to a best place ^^"


We headed a pastry/coffee shop (inside the amusement park)
How will i get full in here?! errr oh well, it's better than nothing .__.

We take our seats and Minwoo called the waiter,
He ordered a chocolate cake and a mocha frappe while i ordered a strawberry cake and mocha frappe as well.

"This is one of the best pastry/coffee shop miyoung..." he told me.
"Oh really?! So everything in here must be expensive! that's why you're the one who would pay our order!" I said sarcastically.

He didn't say something, he just gave me a no-problem-i'll-pay-everything look wink



Someone's POV :

"So MInwoo brought her here! how come he doesn't do this to me?!" i thought as i clenched my fist in jealousy.
I can't take my eyes off on both of them, we followed them in this Pastry/Coffee Shop and we,re seating quite far from them.

"Unnie what will we do now?" my dongsaeng ask me, i smirked.

"I told you that we're going to ruin their date right?"

"Nae, but how?" she asked looking clueless.

"Just watch and learn..." 

Prepare new girl because this is the start of you regretting on going out with my minwoo.

I called a waiter and ordered a very hot coffee, but before he could leave to get my order, I stop him and secretly handed him a cash.
He looks around to see if anyone's looking and then he got closer to me and i whispered to him my little favor.

"See that table?" I pointed to Miyoung and Minwoo's table.

"Pour the Hot coffee on that girl, and make it look like it's an accident." He nodded and left.

I smiled wickedly as i'm thinking how would the new girl's reaction be, poor her she would be on a great humiliation.


Minwoo's POV:

We're waiting for our order, and while waiting i roam my eyes on the shop and suddenly my attention caught by 2 ladies who look suspicious.
The other lady keeps on glancing on our place and  they look somewhat familiar.

Well, nevermind, maybe i'm just thinking too much...

Our order came, i knew it! this was the best place, the cake is really good and i like the Mocha frappe. I'm happy to see that Miyoung's enjoying it.

We're happily eating it.......until something unexpected happened.....


Minwoo and Miyoung are starting to get along well..
do you think it will continue?
Omomo! and what unexpected thing happened?!

Stay Tuned~ ;D


Yayy! Chapter 7 is done~ i hope you like it :D
I'm sorry if you find this chapter boring... *bows1000x*
i'll try to improve my writing skills more! ^^

Sorry for all the mispelled words and wrong grammars
English is not my language XD

Please subscribe and comment i would really appreciate that <3
and a BIG THANK YOU for all those who subscribed and commented already~
Please don't unsubscribed ara? ;) <3



[Pictures are not mine. Credits to the owner :D]

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missfilipinoELF #1
maybe it's one of APINK!
Update again :D I feel like it's yuri & yoona or yuri & seohyun idk if they're even in the story xD
katt26kpop #3
haha....lol,update soon!!:D
lol the minwoo and youngmin's pic made me laugh
I like the youngwoo couple <3 omg. Update!
yii <3
update soon..!!
I LOVE THE PICS. XD I'm actually jealous of Donghyun xD (seriously)
I like Minwoo and Youngmin's pic.. makes me laugh xD

waa...update soon!! i wanna know whats gonna happens next!!:D
I'm so excited!!^_^
kwangminnnnnnn! please update XDD
lsksjdkckzksnd s xjxkskr cnallqlrlckzksmfk kkse f UPDATES.
nice story!