Kim Miyoung meets No Minwoo and No Minwoo meets Kim Miyoung...

You're My Beautiful Nightmare.

Miyoung's POV:
I woke up feeling really gloomy and too lazy to get up, like something or someone's telling me not to go to school today, but I can't...I need to go to school and I don't want to miss my second day on that school, it's not that I'm now enjoying to be on that school, it's because if I didn't go to school today I'll miss one day of adjusting and knowing my new..Or should I say my real class.

I sighed heavily as I get up slowly on my bed and after that I started my daily routine...
Take a bath....
Dress up and fix myself...
Eat Breakfast...
Brush my teeth...
And finally get myself ready for school...

I refused my dad's offer to drive me to school; it seems that I'm too early today so I just decided to take a walk. After I kissed my parents for a goodbye...I went outside and started my walk.  While I was walking, the environment around me caught my attention, I just realized how beautiful and calm is it, and to be honest it’s the first time that I appreciated it maybe because I was too busy and stressed to notice it. But the “moment of appreciation” was disturbed when someone grabbed my arm and hugged it…

“Good Morning MiMi! I missed you! it’s so nice to see you! Omg this is the first time that we went to school together for this school year! I’m so going to write it on my diary! :D” Jin Hye said, still hugging my arm tightly. -_-

“Yeah yeah…I missed you too Jin Hye, but next time try not to disturbed anyone’s “moment of appreciation” by grabbing and hugging their arms suddenly..arasso?” I said while faking a smile.

“Hmm…I’m sorry MiMi I just really missed you and I’m just so excited to be with you today” she said and pouted….I saw disappointment on her face while she slowly removes her hands on my arm…

“Hey Jin Hye, of course I was just kidding you can always disturb  me and grab and hug my arm if you want to, so try to put a smiley face now before I change my mind”  I saw her smile and I giggled…Sometimes I just really can’t resist this girl.

It seems that we didn’t notice that we’re here in school now, and once I saw the gate my heart started to beat fast, I don’t know why but I suddenly became nervous, maybe because I was worried  what will be my “real” classmates will think of me…argghh I’m not myself today! I usually don’t care to others opinion on me. I just sighed heavily; I can’t do anything about it anymore.

“MiMi is there anything wrong? You’re sweating.” Jin Hye noticed my sweating face and she looks worried on me.

“Ah don’t worry on me Jin Hye! I’m fine, nothing to worry  about :D” I put a smile to assure her that I’m fine while wiping my sweat.

“That’s a relief I thought something was wrong, anyway let’s just meet later at break and lunch time arasso? I’ll be waiting for you! Bye!” then she leaved me alone in the hall but before she gone totally she said “Good Luck MiMi on your class!” while running to her classroom waving and smiling at me.

~After a few minutes the bell rings….~

This is the moment I will finally meet the people in this class. I stand still and fixed myself, I took a deep breath before I knock the door of Class 4-D…

~Knock… Knock… Knock….~

Minwoo’s POV:

Today though I still feel embarrassed for what happened yesterday and pissed with that “new girl”, I still feel happy and excited… you know why? We’ll be going to have a new classmate today and what’s better is she’s a girl! I’m really excited to see her now. I’m sick on same faces here =.= . I Hope she’s pretty, cute and funny girl that I can go along well.

~Bell rings~

Mrs. Park suddenly calls the attention of the whole class…

“Class, since you all knew that we’re having a new student here in our class, I don’t want her to be out of place in here so please treat her well! And another thing is I want someone that will help her adjust here…. someone that will be her friend so she’ll not feel outcast in here and I have decided that it will be her seatmate. So is any one of you willing to be her seatmate and her friend?”

“ME!!” After Mrs. Park said that I immediately raised my right hand, I want me to be her first friend here so I present myself.

“Well, that’s a kind of you Minwoo! So Hana starting today you’ll be going to seat beside Hyubin, so fix your things and transfer there now.” Mrs. Park said while sitting on her chair.

This is great! I’ll be away from our weirdest classmate and what’s even great is I’ll be having a new Girl seatmate! I do hope she’s pretty and smart!

~Knock… Knock… Knock…~

“Oh I think she’s here now!” Mrs. Park said while standing from her chair.
I was distracted by the knock…oh shook! She’s here! Minwoo don’t be nervous…just flash your killer smile to her and everything will be fine.

Then the door slowly opened…and….and….and I saw a very familiar face….


“Kim Miyoung Welcome! I’m Mrs. Park, Please come inside and introduce yourself! :D” Mrs. Park welcomed her and ask her to come in… She walked slowly to the center and started introducing herself.

“Annyeonghaseyo Kim Miyoung Imnida! Please Take good care of me” So Her name is Miyoung. She bowed 90 degrees and the class clapped at her…bwoh? I just smirked when she did that.. she look innocent at first but I know she’s a wild and war freak girl..

“It’s nice to meet you Miyoung, Don’t worry they’ll take good care of you :D Please take your sit now everyone. Miyoung you’ll sit beside our Charming Boy No Minwoo” Mrs. Park pointed me and as she saw me, I saw her smiley face turned into a “Oh! I know this boy” Face I bet she can’t believe that she’ll be sitting beside the boy she embarrassed in front of a lot people…even me I can’t believe she’s a girl I’ll be sitting with!!! If I only knew it will be her, I’ll never present myself and be with the weirdest girl instead, than to be with her! >,<


Hey This will be a great chance to get a revenge to her! –Smirk- Pray now Kim Miyoung because you’ll now living your life here like Hell Bwahahaha. (LOL. xD)

Miyoung’s POV:

Oh My Goooood!!! He’s The playboy right?!!! this happened to me! It can’t be! Now he’s looking at me like he’ll do EVIL THINGS to me! Oh God I don’t like his smile! O.O”
Wait Kim Miyoung why are you panicking?! You’re very evil right!! You can’t lose with that playboy, so just relax and act like you don’t know him!

I started to walk to my seat and pretended that I don’t see him. I seated quietly and bring out the book and the things that Mrs. Park asked us to bring out.

I could feel that his gazes are on me, and I could see his EVIL SMILE! I Bet he’s planning something evil, he’s planning to revenge on me! Looks like he wants to play a game with you Kim Miyoung, so just play the game and let’s see who will win in the end! –grins-
-evil smile-


OMO! Miyoung and Minwoo are classmates, and what’s even worse is they’re seatmates, will they get along well or they’ll spend there “being seatmates” planning evil on each other?


Hey Finally Chapter 3 is done!!! Yeah…I know…I know the last time I wrote was months ago….so I’m Really really really  sorry!!! I’ve been very busy (and lazy) so I almost forgot this, But I promise to update often now!~~~

I hope you like it though it’s a really BORING chapter~
Please Comment and subscribe <3

BTW I'm really sorry for all the wrong grammars! English is not my language xD
so just try to understand it :DD THANK YOU :)

This chapter contains only Miyoungand Minwoo’s POV
But don’t worry ! next chapter I’ll put Kwangmin , Boyfriend and others POV

iHEARTalmightyKEY <3

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missfilipinoELF #1
maybe it's one of APINK!
Update again :D I feel like it's yuri & yoona or yuri & seohyun idk if they're even in the story xD
katt26kpop #3,update soon!!:D
lol the minwoo and youngmin's pic made me laugh
I like the youngwoo couple <3 omg. Update!
yii <3
update soon..!!
I LOVE THE PICS. XD I'm actually jealous of Donghyun xD (seriously)
I like Minwoo and Youngmin's pic.. makes me laugh xD

waa...update soon!! i wanna know whats gonna happens next!!:D
I'm so excited!!^_^
kwangminnnnnnn! please update XDD
lsksjdkckzksnd s xjxkskr cnallqlrlckzksmfk kkse f UPDATES.
nice story!